Topic: money in a relationship | |
With my 1st LT partner we shared everything. He worked, I stayed home with the kids, till both went to school, then I got myself a part-time job.
2nd LT partner I had a good job as a teacher, he was flat broke, because he and his ex spent all their money partying. When she left, he ended up with thousands of euros of debt. So I paid for most things when we went out. I didn't really care. That changed when I lost my job 3 yrs later. By that time he was the one with a good salary. He paid food and my healthcare, but made sure to tell me regularly that i was a gold-digger, that I was in the relationship for his money (Go figure, he was effing flat broke when I got involved with him!!). In short, a lot of manipulation, almost on daily basis. At the same time I didn't have a cent to spend. My mum paid for my clothes, so at least I had a bra to wear and 2 pairs of jeans. I will NEVER put myself in that position again, ever! I have little money, I live of well-fare. Few jobs around due to the crisis, I've been trying for 8 years now. But I get by. And most importantly: I'm independent. And intend to keep it that way. I wouldn't easily pay for my guy's keep anymore though, not even when I had money to spend. The other way round, if my partner has a reasonable/good income and we were to move in together, I would lose my benefit. Meaning I have no income of my own anymore. After the shite I've been through, I'm not keen on that. It would take a lot of trust to get me to do that. I would only do it, if I had full excess to all the incoming money. So everything is shared, and I would have some money to spend for myself as well. If he's not willing to do that, f*** off! I will not put myself in the position where he has all the power and I have nothing. Then I rather stay on my own with my benefit. I don't EVER want to be controlled by a partner again. |
My ex finance taught me that a lot of a man's self esteem is wrapped up in his job and earning potential.
When he realized that I made almost twice what he made it caused problems. I couldn't understand why it if we were on the same team, so to speak. But he would say 'what if my friends found out' to which I would reply, 'the only way they would know is if you tell them'. Both of my brothers have told me that my financial success will cause problems and despite what year we are in most people hold to traditional ideals in their hearts even though they may never verbalized them. Dating someone very different from your financial bracket is done all the time, developing a relationship when those differences become apparent is something else entirely. Sad but true. |
M0ney can nt help in date, man or woman does nt want m0ney, at minal2 he/she want true love nt m0ney, f0r example meself i want a real life partner weither she hv m0ney or nt, but true l0ve sh0uld be present in her heart f0r me,