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Topic: Judgemental
msharmony's photo
Mon 06/09/14 11:52 AM
I believe judgement is another word for opinion. We can have opinions about behavior and words, although christians are not supposed to translate that into JUDGMEMENT of a person in terms of their relaationship with God.

I think 'who are we to judge' has its place but is also overused. Opinions are quite natural to human beings with brains , we are created to make judgements for the purpose of survival. There are many ways to EXPRESS opinions that can be either perceptive or assholish though,,lol

Do you believe 'judgement' is a natural unavoidable part of being a human being with a brain?

Dodo_David's photo
Mon 06/09/14 02:24 PM

Do you believe 'judgement' is a natural unavoidable part of being a human being with a brain?

Are you implying that some of you Humans don't have brains? :tongue:

no photo
Mon 06/09/14 05:17 PM
To me it seems more like saying that if you don't share the same opinion as them, you as a person are wrong. Whoever has cast judgement upon you is only correct. Then so be it, I know I don't need those types of people in my life.

I can respect opinion, judgement I cannot, unless it is from a Judge in court or God.

Dodo_David's photo
Mon 06/09/14 05:20 PM
It doesn't help when a party projects judgement where there wasn't any.

no photo
Mon 06/09/14 05:32 PM
I merely stated there is a difference between opinion and judgement and that I don't need those types of people in my life.

Dodo_David's photo
Mon 06/09/14 05:34 PM
I wasn't referring to anything in this particular thread.

no1phD's photo
Mon 06/09/14 05:50 PM
if I only had a brain.. something something something... something something something.. if I only had a brain.... great now I have the Wizard of Oz stuck in my head... I'll get you and your little dog too.. cackle cackle..
rofl :banana: frustrated

TBRich's photo
Mon 06/09/14 05:50 PM

I believe judgement is another word for opinion. We can have opinions about behavior and words, although christians are not supposed to translate that into JUDGMEMENT of a person in terms of their relaationship with God.

I think 'who are we to judge' has its place but is also overused. Opinions are quite natural to human beings with brains , we are created to make judgements for the purpose of survival. There are many ways to EXPRESS opinions that can be either perceptive or assholish though,,lol

Do you believe 'judgement' is a natural unavoidable part of being a human being with a brain?

Of course, but my judgement is that someone is trying to rationalize something to themselves

no photo
Mon 06/09/14 06:17 PM
I think we make judgements all the time (fried rice or steamed, flats or heels, etc etc).

We make the judgements that we find to be in our bests interests. We can disagree with someone else's judgement because we believe it is a poor decision....however, it is always important to separate the person from the behavior. judgmental thought that bothers me is when instead of saying that something was mistaken behavior, we say that so-and-so is a BAD person because they did something.

that is seldom true

I might not like everything someone else does, but that does not make either of us a bad person

TawtStrat's photo
Mon 06/09/14 06:21 PM
I think that certain people are in denial. Nuff said.

Dodo_David's photo
Mon 06/09/14 06:34 PM
Yep, sometimes people are in denial about them projecting onto others things that the others didn't do.

Anyway ...

Can't we settle this over a pint?

no photo
Mon 06/09/14 07:01 PM
I'm making a judgmental call right now

It happened 4 puckin hours ago... step away from the monitor FFS!

Dodo_David's photo
Mon 06/09/14 07:02 PM

I'm making a judgmental call right now

It happened 4 puckin hours ago... step away from the monitor FFS!

"I won't argue with you until you pay $5."

Shy_Emo_chick's photo
Mon 06/09/14 07:09 PM
But you know what, MsHarmony, if it was for lack of judgement from a dr's opinion, I'm not sure I'd be here right now. That's one situation, when I normally DO need someone's judgement. As in "What would be the best course of action to take, to get me well again?".

Shy_Emo_chick's photo
Mon 06/09/14 07:11 PM
Edited by Shy_Emo_chick on Mon 06/09/14 07:14 PM

Dodo_David's photo
Mon 06/09/14 07:44 PM
So, if "judgmental = opinionated", then everyone on this site is judgmental ...

... and some of us are simply mental. laugh

Ruth34611's photo
Mon 06/09/14 07:52 PM

if I only had a brain.. something something something... something something something.. if I only had a brain.... great now I have the Wizard of Oz stuck in my head... I'll get you and your little dog too.. cackle cackle..
rofl :banana: frustrated

Oh great! Now I've got it in my head too! frustrated


Dodo_David's photo
Mon 06/09/14 07:54 PM

if I only had a brain.. something something something... something something something.. if I only had a brain.... great now I have the Wizard of Oz stuck in my head... I'll get you and your little dog too.. cackle cackle..
rofl :banana: frustrated

Oh great! Now I've got it in my head too! frustrated


Are you two deliberately trying to illustrate the last part of my last post? laugh

Ruth34611's photo
Mon 06/09/14 07:55 PM
Edited by Ruth34611 on Mon 06/09/14 07:54 PM

I'm making a judgmental call right now

It happened 4 puckin hours ago... step away from the monitor FFS!

I always miss the excitement! sad

Dodo_David's photo
Mon 06/09/14 07:58 PM

I'm making a judgmental call right now

It happened 4 puckin hours ago... step away from the monitor FFS!

I always miss the excitement! sad

Ruth, since you missed it, I'll summarize what happened:

A: "I like #1."
B: "I like #2."
A: "How dare you say that #1 is bad because of #3."
B: "Huh? What are you talking about?"
A: "You are being judgmental by using #3 to judge #1."
B: "I never mentioned #3. I merely said, 'I like #2.'"
A: "You didn't say, 'I like #1.' So, you are using #3 to judge #1."
B: "Nowhere in my first statement did I mention #3. So, why have you mentioned it?"
A: "Because you are being judgmental."
B: "Because I said, 'I like #2' instead of 'I like #1'?"
A: "Exactly."
B: "I didn't bring up #3. You did. Why did you?"
A: "Because you are judging #1 according to #3."
B: "You are reading into my first statement something that isn't there."
A: "You are doing it again, being judgmental."
B: "So, you are judging me as being judgmental because I didn't say, 'I like #1.'"
A: "Bingo!"
B: "I'd rather play that, because it makes more sense than your false accusation."
A: "Ah ha! You are being judgmental by saying that I'm making a false accusation."
B: "But you accusation is false."
A: "Again, you are being judgmental by repeating the same thing."
B: "You are accusing me of doing something that I did not do."
A: "Because you brought up #3."
B: "No, I didn't. You did."
A: "I said, 'I like #1.'"
B: "I merely said, 'I like #2.' That's all I said."
A: "How dare you say that #1 is bad because of #3."
B: "I feel like I'm stuck in an old Monty Python sketch."

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