Topic: A jealous girlfriend is a faithful girlfriend: do you agree | |
A jealous girlfriend is a faithful girlfriend. If she doesn't get jealous when someone has your attention, it's because someone has hers. think positively react nicely and reply heartly :) Hahaha...This could not be further from the truth....Jealous MEN & WOMEN are often that way because they are cheaters who just assume everyone does it....THINK!! ![]() I agree with this. I would further add that a jealous partner has trust issues and their own personal insecurities. I dated a guy who was constantly accusing me of checking out people. I tell people if you don't know what I stand for. There's no point in keeping it going. I dated another guy who was a drummer and they often played at nightclubs. We had a solid relationship.He would tell me girls tried to give him their number. It just made me smile, because he was obviously still spending his time with me. |
Well put...there is no place in a real relationship for jealousy...its real or isn't it?
A jealous girlfriend is a faithful girlfriend?..or the next axe murderer... ![]() |
A jealous girlfriend is a faithful girlfriend. If she doesn't get jealous when someone has your attention, it's because someone has hers. think positively react nicely and reply heartly :) Hahaha...This could not be further from the truth....Jealous MEN & WOMEN are often that way because they are cheaters who just assume everyone does it....THINK!! ![]() Have to disagree on this one. Mostly jealous ppl have very low self-esteem and thus easily feel threatened if their loved one gets or gives attention to someone else. I even think most jealous ppl DON'T cheat themselves, ever, because of their low self-esteem. Think they tend to latch on to the partner they got, to feel safe and more secure. |
Ohhh C'mon don't make it so big ... everything has its two sides ... Its upto you how you take it ... Insecurity it does feel in love ... Everyone does i think ... I'm talking about the positive aspect of this... So please understand the feeling ... And don't take it another way ... What on earth is positive about jealousy? You like the bunny boilers, huh? |
What on earth is positive about jealousy? THIS: Jealousy can serve as an indicator of love and interest. Oftentimes people may not even realize they have romantic feelings until they get a jealousy pang. By: Joel D. Block, Ph.D. & Kimberly Dawn Neumann When it comes to jealousy, not all forms are created equal. In fact, there are definitely extremes. And while sometimes a little jealousy can make a relationship stronger, too much can lead to its imminent implosion. The experience of minor jealousy here and there is usually not something to fret about. A fleeting bout of anxiety or fear that someone may attract your partner is normal and not necessarily an issue. This is especially true when you realize your fears aren’t reality-based and the feeling doesn’t linger. Good Jealousy So what exactly is “good” jealousy? While it might seem like an oxymoron, there is such a thing as a healthy dose of jealousy. Even in the best relationships we can start to take our partner for granted at times. On those occasions, when you suddenly feel a pang of jealousy, say while noticing a gorgeous singleton chatting up your significant other, that emotion can serve as a potent reminder of the things that initially attracted you to your partner. If someone else is finding him interesting, you might realize that you’re still interested in him too (even more than you were aware). In those cases, a little twinge of jealousy can serve to briefly reinspire the relationship. Jealousy can also serve as an indicator of love and interest. How so? Well, oftentimes people may not even realize they have romantic feelings (or realize how deep their feelings run) until they get a jealousy pang. And that little twinge serves as a wakeup call that they are more invested than they thought. In that case, jealousy is also positive because it ups the stakes in a relationship that may have needed a kick to move it to the next level. The above scenarios illustrate how a little jealousy isn’t deleterious and could possibly even add something to a relationship. Thus, should you or your partner experience minor, everyday jealousies, it’s best to recognize them for what they are, even laugh at them, accept them, and then release them. Unless trust issues are also involved, chances are you can just let them go and move on (and even take them as a sign that things are still on track with your relationship). The risk with “good” jealousy, however, is that things can easily change from it triggering a mild jolt of anxiety that can even be exciting or enjoyable to the more extreme forms of jealousy, anger, and fear. At the extreme, jealousy can become seriously debilitating and destructive to a relationship. For this reason, jealousy is not something that should be toyed with. Some people play on their partner’s fears and anxieties by engaging in little acts of seeming disinterest to make them jealous, such as smiling suggestively at a passing stranger on the street and commenting on her physique. Bad idea. Organic jealousy can be tolerated in a relationship because it serves as a reminder of emotional investment. Intentional acts of jealousy — invoking behavior, however, serve only to ultimately break down a relationship. You wanna know more, Google it. There's more positive sides, but so tired and sleepy, I can't remember right now, my brain has seized to work :/ |
When a man loves a woman he becomes jealous of the moonlight as it caresses her skin while she sleeps. A slight breeze to him is a whisper in her ear meant to steal her away.
When a man loves a woman he becomes jealous of the moonlight as it caresses her skin while she sleeps. A slight breeze to him is a whisper in her ear meant to steal her away. ![]() |
My experience is the more the woman is jealous, the more likely she is cheating on the side
When a man loves a woman he becomes jealous of the moonlight as it caresses her skin while she sleeps. A slight breeze to him is a whisper in her ear meant to steal her away. ![]() ![]() |
.. a jealous girlfriend. No thank you!!!. being there had that.. if you're the jealous type..
. who is going to get upset every time a girl looks at me.. wow you're going to be upset an awful lot. but what matters.. is how I react and conduct myself when another woman looks at me |
.Ohh.. yeah!! not that I noticed other women looking at me..
![]() ![]() . I'm too sexy for my.. bod.bod .bod. ![]() ![]() |
Sometimes crazy girls just get jealous because they have trust issues.
I honestly do not know.
Sometimes crazy girls just get jealous because they have trust issues. Exactly, jealousy tends to roll off of a guilty conscience. There's nothing to be guilty of when one has made the right choice(s). Because there's nothing to be jealous of, especially in terms of dating/relationships. If one doesn't want the other, there's no need to get jealous over them finding someone else. It's not that the other person is better then you, it's just that the spouse didn't appreciate you for who you are. It's their fault they are not with you, not yours. |
oh yeah, someone that never trust me, constantly accuses me of flirting, questions my every move and intent, where do i sign-up!
Yes i do agree in love we need a little jealousy because of fear losing our partner
No No No It's a front for there cheating.
Edited by
Fri 05/23/14 02:04 AM
A jealous girlfriend is a faithful girlfriend. If she doesn't get jealous when someone has your attention, it's because someone has hers. think positively react nicely and reply heartly :) Jealousy and fidelity are NOT automatically intertwined. IMO. If a man's attentions zero in on someone other than his partner most women know the signs. If this is habitual behavior on his part then she may be inspired to find the attention of another to focus on her. Fair is fair. Me personally, I've never understood why men and women who are committed to each other in love, respect and trust feel the need to share their time or focus on others. Might I be allowed to take this subject a tiny step further... If there are children involved in this scenario who watch their parents attentions become diverted by others they quickly learn the meaning of subtle cheating without cheating and how divisive this type of attention seeking behavior can really be on the family unit. IMO. Regardless to the excuses we adults use to reinforce our need for positive and exciting attention from the opposite sex, worldly innocent and neutrally positioned children can see its true effects. IMO. I'm assuming that some girlfriends and boyfriends also have children together when extending my thoughts on this topic. |
Jeaulosy is not always a sign of honest can be partly of narrow mindedness too, just my opinion