In my mind caution is a healthy thing...
the big sister of fear...recognising fear at it's infancy, and adapting it to something that you have as a part of you, become intrinsically bound to you. Caution may be birthed from fear...but feels closer to managable realities. |
No i think it's fear that life is approaching it's end that you can't change it anymore that you may aswell accept your lot and deal with greatest fear is having nothing to distract me having nothing to keep me from thinking
It’s midnight here and I’m cooking hamburgers and noodle soup to eat with my potato chips.
And my only fear is that God might turn out to be a cow!!! |
LOL lets hope he tastes good...........
"Men fear death as children fear to go in the dark."
---- Francis Bacon "Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain." ---- Frank Herbert, Dune One fears two things - that which one doesn't understand, and, of course, that which one understands all too well.... ---- s1owhand |
The human brain's capacity to check fear could be used to treat phobias and anxiety disorders. Fear triggers automatic "fight or flight" body response like increased heart rates, accelerated breathing, increased muscle tone and attention, in order to react quickly and effectively to danger. It's nature's way of protecting us. If the brain knows there is no risk of really being harmed, it experiences this adrenaline rush as enjoyable. Terror, (fear) thrills, explain why people enjoy extreme sports like skydiving, bungee jumping, risky trips and so on. "In these cases, those engaging in high-risk activities will tell you that the risk is lowered by their training and precautions," turning the activity in something enjoyable. "The key structure in the brain responsible for this effect is likely the amygdala" (the emotional center of the brain). New situations often supposed exposure to new unknown dangers. People enjoy deviations from the norm—a change of pace, within limits. In fact, daring behavior within some assumed level of risk might have been the key to the success of our species. Exposing the brain repeatedly to fearsome situations will accustom it to fear, thus the brain will no longer perceive it as a frightening experience. This is a key behind cognitive therapies for anxiety dysfunctions such as phobias and post-traumatic stress disorder, where a person's system overreacts to perceive something as threatening when it is not. Therefore leaving one with the feeling of fear or stress enough to disable. Cognitive therapies have been placed in order to help with the fears of some people so enthralled in some as to weaken or make disfunctional. Kat |
YES!!!!!! She yells from the borrowed soapbox!!!!!!!!
Well done Kat. Breathing also comes into play in maintaining function through the fear. When I first moved to MN from Florida, I'd get anxiety attacks driving through blizzards to the point where I got lightheaded. I used LaMaz (spelled wrong I know, but it gets the idea across) breathing and talked to myself in my mind to get home without passing out.
after all I have been through in life....
I fear nothing! I know I am never alone with Jesus in my life... |
The fight or flight response....
That brain turns into the world's fastest micro processor....the whole scenario played out 50 ways...inaction? No...risk management...then action...complete calm...elevated heartrate? Yes. I don't know why I have this response, but 'warrior woman' comes to the fore... Completely calm...serial killer calm...afterwards...hahahaha...completely different...puddle on the floor for ten...laughing at the rdiculous of it all...and the relief...whatever caused the initial done...finished...and all is left is the debriefing. |
You are so lucky. Mine is Insano Woman and she only comes out for me when there is no foreknowledge of physical attack yet it occurs. I have come back to reality to find my hand on a throat with the rest of the body dangling down a wall from my hand.
I do not find this a pleasant occurrence. Thankfully, its only happened about three times. |
Insano woman? She sounds like me on a good day...
Jess wrote:
“...and all is left is the debriefing.” I used to enjoy debriefings, but then I started buying boxer shorts and now I never get debriefed anymore. |
One has to debrief in those circimstances...the errr.... soiling is a little unsocial..
All in favor of zippin' to Abra's for a deboxering holler Aye!!! |
"A Deboxering?"
That sounds toxic! |
Mon 09/17/07 08:19 PM
you better read the book a bit closer. he is the only thing we are told to fear. i can fear my father and love him also. Its a matter of understanding his power and grace to fear him. theres nothing negative about it at all. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~```` The man that fears all the evil that is before him, the misery that is before him, the danger that he is in. Others say it means, The man that fears GOD; and others, He that walks warily, with counsel and care, that he neglect not his duty nor fall into danger. Put all these interpretations into one, and you have the full sense of the words:-He that, walking under an awe and reverence of GOD, and a sense of the danger he is in, wisely and cautiously takes his steps, that he be not surprised by sin or by wrath. To live in fear is to be subject to bondage. There is a fear which is men's Punishment; the Fear of the Guilty. A guilty heart is a terror to itself, and makes almost every thing else a terror to it.-These fears are men's misery: and it may be said, with respect to these, “ Happy is the man that never feareth.” But what is it the ”Blessed Fear?” Or, what is there in it? The object of this Fear is sin, together with all the fruits of it. The proper nature of it is an aversion or starting back from it. The effect of it is to put the soul to provide for its security against it. There is Understanding in it.” The fear of GOD is the beginning of wisdom; a good understanding have they that do it.” They are wise and understanding men that fear. If we do not love; we fear, but whom or what we have some apprehension of; our affections follow our apprehensions; as our love (we cannot love but what we apprehend to be good) so our fear; we cannot fear but what we apprehend to be evil. Our mistakes are the ground of the inordinate workings of our affections; when we apprehend that to be good which is not good, we love what we should not love; when we apprehend that to be evil which is not evil, we fear what we should not fear; when we apprehend that to be good which is evil, we love what we should fear; and when we apprehend that to be evil which is good, we fear what we should love. The reason of our sinful fear is our ignorance. Ignorance both causes us to fear when we should not, and leaves us without fear of what we should fear. Faith helps us to a present view of sin, and to a foresight of all that is behind; of that woe and that wrath which it is bringing upon sinners, both here and hereafter. GOD says,’ The soul that sinneth, it shall die.” (Ezek. 18: 2O.) He speaks it of sin in specie, the whole kind of it, little or great,-the least sinful words- even vain words, and the least sinful thoughts; even of sin in semen. The wages of sin is death;” (Rom. 6: 23;)-believe God, believe and tremble. This is where the "fear" comes in. There is Love in it. This fear has love lying in the bottom of it, from whence it arises; both the love of GOD, and that innocent self-love which GOD has planted in us, and which it is not our sin but our duty to maintain. Fear of God is not a fear of Him, but fear of His wrath should we be unfortunate to be the recipient of His wrath. Live...that is what He wants us to do. Just live right. Kat |