Topic: Pathetic
no photo
Tue 03/18/14 02:59 PM

If I sounded rude I sure didn't meant to be. Like Sherrie said hang in the forums till you meet that special one. Many great people here

I'm having a great time pkh!!! Everyone has been very nice. Mostly, I've missed talking to North Americans (want to include the Canadians) :smile:

thank you.. appreciate the inclusion!! drinker

yup.. great people here.. but if you're looking to send flowers.. add me to the list bigsmile it's been awhile :wink:

wait.. did I detect a 'sherlock' reference?? spock

NorCalSwe's photo
Tue 03/18/14 03:03 PM
Edited by NorCalSwe on Tue 03/18/14 03:05 PM

If I sounded rude I sure didn't meant to be. Like Sherrie said hang in the forums till you meet that special one. Many great people here

I'm having a great time pkh!!! Everyone has been very nice. Mostly, I've missed talking to North Americans (want to include the Canadians) :smile:

thank you.. appreciate the inclusion!! drinker

yup.. great people here.. but if you're looking to send flowers.. add me to the list bigsmile it's been awhile :wink:

wait.. did I detect a 'sherlock' reference?? spock

flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

Yes Watson. :smile:

no photo
Tue 03/18/14 03:08 PM
no no no.. I'M Sherlock.. bigsmile you can be Watson :wink:

no photo
Tue 03/18/14 03:44 PM

35 years of relationships and I've learned exactly......nothing, nothing. OMG I need to seek help.

Oh so you're normal!! :tongue: Don't be so hard on yourself. Seriously, I think just about everyone on the planet has felt this way at least once or twice. You've been in a relationship for a long time and felt like you never really had to work at getting into one, so I think it's pretty understandable you'd be feeling rusty. Missy gives good advice about using the forums. Not only do you get to see how people behave and interact, but you get to just relax and have fun, and forget that you're seeking something. I felt the same way as you for quite a while after I signed up. I like the forums now :)

Forgive me, but the fact that you had a girlfriend or wife would seem to suggest that you did SOMETHING to keep that girlfriend or to get the wife which would automatically include dating of some sort.

What she said.

NorCalSwe's photo
Tue 03/18/14 09:53 PM
Edited by NorCalSwe on Tue 03/18/14 09:58 PM

35 years of relationships and I've learned exactly......nothing, nothing. OMG I need to seek help.

Oh so you're normal!! :tongue: Don't be so hard on yourself. Seriously, I think just about everyone on the planet has felt this way at least once or twice. You've been in a relationship for a long time and felt like you never really had to work at getting into one, so I think it's pretty understandable you'd be feeling rusty. Missy gives good advice about using the forums. Not only do you get to see how people behave and interact, but you get to just relax and have fun, and forget that you're seeking something. I felt the same way as you for quite a while after I signed up. I like the forums now :)

Forgive me, but the fact that you had a girlfriend or wife would seem to suggest that you did SOMETHING to keep that girlfriend or to get the wife which would automatically include dating of some sort.

What she said.

Thanks Mel!!!! Yes, I will have to get out the dating oil can, tinman needs a heart. :-)

NorCalSwe's photo
Tue 03/18/14 09:57 PM

no no no.. I'M Sherlock.. bigsmile you can be Watson :wink:

OK, that fits, I have PhD, so I can be Dr. Watson. :-) Indubitably!

NorCalSwe's photo
Tue 03/18/14 10:20 PM
I was thinking, they should block the search function until you've posted at least 15 times in the forum. That might calm us newbies down a bit. :smile:

Now that I'm getting to know some people in the forums I'm much more calm about messages. That s probably all in the instructions, but Hey, I'm a guy, I don't read instructions. I will ask for directions though. :smile:

Jesusprincessmt's photo
Tue 03/18/14 10:39 PM
Edited by Jesusprincessmt on Tue 03/18/14 10:43 PM

I would not let it get you down....I prefer watching people in the forums, and how they act and treat others..flirting..mean..nice...funny...etc...
and just for the record..I am lazy when it comes to mail...sometimes I will let it sit for days...sometimes..I even forget about it..lolembarassed
and JMO...most people are not in that big of a rush...if they are..that is a RED flag.
Good luck and Best wishes.

2kids has said it exactly how I would. Great minds think alike. I would rather see how people interact in the forums than write an email. I delete all messages that put me as their favorite. I will look at a nudge, but if you did not have time to send an email of why you sent the nudge, I will delete it. If I have not seen you in the forums, then you are not first priority in answering your email. I like forming a relationship first. Get more involved in the forums and the games and I can see a personality. Pictures online do not show the "real" you. Just my opinion.

jacktrades's photo
Tue 03/18/14 11:24 PM
Edited by jacktrades on Tue 03/18/14 11:28 PM
I believe the only mistake you made was making her a favorite before you have had a few conversations with her it might have scared her off. You seem like a genuine man who has honest intentions. What I would do if I was you I would send her a email and be honest about things tell her you might have come on to strong and your sorry if you made her feel uneasy and that you are interested in her and give the reasons why. I have found that women always deal with honesty better than any thing else. Good luck to you.

NorCalSwe's photo
Tue 03/18/14 11:44 PM
Thanks everyone, I've really learned a lot in a few days. I'm sure I've scared her off, but I've met some lovely people here already, let's see what happens. Still, if I see someone I like, I'm sending a message to say hi. If she answers, great, if not, oh well.

I AM a nice guy, at least that's what the voices keep telling me.

Hello? Hello? Where'd everyone go?

teebee79's photo
Wed 03/19/14 03:23 AM
Omg, so true!
The self proclaimed nice...he goes to old ladies across the street..but a woman isn't interested and he turns into Norman freakin Bates!!... Not you NorCal lol
Other "nice" guys

NorCalSwe's photo
Wed 03/19/14 03:31 AM

Omg, so true!
The self proclaimed nice...he goes to old ladies across the street..but a woman isn't interested and he turns into Norman freakin Bates!!... Not you NorCal lol
Other "nice" guys

No worries, don't go to church, and I aim at old people in crossworks. Part of my attempt to save social security for myself. happy

Btw, I have this lovely isolated hotel I'd like to invite all you nice ladies to visit. You can meet my mother while you're there. pitchfork

Ah, I have to work, must logout.

no photo
Wed 03/19/14 06:36 AM

no no no.. I'M Sherlock.. bigsmile you can be Watson :wink:

OK, that fits, I have PhD, so I can be Dr. Watson. :-) Indubitably!

great.. cuz I am ALL about deductive reasoning!! :thumbsup:
however my 5 BhD's should level the playing field a tad bigsmile

no photo
Wed 03/19/14 06:45 AM

No worries, don't go to church, and I aim at old people in crossworks. Part of my attempt to save social security for myself. happy

surprised and here I thought I was the ONLY one... you forgot one part though.. 10 bucks are added to your monthly payout if you hit'em at the curb however.. ya get an additional 100 bucks a month if they're moving... it's all about the timing!! :banana:

no photo
Wed 03/19/14 07:03 AM

Well, I won't share what is in the email, that is for her, whatever she decides to do.

I'd like to send one every day. I'd like to send her flowers. I'd like to take her dinner.

Not to get into her knickers (my years in the UK showing), but just to understand who she is, what she wants, what makes her happy. She can start with the day she was born and stop with this moment, and I'd listen to every word while I looked at that lovely lovely face.

That's honest, believe me or not, I don't care. Maybe we have nothing in common, maybe in the end there is nothing there. Fine, that's OK, at least we know, we don't have wonder. All it costs was time, and not much of that.

You don't need advice, you already have all the right words, use them in an email to this woman...Say what you "feel", not what others recommend...Luckdrinker , love:heart: , happinesshappy !!

Kaleijoscope's photo
Wed 03/19/14 07:24 AM
Added her as a favorite?.
Big mistake...
Shower her with nudges.,24/7... That should do it...

no photo
Wed 03/19/14 07:32 AM

Well, I won't share what is in the email, that is for her, whatever she decides to do.

I'd like to send one every day. I'd like to send her flowers. I'd like to take her dinner.

Not to get into her knickers (my years in the UK showing), but just to understand who she is, what she wants, what makes her happy. She can start with the day she was born and stop with this moment, and I'd listen to every word while I looked at that lovely lovely face.

That's honest, believe me or not, I don't care. Maybe we have nothing in common, maybe in the end there is nothing there. Fine, that's OK, at least we know, we don't have wonder. All it costs was time, and not much of that.

You don't need advice, you already have all the right words, use them in an email to this woman...Say what you "feel", not what others recommend...Luckdrinker , love:heart: , happinesshappy !!

yeah that melted my heart when I read it.:thumbsup:

no photo
Wed 03/19/14 08:11 AM

Btw, I have this lovely isolated hotel I'd like to invite all you nice ladies to visit. You can meet my mother while you're there. pitchfork

Norman, I think I hear your mother calling.

Welcome to Mingle and good luck. :)

NorCalSwe's photo
Wed 03/19/14 08:11 AM

no no no.. I'M Sherlock.. bigsmile you can be Watson :wink:

OK, that fits, I have PhD, so I can be Dr. Watson. :-) Indubitably!

great.. cuz I am ALL about deductive reasoning!! :thumbsup:
however my 5 BhD's should level the playing field a tad bigsmile

Very good, but can you play the violin? :smile: Pardon my ignarance, what is a BhD?

NorCalSwe's photo
Wed 03/19/14 08:13 AM

No worries, don't go to church, and I aim at old people in crossworks. Part of my attempt to save social security for myself. happy

surprised and here I thought I was the ONLY one... you forgot one part though.. 10 bucks are added to your monthly payout if you hit'em at the curb however.. ya get an additional 100 bucks a month if they're moving... it's all about the timing!! :banana:

You can get a bonus?? Why didn't anyone tell me this before, I could have so much more money in my account!!!! Grrrrrrrr grumble