no photo
Tue 02/10/15 06:24 AM

Sometimes things come in threes...I cried last week when a friend hurt my feelings (forgot to wear my big girl panties that daywhoa ), I cried happy tears this weekend when my 91 year old mother blew out "all" the candles on her birthday cakesmitten and I cried yesterday when visiting family members said goodbye...:heart:

mysticalview21's photo
Tue 02/10/15 06:41 AM
when one of my cats died last nite ...:cry:

uche9aa's photo
Wed 02/11/15 12:06 AM

Sometimes things come in threes...I cried last week when a friend hurt my feelings (forgot to wear my big girl panties that daywhoa ), I cried happy tears this weekend when my 91 year old mother blew out "all" the candles on her birthday cakesmitten and I cried yesterday when visiting family members said goodbye...:heart:

Leigh,i saw your response(joke) and decided to keep you in suspense(as usual in my jokes) but it looks like a virus had attacked our conversation and wiped posts off. I was shrewdly but jokingly saying that 'we' (mingle2 family) might need 'evidence' (uploaded video or photo of tear covered face or both) to convince sceptics that iron ladies cry too. yea

MissCindyPieO's photo
Wed 02/11/15 09:22 AM
Actually just today. while emailing a guy.. telling him about myself.. I am so birthday past on the 9th.. here comes valentines day.. and he asked me to watch his son play ball in the city.. I can't get away.. I have four big dogs and work on Saturday anyhow.. I am so isolated here on the northern california coast.. it's beautiful here and I wish I had someone to walk on the beaches with.. hold hands and kiss .. It's hard after being with someone for 20 yrs to just pick up and move on.. poo! I am a sensitive person.. even though I have a hard shell at times. It's rouse.. I'm a tender loving woman.. and would love to have the same with a handsome man. Any locally or within a couple hundred miles??? I am worth every one of them!!!

MissCindyPieO's photo
Wed 02/11/15 09:25 AM
I am a shelter volunteer.. and I say.. a dog comes to us for a reason.. if you are depressed and miss your dog.. I know I would be. I have four.. you might think of getting a shelter dog for a companion .. they bring so much love to us.. That is their job after all.. unconditionally.. I absolutely LOVE my critter kids.!!!

no photo
Wed 02/11/15 03:17 PM
Today....its hard seeing my 5 year old wearing a heart monitor.

no photo
Wed 02/11/15 04:01 PM

Today....its hard seeing my 5 year old wearing a heart monitor.


kissablekiss's photo
Wed 02/11/15 04:20 PM
Today ..frustrated

no photo
Wed 02/11/15 04:27 PM
Just a couple of days ago, here, on line, someone being mean.

uche9aa's photo
Sat 02/14/15 02:40 AM

Today....its hard seeing my 5 year old wearing a heart monitor.

Cutiepieforyou's photo
Sat 02/14/15 02:57 AM

Today....its hard seeing my 5 year old wearing a heart monitor.


theseacoast's photo
Sat 02/14/15 04:05 AM

Today....its hard seeing my 5 year old wearing a heart monitor.

hugs and strength for you and your son RCB flowerforyou

Ideasofapoet's photo
Sat 02/14/15 01:22 PM
I cried after I dumped my girlfriend!

mom333's photo
Sat 02/14/15 04:40 PM
I watched titanic while I was sewing today and now im a mess laugh

theseacoast's photo
Mon 02/16/15 11:53 AM
On Friday - I was so touched by some thoughts I read and the music I listened, that I just simply cried - of gratitude, beauty, melancholy, everything mixed

no photo
Mon 02/16/15 12:03 PM

sad just now after reading all the previous posts

hugs to the lot of you


Jinshim_GW's photo
Mon 02/16/15 12:50 PM
The other day after my Dad came home from the hospital. He's strong and will be fine.

jamesbruster's photo
Mon 02/16/15 02:48 PM
tahts cool

jamesbruster's photo
Mon 02/16/15 02:49 PM
thats cool my angel,i like that,how you doing?

no photo
Mon 02/16/15 06:49 PM
I used to be a stubborn one until Dec last year. When I was prescribed for a scan, for terrible abdomen pain, I travelled all the way to the scan center with pain, only to find that I did not have enough money for that scan. I returned and on my way home, tears