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Topic: Do you give out your number to anyone?
Poetrywriter's photo
Sun 07/28/19 12:35 PM
I always give out a number to a scammer or telemarketer. Unfortunately for them it is the number of the local police station. laugh

Geordie Scot68's photo
Sun 07/28/19 05:04 PM
No i'd need to chat with on here for a while n meet them in real a good few times before they get my number & can be trusted

Letsgiveitatry's photo
Thu 08/08/19 06:40 PM
Yeah but all turned out to be people asking for money

DutchHunk's photo
Thu 08/22/19 09:29 PM
no problem; you can call me.
if I have yours; I can call to say 'Hello'.

Smartazzjohn's photo
Thu 08/22/19 09:35 PM
I don't need to give my number out to anyone......everyone already knows I'm

number one!!! bigsmile

no photo
Sun 08/25/19 08:22 AM
Hellaya! It's a 10, oh you mean phone number......
"If I call would you pick up"
Nights Like These

no photo
Sun 08/25/19 09:16 AM
No. I get a lot of email addresses thrown at me 'So we can talk offsight'. Bit of a warning light there I think, especially when it's their first message :wink: I do sometimes give out an email address that I use when I think I've got a particularly inept spammer, so I can have a laugh at them: 'No I don't know what an I D verification scam is, do tell me more'.:angel:

no photo
Sun 08/25/19 09:20 AM

I always give out a number to a scammer or telemarketer. Unfortunately for them it is the number of the local police station. laugh
[/quoteThat is a great idea. I might just borrow it.rofl ]

Cutiepieforyou's photo
Sun 08/25/19 01:06 PM
No No No

no photo
Mon 08/26/19 03:38 PM

No No No

But, if we did it would be 867-5309! winking rofl

Cutiepieforyou's photo
Mon 08/26/19 03:39 PM

No No No

But, if we did it would be 867-5309! winking rofl

How did you know?rofl

Smartazzjohn's photo
Mon 08/26/19 03:45 PM
I thought it would be Beechwood 4-5789 frustrated

no photo
Mon 08/26/19 04:25 PM

Just did last night......I'll keep ya'll posted on this one.

you forgot to keep us posted ivegotgrumble

no photo
Mon 08/26/19 04:27 PM

No No No

not even for a new england group mingle meet and greet???

no photo
Mon 08/26/19 05:06 PM

No No No

not even for a new england group mingle meet and greet???

I would definitely make an exception for this! winking biggrin drinker

no photo
Mon 08/26/19 05:55 PM
I don't give out my number because they just want to text. Why? I can write better on here with longer messages. On my phone, I text really slow and short replies. I'd also want to know someone for a long time to give out my number.

ivegotthegirth's photo
Mon 08/26/19 07:57 PM

Just did last night......I'll keep ya'll posted on this one.

you forgot to keep us posted ivegotgrumble

Actually when I saw this topic it triggered my memory!
I'm glad I gave her my number everything has been great and nothing negative has resulted from this action. I just spent the afternoon with her.

no photo
Tue 08/27/19 02:39 AM
Yes giving out numbers is a huge no no! If the guy really wants your number get to know him over a period of time first and then decide if its safe to do so.
Numbers are too personal to just hand out..

delightfulillusion's photo
Tue 08/27/19 02:47 AM
Absolutely NOT!

I have a horror story about that. Suffice to say that the guy became my stalker and the police were involved and I hadn't even met the guy!!

Lesson learned.

schikkoti's photo
Tue 08/27/19 03:42 AM

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