Topic: What about you & why?
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Sun 11/24/13 12:16 PM

I'm just me. What makes me attractive to others is going to differ from person to person.


no photo
Sun 11/24/13 01:18 PM

What makes me Attractive/sexy?


That's my favorite quality in another person, modesty and humility. Very attractive.

Same here Paintbigsmile ....It's a hell of a turn on too....drool

dcastelmissy's photo
Sun 11/24/13 02:14 PM
Edited by dcastelmissy on Sun 11/24/13 02:16 PM

What makes me Attractive/sexy?


That's my favorite quality in another person, modesty and humility. Very attractive.

Same here Paintbigsmile ....It's a hell of a turn on too....drool

Ditto on modesty! drinker :thumbsup:

Beauty physical or otherwise should be in the eyes of the beholder. Different people behold different things. Ego inflation is not necessary for self-esteem. JMHO happy :thumbsup:

no photo
Sun 11/24/13 02:43 PM

What makes me Attractive/sexy?


That's my favorite quality in another person, modesty and humility. Very attractive.

Same here Paintbigsmile ....It's a hell of a turn on too....drool

Ditto on modesty! drinker :thumbsup:

Beauty physical or otherwise should be in the eyes of the beholder. Different people behold different things. Ego inflation is not necessary for self-esteem. JMHO happy :thumbsup:

Exactly. I hate it when a guy introduces himself as hot or good-looking, my reaction is, according to who?laugh

FearandLoathing's photo
Sun 11/24/13 02:45 PM
I have no clue...Everything about me should scream "Run away."

whattheheywastaken's photo
Sun 11/24/13 02:56 PM
I can ride my bike with no handlebars.

No handlebars.

No handlebars.

no photo
Sun 11/24/13 02:56 PM

I have no clue...Everything about me should scream "Run away."

You're poetry is a pretty big plus Fear....It more than makes up for all that self-debasing you do!drinker

no photo
Sun 11/24/13 02:57 PM

I can ride my bike with no handlebars.

No handlebars.

No handlebars.

Now that's talent right there.drinker

whattheheywastaken's photo
Sun 11/24/13 02:59 PM

I can ride my bike with no handlebars.

No handlebars.

No handlebars.

Now that's talent right there.drinker


no photo
Sun 11/24/13 03:00 PM

dcastelmissy's photo
Sun 11/24/13 03:03 PM

What makes me Attractive/sexy?


That's my favorite quality in another person, modesty and humility. Very attractive.

Same here Paintbigsmile ....It's a hell of a turn on too....drool

Ditto on modesty! drinker :thumbsup:

Beauty physical or otherwise should be in the eyes of the beholder. Different people behold different things. Ego inflation is not necessary for self-esteem. JMHO happy :thumbsup:

Exactly. I hate it when a guy introduces himself as hot or good-looking, my reaction is, according to who?laugh

True, but women also do the same thing. Seems everyone is focused on looks and not character. :wink:

misswright's photo
Sun 11/24/13 03:12 PM
Apparently lying under my truck with a 9/16" socket wrench in hand and grease up to my elbows makes me attractive. Not exactly sure why, but the boys sure do flock around gawking when I'm working on the truck. smokin

dcastelmissy's photo
Sun 11/24/13 03:13 PM

Apparently lying under my truck with a 9/16" socket wrench in hand and grease up to my elbows makes me attractive. Not exactly sure why, but the boys sure do flock around gawking when I'm working on the truck. smokin

:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

Solace84's photo
Sun 11/24/13 03:23 PM
Don't even know if am attractive....Just bein' honest :)

jacktrades's photo
Sun 11/24/13 03:32 PM
Lionsbrew, as far as being attractive I'm way to modest for that and will leave that in the eyes of the beholder. My personality is I'm quiet, reserved, have compassion for others. I enjoy the small things in life.I'm old fashioned and enjoy the romance part and treating women with respect. I know it sounds corny but I enjoy showing them their special. As far as the physical I am 6 ft 200 lbs, jog every other day and work out on a regular basis. I have a good diet except for Sunday because its football, beer and pizza for me!!

PacificStar48's photo
Sun 11/24/13 03:36 PM
Edited by PacificStar48 on Sun 11/24/13 03:48 PM
Yikes Lion you really going to get me to do this?

Hmmm. Probably....

That I am particularly blessed in the looks department even for my age. While I can play in the dirt with the best of them I can polish up pretty good when required.

Physically I still have a few noteworthy curves, long legs, and expressive gentle hands. I am tactile and it would not be foreign for me to caress, hug, nuzzle, or even kiss someone significant in my life in discreet ways. I can still romp and play some and rarely will I tell anyone what aches or ails. I am absolutely monogamous in an intimate relationship.

I have really even color in my skin that means it naturally survives outside and I get away with rarely wearing anything but a minimum of makeup. My skin is soft and being Native and Irish I have understated features; soft lips, small nose and ears, and cheekbones that seem to be forgiving of ageing so far.

I have long silky hair and natural lashes on mahogany eyes so if you look into them supposedly it is easy to get lost there. Especially if I smile which tends to twinkle and I like to do a lot towards people who I care for; which is most in all stations of life.

In fact I rarely meet a stranger and enjoy being hospitable in most situations. I am well read, can listen, ask conversation provoking questions, and have a subtle sense of humor with flashes of sassy or flirty. I am safe to take almost anywhere in that I try to adapt to the situation and manners, encouragement/praise, and thank you are regulars in my interactions. My observations of others (often more pointed in print) than in person except what I don't withhold inside of close friendships) are rarely expressed with out invitation and absolute confidentiality of what I observe, am told, or over hear is a trademark. So is absolute honesty; rare I know. Probably my biggest hurdle in intimate inner personal relationships were social lies and therapeutic lies stick in my throat and I rather exit than hurt someone in person.

In personal relationships I am fiercely loyal, supportive, honest, smart, roll up the sleeves and help until it hurts. and tend to put myself equal, second, and if dependents are involved often last. I am unabashedly proud of my heritage, my country, and my family. I have calm and courage in crisis. And I have empathy for others.

I am respectful of others faith and live mine rather than preach it. I spend a lot of time on my knees in genuine prayer and believe in a just merciful, guiding, redeeming higher power. I still find the world and people miraculous.

However I have little interest in acquiring wealth, things, or status. But I am responsible, live modestly, and anyone who has ever been involved with me economically got more than a fair shake. I take educated risks. My home is often more a memorial to the people I love or love me over the years than an expression of my artistic choices. I am a very creative person, excellent cook, and pretty passable gardener.

An invertive and progressive thinker winning some substantial recognition and attaining some note worthy career goals I have left a mark on the world while retaining my independence and stability.

While I admire modesty greatly I also admire leadership and sharing who, what, how, and why I am what I am. Lessons learned easily and some painfully. I didn't get where I am in my life alone and feel an obligation to mentor as I have been mentored.

Ok Lion my courageous friend I followed your lead and hope it has your predicted result.

no photo
Sun 11/24/13 03:37 PM

Lionsbrew, as far as being attractive I'm way to modest for that and will leave that in the eyes of the beholder. My personality is I'm quiet, reserved, have compassion for others. I enjoy the small things in life.I'm old fashioned and enjoy the romance part and treating women with respect. I know it sounds corny but I enjoy showing them their special. As far as the physical I am 6 ft 200 lbs, jog every other day and work out on a regular basis. I have a good diet except for Sunday because its football, beer and pizza for me!!


PacificStar48's photo
Sun 11/24/13 03:53 PM

Lionsbrew, as far as being attractive I'm way to modest for that and will leave that in the eyes of the beholder. My personality is I'm quiet, reserved, have compassion for others. I enjoy the small things in life.I'm old fashioned and enjoy the romance part and treating women with respect. I know it sounds corny but I enjoy showing them their special. As far as the physical I am 6 ft 200 lbs, jog every other day and work out on a regular basis. I have a good diet except for Sunday because its football, beer and pizza for me!!

What minimal interaction I have had with this truly nice man this is accurate ladies. A real Gem.

no photo
Sun 11/24/13 03:54 PM

What makes me Attractive/sexy?


That's my favorite quality in another person, modesty and humility. Very attractive.

Same here Paintbigsmile ....It's a hell of a turn on too....drool

Ditto on modesty! drinker :thumbsup:

Beauty physical or otherwise should be in the eyes of the beholder. Different people behold different things. Ego inflation is not necessary for self-esteem. JMHO happy :thumbsup:

Exactly. I hate it when a guy introduces himself as hot or good-looking, my reaction is, according to who?laugh

True, but women also do the same thing. Seems everyone is focused on looks and not character. :wink:

It's awesome when the person has both though.

PacificStar48's photo
Sun 11/24/13 03:57 PM

I have no clue...Everything about me should scream "Run away."

Fear I have been observing you for a long time and I think you are another hidden gem. One of these days I hope to meet you in person.

I would stake money on you are a "good one".

I hope to see you take your light back out from under a bushel and let people who don't already know you see what I do.