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Topic: Obama apologizes
Sojourning_Soul's photo
Fri 11/08/13 07:01 AM
Edited by Sojourning_Soul on Fri 11/08/13 07:07 AM

So how do you plan on using your prenatal care and abortion benefit?

One size does not fit all in healthcare, and this massive atrocity called a mandate to benefit 40M people will still leave 30M of them without insurance, and the 30M more who were insured before will now probably opt out for the tax instead....

Who will pay for this dud? Everyone! And fewer will be insured than before! With people opting out due to staggering costs for benefits they don't need, nobody can say what the cost will actually be to those then trapped in this system!

They should have just focused a plan on the uninsured problem and left the mandate out! It would have been far less expensive and a lot less hassle......it might also have actually worked!

There is still another issue, perhaps even bigger than it being neither caring or affordable.....

Identity Theft To Skyrocket Under Obamacare


John McAfee and others have stated the same, and reports are coming in daily to prove it!

I don't need to worry about the ACA because I'm already covered by my employer group plan. Maybe if I change jobs later on, I can shop on my state's exchange. At least then, I'll know I'm getting a competitive price and it'll cover me.

The individual mandate is in place because there's also a mandate to disregard pre-existing conditions. Without the former, the latter wouldn't work, because people could just go without insurance and then run and buy some, the moment they or their family member gets sick.

This really isn't a "dud" as you say. For most people already on a group plan like me, it hardly affects me. However, for the millions of Americans who couldn't get health insurance before, it's wonderful. It's also going to be great for the tens of thousands of Americans who would otherwise die without health insurance, and the thousands more who face bankruptcy each year from medical bills.

As to the millions of uninsured who cannot get health insurance thanks to Obamacare, they're called undocumented immigrants. That was negotiated away early on. If you want to lobby your Congressional representative to get them covered, then I'll support that. Good luck.

Lastly, identity theft is not a product of Obamacare. It's been going on for years and has exploded more along with the Internet. If anything, Obamacare is just another way for scammers to target ignorant computer users. Maybe if Republicans actually helped out, instead of trying to sabotage every government program under Obama, at every opportunity, then things would work better.

So because it doesn't effect you at the moment you don't care how it effects others...at the moment?

Illegals were never part of the equation, or my argument. However, being exempt has never kept them from playing or using the system or voting in the past. They are called "illegals" for a reason!

The facts are that many who had insurance that worked for them are now being forced into policies with coverage they don't want or need. Deductables and premiums are both rising as a result, and in the failing economy with most Americans living hand to mouth, even the slightest rise in an expense might mean less food on the table or the ability to cover other routine maintenance emergencies that arise in their daily lives without going still further into debt.

For most young people (the ones they are counting on to pay for this), the rising deductables exceed the amounts of their yearly healthcare needs. Add the premiums and it's not a feasible solution.

Without their enrollment into the program costs will rise to unbelievable amounts for those who do enroll.

It's an iceberg, and the tip has not even been fully exposed yet and people are already suffering under it.

Try thinking about others....actually caring.... rather than sacrificing them because at present you are not effected by the implementation of bad policy..... you reap what you sew, and planting bad seed to produce or profit from, what you don't eat, is a spiteful act

oldhippie1952's photo
Fri 11/08/13 07:07 AM

So how do you plan on using your prenatal care and abortion benefit?

One size does not fit all in healthcare...

It's an iceberg, and the tip has not even been fully exposed yet and people are already suffering under it.

Just proves one size does not fit all, no matter what gov thinks. And they know it doesn't, otherwise they would not exclude unions and themselves and their employees, to name a few.

metalwing's photo
Fri 11/08/13 07:14 AM
The Obama apology (lame that it was) came one day after meeting with about fifteen Democratic Senators who are afraid Obamacare is going to cost them the next election. I suspect that they will decide that it wasn't enough and there will now be movement towards a big delay.

Sojourning_Soul's photo
Fri 11/08/13 07:15 AM

Apologies are mere words without actions to back them up, and inaction to failed leadership and bad policy is the forte' of this administration!

metalwing's photo
Fri 11/08/13 07:33 AM

Apologies are mere words without actions to back them up, and inaction to failed leadership and bad policy is the forte' of this administration!

I do believe the Democratic Senators are learning that lesson.

Sojourning_Soul's photo
Fri 11/08/13 08:00 AM

Conrad_73's photo
Fri 11/08/13 08:39 AM
Edited by Conrad_73 on Fri 11/08/13 08:42 AM

The White House Negotiations With Unions Over Obamacare You May Not Have Heard Of

The Obama administration is poised to give some labor unions a break from costly fees under the Affordable Care Act, a move that some say is calculated to placate a key White House ally.

In regulations published last week, the administration said it intends to propose rules that would exempt certain self-insured, self-administered plans from the requirement to pay the fees in 2015 and 2016. Health care experts say that could apply to some union-sponsored health plans, though it's unclear how many.

Utah Republican Sen. Orrin Hatch, ranking member on the Senate Finance Committee, said he is suspicious of the administration's motives.

It certainly looks like the Obama administration is looking at a special deal for unions, which is deeply concerning given the problems that all Americans are facing due to Obamacare, Hatch said.

But in a conference call with reporters, AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka said the language does not single out the so-called union Taft-Hartley plans for special treatment.

It applies to self-administered funds, whether they are Taft-Hartley or not, Trumka said. We are still reviewing all of that, and we continue to try to make positive changes to the act.

Gretchen Young, senior vice president for health policy at the ERISA Industry Committee, a group that represents large employers on benefits issues, said it would be very unfair to single out one group of employers who are contributing money and not let everybody out of it.

All self-funded plans are in the same position of having to pay this three-year fee but getting no direct benefit in return, Young said.

She said hardly any employers in her group, which includes the nation's largest corporations, would benefit under the administration�'s language.

Fox News host Megyn Kelly discussed the proposed rules Wednesday with the Center for Union Facts J. Justin Wilson, who said it could exempt unions up to $600 million in Obamacare-related fees.

President Barack Obama is buying their silence with a $600 million dollar payback, he said.......................

Sojourning_Soul's photo
Fri 11/08/13 09:42 AM
Edited by Sojourning_Soul on Fri 11/08/13 09:45 AM


The White House Negotiations With Unions Over Obamacare You May Not Have Heard Of

The Obama administration is poised to give some labor unions a break from costly fees under the Affordable Care Act, a move that some say is calculated to placate a key White House ally.

In regulations published last week, the administration said it intends to propose rules that would exempt certain self-insured, self-administered plans from the requirement to pay the fees in 2015 and 2016. Health care experts say that could apply to some union-sponsored health plans, though it's unclear how many.

Utah Republican Sen. Orrin Hatch, ranking member on the Senate Finance Committee, said he is suspicious of the administration's motives.

It certainly looks like the Obama administration is looking at a special deal for unions, which is deeply concerning given the problems that all Americans are facing due to Obamacare, Hatch said.

But in a conference call with reporters, AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka said the language does not single out the so-called union Taft-Hartley plans for special treatment.

It applies to self-administered funds, whether they are Taft-Hartley or not, Trumka said. We are still reviewing all of that, and we continue to try to make positive changes to the act.

Gretchen Young, senior vice president for health policy at the ERISA Industry Committee, a group that represents large employers on benefits issues, said it would be very unfair to single out one group of employers who are contributing money and not let everybody out of it.

All self-funded plans are in the same position of having to pay this three-year fee but getting no direct benefit in return, Young said.

She said hardly any employers in her group, which includes the nation's largest corporations, would benefit under the administration�'s language.

Fox News host Megyn Kelly discussed the proposed rules Wednesday with the Center for Union Facts J. Justin Wilson, who said it could exempt unions up to $600 million in Obamacare-related fees.

President Barack Obama is buying their silence with a $600 million dollar payback, he said.......................

Typical Demoncrap campaigning.....Chicago style!

If the people want a voice it will maybe, possibly, be scripted to us, thru the media..... if granted at all

TJN's photo
Fri 11/08/13 10:55 AM
Edited by TJN on Fri 11/08/13 10:58 AM

So what if 40-67% of the 5% of the population (2-3% overall) cannot keep their policies. Most of those policies were crap, anyway. They were cancelled because they don't meet the minimum requirements imposed by the ACA, and the reason people liked them was because they never really needed them. If, for example, you had such a policy, and got cancer, you would burn through your deductable in the first few minutes of care, and then burn through your lifetime maximum a few days later. Being stuck with the bill for $hundreds of thousands. Say hello to bankruptcy.

I have no problem with President Obama's assertion being only 97% correct, after all the statements about the ACA by Republicans being 97% wrong.

Gays are only 1% of the population so why should we give them the same rights to marry?

Most of those policies were crap, anyway.

Crap to whom?
Do you have proof of your accusation?

willing2's photo
Fri 11/08/13 03:15 PM
Said jackass said, "You can keep your plan. "

And, stupid liberals continue to defend the POS.

TJN's photo
Fri 11/08/13 07:36 PM
MILWAUKEE - Wisconsin Sen. Ron Johnson is reacting to President Obama's apology for people's health insurance being canceled. The president told NBC News he's sorry Americans are losing health insurance plans he said they could keep.

Johnson told 620 WTMJ's Charlie Sykes that President Obama stopped short in his apology of saying he was sorry for making promises about people keeping their policies in the first place.

"It certainly wasn't an apology. When I heard it, the analogy I was thinking of was, you tell somebody, 'Boy, I'm really sorry your dog died,' but you refuse to acknowledge you ran over that dog with your car," Johnson said. "Those are your tire tracks on that dog."

The senator continued by saying President Obama needs to accept responsibility for the problems with the implementation of the law.

"There is no accepting of responsibility," Johnson continued. "There is sure some empathy for people in a tough situation, but again they're in a tough situation because if Obamacare, because he told falsehoods."

Mortman's photo
Sat 11/09/13 11:21 AM

So because it doesn't effect you at the moment you don't care how it effects others...at the moment?

Illegals were never part of the equation, or my argument. However, being exempt has never kept them from playing or using the system or voting in the past. They are called "illegals" for a reason!

The facts are that many who had insurance that worked for them are now being forced into policies with coverage they don't want or need. Deductables and premiums are both rising as a result, and in the failing economy with most Americans living hand to mouth, even the slightest rise in an expense might mean less food on the table or the ability to cover other routine maintenance emergencies that arise in their daily lives without going still further into debt.

For most young people (the ones they are counting on to pay for this), the rising deductables exceed the amounts of their yearly healthcare needs. Add the premiums and it's not a feasible solution.

Without their enrollment into the program costs will rise to unbelievable amounts for those who do enroll.

It's an iceberg, and the tip has not even been fully exposed yet and people are already suffering under it.

Try thinking about others....actually caring.... rather than sacrificing them because at present you are not effected by the implementation of bad policy..... you reap what you sew, and planting bad seed to produce or profit from, what you don't eat, is a spiteful act

It's not that I don't care about other people. I have many friends and family members who will use Obamacare. The ones with pre-existing conditions are pretty happy about that. Most of them agree that a single-payer plan makes far more sense, but the ACA is a good first step.

Mandating everybody carry their own insurance might be a tough proposition, but health care is universally important, and letting society carry the risk of your inability to pay for cancer treatment or a traumatic accident is not being a good citizen. For the people who cannot pay (the ones you mention living hand-to-mouth) will likely be eligible for government subsidies. One of my sisters, for example, will only be paying about $100/month for her insurance after subsidies, and that's for her and her whole family (husband, 3 kids). Many people will like it, the alternative--going back to letting insurers drop customers at will, or denying coverage to those with pre-existing conditions is just stupid.

Now, you said that illegals don't factor into your calculations, so tell me who are those tens of millions of people who won't be eligible for insurance under Obamacare?

Lastly, I agree that there will be more to come, but much of it will be positive. Especially the number of people going bankrupt each year from medical bills, or the number of people who die each year, as a result of having no insurance.

tens of thousands die prematurely each year due to lack of health coverage

Conrad_73's photo
Sat 11/09/13 11:36 AM

So because it doesn't effect you at the moment you don't care how it effects others...at the moment?

Illegals were never part of the equation, or my argument. However, being exempt has never kept them from playing or using the system or voting in the past. They are called "illegals" for a reason!

The facts are that many who had insurance that worked for them are now being forced into policies with coverage they don't want or need. Deductables and premiums are both rising as a result, and in the failing economy with most Americans living hand to mouth, even the slightest rise in an expense might mean less food on the table or the ability to cover other routine maintenance emergencies that arise in their daily lives without going still further into debt.

For most young people (the ones they are counting on to pay for this), the rising deductables exceed the amounts of their yearly healthcare needs. Add the premiums and it's not a feasible solution.

Without their enrollment into the program costs will rise to unbelievable amounts for those who do enroll.

It's an iceberg, and the tip has not even been fully exposed yet and people are already suffering under it.

Try thinking about others....actually caring.... rather than sacrificing them because at present you are not effected by the implementation of bad policy..... you reap what you sew, and planting bad seed to produce or profit from, what you don't eat, is a spiteful act

It's not that I don't care about other people. I have many friends and family members who will use Obamacare. The ones with pre-existing conditions are pretty happy about that. Most of them agree that a single-payer plan makes far more sense, but the ACA is a good first step.

Mandating everybody carry their own insurance might be a tough proposition, but health care is universally important, and letting society carry the risk of your inability to pay for cancer treatment or a traumatic accident is not being a good citizen. For the people who cannot pay (the ones you mention living hand-to-mouth) will likely be eligible for government subsidies. One of my sisters, for example, will only be paying about $100/month for her insurance after subsidies, and that's for her and her whole family (husband, 3 kids). Many people will like it, the alternative--going back to letting insurers drop customers at will, or denying coverage to those with pre-existing conditions is just stupid.

Now, you said that illegals don't factor into your calculations, so tell me who are those tens of millions of people who won't be eligible for insurance under Obamacare?

Lastly, I agree that there will be more to come, but much of it will be positive. Especially the number of people going bankrupt each year from medical bills, or the number of people who die each year, as a result of having no insurance.

tens of thousands die prematurely each year due to lack of health coverage


Lpdon's photo
Tue 11/12/13 01:31 AM

Apologies are mere words without actions to back them up, and inaction to failed leadership and bad policy is the forte' of this administration!

We both know he doesn't mean it.

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