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Topic: Obama apologizes
TJN's photo
Thu 11/07/13 05:15 PM

"I am sorry that they are finding themselves in this situation based on assurances they got from me," he told NBC News in an exclusive interview at the White House.

I can't say it sounded like a heartfelt apology. I don't believe he means it because the ACA needs more in it so it will work. And they knew this would happen.

Obama’s comments come 10 days after NBC News’ Lisa Myers reported that the administration has known since the summer of 2010 that millions of Americans could lose their insurance under the law.

sybariticguy's photo
Thu 11/07/13 05:22 PM
and your point is ?

Sojourning_Soul's photo
Thu 11/07/13 05:35 PM
Edited by Sojourning_Soul on Thu 11/07/13 05:38 PM

and your point is ?

I think the point is.....He lied, as usual, just like he did to get elected. Making promises he knew he wouldn't or couldn't keep, for support he didn't earn, from a nation he doesn't care about in the least, and is doing his best to destroy from within.... the only way this "infidel" nation will ever fall.

In the eyes of the world we are rapid becoming as guilty as he because we allow it. You can add that to bowing to foreign kings, making us apologetic and a laughing stock under his rule.

TJN's photo
Thu 11/07/13 05:48 PM

and your point is ?

Did you read the article or watch the interview?
They knew in 2010 MILLIONS would lose their insurance, yet up until the day before the implementation Obama promised people if they like their insurance and doctor they can keep it.

And like I said he didn't mean the apology, they need as many people to be in the exchanges for the ACA to work. People are losing good policies and are being forced into the exchanges where the plans are going to cost them more.

People need to pull their heads out of Obama's rear end and open their eyes

Dodo_David's photo
Thu 11/07/13 05:50 PM

"I am sorry that they are finding themselves in this situation based on assurances they got from me," he told NBC News in an exclusive interview at the White House.

I can't say it sounded like a heartfelt apology. I don't believe he means it because the ACA needs more in it so it will work. And they knew this would happen.

Obama’s comments come 10 days after NBC News’ Lisa Myers reported that the administration has known since the summer of 2010 that millions of Americans could lose their insurance under the law.

Obama's apology is a straw-man apology.

People aren't losing their insurance policies because of an assurance from Obama.
They are losing their policies because of Obamacare.

TJN's photo
Thu 11/07/13 05:56 PM

Obama's apology is a straw-man apology.

People aren't losing their insurance policies because of an assurance from Obama.
They are losing their policies because of Obamacare.

You're correct

But the ACA was sold to people (by Obama and the democrats) believing they could keep their plans

Dodo_David's photo
Thu 11/07/13 05:59 PM

Obama's apology is a straw-man apology.

People aren't losing their insurance policies because of an assurance from Obama.
They are losing their policies because of Obamacare.

You're correct

But the ACA was sold to people (by Obama and the democrats) believing they could keep their plans

The people didn't buy Obamacare. If I recall correctly, Obamacare was accepted by certain Democrat senators in exchange for political goodies.

TJN's photo
Thu 11/07/13 06:06 PM

Obama's apology is a straw-man apology.

People aren't losing their insurance policies because of an assurance from Obama.
They are losing their policies because of Obamacare.

You're correct

But the ACA was sold to people (by Obama and the democrats) believing they could keep their plans

The people didn't buy Obamacare. If I recall correctly, Obamacare was accepted by certain Democrat senators in exchange for political goodies.

People voted in those who accepted those goodies

Do you think they would have been voted in if they told people it doesn't matter what insurance p,an you have most of you will lose it and be forced to go on the exchanges and end up paying way more than you are now?

I think not if the truth had been told I don't believe Obama would have been reelected and the republicans would have gained control of the senate and the ACA would have been repealed. But that's just my opinion

no photo
Thu 11/07/13 06:55 PM

Obama's apology is a straw-man apology.

People aren't losing their insurance policies because of an assurance from Obama.
They are losing their policies because of Obamacare.

You're correct

But the ACA was sold to people (by Obama and the democrats) believing they could keep their plans

The people didn't buy Obamacare. If I recall correctly, Obamacare was accepted by certain Democrat senators in exchange for political goodies.

People voted in those who accepted those goodies

Do you think they would have been voted in if they told people it doesn't matter what insurance p,an you have most of you will lose it and be forced to go on the exchanges and end up paying way more than you are now?

I think not if the truth had been told I don't believe Obama would have been reelected and the republicans would have gained control of the senate and the ACA would have been repealed. But that's just my opinion

I think that the ignorant people that voted for Obama don't know the difference or care if he told the truth or not.

no photo
Thu 11/07/13 08:32 PM

Obama: 'I'm sorry' Americans are losing insurance.
Caught in one lie.

"If the president is truly sorry for breaking his promises to the American people, he'll do more than just issue a half-hearted apology on TV," Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., said in a statement.


JustDukkyMkII's photo
Fri 11/08/13 01:54 AM
Now you've done it. Obumma is gonna keep repeating his insincere apology endlessly!

...You know how much he likes to drone on.

Sojourning_Soul's photo
Fri 11/08/13 04:47 AM
Edited by Sojourning_Soul on Fri 11/08/13 04:48 AM

Think Benghazi, IRS, NSA,.....Now Obozocare

Lies and silence before election, implementation after

Different acts of the same play, starring the same actors, with only one stand-in....Kerry..... While Killary goes silent hoping people will forget before 2016.

Conrad_73's photo
Fri 11/08/13 04:55 AM

Obama's apology is a straw-man apology.

People aren't losing their insurance policies because of an assurance from Obama.
They are losing their policies because of Obamacare.

You're correct

But the ACA was sold to people (by Obama and the democrats) believing they could keep their plans

The people didn't buy Obamacare. If I recall correctly, Obamacare was accepted by certain Democrat senators in exchange for political goodies.

But who sold it to them,or more-so,who sold it to the Sellers to sell to the Honorable Senators?

misswright's photo
Fri 11/08/13 05:14 AM
The only sincere apology I would respect from Obama is his immediate resignation. :thumbsup:

Barring that, his words mean nothing to me. Every time I see his face and hear the nonsense drawl out of his crooked mouth, all I can picture is that old rubber toy you used to squeeze and its eyes and ears would bulge out. Can't recall the name of it, but if ya ever saw one, you'd know what I mean.

Mortman's photo
Fri 11/08/13 05:52 AM
So what if 40-67% of the 5% of the population (2-3% overall) cannot keep their policies. Most of those policies were crap, anyway. They were cancelled because they don't meet the minimum requirements imposed by the ACA, and the reason people liked them was because they never really needed them. If, for example, you had such a policy, and got cancer, you would burn through your deductable in the first few minutes of care, and then burn through your lifetime maximum a few days later. Being stuck with the bill for $hundreds of thousands. Say hello to bankruptcy.

I have no problem with President Obama's assertion being only 97% correct, after all the statements about the ACA by Republicans being 97% wrong.

Sojourning_Soul's photo
Fri 11/08/13 05:55 AM
Edited by Sojourning_Soul on Fri 11/08/13 06:12 AM

So what if 40-67% of the 5% of the population (2-3% overall) cannot keep their policies. Most of those policies were crap, anyway. They were cancelled because they don't meet the minimum requirements imposed by the ACA, and the reason people liked them was because they never really needed them. If, for example, you had such a policy, and got cancer, you would burn through your deductable in the first few minutes of care, and then burn through your lifetime maximum a few days later. Being stuck with the bill for $hundreds of thousands. Say hello to bankruptcy.

I have no problem with President Obama's assertion being only 97% correct, after all the statements about the ACA by Republicans being 97% wrong.

So how do you plan on using your prenatal care and abortion benefit?

One size does not fit all in healthcare, and this massive atrocity called a mandate to benefit 40M people will still leave 30M of them without insurance, and the 30M more who were insured before will now probably opt out for the tax instead....

Who will pay for this dud? Everyone! And fewer will be insured than before! With people opting out due to staggering costs for benefits they don't need, nobody can say what the cost will actually be to those then trapped in this system!

They should have just focused a plan on the uninsured problem and left the mandate out! It would have been far less expensive and a lot less might also have actually worked!

There is still another issue, perhaps even bigger than it being neither caring or affordable.....

Identity Theft To Skyrocket Under Obamacare

John McAfee and others have stated the same, and reports are coming in daily to prove it!

no photo
Fri 11/08/13 05:57 AM

and your point is ?

Did you read the article or watch the interview?
They knew in 2010 MILLIONS would lose their insurance, yet up until the day before the implementation Obama promised people if they like their insurance and doctor they can keep it.

And like I said he didn't mean the apology, they need as many people to be in the exchanges for the ACA to work. People are losing good policies and are being forced into the exchanges where the plans are going to cost them more.

People need to pull their heads out of Obama's rear end and open their eyes

exactly. there are times for an apology, and there are times when a good deal more than that is needed. Like an immediate repeal of obamacare. it would have been cheaper for us all to raise the medicare tax a little and extend medicaid/medicare eligibility - or something like that rather than create a whole new & very expensive bureaucracy. bring an end to gov't employee retirement funds by having them exist under the same social security system the rest of us do. put the money into the meidcare system where it belongs...there ARE solutions that are fairer and better than ACA

no photo
Fri 11/08/13 06:30 AM
another grove of cancellations will come when the EMPLOYER mandate takes effect...many of those policies also don't meet so called minimum Obamacare qualifications...and that is the real reason why Obama delayed the employer mandate for 1 him and the insurers a chance to come up with another sales pitch (LIE) like - oh no those aren't "cancellations" but "transitions" the meanwhile, employers know this and will have to steer employees to new plans or make adjustments like not covering spouses, reducing workers to part time, sending workers to the exchange, etc and Obama is hoping that that fallout will be directed at employers and not him...

Obama needs to say I WAS WRONG...FIRE THOSE RESPONSIBLE...and then an apology might actually be considered sincere...of course if he knew all along he should RESIGN...after all his promise was about as ironclad as one can make...

oldhippie1952's photo
Fri 11/08/13 06:33 AM
Ya'll forget he's putting "if" in keeping your policies now, that makes it alright you know??

Mortman's photo
Fri 11/08/13 06:38 AM

So how do you plan on using your prenatal care and abortion benefit?

One size does not fit all in healthcare, and this massive atrocity called a mandate to benefit 40M people will still leave 30M of them without insurance, and the 30M more who were insured before will now probably opt out for the tax instead....

Who will pay for this dud? Everyone! And fewer will be insured than before! With people opting out due to staggering costs for benefits they don't need, nobody can say what the cost will actually be to those then trapped in this system!

They should have just focused a plan on the uninsured problem and left the mandate out! It would have been far less expensive and a lot less might also have actually worked!

There is still another issue, perhaps even bigger than it being neither caring or affordable.....

Identity Theft To Skyrocket Under Obamacare

John McAfee and others have stated the same, and reports are coming in daily to prove it!

I don't need to worry about the ACA because I'm already covered by my employer group plan. Maybe if I change jobs later on, I can shop on my state's exchange. At least then, I'll know I'm getting a competitive price and it'll cover me.

The individual mandate is in place because there's also a mandate to disregard pre-existing conditions. Without the former, the latter wouldn't work, because people could just go without insurance and then run and buy some, the moment they or their family member gets sick.

This really isn't a "dud" as you say. For most people already on a group plan like me, it hardly affects me. However, for the millions of Americans who couldn't get health insurance before, it's wonderful. It's also going to be great for the tens of thousands of Americans who would otherwise die without health insurance, and the thousands more who face bankruptcy each year from medical bills.

As to the millions of uninsured who cannot get health insurance thanks to Obamacare, they're called undocumented immigrants. That was negotiated away early on. If you want to lobby your Congressional representative to get them covered, then I'll support that. Good luck.

Lastly, identity theft is not a product of Obamacare. It's been going on for years and has exploded more along with the Internet. If anything, Obamacare is just another way for scammers to target ignorant computer users. Maybe if Republicans actually helped out, instead of trying to sabotage every government program under Obama, at every opportunity, then things would work better.

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