Topic: Most disturbing movie ever!?
msharmony's photo
Fri 01/24/14 02:26 PM

High Tension

that was a well done movie, I like the ones that have hidden surprises right under your nose,,lol

msharmony's photo
Fri 01/24/14 02:27 PM

the filming was like something from a fisher price toy

It's not supposed to look like it's professionally filmed, kind of the point of the found footage genre.

kind of why its ridiculous for it to make so much money, looking like such a 'low budget' endeavor,,,

but Im not hating on successs, they were successful, more power to them, just not my cup of tea as a movie,,, for the above stated reasons,,,

msharmony's photo
Fri 01/24/14 02:28 PM

Justin Bieber: Never Say Never

laugh laugh laugh laugh

dont know why I find this funny, never saw the film, but anyway,,,,

laugh laugh laugh

no photo
Fri 01/24/14 02:46 PM

I also love the Blair Witch Project.

I thought it understood what truly horrifies people, and it started the whole home-recorded thing as Torgo mentioned.

There's an excellent short film that was made tied into the Blair Witch Project about Rustin Parr, it's called The Burkittsville 7.

Very creepy at times, especially the bits in the mental asylum.

Mississippigal2003's photo
Fri 01/24/14 11:28 PM
I just went and saw devils due. Not as good as I expected :(

willing2's photo
Fri 01/24/14 11:53 PM
I must have missed something.

I found that Blair Witch movie boring.

Kept expecting something to happen or jump out at me.

When in was over, I was very dissatisfied.

From the raves I've read about El Topo, I'm going to check it out.

no photo
Sat 01/25/14 11:44 AM
1. Human Centipede
2. The ABCs of Death - L is for Libido
3. The Bunny Game
4. Deadgirl
5. A Serbian Film
6. August Underground
7. Titicut Follies
8. Pink Flamingos
9. Sal�
10. Sweet Movie

no photo
Sat 01/25/14 12:24 PM
The Wizard of Oz
Freaked me out when I was a kid
I still carry the scars from the wicked witchsad

izzyphoto1977's photo
Sat 01/25/14 12:27 PM
"The sound of music. The hills are a live. Isn't that scary?" lol

Loved that line from Joey Lawrence's show

no photo
Sat 01/25/14 02:16 PM

The Wizard of Oz
Freaked me out when I was a kid
I still carry the scars from the wicked witchsad

It was the flying monkeys that freaked me out.

no photo
Sat 01/25/14 02:18 PM
Edited by Torgo70 on Sat 01/25/14 02:18 PM

1. Human Centipede
2. The ABCs of Death - L is for Libido
3. The Bunny Game
4. Deadgirl
5. A Serbian Film
6. August Underground
7. Titicut Follies
8. Pink Flamingos
9. Sal�
10. Sweet Movie

Great list, Red.

Pink Flamingos, was it the scene when Divine ate the dog poo?sick (And it was real!!)

no photo
Sat 01/25/14 02:23 PM

From the raves I've read about El Topo, I'm going to check it out.

El Topo is excellent. Very very surreal. From the same director also check out The Holy Mountain and Santa Sangre.

no photo
Sat 01/25/14 09:41 PM

1. Human Centipede
2. The ABCs of Death - L is for Libido
3. The Bunny Game
4. Deadgirl
5. A Serbian Film
6. August Underground
7. Titicut Follies
8. Pink Flamingos
9. Sal�
10. Sweet Movie

Great list, Red.

Pink Flamingos, was it the scene when Divine ate the dog poo?sick (And it was real!!)

Torgo, you do know I'm going to have to shove your DVD down your throat now, right? :p

The movies I included in my list just have scenes that are too twisted and perverse, I thought they should not be given any visual license at all. And what I found most disturbing is that if the human mind can conjure up those ideas, I'm sure some demented fock is going or have been doing it for real.

no photo
Sun 01/26/14 01:34 PM
I watched Silence of the Lambs for the first time about a year ago.
Phew, a bit of a head wreck that movie.

no photo
Sun 01/26/14 03:09 PM

1. Human Centipede
2. The ABCs of Death - L is for Libido
3. The Bunny Game
4. Deadgirl
5. A Serbian Film
6. August Underground
7. Titicut Follies
8. Pink Flamingos
9. Sal�
10. Sweet Movie

Agreed. Dig the list. I really wasn't that disturbed by the actual movie The Human Centipede, but more in concept.

no photo
Sun 01/26/14 03:10 PM
Also... I'm seriously not going through six pages of answers, but I want to throw something into the horror category - Phantasm.

It's a film that never explains itself and draws you into hell.

no photo
Sun 01/26/14 03:13 PM

Also... I'm seriously not going through six pages of answers, but I want to throw something into the horror category - Phantasm.

It's a film that never explains itself and draws you into hell.

That's what I love about the franchise, besides the original Phantasm IV has a great nightmare quality about it.

larsson71's photo
Sun 01/26/14 04:28 PM

Also... I'm seriously not going through six pages of answers, but I want to throw something into the horror category - Phantasm.

It's a film that never explains itself and draws you into hell.

That's what I love about the franchise, besides the original Phantasm IV has a great nightmare quality about it.
Torgo, that Human Centipede 2, is one sick film mate! You weren't joking about it? I thought i'd saw a lot before, but that was bad!

binaryprobe's photo
Sun 01/26/14 04:35 PM
Traces of death puts faces to shame.

no photo
Sun 01/26/14 04:38 PM

Also... I'm seriously not going through six pages of answers, but I want to throw something into the horror category - Phantasm.

It's a film that never explains itself and draws you into hell.

That's what I love about the franchise, besides the original Phantasm IV has a great nightmare quality about it.
Torgo, that Human Centipede 2, is one sick film mate! You weren't joking about it? I thought i'd saw a lot before, but that was bad!

And there's a third one on the way!