Topic: Going to church alone | |
I find church the loneliest place to go alone. People are with their families and friends, and it is if I've crashed a party. The assigned greeters and handshake do not mean much when it is mandatory.
Any suggestions on going to church alone? I am a Christian, but church attendance is a challenge to myself and my single friends. |
I find church the loneliest place to go alone. People are with their families and friends, and it is if I've crashed a party. The assigned greeters and handshake do not mean much when it is mandatory. Any suggestions on going to church alone? I am a Christian, but church attendance is a challenge to myself and my single friends. My advice is to find a church that you can really get involved in and has a bible study/class for singles. The more people you know at church, the more relationships you make and can be a blessing to. When you bless others, you are blessed and you realize the purpose of this journey while you are single. After this, the lonely factor seems to disappear. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
how about going to church to worship and leave the socializing for after the service. i guarantee i guarantee that if you are not comfortable going alone to a church service, you are in the wrong place
(bulldog double guarantee - patent pending) |
I find church the loneliest place to go alone. People are with their families and friends, and it is if I've crashed a party. The assigned greeters and handshake do not mean much when it is mandatory. Any suggestions on going to church alone? I am a Christian, but church attendance is a challenge to myself and my single friends. Maybe you and your single friends should go togeather. I go to church alone to at times too.Once I get there,I am fine and not alone at all! |
i agree with wolf chick,,,,,,,,,,nothing in this wold is perfect,,, take in what fits and leave the rest......i do not mean this to be judgmental.....
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I'm glad when they say lets go to the house of God.As a single,i have all the time to pray,study the word,fast,attend all church activities except when i'm on work duty.Serve God now with all your heart b4 a partner comes your way.lonelines has never been in my dict 'cos am filled with the Spirit of the father God
I agree with Jesusprincessmt - if you can, try to find a church with a singles group and/or young professionals group. Church can definitely be a lonely place, especially if you are just starting out attending one. Hopefully the believers there are welcoming, but effort has to be made on both sides for friendships to develop. Maybe try talking to one of the pastors, or call the office to see if they have a singles group or some sort of home group/study group?
I didn't necessarily feel like going to church this morning, but I went and God definitely spoke to me, and I ended up seeing a friend there and sitting with her! It got me out of my comfort zone and it was a powerful sermon on fearing God. Hope you find a local church you can call home! |
I find church the loneliest place to go alone. People are with their families and friends, and it is if I've crashed a party. The assigned greeters and handshake do not mean much when it is mandatory. Any suggestions on going to church alone? I am a Christian, but church attendance is a challenge to myself and my single friends. My advice is to find a church that you can really get involved in and has a bible study/class for singles. The more people you know at church, the more relationships you make and can be a blessing to. When you bless others, you are blessed and you realize the purpose of this journey while you are single. After this, the lonely factor seems to disappear. ![]() ![]() ![]() Awesome advice! ![]() |
I agree with Jesusprincessmt - if you can, try to find a church with a singles group and/or young professionals group. Church can definitely be a lonely place, especially if you are just starting out attending one. Hopefully the believers there are welcoming, but effort has to be made on both sides for friendships to develop. Maybe try talking to one of the pastors, or call the office to see if they have a singles group or some sort of home group/study group? I didn't necessarily feel like going to church this morning, but I went and God definitely spoke to me, and I ended up seeing a friend there and sitting with her! It got me out of my comfort zone and it was a powerful sermon on fearing God. Hope you find a local church you can call home! "...but effort has to be made on both sides for friendships to develop." I agree. ![]() Welcome to Christian Singles, ilovefall! |
I have to agree. The part of a service that I absolutely despise and makes my skin crawl is the meet and greet. "Now I want all of our MEMBERS to seek out someone they do not know and introduce yourself to them." There is a scramble while all the MEMBERS look to fulfill their duty and shake as many hands as possible. While they are shaking your hand and saying how glad they are to see you and how lucky you are to be here, they are looking for the next fish to catch. I usually have an uncontrolable bladder problem about that time and head for the restroom. I have been on both sides of this and now attend a church I am not particularly fond of (really bad music and bland milk for sermons). I have been there about 2 months and there may be 4 people who even know my name and that is because they know me from outside church. Unfortunately Church is the most segregated bigoted place on a Sunday morning. I don't think Jesus would be welcome in most mainline churches. Imagine a robed bearded figure of a man, dirty from walking in the dust, and wearing sandals. I am sure that Sister Papoofnick, and Brother Iamholy would run right up and make Him feel as if He was important.
We are the temple of the Holy Ghost, not a building, not an oranization. Christianity is supposed to be an oraganism not a business. The services are so structured that if The Holy Ghost were to appear He would be told to sit down because He was not following the "order of service". I will continue to go as much as possible but, since the church is about 50Km away and my sole transportation is an ATV it is difficult at times (rain). While there I seek Jesus and sing praises in silence so as not to disturb the religious folk. |
The 'Meet & Greet' is very special to me.
I do that as soon as I come in the building, in the parking lot before and after church. I assume that every soul is a member of the body of Christ and we are as one body together. I see shaking hands as the right-hand-of-fellowship and hugs as the laying on of hands and kisses as greeting one another with a holy kiss. My spirit is sincere about this as I know it has its impact on others. It kindles a warm welcome in the members and prepares them for what else the Spirit of God may have for them in the sermon. |
I find church the loneliest place to go alone. People are with their families and friends, and it is if I've crashed a party. The assigned greeters and handshake do not mean much when it is mandatory. Any suggestions on going to church alone? I am a Christian, but church attendance is a challenge to myself and my single friends. Jesus was single. So, why should your singleness be a problem? |