Topic: Same sex marriage,a neo-population control?
moneylow7's photo
Thu 09/26/13 09:04 PM
no. It's just a new way people have started accepting some aspects of humans.

lionsbrew's photo
Thu 09/26/13 10:33 PM

I have a serious problem with prejudice in any form. And when you have a problem with a certain group of people based on religion,skin color, sexual orientation, or gender its prejudice. For any of those who would dispute that fact need to look up the word in the dictionary.

For those whom do not think homosexuality is natural, lets take a look at the animal kingdom and see what other species besides us that engage in the act.

Dogs. Yes mans best friend use sodomy as a way to show dominance in the pack order. The order of alpha isn't always determined by fighting.

Monkeys apes and other primates. Some species use sex as a greeting and a way of tightening the bonds of the troop even within the same gender.

Hyenas. In their patriarchal society females are even born with mock penises so they can use sex as a form of dominance much like with dogs.

Just to name a few. So now seeing as it occurs in other species besides our own in the natural world. Saying it is unnatural is also a statement which should be considered false.

this is just stupid... do you even know what gay is? is being gay about love or sex? when a dog humps your leg, is that gay? i've seen dogs hump anything from tree stumps to teddy bears... there is no love with animals, purely sex that instincts dictate to them... so by what your saying here is that being gay is nothing more than sex?

No what I am saying is homosexual acts happens in more than just our species. Since others are saying its not natural. As for my post being stupid you must be in doubt since you started insulting it. Hope I was able to clarify what I meant. But it has opened my eyes a little to the reason why prejudice is so common. Its due to a lack of understanding. And this may piss some of the bible bangers off a bit but....How about we who are without sin cast the first stone......laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

seems to me your insulting gays by comparing them to animals, whos whole thought process is about instinct, not much else... gays choose their partners, animals pretty much find the first one that comes along... is there a real correlation there?

Seems to me you haven't read the whole post since I don think the strengthening of family bonds from the primates is screwing the first thing that comes along. I was pretty sure I was clear enough about my point after making it. So I mean If you want to continue picking apart my post make sure to read the whole thing before popping off at the jaw. I don't mind an intelligent debate but this is far from one. Hating on gay marriage is just plain bigotry. Saying that the act was unnatural needed to be disproved as well. Probably just me being irritated that in this day and age which is supposed to be the information age people can still hang on to thinking from the dark ages.

we can make it real simple... you have an opinion, and i have an opinion... so if my opinion bothers you, maybe you should just "get over it" as the gays are so fond of talking about gay monkeys is not going to change my opinion, and i'm sure nothing i can say will make you change your mind either....

so that boils down to two things - either we can sit here and call each other names, or just understand that our opinions are our own, and not let it bother us...

I don't remember insulting you. I may have used your own words against you in our little debate. I did point out how certain actions and beliefs are labeled by definition as prejudice. But not once did I go out name calling. Although yes it is some what frustrating when something so clearly put is misunderstood. Obviously I did catch on to the attempt at turn around in the debate where you tried to push me to the opposing side using what was typed in an attempt to make it seem like I was the one insulting gays. That little debate trick is old hat and easily seen through. I think the moment my post and by association I was called stupid lost the debate for the opposing side. Especially after you made it a point of saying how when all else fails the liberals will just insult.

Conrad_73's photo
Fri 09/27/13 01:09 AM
Edited by Conrad_73 on Fri 09/27/13 01:11 AM
Nigerian Student Chibuihem Amalaha 'Uses Science To Prove Gay Marriage Is Wrong'

A student in Nigeria is claiming he can prove gay marriage is wrong through science - and his scientific "breakthrough" is backed by his university.

Chibuihem Amalaha, who has won awards in his country for reporting on energy science and featured on various national television stations, says he used a magnet experiment to prove homosexuality is "improper".

Amalaha says his "groundbreaking" experiments show the north and south poles of two magnets are attracted to each other while same poles repel each other.

He concludes this means that man cannot attract another man because they are the same, and a woman should not attract a woman because they are the same. That is how I used physics to prove gay marriage wrong".

Amalaha's "research" has been commended by the University of Lagos, where he is a postgraduate student, and has been told by lecturers he will "win a Nobel prize one day". The interview with the student was published on Nigerian website This Day Live, where his findings appear to be presented as fact.

"A University of Lagos post graduate student, Chibuihem Amalaha, from Imo State has used science to prove that gay marriage is improper among other breakthroughs, writes Charles Ajunwa," the article states. "He talked about his researches and scientific breakthroughs with the confidence of an achiever..

"..And now his works have earned him the respect in the world of science."

South African gay lifestyle website slammed the interview, saying it was "absurd".

"It's debatable as to whether the embarrassing article is more damming of the standard of education at the University of Lagos or of the standard of journalism at This Day," criticises writer Luiz DeBarros. "The uncritical and uninformed article is likely to add to the ignorance and prejudice surrounding homosexuality in Nigeria."

Nigeria's laws on homosexual acts are notoriously harsh; current legislation punishes homosexual acts with up to 14 years in jail, or, in some northern regions of the country, death by stoning.

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Toodygirl5's photo
Fri 09/27/13 09:25 AM

If our great grand parents had practiced same sex marriage,we surely wouldnt be here on earth today.Could this be a neo-world population control?

No it is not a neo-world population control! It is a sexual preference of Sinful men and women.

Conrad_73's photo
Fri 09/27/13 09:33 AM

If our great grand parents had practiced same sex marriage,we surely wouldnt be here on earth today.Could this be a neo-world population control?

No it is not a neo-world population control! It is a sexual preference of Sinful men and women.
noway noway noway

Toodygirl5's photo
Fri 09/27/13 09:38 AM
Edited by Toodygirl5 on Fri 09/27/13 09:46 AM

If our great grand parents had practiced same sex marriage,we surely wouldnt be here on earth today.Could this be a neo-world population control?

No it is not a neo-world population control! It is a sexual preference of Sinful men and women.
noway noway noway

Yes, all unrighteousness is Sin. And, the Bible teaches against same sex marriage. If you are not a Christian, then you probably would Not believe are follow God's commands anyway!

mightymoe's photo
Fri 09/27/13 01:41 PM

I have a serious problem with prejudice in any form. And when you have a problem with a certain group of people based on religion,skin color, sexual orientation, or gender its prejudice. For any of those who would dispute that fact need to look up the word in the dictionary.

For those whom do not think homosexuality is natural, lets take a look at the animal kingdom and see what other species besides us that engage in the act.

Dogs. Yes mans best friend use sodomy as a way to show dominance in the pack order. The order of alpha isn't always determined by fighting.

Monkeys apes and other primates. Some species use sex as a greeting and a way of tightening the bonds of the troop even within the same gender.

Hyenas. In their patriarchal society females are even born with mock penises so they can use sex as a form of dominance much like with dogs.

Just to name a few. So now seeing as it occurs in other species besides our own in the natural world. Saying it is unnatural is also a statement which should be considered false.

this is just stupid... do you even know what gay is? is being gay about love or sex? when a dog humps your leg, is that gay? i've seen dogs hump anything from tree stumps to teddy bears... there is no love with animals, purely sex that instincts dictate to them... so by what your saying here is that being gay is nothing more than sex?

No what I am saying is homosexual acts happens in more than just our species. Since others are saying its not natural. As for my post being stupid you must be in doubt since you started insulting it. Hope I was able to clarify what I meant. But it has opened my eyes a little to the reason why prejudice is so common. Its due to a lack of understanding. And this may piss some of the bible bangers off a bit but....How about we who are without sin cast the first stone......laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

seems to me your insulting gays by comparing them to animals, whos whole thought process is about instinct, not much else... gays choose their partners, animals pretty much find the first one that comes along... is there a real correlation there?

Seems to me you haven't read the whole post since I don think the strengthening of family bonds from the primates is screwing the first thing that comes along. I was pretty sure I was clear enough about my point after making it. So I mean If you want to continue picking apart my post make sure to read the whole thing before popping off at the jaw. I don't mind an intelligent debate but this is far from one. Hating on gay marriage is just plain bigotry. Saying that the act was unnatural needed to be disproved as well. Probably just me being irritated that in this day and age which is supposed to be the information age people can still hang on to thinking from the dark ages.

we can make it real simple... you have an opinion, and i have an opinion... so if my opinion bothers you, maybe you should just "get over it" as the gays are so fond of talking about gay monkeys is not going to change my opinion, and i'm sure nothing i can say will make you change your mind either....

so that boils down to two things - either we can sit here and call each other names, or just understand that our opinions are our own, and not let it bother us...

I don't remember insulting you. I may have used your own words against you in our little debate. I did point out how certain actions and beliefs are labeled by definition as prejudice. But not once did I go out name calling. Although yes it is some what frustrating when something so clearly put is misunderstood. Obviously I did catch on to the attempt at turn around in the debate where you tried to push me to the opposing side using what was typed in an attempt to make it seem like I was the one insulting gays. That little debate trick is old hat and easily seen through. I think the moment my post and by association I was called stupid lost the debate for the opposing side. Especially after you made it a point of saying how when all else fails the liberals will just insult.

lol. i wasn't calling you stupid, i was calling the idea stupid... i don't believe animals can "love", in the same definition that humans use.. so, that argument is a bit silly to me... i don't have an issue with gay people, they do their thing, i do mine. so our paths should cross as little as possible..

lionsbrew's photo
Fri 09/27/13 05:08 PM

I have a serious problem with prejudice in any form. And when you have a problem with a certain group of people based on religion,skin color, sexual orientation, or gender its prejudice. For any of those who would dispute that fact need to look up the word in the dictionary.

For those whom do not think homosexuality is natural, lets take a look at the animal kingdom and see what other species besides us that engage in the act.

Dogs. Yes mans best friend use sodomy as a way to show dominance in the pack order. The order of alpha isn't always determined by fighting.

Monkeys apes and other primates. Some species use sex as a greeting and a way of tightening the bonds of the troop even within the same gender.

Hyenas. In their patriarchal society females are even born with mock penises so they can use sex as a form of dominance much like with dogs.

Just to name a few. So now seeing as it occurs in other species besides our own in the natural world. Saying it is unnatural is also a statement which should be considered false.

this is just stupid... do you even know what gay is? is being gay about love or sex? when a dog humps your leg, is that gay? i've seen dogs hump anything from tree stumps to teddy bears... there is no love with animals, purely sex that instincts dictate to them... so by what your saying here is that being gay is nothing more than sex?

No what I am saying is homosexual acts happens in more than just our species. Since others are saying its not natural. As for my post being stupid you must be in doubt since you started insulting it. Hope I was able to clarify what I meant. But it has opened my eyes a little to the reason why prejudice is so common. Its due to a lack of understanding. And this may piss some of the bible bangers off a bit but....How about we who are without sin cast the first stone......laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

seems to me your insulting gays by comparing them to animals, whos whole thought process is about instinct, not much else... gays choose their partners, animals pretty much find the first one that comes along... is there a real correlation there?

Seems to me you haven't read the whole post since I don think the strengthening of family bonds from the primates is screwing the first thing that comes along. I was pretty sure I was clear enough about my point after making it. So I mean If you want to continue picking apart my post make sure to read the whole thing before popping off at the jaw. I don't mind an intelligent debate but this is far from one. Hating on gay marriage is just plain bigotry. Saying that the act was unnatural needed to be disproved as well. Probably just me being irritated that in this day and age which is supposed to be the information age people can still hang on to thinking from the dark ages.

we can make it real simple... you have an opinion, and i have an opinion... so if my opinion bothers you, maybe you should just "get over it" as the gays are so fond of talking about gay monkeys is not going to change my opinion, and i'm sure nothing i can say will make you change your mind either....

so that boils down to two things - either we can sit here and call each other names, or just understand that our opinions are our own, and not let it bother us...

I don't remember insulting you. I may have used your own words against you in our little debate. I did point out how certain actions and beliefs are labeled by definition as prejudice. But not once did I go out name calling. Although yes it is some what frustrating when something so clearly put is misunderstood. Obviously I did catch on to the attempt at turn around in the debate where you tried to push me to the opposing side using what was typed in an attempt to make it seem like I was the one insulting gays. That little debate trick is old hat and easily seen through. I think the moment my post and by association I was called stupid lost the debate for the opposing side. Especially after you made it a point of saying how when all else fails the liberals will just insult.

lol. i wasn't calling you stupid, i was calling the idea stupid... i don't believe animals can "love", in the same definition that humans use.. so, that argument is a bit silly to me... i don't have an issue with gay people, they do their thing, i do mine. so our paths should cross as little as possible..

I dunno maybe its cause we always treated our dog like a member of the family and being one who has trained dogs. Their ability to learn and how they protect their pack unit to me is very human like. Having had mine and my families house and lives saved by my Rocky dog I do think they can love. I don't believe they are just dumb animals.

uche9aa's photo
Mon 09/30/13 04:44 AM

what's with the pre-occupation some people have with Homosexuality?slaphead

same thing that is up with some peoples 'preoccupation' with Government, or Obama, or religion.......etc,,,etc,,,,

Conrad_73's photo
Mon 09/30/13 04:53 AM

If our great grand parents had practiced same sex marriage,we surely wouldnt be here on earth today.Could this be a neo-world population control?

No it is not a neo-world population control! It is a sexual preference of Sinful men and women.
noway noway noway

Yes, all unrighteousness is Sin. And, the Bible teaches against same sex marriage. If you are not a Christian, then you probably would Not believe are follow God's commands anyway!
sure glad there were no good People on this Earth until that itinerant Preacher came along!laugh

Besides,I do not need Christianity to teach me Morality and Ethics!
Not with it's Trackrecord!

mightymoe's photo
Mon 09/30/13 03:01 PM

I have a serious problem with prejudice in any form. And when you have a problem with a certain group of people based on religion,skin color, sexual orientation, or gender its prejudice. For any of those who would dispute that fact need to look up the word in the dictionary.

For those whom do not think homosexuality is natural, lets take a look at the animal kingdom and see what other species besides us that engage in the act.

Dogs. Yes mans best friend use sodomy as a way to show dominance in the pack order. The order of alpha isn't always determined by fighting.

Monkeys apes and other primates. Some species use sex as a greeting and a way of tightening the bonds of the troop even within the same gender.

Hyenas. In their patriarchal society females are even born with mock penises so they can use sex as a form of dominance much like with dogs.

Just to name a few. So now seeing as it occurs in other species besides our own in the natural world. Saying it is unnatural is also a statement which should be considered false.

this is just stupid... do you even know what gay is? is being gay about love or sex? when a dog humps your leg, is that gay? i've seen dogs hump anything from tree stumps to teddy bears... there is no love with animals, purely sex that instincts dictate to them... so by what your saying here is that being gay is nothing more than sex?

No what I am saying is homosexual acts happens in more than just our species. Since others are saying its not natural. As for my post being stupid you must be in doubt since you started insulting it. Hope I was able to clarify what I meant. But it has opened my eyes a little to the reason why prejudice is so common. Its due to a lack of understanding. And this may piss some of the bible bangers off a bit but....How about we who are without sin cast the first stone......laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

seems to me your insulting gays by comparing them to animals, whos whole thought process is about instinct, not much else... gays choose their partners, animals pretty much find the first one that comes along... is there a real correlation there?

Seems to me you haven't read the whole post since I don think the strengthening of family bonds from the primates is screwing the first thing that comes along. I was pretty sure I was clear enough about my point after making it. So I mean If you want to continue picking apart my post make sure to read the whole thing before popping off at the jaw. I don't mind an intelligent debate but this is far from one. Hating on gay marriage is just plain bigotry. Saying that the act was unnatural needed to be disproved as well. Probably just me being irritated that in this day and age which is supposed to be the information age people can still hang on to thinking from the dark ages.

we can make it real simple... you have an opinion, and i have an opinion... so if my opinion bothers you, maybe you should just "get over it" as the gays are so fond of talking about gay monkeys is not going to change my opinion, and i'm sure nothing i can say will make you change your mind either....

so that boils down to two things - either we can sit here and call each other names, or just understand that our opinions are our own, and not let it bother us...

I don't remember insulting you. I may have used your own words against you in our little debate. I did point out how certain actions and beliefs are labeled by definition as prejudice. But not once did I go out name calling. Although yes it is some what frustrating when something so clearly put is misunderstood. Obviously I did catch on to the attempt at turn around in the debate where you tried to push me to the opposing side using what was typed in an attempt to make it seem like I was the one insulting gays. That little debate trick is old hat and easily seen through. I think the moment my post and by association I was called stupid lost the debate for the opposing side. Especially after you made it a point of saying how when all else fails the liberals will just insult.

lol. i wasn't calling you stupid, i was calling the idea stupid... i don't believe animals can "love", in the same definition that humans use.. so, that argument is a bit silly to me... i don't have an issue with gay people, they do their thing, i do mine. so our paths should cross as little as possible..

I dunno maybe its cause we always treated our dog like a member of the family and being one who has trained dogs. Their ability to learn and how they protect their pack unit to me is very human like. Having had mine and my families house and lives saved by my Rocky dog I do think they can love. I don't believe they are just dumb animals.

i respect your opinion, but let me ask you this... why would a dog help and not a cat? because with dogs, it's a pack animal instinct, and cats are not pack animals... i guess when someone actually defines love, we can continue this then...

Toodygirl5's photo
Mon 09/30/13 06:25 PM

If our great grand parents had practiced same sex marriage,we surely wouldnt be here on earth today.Could this be a neo-world population control?

No it is not a neo-world population control! It is a sexual preference of Sinful men and women.
noway noway noway

Yes, all unrighteousness is Sin. And, the Bible teaches against same sex marriage. If you are not a Christian, then you probably would Not believe are follow God's commands anyway!
sure glad there were no good People on this Earth until that itinerant Preacher came along!laugh

Besides,I do not need Christianity to teach me Morality and Ethics!
Not with it's Trackrecord!

Our goodness is like filthy Rags in God's eyes unless you know Christ.

God has always been here and HE never changes.

uche9aa's photo
Wed 10/02/13 02:13 AM

HMMMMM! Wonder where we would be today if Adam and Eve had been homosexual?

uche9aa's photo
Wed 10/02/13 02:14 AM

HMMMMM! Wonder where we would be today if Adam and Eve had been homosexual?

Conrad_73's photo
Wed 10/02/13 02:26 AM

If our great grand parents had practiced same sex marriage,we surely wouldnt be here on earth today.Could this be a neo-world population control?

No it is not a neo-world population control! It is a sexual preference of Sinful men and women.
noway noway noway

Yes, all unrighteousness is Sin. And, the Bible teaches against same sex marriage. If you are not a Christian, then you probably would Not believe are follow God's commands anyway!
sure glad there were no good People on this Earth until that itinerant Preacher came along!laugh

Besides,I do not need Christianity to teach me Morality and Ethics!
Not with it's Trackrecord!

Our goodness is like filthy Rags in God's eyes unless you know Christ.

God has always been here and HE never changes.

says you!laugh

Wandering in a vast forest at night, I have only a faint light to guide me. A stranger appears and says to me: "My friend, you should blow out your candle in order to find your way more clearly." This stranger is a theologian.
Denis Diderot, Addition aux Pensees philosophiques, from John Daintith, et al, eds. The Macmillan Dictionary of Quotations (2000) p. 34, quoted from R, Rotando, in a personal letter to Cliff Walker (December 17, 2001)

Mme La Mar�chale: Are you not Monsieur Crudeli?
Crudeli: Yes, Madame.
Mme La Mar�chale: Then you're the man who doesn't believe in anything.
Crudeli: In person, madame.
Mme La Mar�chale: Yet your moral principles are the same as those of a believer?
Crudeli: Why should they not be -- as long as the believer is an honest man?
Mme La Mar�chale: And do you act upon your principles?
Crudeli: To the best of my ability.
Mme La Mar�chale: What? You don't steal? You don't kill people? You don't rob them?
Crudeli: Very rarely.
Mme La Mar�chale: Then what do you gain by not being a believer?
Crudeli: Nothing at all, madame. Is one a believer from motives of profit?
Denis Diderot, "Conversation with a Christian Lady" (1774), trans. Derek Coltman, quoted from S T Joshi, ed, Atheism: A Reader, p. 229

Conrad_73's photo
Wed 10/02/13 02:27 AM

If our great grand parents had practiced same sex marriage,we surely wouldnt be here on earth today.Could this be a neo-world population control?

No it is not a neo-world population control! It is a sexual preference of Sinful men and women.
noway noway noway

Yes, all unrighteousness is Sin. And, the Bible teaches against same sex marriage. If you are not a Christian, then you probably would Not believe are follow God's commands anyway!
sure glad there were no good People on this Earth until that itinerant Preacher came along!laugh

Besides,I do not need Christianity to teach me Morality and Ethics!
Not with it's Trackrecord!

Our goodness is like filthy Rags in God's eyes unless you know Christ.

God has always been here and HE never changes.

actually he did change his mind quite often!

mightymoe's photo
Wed 10/02/13 10:45 AM

If our great grand parents had practiced same sex marriage,we surely wouldnt be here on earth today.Could this be a neo-world population control?

No it is not a neo-world population control! It is a sexual preference of Sinful men and women.
noway noway noway

Yes, all unrighteousness is Sin. And, the Bible teaches against same sex marriage. If you are not a Christian, then you probably would Not believe are follow God's commands anyway!
sure glad there were no good People on this Earth until that itinerant Preacher came along!laugh

Besides,I do not need Christianity to teach me Morality and Ethics!
Not with it's Trackrecord!

Our goodness is like filthy Rags in God's eyes unless you know Christ.

God has always been here and HE never changes.

actually he did change his mind quite often!

writing a whole new bible wasn't a mind change?

Toodygirl5's photo
Wed 10/02/13 12:35 PM

If our great grand parents had practiced same sex marriage,we surely wouldnt be here on earth today.Could this be a neo-world population control?

No it is not a neo-world population control! It is a sexual preference of Sinful men and women.
noway noway noway

Yes, all unrighteousness is Sin. And, the Bible teaches against same sex marriage. If you are not a Christian, then you probably would Not believe are follow God's commands anyway!
sure glad there were no good People on this Earth until that itinerant Preacher came along!laugh

Besides,I do not need Christianity to teach me Morality and Ethics!
Not with it's Trackrecord!

Our goodness is like filthy Rags in God's eyes unless you know Christ.

God has always been here and HE never changes.

actually he did change his mind quite often!

God has Always been a Righteous God. Not about changing His mind.
He never changes in His Righteousness. God hates Sin.

metalwing's photo
Wed 10/02/13 01:40 PM
Eating too much pork with shorten your lifespan!

Conrad_73's photo
Wed 10/02/13 02:19 PM

If our great grand parents had practiced same sex marriage,we surely wouldnt be here on earth today.Could this be a neo-world population control?

No it is not a neo-world population control! It is a sexual preference of Sinful men and women.
noway noway noway

Yes, all unrighteousness is Sin. And, the Bible teaches against same sex marriage. If you are not a Christian, then you probably would Not believe are follow God's commands anyway!
sure glad there were no good People on this Earth until that itinerant Preacher came along!laugh

Besides,I do not need Christianity to teach me Morality and Ethics!
Not with it's Trackrecord!

Our goodness is like filthy Rags in God's eyes unless you know Christ.

God has always been here and HE never changes.

actually he did change his mind quite often!

God has Always been a Righteous God. Not about changing His mind.
He never changes in His Righteousness. God hates Sin.

you really need to do some reading!
That means those same Scriptures you are quoting!