Topic: Another Thug Dead
no photo
Wed 08/07/13 09:31 AM
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This child was only 14. He had a gun. His parents failed him. The cops had every right to shoot him if he pointed a gun at them.

Lpdon's photo
Thu 08/08/13 12:33 AM

Legalize and tax drugs and these punks might have to find real jobs, complete school, and actually become something other than thugs and statistics.

The economy would improve as well..... until congress started arguing over how to spend the new found wealth

CIA would be pi$$ed tho..... they would have to start going to congress for funding of their black ops if we legalized drugs and removed their cash cow!

Legalizing drugs and taxing them wouldn't bring the government a ton of cash flow as the drug cartels and gangs will always have more and better drugs that are tax free.
Most people would more than likely stick with their dealers over the government.
Plus legalizing drugs would only lead to more problems involving crime of DUI among others.
Police Stations all across the US are stretched thin as it is with some exceptions.


Your assumptions are totally more ways than one

I suggest more research because your statement could not be further from the truth!

They're not assumptions.
They're facts.
I suggest you do your research because you're missing some screws for your contraption.


Your exactly right, not to mention that this incident wasn't drug related, but gang related.

Lpdon's photo
Thu 08/08/13 01:24 AM

Did he look anything like Obama's son?

I am just waiting for Jesse or Al to jump all over this, and the other 94% of all black males killed by other black males!

willing2's photo
Thu 08/08/13 05:50 AM
What race were the cops who shot him.

If, they were Caucasian, they'll call it racial.

If, they were negro, they'll call it justified.

msharmony's photo
Thu 08/08/13 07:20 AM

Did he look anything like Obama's son?

I am just waiting for Jesse or Al to jump all over this, and the other 94% of all black males killed by other black males!

Im pretty sure the incarceration and conviction rates reassure many of us that those black males killing other black males will be dealt with by the justice system as they should be,,,,,

frustrated frustrated

msharmony's photo
Thu 08/08/13 07:21 AM

What race were the cops who shot him.

If, they were Caucasian, they'll call it racial.

If, they were negro, they'll call it justified.

lol,, you don't live in Nevada

race don't matter, if its a cop doing the shooting, its always gonna come back 'justified'

willing2's photo
Thu 08/08/13 07:31 AM

Did he look anything like Obama's son?

I am just waiting for Jesse or Al to jump all over this, and the other 94% of all black males killed by other black males!

Won't happen.
No money or fame in it.
To their kind, they have to keep the fallacy alive.
If the real truth came out, they'd lose they free rides.

msharmony's photo
Thu 08/08/13 07:34 AM
laugh laugh

real truth?

anyone here have it?

Sojourning_Soul's photo
Thu 08/08/13 08:50 AM
Edited by Sojourning_Soul on Thu 08/08/13 09:00 AM

Legalize and tax drugs and these punks might have to find real jobs, complete school, and actually become something other than thugs and statistics.

The economy would improve as well..... until congress started arguing over how to spend the new found wealth

CIA would be pi$$ed tho..... they would have to start going to congress for funding of their black ops if we legalized drugs and removed their cash cow!

Legalizing drugs and taxing them wouldn't bring the government a ton of cash flow as the drug cartels and gangs will always have more and better drugs that are tax free.
Most people would more than likely stick with their dealers over the government.
Plus legalizing drugs would only lead to more problems involving crime of DUI among others.
Police Stations all across the US are stretched thin as it is with some exceptions.


Your assumptions are totally more ways than one

I suggest more research because your statement could not be further from the truth!

They're not assumptions.
They're facts.
I suggest you do your research because you're missing some screws for your contraption.


Dude, I worked with NORML for 5 years, attended all the meetings, sat in on debates,argued legislation, enforcement and laws, was involved with this issue inside and out, and you want me to believe your assumptions are facts? rofl

My facts are not assumptions.
They're facts.

If you legalized all illegal drugs (As your theory suggests) and taxed them the drug users wouldn't just pile into the stores the goverments selling it in and buy it.
As the government would likely place a high tax on these drugs and require identification to keep it out of the hands of young teens and would likely put that information into a database so that the police knows who you are in case the users are involved in crimes which would be likely.
As well as the quality and quantity of the drugs, they won't be on the same level as what someone could get on the streets.
Drug users wouldn't want that hassle and drug cartels and gangs would be selling their drugs tax and ID free.
DUI would only go upwards when you make illegal drugs widely available like that, as would crime.
There's a reason that a lot of those drugs are illegal.

These are not assumptions.
These are the facts of what would happen.
Legalizing all drugs and taxing them would not bring the government tons of money.
On top of the spike in crime that it would lead to, it would cost the government any money they may have made.


Guess you have no idea why prohibition was abolished on alcohol huh?

It ended many of the problems of gang violence, and gangsters like Capone, and their hold and corruption on local gov't.

Now it is legal, taxed, and everywhere. Prohibition is nothing but a violation of individual rights!

Criminals are made by unjust laws. Some laws and some gov't is needed, nobody wants chaos or anarchy as rule, but you can't mandate human desire. There will always be some who feel slighted by one law or another, there will always be a criminal element, but making a choice of your own pleasure, as long as it doesn't infringe on the rights of others, should never be a criminal act.

Gov't has the right to levy a tax. That's where the money for gov't spending comes from. The Federal Reserve and their IRS are the exception. Personal income tax was never the feds job! They have overstepped their boundries by using false interpretation of the commerce clause as justification.

Power and money will always corrupt, and our "leaders", who are supposed to be only representatives, are no exception to that truth!

no photo
Thu 08/08/13 09:42 AM

Did he look anything like Obama's son?

I am just waiting for Jesse or Al to jump all over this, and the other 94% of all black males killed by other black males!

Im pretty sure the incarceration and conviction rates reassure many of us that those black males killing other black males will be dealt with by the justice system as they should be,,,,,

frustrated frustrated

So shooting and killing a black dude is okay if it is done by another black dude, but if it is done by whitey then it is a big deal and called racist?

Just like using the N word. Blacks can do it, but whitey can't.

I think that's racist.

boredinaz06's photo
Thu 08/08/13 10:15 AM

Legalize and tax drugs and these punks might have to find real jobs, complete school, and actually become something other than thugs and statistics.

The economy would improve as well..... until congress started arguing over how to spend the new found wealth

CIA would be pi$$ed tho..... they would have to start going to congress for funding of their black ops if we legalized drugs and removed their cash cow!

Legalizing drugs and taxing them wouldn't bring the government a ton of cash flow as the drug cartels and gangs will always have more and better drugs that are tax free.
Most people would more than likely stick with their dealers over the government.
Plus legalizing drugs would only lead to more problems involving crime of DUI among others.
Police Stations all across the US are stretched thin as it is with some exceptions.


Your assumptions are totally more ways than one

I suggest more research because your statement could not be further from the truth!

They're not assumptions.
They're facts.
I suggest you do your research because you're missing some screws for your contraption.


Dude, I worked with NORML for 5 years, attended all the meetings, sat in on debates,argued legislation, enforcement and laws, was involved with this issue inside and out, and you want me to believe your assumptions are facts? rofl

My facts are not assumptions.
They're facts.

If you legalized all illegal drugs (As your theory suggests) and taxed them the drug users wouldn't just pile into the stores the goverments selling it in and buy it.
As the government would likely place a high tax on these drugs and require identification to keep it out of the hands of young teens and would likely put that information into a database so that the police knows who you are in case the users are involved in crimes which would be likely.
As well as the quality and quantity of the drugs, they won't be on the same level as what someone could get on the streets.
Drug users wouldn't want that hassle and drug cartels and gangs would be selling their drugs tax and ID free.
DUI would only go upwards when you make illegal drugs widely available like that, as would crime.
There's a reason that a lot of those drugs are illegal.

These are not assumptions.
These are the facts of what would happen.
Legalizing all drugs and taxing them would not bring the government tons of money.
On top of the spike in crime that it would lead to, it would cost the government any money they may have made.


Anytime the government gets involved in a business matter they have total and complete capability to undermine those business they are now in competition with. as it is, they already confiscate the cartels product so it would be nothing for the government to turn around and sell it for a tenth of what it sells for on the street ultimately running the dope man and cartels out of business.

msharmony's photo
Thu 08/08/13 11:13 AM

Did he look anything like Obama's son?

I am just waiting for Jesse or Al to jump all over this, and the other 94% of all black males killed by other black males!

Im pretty sure the incarceration and conviction rates reassure many of us that those black males killing other black males will be dealt with by the justice system as they should be,,,,,

frustrated frustrated

So shooting and killing a black dude is okay if it is done by another black dude, but if it is done by whitey then it is a big deal and called racist?

Just like using the N word. Blacks can do it, but whitey can't.

I think that's racist.


NO, shooting and killing ANYONE should be deterred and properly prosecuted by the law

when blacks kill blacks, it is not ok, and the JUSTICE SYSTEM usually treats it as such,,,,

as far as the n word, t here are actually some white folks who can call some black folks the n word,,

I call that familiarity and context,,,,

adj4u's photo
Thu 08/08/13 11:19 AM

Legalize and tax drugs and these punks might have to find real jobs, complete school, and actually become something other than thugs and statistics.

The economy would improve as well..... until congress started arguing over how to spend the new found wealth

CIA would be pi$$ed tho..... they would have to start going to congress for funding of their black ops if we legalized drugs and removed their cash cow!

Legalizing drugs and taxing them wouldn't bring the government a ton of cash flow as the drug cartels and gangs will always have more and better drugs that are tax free.
Most people would more than likely stick with their dealers over the government.
Plus legalizing drugs would only lead to more problems involving crime of DUI among others.
Police Stations all across the US are stretched thin as it is with some exceptions.


Your assumptions are totally more ways than one

I suggest more research because your statement could not be further from the truth!

thats why there are so many speakeasies selling illegal booze

TBRich's photo
Thu 08/08/13 11:27 AM
"Another thug dead" it sounds like someone is keeping score and please recall MacNammara's last couple interviews: attrition was a bad plan in Vietnam and it clearly is a bad plan here.

Sojourning_Soul's photo
Thu 08/08/13 11:35 AM
Edited by Sojourning_Soul on Thu 08/08/13 11:43 AM

Did he look anything like Obama's son?

I am just waiting for Jesse or Al to jump all over this, and the other 94% of all black males killed by other black males!

Im pretty sure the incarceration and conviction rates reassure many of us that those black males killing other black males will be dealt with by the justice system as they should be,,,,,

frustrated frustrated

So shooting and killing a black dude is okay if it is done by another black dude, but if it is done by whitey then it is a big deal and called racist?

Just like using the N word. Blacks can do it, but whitey can't.

I think that's racist.


NO, shooting and killing ANYONE should be deterred and properly prosecuted by the law

when blacks kill blacks, it is not ok, and the JUSTICE SYSTEM usually treats it as such,,,,

as far as the n word, t here are actually some white folks who can call some black folks the n word,,

I call that familiarity and context,,,,

I call it disrespect, but some are lacking in earning or giving that regard, But if you are comfortable with it......

I'm not, I consider it rude and debasive. My roommate is black, and one of my best friends. We (and our friends) are quite comfortable sharing jokes, opinions, and most anything regardless of reference to color or race. As close as we are, I, or he, out of respect, would never, even jokingly, refer to each other as ****** or cracker.

It's simply disrespectful.

It is interesting to note that the "n" word is blocked here, but cracker (being a common word.... I understand that) used in the same context or sentence is not.

Sojourning_Soul's photo
Thu 08/08/13 11:37 AM
Edited by Sojourning_Soul on Thu 08/08/13 11:40 AM

"Another thug dead" it sounds like someone is keeping score and please recall MacNammara's last couple interviews: attrition was a bad plan in Vietnam and it clearly is a bad plan here.

Thugs come in all shapes, color, sizes and sexes. "Thug" is by no means a racial innuendo but rather a character descriptive.

msharmony's photo
Thu 08/08/13 11:42 AM

Did he look anything like Obama's son?

I am just waiting for Jesse or Al to jump all over this, and the other 94% of all black males killed by other black males!

Im pretty sure the incarceration and conviction rates reassure many of us that those black males killing other black males will be dealt with by the justice system as they should be,,,,,

frustrated frustrated

So shooting and killing a black dude is okay if it is done by another black dude, but if it is done by whitey then it is a big deal and called racist?

Just like using the N word. Blacks can do it, but whitey can't.

I think that's racist.


NO, shooting and killing ANYONE should be deterred and properly prosecuted by the law

when blacks kill blacks, it is not ok, and the JUSTICE SYSTEM usually treats it as such,,,,

as far as the n word, t here are actually some white folks who can call some black folks the n word,,

I call that familiarity and context,,,,

I call it disrespect, but some are lacking in earning or giving that regard, But if you are comfortable with it......

I'm not, I consider it rude and debasive. My roommate is black, and one of my best friends. We (and our friends) are quite comfortable sharing jokes, opinions, and most anything regardless of reference to color or race. As close as we are, I, or he, out of respect, would never, even jokingly, refer to each other as ****** or cracker.

It's simply disrespectful.

it is disrespectful because YOU FEEL disrespected, and that's your peroagative

why I grew up , it ws disrespectful to refer to elders as anything OTHER than mr or mrs, and to this day I still don't

but many elders actually have a familiarity with younger folks where it does not offend them and they aSK that younger person to call them by a first name

bottom line is , we are given names for a reason

people in familiar circles can then create whatever terms/adjectives/slang they wish to refer to each other

if in doubt of whether we are part of that 'familiar circle' . it doesn't hurt to just use the perons name

there is nothing unfair or disrespectful in it,,,,

msharmony's photo
Thu 08/08/13 11:44 AM

"Another thug dead" it sounds like someone is keeping score and please recall MacNammara's last couple interviews: attrition was a bad plan in Vietnam and it clearly is a bad plan here.

Thugs come in all shapes, color, sizes and sexes. "Thug" is by no means a racial innuendo but rather a character descriptive.

one never knows in these threads

I will be watching for a thread with a 'thug' or 'feral' that displays a photo of someone NOT black,,,,

but I wont be holding my breath while I do it,,,

mightymoe's photo
Thu 08/08/13 11:49 AM

why is this not a hate crime?

Sojourning_Soul's photo
Thu 08/08/13 11:55 AM
Edited by Sojourning_Soul on Thu 08/08/13 12:00 PM

Did he look anything like Obama's son?

I am just waiting for Jesse or Al to jump all over this, and the other 94% of all black males killed by other black males!

Im pretty sure the incarceration and conviction rates reassure many of us that those black males killing other black males will be dealt with by the justice system as they should be,,,,,

frustrated frustrated

So shooting and killing a black dude is okay if it is done by another black dude, but if it is done by whitey then it is a big deal and called racist?

Just like using the N word. Blacks can do it, but whitey can't.

I think that's racist.


NO, shooting and killing ANYONE should be deterred and properly prosecuted by the law

when blacks kill blacks, it is not ok, and the JUSTICE SYSTEM usually treats it as such,,,,

as far as the n word, t here are actually some white folks who can call some black folks the n word,,

I call that familiarity and context,,,,

I call it disrespect, but some are lacking in earning or giving that regard, But if you are comfortable with it......

I'm not, I consider it rude and debasive. My roommate is black, and one of my best friends. We (and our friends) are quite comfortable sharing jokes, opinions, and most anything regardless of reference to color or race. As close as we are, I, or he, out of respect, would never, even jokingly, refer to each other as ****** or cracker.

It's simply disrespectful.

it is disrespectful because YOU FEEL disrespected, and that's your peroagative

why I grew up , it ws disrespectful to refer to elders as anything OTHER than mr or mrs, and to this day I still don't

but many elders actually have a familiarity with younger folks where it does not offend them and they aSK that younger person to call them by a first name

bottom line is , we are given names for a reason

people in familiar circles can then create whatever terms/adjectives/slang they wish to refer to each other

if in doubt of whether we are part of that 'familiar circle' . it doesn't hurt to just use the perons name

there is nothing unfair or disrespectful in it,,,,

It is a lack of pride only that would allow a person to be addressed with a disrespectful terminology regarding their race and not be offended. That's not to say it should require a violent response, but it should be noted as being disrespectful

My friends won't even use it when speaking of or to each other, and we've had that conversation, for that reason.

I guess my friends are not to be considered "normal" black people?

I'll have to ask their opinion on that one......