Reminds me of nebuchanezzar who required everyone to bow to his idol when the music was played.
As for "God bless America" being a prayer. Lol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The US government and people are doing everything they can do along with the rest of the world leaders to remove God from the equation. Smh. |
Edited by
Wed 07/03/13 09:18 PM
Someone was wise stating "nothing is so simple a child could understand" However the realization of what nothing is was not given.
Nothing is this: The absence of faith. Definition of faith is this: faith is being sure Of what we hope for And certain of what we do not see. Even as the scientist's state "empty space is something" And if someone should argue empty space is nothing then there is only one question for you.... where is your faith? Because we know from the beginning of time - given to men - that the universe was formed at Gods command, so that what is seen was not made out of what is visible. And alas all science seeks is that which is not visible. Therefore the definition of nothing is only this: faithlessness, hopelessness. And we know this definition is true and accurate as children because we know the power in the tongue as adults to speak things into being just as God did! |
Christian Divorce
Edited by
Wed 07/03/13 08:52 PM
Can a man and women make a vow to each other and God, when they are not even "Christian" and not following God's commands? First, people need to make a vow to serve Christ. People get divorced for all kinds of selfish reasons. But, God allows divorce, if your spouse is having a sex afair and you choose to divorce him/her. Also, if your spouse leaves You, You can divorce for desertion. (I Corinthians 7:15) (if an unbeliever leaves you are not bound) (Matthew 19:9) (marital unfaithfulness) You will not find anywhere in scripture where God permits divorce!! You will find these statements in scripture from God. "What God has joined together let man not separate." And "just as man and woman are united and become one flesh, so also whoever unites himself with Christ is One Spirit. If anyone claims God permits divorce would also claim God will like men forsake his beloved. Since we know God will never forsake his beloved having sworn by oath we know also with certainty he does not for any reason permit divorce. But you divorce for this one reason: because your hearts are hard. You swore an oath...your vows when you married before many witnesses and because your hearts were hard you divorced...that is those who have...and broke your vow before God and many witnesses.... and finally don't think God gave his approval because you divorced for infidelity because he FORGAVE YOU! Christian???? Shouldn't you forgive finding no fault as God finds no fault in those who confess their trespasses? |
Christian Divorce
Christian divorce. No such thing. 1 Corinthians 7 clearly states "if the. unbeliever leaves...." 1John confirms this also stating, "if they leave its because they do not belong to us"
That is, the unbeliever does not. belong to God and is not part of the One body of which Christ is the head. So, there is no such thing as Christian divorce for this statement God has also made in Malachi. "I hate divorce." It is violence not only against oneself but against your spouse and God. Divorce is hatred toward yourself your spouse and God as many who have divorced will openly admit. Wisdom for the simple. God bless. |
Matthew 4:20 I tell you the truth, unless your righteousness surpasses that of the lawyers and the teacher's ofthe law, you will certainly not enter the kingdom of heaven.
Sex and Single Christians
Smh. Ms harmony is correct. Marriage is this: The two will be united and become one flesh. God does not require a license to marry!
Prostitutes are paid for sexual favors which is fornication. Exodus 22:16,17 Recall also the woman at the well who had five husbands. Jesus did not condemn her. Even to this day it is not a "tradition" but what God did from the beginning...He the Father gave Adam his wife. But today's society the woman thinks it's her own body to give to whom she chooses. What God has joined together let man not separate. These are sexual immorality as defined by God. Leviticus 18 Deuteronomy 21:13. Consummation |
Canadian Roll Call
Saying hi from a very flooded Calgary. |
Religion as a Mental Illness
And you wonder why children are abusive to their parents. Carrying guns to school-killing!!!! Etc etc etc.
But alas it's signs of the times. In Jesus day "the fields were ripe for harvest" but these days "the grapes are spoiled" |
Religion as a Mental Illness
I'll just say this. Quote "Whoever spares the rod hates his child" Said by someone who has more wisdom and knowledge than anyone who has argued against disciplining their children in this topic.
Discipline from the least punishment to physical punishment does not seem pleasant but those trained by it will be lead to righteousness. In today's society that calls discipline abuse negating accountability it's own irresponsibility will be brought to account of itself. |
Do you one better.... If anyone thinks he is acting improperly to the virgin he is engaged to, and she is getting along in years.... 40 year old virgins??? And why not? Romans 1:24,26-28
Seriously. A topic like this corrupted by Hollywood. Who will take anyone seriously or find the truth?
There is scriptural evidence the spirits of the dead may be awoken. This is strictly forbidden by these words, "do not consult the dead on behalf of the living". It's an abomination to God to partake in divination. A forgiveable sin. Jesus when he was raised from the dead and appeared to his disciples said to them, "I am not a ghost, touch me and see a ghost does not have flesh and blood." The reality is Hollywood is clueless to the reality. They would have you think ghosts are malevolent As recorded in scripture the spirit of the dead can be awoken from their sleep. When they appear they are fully recognizable and known for who they are. They may speak but as the scripture also states they have no power over the land of the living-which means they cannot move objects as example. They have no influence over the future!!!!! Since ghosts are a reality because it is the spirit of a man and because those who have eyes to see into the spirit and discern whether they are from God or the devil you may also be certain there is a resurrection from the dead and eternal life. For this reason Jesus was crucified and raised to life again: that he might be Lord of both the living and the dead and that he might judge everyone according to how they lived in the flesh. ![]() |
I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing. (John 15:5) kjv The world is increasingly ignorant of and disrespectful to the principles of Scripture. I pray for a revival of interest in the wisdom of God's Word, beginning with those in the church and spreading to every culture on earth. ![]() However in stating this truth it is not us/ourselves who do anything for God or for the gospel for when the rewards are given they will reply, "when did we..." For it is God who works in you to will and to act according to his good purpose. We may shine like stars in the universe leading one or many to righteousness but this does not happen unless the servant is where he is so that he might draw all men to himself. It is his light that shines. We are but unworthy servants. Called by his Spirit saved by grace, through faith-and this is not of ourselves-but the gift of God. Ephesians 2:4-10 |
No responses since Decembe? Love in its simplest form is caring for someone more than yourself .
There are many forms of this love... The first shown us was this after everything was freely given... Do not - with a promise: so that it might go well with you. Not a restriction- but a blessing . |
Divorced women. They obviously could not honor their first husband. RED FLAG from the beginning. Another tendency of divorced women is they are quarrelsome and judgmental.
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The mark of the beast
Ask a cow in a hayfield if the grass is greener on the other side of the fence and the answer will be yes every time.
But a man stands observing shaking his head in dismay at the cow as its straining itself through the fence that the wide open field behind it is richer than the few blades of grass it gathers for itself. Why worship money when all you had to do was ask God-turn around-give up your efforts and receive the free gift given? |
The mark of the beast
Hmmm. Romans 1:24 Perhaps if you heard you might realize man is above the animal yet you continue arguing that's all you are. Smh. A consciousness. No, a woman is above the animal. Man is still an animal. ![]() ![]() |
The mark of the beast
Edited by
Sun 06/16/13 09:48 PM
Don't buy into the lie. Lol. A pun of sorts. Vehicles are getting larger and less fuel economical yet there are oil shortages? Just one example. where is your FAITH WHO CARES WHAT THEY ARE DOING >>>KEEP YOUR EYES ON HIM!!!<<<<< YOU RUN THAT RACE remember to get to the finish LINE No matter what the cost He will provide???? DO YOU NOT!!!!you Live by his spirit !!! LET GO OF YOUR ANGER!!! DOES YOU NO GOOD!!!! sumisen!!! However, if anyone mentions the name of God almighty- King of kings-opposition will immediately arise. Why? Freewill. |
The mark of the beast
Hmmm. Romans 1:24 Perhaps if you heard you might realize man is above the animal yet you continue arguing that's all you are. Smh. A consciousness.