Topic: Big, scary viking come to terrorize you all! Mwuahahaa!
HUST91's photo
Mon 05/13/13 07:07 AM
Edited by HUST91 on Mon 05/13/13 07:21 AM
Greetings, fellow human (I, too, am a human, and absolutely not an evul demon)!

You are currently looking at the profile of a Swedish roleplaying/gaming/science geek that is not yet in a mental institution.

Now, you may ask "Why are you here, HUST?"
Why, that's an excellent question!
I'm here to build contacts, and "bars" and "getting drunk parties" hold very little appeal to me, and the chance of finding someone with similar interests is low.
SO! Do you like roleplaying, gaming, science, cyborgs, fantasy, science fiction, storytelling, magic, philosophy or just debating stuff in general?

Then I may well be the weirdo you've been looking for! Unfortunately, I've not had many chances to speak with other people outside the immediate circle of close friends, so I hope you'll forgive me if I'm somewhat awkward at first. This also means I'm both looking for friends to conquer the world with, and someone to share a more serious (by which I mean hilarious) relationship with.

Also, not sure if it's considered okay to post your profile-description-thingy here, but it was such a well-crafted introduction that I just couldn't think of anything better to write.

I mean, uh.. [Insert overly-masculine statement of your choice]

no photo
Mon 05/13/13 12:27 PM
Edited by Someone2callmyown on Mon 05/13/13 12:29 PM

Greetings, fellow human (I, too, am a human, and absolutely not an evul demon)!

You are currently looking at the profile of a Swedish roleplaying/gaming/science geek that is not yet in a mental institution.

Now, you may ask "Why are you here, HUST?"
Why, that's an excellent question!
I'm here to build contacts, and "bars" and "getting drunk parties" hold very little appeal to me, and the chance of finding someone with similar interests is low.
SO! Do you like roleplaying, gaming, science, cyborgs, fantasy, science fiction, storytelling, magic, philosophy or just debating stuff in general?

Then I may well be the weirdo you've been looking for! Unfortunately, I've not had many chances to speak with other people outside the immediate circle of close friends, so I hope you'll forgive me if I'm somewhat awkward at first. This also means I'm both looking for friends to conquer the world with, and someone to share a more serious (by which I mean hilarious) relationship with.

Also, not sure if it's considered okay to post your profile-description-thingy here, but it was such a well-crafted introduction that I just couldn't think of anything better to write.

I mean, uh.. [Insert overly-masculine statement of your choice]

That stuff is cool. Welcome and good luck.

What are your favorite RPGs?

HUST91's photo
Mon 05/13/13 12:50 PM
Edited by HUST91 on Mon 05/13/13 01:02 PM
Haven't tried all that many, have until recently mostly played freeforms through chat, forum or game.
Recently grown to enjoy the Warhammer 40k games (Techpriest quad-wielding hand-flamethrowers is hilarious) and Dresden Files - been wanting to try a game of DnD 3.5 too, but never found a group.

Care to share your favourites, and do you have any neat or fun stories from the games?
(Anyone is welcome to share their experiences, not just Someone2callymown)

soufiehere's photo
Mon 05/13/13 01:09 PM
Welcome, love the profile :-)

no photo
Mon 05/13/13 01:28 PM

Haven't tried all that many, have until recently mostly played freeforms through chat, forum or game.
Recently grown to enjoy the Warhammer 40k games (Techpriest quad-wielding hand-flamethrowers is hilarious) and Dresden Files - been wanting to try a game of DnD 3.5 too, but never found a group.

Care to share your favourites, and do you have any neat or fun stories from the games?
(Anyone is welcome to share their experiences, not just Someone2callymown)

D&D3.5 and the other versions (except 4th edition) have always been a favorite. Other favorites of mine have included just about everything that (the now out-of-business) White Wolf studios ever made such as Vampire, Werewolf, Mage, etc and the Aeon Trinity Universe games(my favorite sci fi RPG). I like d20Modern and d20 Future as well.Mutants and Masterminds is a favorite of mine as well since you can pretty much do anything with it.

no photo
Mon 05/13/13 01:39 PM
great profile Hust.. and welcome to mingle! drinker

HUST91's photo
Mon 05/13/13 01:45 PM
Edited by HUST91 on Mon 05/13/13 02:06 PM
D&D3.5 and the other versions (except 4th edition) have always been a favorite. Other favorites of mine have included just about everything that (the now out-of-business) White Wolf studios ever made such as Vampire, Werewolf, Mage, etc and the Aeon Trinity Universe games(my favorite sci fi RPG). I like d20Modern and d20 Future as well.Mutants and Masterminds is a favorite of mine as well since you can pretty much do anything with it.

Those sound like a lot of fun to try - feel free to drop a message if you ever find yourself one player short.:thumbsup:

Welcome, love the profile :-)

great profile Hust.. and welcome to mingle!

D'aaw, thanks. You guys make me blush.
I mean.. uuh... twirl with my manly, viking-y beard.
Or something. :angel:

(Also, love the official policy of ad-hominems not being okay. It's such a simple addition, but in practice it makes the most common form of "acting like a total dick" reportable, AND it encourages people to word what they say as arguments versus arguments instead of a crap-throwing contest.)

Dodo_David's photo
Mon 05/13/13 04:09 PM
You are currently looking at the profile of a Swedish roleplaying/gaming/science geek that is not yet in a mental institution.

If you are here, then you are now in a mental institution.

By the way, you are not a scary Viking.

This is a scary Viking:

HUST91's photo
Mon 05/13/13 11:02 PM
Hey, no fair!
You can't compare to Helga, dangit!
What chance do I have against her?

(Also, how do you put images in your posts? I don't seem to find any way of doing so)

no photo
Tue 05/14/13 04:26 AM
beard noway you mean the 3 pieces of hair you've tried to braid together in an attempt to look manly?? laugh

just pullin yer beard bigsmile

adding images is simple start your line with [ img ] without spaces.. add your url like this ][ then finish off with [ / img ] again without spaces..

if you press "quote" you'll see just how I got this one loaded :thumbsup:

pkh's photo
Tue 05/14/13 04:52 AM
Welcome, and enjoy

Dodo_David's photo
Tue 05/14/13 04:57 AM

Hey, no fair!
You can't compare to Helga, dangit!
What chance do I have against her?

huh Helga? I was referring to Honi. Notice what Honi plans to do to her future husband.

HUST91's photo
Tue 05/14/13 06:00 AM
Edited by HUST91 on Tue 05/14/13 06:03 AM

beard noway you mean the 3 pieces of hair you've tried to braid together in an attempt to look manly?? laugh

just pullin yer beard bigsmile

I'll have you know that I do have a big, viking-y beard!
It's just.. uuuh... invisible!
That's right, I'm so badass that I grow invisible beards!

adding images is simple start your line with [ img ] without spaces.. add your url like this ][ then finish off with [ / img ] again without spaces..

if you press "quote" you'll see just how I got this one loaded :thumbsup:

How about this one? (From the Scandinavia and the World webcomic)

Helga? I was referring to Honi. Notice what Honi plans to do to her future husband.

But... I like cooking. :<

Dodo_David's photo
Tue 05/14/13 07:23 AM
But... I like cooking. :<

Oh. So you are this kind of Viking:

no photo
Tue 05/14/13 08:28 AM
Edited by Zero_Effected on Tue 05/14/13 08:30 AM
well done Hust.. you in fact learned something new today :thumbsup:

the Mingle2 Award laugh

cheers drinker

dagnabbit.. forgot some wordage ohwell

HUST91's photo
Tue 05/14/13 03:01 PM

But... I like cooking. :<

Oh. So you are this kind of Viking:

You know what?
Sure. That guy was an awesome viking.
And probably closer to me in mind and appearance anyway.