Topic: 2nd Ammendment, NRA and Obama-care are one | |
‘Gun control’ has had a long history:-
“The people of the various provinces are strictly forbidden to have in their possession any swords, bows, spears, firearms, or other type of arms. The possession of these elements makes difficult the collection of taxes and dues and tends to permit uprising, therefore, the heads of the provinces, official agents, and deputies are ordered to collect all weapons mentioned above and turn them over to the government.” Toyotomi Hideyshi, Shogun, August 29, 1558 |
Anti-gun theme: "I'm so thankful for my freedom that I refuse to defend it."
K, I have always believed in training. I have received training in weapon handling as well. I know a bullet can kill innocent people if I do not use good judgement and prudence especially trying to maintain in a bad situation. Just becasue you can put a shot into somebody does not mean you will not hit someone directly behind them. Even hunting there have been times I had that perfect shot except for a effing house or barn behind the damn deer or a effing herd of sheep or some damn crap. Knowing when NOT to shoot is just as important as knowing HOW to shoot. so you believe in gun training ....Obama does too Schools, courthouses, BARS, social events like concerts, guns are wholly not necessary. These locations should have their own armed security just the same but with that aside if you posses a legitimate and up to date carry concealed card you can carry anywhere you want including these locations. There is an assumption that the person carrying under such a permit has again been trained and likewise taught the legalities of carrying a weapon as well as common sense like YOU DO NOT BRAG YOU GOT A DAMN GUN! so when it comes to school and courthouses, public events etc. you're for laws that do not allow gun carrying for the average citizen....Obama believe in that too Now as far as kids getting their hands on guns, outside of illegal sources IF A PARENT IS THAT IRRESPONSIBLE THEY NEED TO GO TO CLASS FOR A WAKE UP CALL IN HOW TO KEEP YOUR KIDS FROM GETTING TO THEM! If I found out it was one of my kids bringing a gun to school, better have an outstanding reason to prevent me from applying the pimp hand liberally! If it was not out of a real fear of something for real ie. showboating I actually do condone a good stiff beating applied to that child! Please do not feed me the Dr. Spock crap. First of all taking a gun of mine without permission? I would be thankful for not having a sinal hemorrhage for an act of such utter stupidity in my location! Now if my kid were indeed afraid someone or a group of someone's were outside of school and actually showing a credible threat to my kid, well, that school is about to meet a bunch of attorneys for one! Then the police get a total ear full. And dad then regulates that threat if the cops act like they can't. Carried by six or judged by 12? I would resent having to carry my child in a casket becasue I trusted the police to pretend they can protect us from anything. If they were able to end the threat though? Cheers to the cops for a change! But if I was a responsible parent and taught my children right I would not have to worry about that, should I? Why should I teach my children to live in fear of anything? Ya know, I know parents who own several long and short arms and they are kept in safes and have gun locks on them. I have even installed a safe or two. But all of them make their kids handle the guns, they go shooting together, and the kids know the realities of what a gun is and what it is for! So you make it sound like ALL CHILDREN GO OUT OF THEIR WAY TO PISS OF THEIR PARENTS AND SHOW OFF TO THEIR FRIENDS! Dare I say how fallacious that statement really is? children being curious about guns should not be mistaken as an intent to piss off their's just that some parents with gun may be irresposible this post you suggested that such parents get training ......Obama believes so too ...and gun control laws are needed to get such training before their kids accidently shoot themselves or someone else Now if we were living in Bear country, Alaska, my kids would not be allowed out doors without an armed escort. Over 12 they get to carry a gun! But not to school UNLESS FOR SOME UNGODLY REASON THEY HAVE TO GO ALONE! But I would want them to check it in at school and check it out when they come home. Why? Bears like to eat us! Ask an Alaskan sometime about how cuddly the bears there are! There are places you do not go outdoors unarmed PERIOD! so you believe that only Alaskans should have the right to cary guns to school because they have Bears....but not the kids that live in other states that have crocs or snakes and loose running pit bulls ....they just have to learn how to hand wrestle those varmits did you know that a croc fo a short distance can out run a horse..and can clearly catch a kid before a bear could Now saying I have cited an argument for gun control. Nice try... I am more for PHARMACEUTICAL CONTROL! I am for NOT FOR PROFIT INSURANCE AND MEDICINE! I also feel people do have a responsibility to learn to defend themselves and learn gun safety even if they chose not to own one! I believe education can help a lot. But you always have that one Homer Simpson out there screwing everything up. Those are the kinds of shyteheads you have to put a gun to their head and disarm for everyone else's safety when they discover they can turn a TV on and off with it! Frankly they are dangerous behind the wheels of cars, operating heavy machinery, and even trying to open a bag of potato chips! PHARMACEUTICAL CONTROL? that means that you don't approve of citizens carrying guns under the influences of prescription drugs? ...Obama also believes that they shouldn't But here is a dilemma we all have to live with. Our rights are not revokable until we infringe upon the health and safety of others. With that in mind what has been done for the purveyors of dangerous untested drugs dumped into the main stream only to discover the list of bad effects later? What of those entrusted with the public safety and trust who violate that from police officers to politicians? you could shoot them...or allow the courts to take care of them Now with all this in mind, I AM A GUN OWNER. I do not go everywhere with one. There are times I will carry. I never go into the wilds alone and unarmed at all! I have told a park ranger before I would be dead before I would be disarmed and meant it. Likewise if the need came up and I was facing intrusion you better believe I am going to kill someone, gun, knife or otherwise! I can't shoot them in the back. They never said anything about stabbing them in the back though! If some jerk was bumping his gums with a gun in his hand in the street about how he is going to 1-8-7 me I more than likely would smoke that fucq rather than wait for the police to arrive after the shooting started. If someone brandished a gun on me on the freeway I would drive them into a major pile up or into a pole. My truck can be a weapon too. Now KNIFE OR SWORD! I have beaten a cop up with the law before becasue of an incident where I was carrying a machete slung on my back riding my bike. I was clearing some savage brush from a back yard. I also had no car so to get to the job I had to ride my bike. That day all I had to do was clear the big weeds. A real no brainer. Use a big blade, chop them down. Pile them up for bagging the next day. Go home. But on the way home. I got pulled over. Then the argument began, sword or knife. Oh, and that whole "Keep your hands on my car," crap. Now here we go, A Gladiolus is a sword and classically the blade length is shorter than 18 inches. It is double edged. A Machete is 20 inches long and has a single edge. It is also considered a GARDEN IMPLEMENT! Said police officer got to see me wave buy buy to him with a 20 inch long blade strapped to my back! So really in all legality I can openly carry a machete. But it is ungainly. Not bad for a knife. Crocodile Dundee would whip out his blade and say, "This is a knife," and I would take out two blades. One short one and a machete. I would likewise say, "The paint brush does not make the artist but when size counts," I would hold up the Machete and say, "Mate, if you measure a man by the size of his knife this is a REAL knife!" And let him appreciate the simple clean lines of a sharpened piece of steel three times bigger than his. But the whole thing is I would prefer to have the smaller blade. Opening envelopes is so much easier with a knife than a key for one! And those stubborn bags of what ever that threaten to shower you in whatever they hold from bursting? NOW FOR CONCEALED CARRY KNIFE LAWS. Here in California the blade has to be under 4 inches. My personal favorite to fight with was two inches long. But with this aside the takes of the wild west were all BULLSHYTE! Only two places were lawless territories for a brief period of time, The New Mexico and Arizona territories! Even then there were rules of conduct in most towns. For instance if we were living in the late 1800s back in that day when I came riding into town I had to check in with the Sheriff's or Marshall's office and check in my iron. I would state my business and would receive a brass 'check in tag' to get my weapons back when I leave. Most of the times cowboys were met as they came into town by the Sheriff and he would make them check in their iron! It was that or spend the night out doors! Don't take this wrong but I am not about to stand there and let some gorilla twice my size man handle me. I would just assume shoot the bastard if I want to get it over quick. Otherwise I will find another equalizer and saw down a giant. Knife, pipe, rock, spitting in the man's eye before driving my fingers into his face holes and grabbing him like a bowling ball and driving him into oblivion by aiming every punch into the same spot in the side of his head until he is limp and cold, I don't care. I have learned to come in peace and to try and be respectful of others. But I am prepared to make war if I have to. There are BAD people out there who don't care about rules. They don't give a FUCQ about anyone other than themselves. And some of them just want to destroy everything around them. You cannot negotiate with them. If they get the advantage on you they will take it! And a gun is only a means to an end. It is one of the few things that makes all men equal in the end. There are friends of mine who are trained fighters. I would LOATH to have to fight them bare handed for real. Screwing around play sparring where we are not tossing the real blows at each other is one thing. I am talking men who hit like tanks and have a pain threshold that exceeds mine. I just can shut my pain off (but I pay for that later!) but these are guys who just cannot feel pain normally. If I had to face them knowing I was going to get into it with them I would be doing so from behind a gun and a blade. I am not going to walk into my death. There is no place for Honor in a life or death situation. People are less likely to act on someone when they know that they will not only get rat packed but likewise they are a lot less likely to act when they know there is a chance they screw with someone half their size they may get killed. Don't think every little person can be a Bruce Lee. He damn near trained from birth and Martial Arts is a calling not a lot of people can answer to. I feel better knowing my mom carries a gun for her protection! My mom is actually a lot saner than I am. But just becasue I am a black sheep doesn't mean I personally am going to just arbitrarily go walking down the street with a gun to make me feel safer. A gun does not make me feel like a bigger or better man. It is a survival tool! In a sane society in armed person would not raise any concern. A person waving a weapon around or in hand though would raise concern. And in a sane world people would politely ask that person what their trip was. If they decided to get weird the police can come clean up after the festivities! If it was just some poor bastard having a bad day then maybe he can be talked down and everyone can breath easier! in the above 5 turn from AndyBgood into John J. Rambo ...Rambo can eat things that would make a billy goat puke, one of my favorite when i watch it I'm going to say.."hey"..that's AndyBgood In OLD Japan (Pre Meji Era) just becasue you walked upon a Samurai did not mean he was going to just pull a sword and hack into you. There were codes of behavior with a weapon. Now Bandits on the other hand here not hesitant. But if you were unarmed and bandits were robbing you and a Samurai happened by, chances were he would help. They were honor bound to in most cases except for Ronin without land or masters. Even then when they were not traveling in their towns they were barely armed. so the Samurai lived by a code of behavior .....Obama believes that too when it comes to guns.....and for those that refuse to live by a code of behavior is the reason for gun control Now back to the heart of man. take my gun so they can take up a pipe and use a strength and size advantage on me? please my friend, what backwards world do you live in? AndyBgood, this is not about taking your guns away...the 2nd amendment forbids that...gun control is all about protecting society from your gun and your craze next door neighbor It is tools that make men equal. And Samuel Colt's tool worked real good at that! Samuel Colt is obsolete when it comes to the firepower of the government ...but yet no one is protesting that the average citizen should have nukes ...I wonder why ...could it be that the average citizen is irresponsible ...Obama believes that too...which is why there is a need for gun control |
‘Gun control’ has had a long history:- “The people of the various provinces are strictly forbidden to have in their possession any swords, bows, spears, firearms, or other type of arms. The possession of these elements makes difficult the collection of taxes and dues and tends to permit uprising, therefore, the heads of the provinces, official agents, and deputies are ordered to collect all weapons mentioned above and turn them over to the government.” Toyotomi Hideyshi, Shogun, August 29, 1558 didn't the Shogun allow everyone to have firearms in Hiroshima and Nagasaki's time to get over that "Tyrannical Government" mentality ...or save it for when the Aliens from Outer Space Attack and take over |
Anti-gun theme: "I'm so thankful for my freedom that I refuse to defend it." NRA, Tobacco and Church theme..."get them while they're young and you'll have them for life" |
When one makes statements that implies that firearms are "obsolete when it comes to the firepower of the government," one only shows an ignorance of history. All revolutions throughout civilization have come about by the will of a poorly armed populace going up against a much more militarily superior government.
During the French Revolution they attacked musketeers with pitchforks and hoes. During the Russian Revolution they took muskets and single shot rifles against cavalry and machine guns. During the recent Libyan and Syrian Revolution they took weapons they picked up off the dead soldiers against tanks and airplanes. To think that the American populace could not win a revolt because the military has "nukes" is just stupidity. First of all, the government wouldn't even consider using the nukes. We won't use them against foriegn enemies, we sure won't use them on our own population. Second, you are assuming that rebels won't also have access to the same equipment. They will, even if it is just confiscated from local armories or pulled off of the corpses of the dead littering battlefields. Third, you are assuming that all of the military personnel will "stay and fight for the flag." This was proven false in our first civil war. And lastly, you are assuming that "nukes" are something that cannot fall into the hands of rebels, which is also false. Governments fall, it is the natural historical course of any empire. All have done it over history. Oh, sometimes the names stay the same (China for instance), but the ruling powers and the type of rule that is imposed always changes. It will happen here, it is not a matter of "if," but "when," and "to what extent it is achieved." The number one rule in warfare is "never underestimate your enemy." This is very thing that "straw man" argument is doing. Now back to your regular programming. |
When one makes statements that implies that firearms are "obsolete when it comes to the firepower of the government," one only shows an ignorance of history. All revolutions throughout civilization have come about by the will of a poorly armed populace going up against a much more militarily superior government. During the French Revolution they attacked musketeers with pitchforks and hoes. During the Russian Revolution they took muskets and single shot rifles against cavalry and machine guns. During the recent Libyan and Syrian Revolution they took weapons they picked up off the dead soldiers against tanks and airplanes. To think that the American populace could not win a revolt because the military has "nukes" is just stupidity. First of all, the government wouldn't even consider using the nukes. We won't use them against foriegn enemies, we sure won't use them on our own population. Second, you are assuming that rebels won't also have access to the same equipment. They will, even if it is just confiscated from local armories or pulled off of the corpses of the dead littering battlefields. Third, you are assuming that all of the military personnel will "stay and fight for the flag." This was proven false in our first civil war. And lastly, you are assuming that "nukes" are something that cannot fall into the hands of rebels, which is also false. Governments fall, it is the natural historical course of any empire. All have done it over history. Oh, sometimes the names stay the same (China for instance), but the ruling powers and the type of rule that is imposed always changes. It will happen here, it is not a matter of "if," but "when," and "to what extent it is achieved." The number one rule in warfare is "never underestimate your enemy." This is very thing that "straw man" argument is doing. Now back to your regular programming. you claim that the government wouldn't use nukes or wouldn't consider using them against any foriegn nation ....well that sums up your lack of knowledge when it comes to History ...perhaps you should read up on Hiroshima and Nagasakia ...perhpas you will learn that the government would use nukes also the 2nd amendment do not state that you have to fight a revolution with only pitchfork,hoes or guns, it states that you have the right to bear arms.....but yet you guys are incapable of conceiving that it means you have the right to have nukes...but yet you just want to sit around and cry about not taking away your obsolete guns so what do you say?... come on, fight for the right for the citizens of USA to bear nukes...doing that will pop people into reality about placing nukes or gun with irresponsible citizens without any laws or restrictions either do that..or stop crying about gun control |
When one makes statements that implies that firearms are "obsolete when it comes to the firepower of the government," one only shows an ignorance of history. All revolutions throughout civilization have come about by the will of a poorly armed populace going up against a much more militarily superior government. During the French Revolution they attacked musketeers with pitchforks and hoes. During the Russian Revolution they took muskets and single shot rifles against cavalry and machine guns. During the recent Libyan and Syrian Revolution they took weapons they picked up off the dead soldiers against tanks and airplanes. To think that the American populace could not win a revolt because the military has "nukes" is just stupidity. First of all, the government wouldn't even consider using the nukes. We won't use them against foriegn enemies, we sure won't use them on our own population. Second, you are assuming that rebels won't also have access to the same equipment. They will, even if it is just confiscated from local armories or pulled off of the corpses of the dead littering battlefields. Third, you are assuming that all of the military personnel will "stay and fight for the flag." This was proven false in our first civil war. And lastly, you are assuming that "nukes" are something that cannot fall into the hands of rebels, which is also false. Governments fall, it is the natural historical course of any empire. All have done it over history. Oh, sometimes the names stay the same (China for instance), but the ruling powers and the type of rule that is imposed always changes. It will happen here, it is not a matter of "if," but "when," and "to what extent it is achieved." The number one rule in warfare is "never underestimate your enemy." This is very thing that "straw man" argument is doing. Now back to your regular programming. you claim that the government wouldn't use nukes or wouldn't consider using them against any foriegn nation ....well that sums up your lack of knowledge when it comes to History ...perhaps you should read up on Hiroshima and Nagasakia ...perhpas you will learn that the government would use nukes also the 2nd amendment do not state that you have to fight a revolution with only pitchfork,hoes or guns, it states that you have the right to bear arms.....but yet you guys are incapable of conceiving that it means you have the right to have nukes...but yet you just want to sit around and cry about not taking away your obsolete guns so what do you say?... come on, fight for the right for the citizens of USA to bear nukes...doing that will pop people into reality about placing nukes or gun with irresponsible citizens without any laws or restrictions either do that..or stop crying about gun control The reason the (current)government will not use nukes is because we've become too big of wimps to take the political hit from that kind of "collateral damage." It makes us look like bullies. We didn't even use our fuel/air devices in either of our most recent wars. We called ahead to tell the Iraqis where we'd be bombing to reduce civilian casualties, so if you think nukes are still an option, you haven't a clue about how our government likes to maintain the illusion that we are not oppressive. However, it is hard for me to argue that I should have nukes, as personally, I don't want one. The reason is, if I had one, I would use it! I wouldn't think twice about it, which is precisely why I shouldn't have one. I do think I should be allowed to have artillery and surface to air missiles though. I'd love to have a "SAM" battery so that I could declare a "no fly zone" over my home and enforce it. I should be allowed to do so, since in actuality the "air space" is mine. I believe that there are people that could handle owning nukes as a deterrent, maybe they should. |
The reason the (current)government will not use nukes is because we've become too big of wimps to take the political hit from that kind of "collateral damage." It makes us look like bullies. We didn't even use our fuel/air devices in either of our most recent wars. We called ahead to tell the Iraqis where we'd be bombing to reduce civilian casualties, so if you think nukes are still an option, you haven't a clue about how our government likes to maintain the illusion that we are not oppressive. However, it is hard for me to argue that I should have nukes, as personally, I don't want one. The reason is, if I had one, I would use it! I wouldn't think twice about it, which is precisely why I shouldn't have one. I do think I should be allowed to have artillery and surface to air missiles though. I'd love to have a "SAM" battery so that I could declare a "no fly zone" over my home and enforce it. I should be allowed to do so, since in actuality the "air space" is mine. I believe that there are people that could handle owning nukes as a deterrent, maybe they should. using nukes is like cheating on ones spouse...if they did it once it would be naive to claim that they would be incapable of doing it again ..which is why I do get it when people keep trying to use the argument that the governemnt wouldn't use nukes also you stated that if you had a nuke that you yourself wouldn't think twice about not using it and that this was precisely the reason you felt that you shouldn't have one why don't that same philosophy apply to guns... you also claim that there are people you believe can handle owning nukes?....can you name a couple of them and then explain why you believe they can handle nukes?...anyone we know? |
K, I have always believed in training. I have received training in weapon handling as well. I know a bullet can kill innocent people if I do not use good judgement and prudence especially trying to maintain in a bad situation. Just becasue you can put a shot into somebody does not mean you will not hit someone directly behind them. Even hunting there have been times I had that perfect shot except for a effing house or barn behind the damn deer or a effing herd of sheep or some damn crap. Knowing when NOT to shoot is just as important as knowing HOW to shoot. so you believe in gun training ....Obama does too Schools, courthouses, BARS, social events like concerts, guns are wholly not necessary. These locations should have their own armed security just the same but with that aside if you posses a legitimate and up to date carry concealed card you can carry anywhere you want including these locations. There is an assumption that the person carrying under such a permit has again been trained and likewise taught the legalities of carrying a weapon as well as common sense like YOU DO NOT BRAG YOU GOT A DAMN GUN! so when it comes to school and courthouses, public events etc. you're for laws that do not allow gun carrying for the average citizen....Obama believe in that too Now as far as kids getting their hands on guns, outside of illegal sources IF A PARENT IS THAT IRRESPONSIBLE THEY NEED TO GO TO CLASS FOR A WAKE UP CALL IN HOW TO KEEP YOUR KIDS FROM GETTING TO THEM! If I found out it was one of my kids bringing a gun to school, better have an outstanding reason to prevent me from applying the pimp hand liberally! If it was not out of a real fear of something for real ie. showboating I actually do condone a good stiff beating applied to that child! Please do not feed me the Dr. Spock crap. First of all taking a gun of mine without permission? I would be thankful for not having a sinal hemorrhage for an act of such utter stupidity in my location! Now if my kid were indeed afraid someone or a group of someone's were outside of school and actually showing a credible threat to my kid, well, that school is about to meet a bunch of attorneys for one! Then the police get a total ear full. And dad then regulates that threat if the cops act like they can't. Carried by six or judged by 12? I would resent having to carry my child in a casket becasue I trusted the police to pretend they can protect us from anything. If they were able to end the threat though? Cheers to the cops for a change! But if I was a responsible parent and taught my children right I would not have to worry about that, should I? Why should I teach my children to live in fear of anything? Ya know, I know parents who own several long and short arms and they are kept in safes and have gun locks on them. I have even installed a safe or two. But all of them make their kids handle the guns, they go shooting together, and the kids know the realities of what a gun is and what it is for! So you make it sound like ALL CHILDREN GO OUT OF THEIR WAY TO PISS OF THEIR PARENTS AND SHOW OFF TO THEIR FRIENDS! Dare I say how fallacious that statement really is? children being curious about guns should not be mistaken as an intent to piss off their's just that some parents with gun may be irresposible this post you suggested that such parents get training ......Obama believes so too ...and gun control laws are needed to get such training before their kids accidently shoot themselves or someone else Now if we were living in Bear country, Alaska, my kids would not be allowed out doors without an armed escort. Over 12 they get to carry a gun! But not to school UNLESS FOR SOME UNGODLY REASON THEY HAVE TO GO ALONE! But I would want them to check it in at school and check it out when they come home. Why? Bears like to eat us! Ask an Alaskan sometime about how cuddly the bears there are! There are places you do not go outdoors unarmed PERIOD! so you believe that only Alaskans should have the right to cary guns to school because they have Bears....but not the kids that live in other states that have crocs or snakes and loose running pit bulls ....they just have to learn how to hand wrestle those varmits did you know that a croc fo a short distance can out run a horse..and can clearly catch a kid before a bear could Now saying I have cited an argument for gun control. Nice try... I am more for PHARMACEUTICAL CONTROL! I am for NOT FOR PROFIT INSURANCE AND MEDICINE! I also feel people do have a responsibility to learn to defend themselves and learn gun safety even if they chose not to own one! I believe education can help a lot. But you always have that one Homer Simpson out there screwing everything up. Those are the kinds of shyteheads you have to put a gun to their head and disarm for everyone else's safety when they discover they can turn a TV on and off with it! Frankly they are dangerous behind the wheels of cars, operating heavy machinery, and even trying to open a bag of potato chips! PHARMACEUTICAL CONTROL? that means that you don't approve of citizens carrying guns under the influences of prescription drugs? ...Obama also believes that they shouldn't But here is a dilemma we all have to live with. Our rights are not revokable until we infringe upon the health and safety of others. With that in mind what has been done for the purveyors of dangerous untested drugs dumped into the main stream only to discover the list of bad effects later? What of those entrusted with the public safety and trust who violate that from police officers to politicians? you could shoot them...or allow the courts to take care of them Now with all this in mind, I AM A GUN OWNER. I do not go everywhere with one. There are times I will carry. I never go into the wilds alone and unarmed at all! I have told a park ranger before I would be dead before I would be disarmed and meant it. Likewise if the need came up and I was facing intrusion you better believe I am going to kill someone, gun, knife or otherwise! I can't shoot them in the back. They never said anything about stabbing them in the back though! If some jerk was bumping his gums with a gun in his hand in the street about how he is going to 1-8-7 me I more than likely would smoke that fucq rather than wait for the police to arrive after the shooting started. If someone brandished a gun on me on the freeway I would drive them into a major pile up or into a pole. My truck can be a weapon too. Now KNIFE OR SWORD! I have beaten a cop up with the law before becasue of an incident where I was carrying a machete slung on my back riding my bike. I was clearing some savage brush from a back yard. I also had no car so to get to the job I had to ride my bike. That day all I had to do was clear the big weeds. A real no brainer. Use a big blade, chop them down. Pile them up for bagging the next day. Go home. But on the way home. I got pulled over. Then the argument began, sword or knife. Oh, and that whole "Keep your hands on my car," crap. Now here we go, A Gladiolus is a sword and classically the blade length is shorter than 18 inches. It is double edged. A Machete is 20 inches long and has a single edge. It is also considered a GARDEN IMPLEMENT! Said police officer got to see me wave buy buy to him with a 20 inch long blade strapped to my back! So really in all legality I can openly carry a machete. But it is ungainly. Not bad for a knife. Crocodile Dundee would whip out his blade and say, "This is a knife," and I would take out two blades. One short one and a machete. I would likewise say, "The paint brush does not make the artist but when size counts," I would hold up the Machete and say, "Mate, if you measure a man by the size of his knife this is a REAL knife!" And let him appreciate the simple clean lines of a sharpened piece of steel three times bigger than his. But the whole thing is I would prefer to have the smaller blade. Opening envelopes is so much easier with a knife than a key for one! And those stubborn bags of what ever that threaten to shower you in whatever they hold from bursting? NOW FOR CONCEALED CARRY KNIFE LAWS. Here in California the blade has to be under 4 inches. My personal favorite to fight with was two inches long. But with this aside the takes of the wild west were all BULLSHYTE! Only two places were lawless territories for a brief period of time, The New Mexico and Arizona territories! Even then there were rules of conduct in most towns. For instance if we were living in the late 1800s back in that day when I came riding into town I had to check in with the Sheriff's or Marshall's office and check in my iron. I would state my business and would receive a brass 'check in tag' to get my weapons back when I leave. Most of the times cowboys were met as they came into town by the Sheriff and he would make them check in their iron! It was that or spend the night out doors! Don't take this wrong but I am not about to stand there and let some gorilla twice my size man handle me. I would just assume shoot the bastard if I want to get it over quick. Otherwise I will find another equalizer and saw down a giant. Knife, pipe, rock, spitting in the man's eye before driving my fingers into his face holes and grabbing him like a bowling ball and driving him into oblivion by aiming every punch into the same spot in the side of his head until he is limp and cold, I don't care. I have learned to come in peace and to try and be respectful of others. But I am prepared to make war if I have to. There are BAD people out there who don't care about rules. They don't give a FUCQ about anyone other than themselves. And some of them just want to destroy everything around them. You cannot negotiate with them. If they get the advantage on you they will take it! And a gun is only a means to an end. It is one of the few things that makes all men equal in the end. There are friends of mine who are trained fighters. I would LOATH to have to fight them bare handed for real. Screwing around play sparring where we are not tossing the real blows at each other is one thing. I am talking men who hit like tanks and have a pain threshold that exceeds mine. I just can shut my pain off (but I pay for that later!) but these are guys who just cannot feel pain normally. If I had to face them knowing I was going to get into it with them I would be doing so from behind a gun and a blade. I am not going to walk into my death. There is no place for Honor in a life or death situation. People are less likely to act on someone when they know that they will not only get rat packed but likewise they are a lot less likely to act when they know there is a chance they screw with someone half their size they may get killed. Don't think every little person can be a Bruce Lee. He damn near trained from birth and Martial Arts is a calling not a lot of people can answer to. I feel better knowing my mom carries a gun for her protection! My mom is actually a lot saner than I am. But just becasue I am a black sheep doesn't mean I personally am going to just arbitrarily go walking down the street with a gun to make me feel safer. A gun does not make me feel like a bigger or better man. It is a survival tool! In a sane society in armed person would not raise any concern. A person waving a weapon around or in hand though would raise concern. And in a sane world people would politely ask that person what their trip was. If they decided to get weird the police can come clean up after the festivities! If it was just some poor bastard having a bad day then maybe he can be talked down and everyone can breath easier! in the above 5 turn from AndyBgood into John J. Rambo ...Rambo can eat things that would make a billy goat puke, one of my favorite when i watch it I'm going to say.."hey"..that's AndyBgood In OLD Japan (Pre Meji Era) just becasue you walked upon a Samurai did not mean he was going to just pull a sword and hack into you. There were codes of behavior with a weapon. Now Bandits on the other hand here not hesitant. But if you were unarmed and bandits were robbing you and a Samurai happened by, chances were he would help. They were honor bound to in most cases except for Ronin without land or masters. Even then when they were not traveling in their towns they were barely armed. so the Samurai lived by a code of behavior .....Obama believes that too when it comes to guns.....and for those that refuse to live by a code of behavior is the reason for gun control Now back to the heart of man. take my gun so they can take up a pipe and use a strength and size advantage on me? please my friend, what backwards world do you live in? AndyBgood, this is not about taking your guns away...the 2nd amendment forbids that...gun control is all about protecting society from your gun and your craze next door neighbor It is tools that make men equal. And Samuel Colt's tool worked real good at that! Samuel Colt is obsolete when it comes to the firepower of the government ...but yet no one is protesting that the average citizen should have nukes ...I wonder why ...could it be that the average citizen is irresponsible ...Obama believes that too...which is why there is a need for gun control NICE! Now I am Rambo. NO. I am a Wolverine! Misunderstood, a survivor, capable of killing an animal over 340 TIMES its own size, and willing to take on Bears. Now between you and me if we both had a pistol who has a real advantage over the other guy? In a face off the guy who trained with his gun has the advantage. But man for man, not counting anything else? For as big as you are you would have no advantage over me at all. We could kill each other very easily. Now, do not compare Obama to a Samurai at all! Samurai had to fight for a living. Obama is a limp wristed party planner who's idea of a hard day at work is gauged by how much *** he had to kiss! If he and Vladamir Putin got into a fight Obama would be done in under 10 seconds, world leader for world leader. Obama also has NO honor and no real code of ethics save one, cram HIS idealistic agenda down our throats. He is a male Marie Antoinette living in utter denial of how big a mistake he has made and the disaster he is about to unleash on us all! Now comparing civilian to military firepower, Here is a though, how many of those soldiers are Americans? Really. Ask a soldier some time if they were ordered to go door to door to confiscate weapons what they would do. It is the UN soldiers I would be more afraid of. Nut then again what would keep me from ambushing a few blue helmets and relieving them of their hardware and dignity? WOLVERINES! You see the problem is where can we run when our homes are being destroyed? There is no where to run! If you don't find a point where you decide to stand your ground you will always be running. The gun control issue is all about the second amendment and also about our rights to protect ourselves. Gun Control is all about taking them away gradually! One restriction leads to another then to another in a slippery slope that is lubricated by momentum! Suddenly our constitution is burned and we are back to the Feudal days! We have lost sight of the ideals of PERSONAL ACCOUNTABILITY! And you keep trying to digress others to the subject of nuclear weapons. Dude, get over it. The pollution alone is deterrent enough. if you are so scared about nukes lets go pound N Korea once and for all! Lets get that problem done with. Then go to Iran and kick their sorry ***** back into the Straights of Hormuz so they can take a bath for a change! You put FAR too much faith in all the wrong people my friend! Likewise you are trying to use warped space logic to bend our arguments and make them sound confrontational. How many times has Obama said one thing and gone complete 180 degrees on us? Lets see, TARP II, the deficit and spending, and about his Health care? Did it fix ANYTHING? Did I just hear a resounding NO from the crowd? I THINK I DID! ~ that is a tilde & that is an Ampersand AND NUCLEAR WEAPONS HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH THIS CONVERSATION! I CAN MAKE A LETHAL WEAPON OUT OF A MICROWAVE OVEN FOR REAL! DO I want to do that? Hell no. I need it as a microwave over. I would rather have warm food than a small underpowered beam weapon that makes people swell up like balloons and cooks their insides! Where is my Particle beam cannon in the 40 Megawatt range? How about my terminator robot? Am I allowed one of those? Come on. Want to see what outclassed police look like? ![]() Red neck Ingenuity! Oddly the only man who dies in this was the driver of the killdozer! This guy would have been more than a match for the LAPD! Besides, HOW ABOUT MESSING WITH BIO WEAPONS? Why should private companies have the right to make ways of killing us all more efficient than a nuke? You live in far too much fear my friend! I don't fear the military as much as I fear these career politicians playing god from their seat of authority! There will always be dumbshytes among us and we need to weed them out. It is people like Obama who i am scared of especially when they operate purely on their PERSONAL BELIEF SYSTEM! OBAMACARE IS A FAIL! Obama has no sense of moderation nor is he doing ANYTHING about keeping congress focused on their spending habits. Is America in the Black at least in terms of operating? 1 trillion in the red STILL just for this year's budget alone? And while we need him where is he? Kissing ***, going to Hawaii, and taking all kinds of fun trips telling the world how bad we are and we apologize for being such bad people! He should be up congress's *** on a daily basis about our problems. Nope, he can focus more on trying to use executive orders to screw us some more. And on top of that I DOUBT HIGHLY he was born in America! 2 years to produce his birth records? It only took me two weeks to get mine! So now what? I am the one needing a tinfoil hat here? My construction hard had it aluminum but not tinfoil, is that good enough? I am not giving my trust up to anyone with as many skeletons hidden in their closet as Obama! Nukes... Yeah, if you had no idea how to make one you would kill yourself. If you did you would know just how much of a whore it is just to contain the radioactivity let alone handling the fissile materials! And then the effects radiation has on electronics. Hope your bomb don't decide to set itself off! Personally without the lab or containment bunker let alone the deployment site and deployment vehicle I would not want to mess with one. If anything I would MUCH rather figure out how to create a dielectric short between the Ionosphere and the ground in a way I can target any place on earth and dump the biggest lightning bolts on cities people have ever seen. I am talking, "Pay me 10,000 long tons of gold and 10,000 long tons of platinum or watch New York City get erased from the map." Oh to be able to go Scorpio on the UN! Picking on America and being able to do so with impunity would be a sign to the rest of the world they have NO CHANCE! I think zapping a bunch of refineries and power stations causing a HUGE disaster and then informing someone of my demands would very much have their attention. Especially if I could likewise take out the satellite advantage they have with the same system! I am pretty sure the scale of what I have in mind would cause EMP far greater than a whole bunch of Nukes going off! NICOLAI TESLA THEORIZED ABOUT SUCH A WEAPON AND EVEN HAD EXPERIMENTS TO PROVE ITS VALIDITY! I can imagine potential threats within the scope of our technology that would make you get fear goose bumps. Hell, how many doomsday nutjobs out there have tried to unleash biodeath on us already? More than our government will admit to! Anthrax is the particular favorite. But Ebola, now we are talking! In an ideal world we all would just get alone. Not the case! So shall we dance on extremes again? |
Well, your argument about nukes is foolish to begin with. Nuclear weapons need maintenance, like firearms, which is something one cannot just do at the dining room table. It requires training and expertise to do so, which isn't something you can "google," nor can you get the parts required at the local Walmart. Not to mention the average person wouldn't have the shielding necessary to store one in his home. I can keep a gun here without exposing myself and my neighbors to radiation. Plus, the trace amounts of lead I use with my firearms probably won't kill anyone. So you really are comparing apples with tires.
Now as far as someone who could be in possession of one, well, I'd offer up my brother. He's about the most friendly and forgiving person I've ever met. He bares no animosity towards anyone or anything and would be the exact kind of person one should consult before even considering using a nuclear weapon. Now as far as the government using a nuke, you must first understand the tactical reason for doing so. I'll point out that while some might say it's semantics, the U.S. government never used a nuclear weapon. They did us an atomic one, but that is not the same thing, as there is a very large difference in firepower and triggering mechanism. Now to do so with the aim of putting down a rebellion would be useless and not tactically feasible. There are only two reasons to use a nuke (or as before an atomic): 1. to destroy the enemies infrastructure and ability to produce munitions, 2. to destroy the will of the populace to wage war. In the case of a rebellion (which is actually what we are talking about in the case of the 2nd Amendment and this topic), it would be pointless. The Republic's military would be the one in control of munition production, so they'd be harming themselves. The populace whose spirit you are wishing to break would be your own, so by doing so, you'd be more likely to add support to the rebellion than to break the spirit of the rebels. Tactically there is no reason to use a nuke, as we now understand more about radiation than we did when the bombs were dropped on Japan. They could easily do just as much damage to our own troops and people as they would to the enemy. If we didn't use them in Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan or Iraq, the concept of using them on our own soil, where the winds would infect our large cities with radiation, is well, ludicrous. |
‘Gun control’ has had a long history:- “The people of the various provinces are strictly forbidden to have in their possession any swords, bows, spears, firearms, or other type of arms. The possession of these elements makes difficult the collection of taxes and dues and tends to permit uprising, therefore, the heads of the provinces, official agents, and deputies are ordered to collect all weapons mentioned above and turn them over to the government.” Toyotomi Hideyshi, Shogun, August 29, 1558 didn't the Shogun allow everyone to have firearms in Hiroshima and Nagasaki's time to get over that "Tyrannical Government" mentality ...or save it for when the Aliens from Outer Space Attack and take over The argument you're making lacks clarity,Logic and Reason! It's actually a Hula-Hoop-Argument! |
Well, your argument about nukes is foolish to begin with. Nuclear weapons need maintenance, like firearms, which is something one cannot just do at the dining room table. It requires training and expertise to do so, which isn't something you can "google," nor can you get the parts required at the local Walmart. Not to mention the average person wouldn't have the shielding necessary to store one in his home. I can keep a gun here without exposing myself and my neighbors to radiation. Plus, the trace amounts of lead I use with my firearms probably won't kill anyone. So you really are comparing apples with tires. Now as far as someone who could be in possession of one, well, I'd offer up my brother. He's about the most friendly and forgiving person I've ever met. He bares no animosity towards anyone or anything and would be the exact kind of person one should consult before even considering using a nuclear weapon. Now as far as the government using a nuke, you must first understand the tactical reason for doing so. I'll point out that while some might say it's semantics, the U.S. government never used a nuclear weapon. They did us an atomic one, but that is not the same thing, as there is a very large difference in firepower and triggering mechanism. Now to do so with the aim of putting down a rebellion would be useless and not tactically feasible. There are only two reasons to use a nuke (or as before an atomic): 1. to destroy the enemies infrastructure and ability to produce munitions, 2. to destroy the will of the populace to wage war. In the case of a rebellion (which is actually what we are talking about in the case of the 2nd Amendment and this topic), it would be pointless. The Republic's military would be the one in control of munition production, so they'd be harming themselves. The populace whose spirit you are wishing to break would be your own, so by doing so, you'd be more likely to add support to the rebellion than to break the spirit of the rebels. Tactically there is no reason to use a nuke, as we now understand more about radiation than we did when the bombs were dropped on Japan. They could easily do just as much damage to our own troops and people as they would to the enemy. If we didn't use them in Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan or Iraq, the concept of using them on our own soil, where the winds would infect our large cities with radiation, is well, ludicrous. ![]() ![]() |
NICE! Now I am Rambo. NO. I am a Wolverine! Misunderstood, a survivor, capable of killing an animal over 340 TIMES its own size, and willing to take on Bears. Now between you and me if we both had a pistol who has a real advantage over the other guy? In a face off the guy who trained with his gun has the advantage. But man for man, not counting anything else? For as big as you are you would have no advantage over me at all. We could kill each other very easily. Now, do not compare Obama to a Samurai at all! Samurai had to fight for a living. Obama is a limp wristed party planner who's idea of a hard day at work is gauged by how much *** he had to kiss! If he and Vladamir Putin got into a fight Obama would be done in under 10 seconds, world leader for world leader. Obama also has NO honor and no real code of ethics save one, cram HIS idealistic agenda down our throats. He is a male Marie Antoinette living in utter denial of how big a mistake he has made and the disaster he is about to unleash on us all! Now comparing civilian to military firepower, Here is a though, how many of those soldiers are Americans? Really. Ask a soldier some time if they were ordered to go door to door to confiscate weapons what they would do. It is the UN soldiers I would be more afraid of. Nut then again what would keep me from ambushing a few blue helmets and relieving them of their hardware and dignity? WOLVERINES! You see the problem is where can we run when our homes are being destroyed? There is no where to run! If you don't find a point where you decide to stand your ground you will always be running. The gun control issue is all about the second amendment and also about our rights to protect ourselves. Gun Control is all about taking them away gradually! One restriction leads to another then to another in a slippery slope that is lubricated by momentum! Suddenly our constitution is burned and we are back to the Feudal days! We have lost sight of the ideals of PERSONAL ACCOUNTABILITY! And you keep trying to digress others to the subject of nuclear weapons. Dude, get over it. The pollution alone is deterrent enough. if you are so scared about nukes lets go pound N Korea once and for all! Lets get that problem done with. Then go to Iran and kick their sorry ***** back into the Straights of Hormuz so they can take a bath for a change! You put FAR too much faith in all the wrong people my friend! Likewise you are trying to use warped space logic to bend our arguments and make them sound confrontational. How many times has Obama said one thing and gone complete 180 degrees on us? Lets see, TARP II, the deficit and spending, and about his Health care? Did it fix ANYTHING? Did I just hear a resounding NO from the crowd? I THINK I DID! ~ that is a tilde & that is an Ampersand AND NUCLEAR WEAPONS HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH THIS CONVERSATION! I CAN MAKE A LETHAL WEAPON OUT OF A MICROWAVE OVEN FOR REAL! DO I want to do that? Hell no. I need it as a microwave over. I would rather have warm food than a small underpowered beam weapon that makes people swell up like balloons and cooks their insides! Where is my Particle beam cannon in the 40 Megawatt range? How about my terminator robot? Am I allowed one of those? Come on. Want to see what outclassed police look like? ![]() Red neck Ingenuity! Oddly the only man who dies in this was the driver of the killdozer! This guy would have been more than a match for the LAPD! Besides, HOW ABOUT MESSING WITH BIO WEAPONS? Why should private companies have the right to make ways of killing us all more efficient than a nuke? You live in far too much fear my friend! I don't fear the military as much as I fear these career politicians playing god from their seat of authority! There will always be dumbshytes among us and we need to weed them out. It is people like Obama who i am scared of especially when they operate purely on their PERSONAL BELIEF SYSTEM! OBAMACARE IS A FAIL! Obama has no sense of moderation nor is he doing ANYTHING about keeping congress focused on their spending habits. Is America in the Black at least in terms of operating? 1 trillion in the red STILL just for this year's budget alone? And while we need him where is he? Kissing ***, going to Hawaii, and taking all kinds of fun trips telling the world how bad we are and we apologize for being such bad people! He should be up congress's *** on a daily basis about our problems. Nope, he can focus more on trying to use executive orders to screw us some more. And on top of that I DOUBT HIGHLY he was born in America! 2 years to produce his birth records? It only took me two weeks to get mine! So now what? I am the one needing a tinfoil hat here? My construction hard had it aluminum but not tinfoil, is that good enough? I am not giving my trust up to anyone with as many skeletons hidden in their closet as Obama! Nukes... Yeah, if you had no idea how to make one you would kill yourself. If you did you would know just how much of a whore it is just to contain the radioactivity let alone handling the fissile materials! And then the effects radiation has on electronics. Hope your bomb don't decide to set itself off! Personally without the lab or containment bunker let alone the deployment site and deployment vehicle I would not want to mess with one. If anything I would MUCH rather figure out how to create a dielectric short between the Ionosphere and the ground in a way I can target any place on earth and dump the biggest lightning bolts on cities people have ever seen. I am talking, "Pay me 10,000 long tons of gold and 10,000 long tons of platinum or watch New York City get erased from the map." Oh to be able to go Scorpio on the UN! Picking on America and being able to do so with impunity would be a sign to the rest of the world they have NO CHANCE! I think zapping a bunch of refineries and power stations causing a HUGE disaster and then informing someone of my demands would very much have their attention. Especially if I could likewise take out the satellite advantage they have with the same system! I am pretty sure the scale of what I have in mind would cause EMP far greater than a whole bunch of Nukes going off! NICOLAI TESLA THEORIZED ABOUT SUCH A WEAPON AND EVEN HAD EXPERIMENTS TO PROVE ITS VALIDITY! I can imagine potential threats within the scope of our technology that would make you get fear goose bumps. Hell, how many doomsday nutjobs out there have tried to unleash biodeath on us already? More than our government will admit to! Anthrax is the particular favorite. But Ebola, now we are talking! In an ideal world we all would just get alone. Not the case! So shall we dance on extremes again? you're making excuses why people shouldn't have the right to bear nukes because they might be dangerous ...that appears to be the same argument Gun control advocates are making about guns you seem to agree with them more than you are willing to admit ...for claim that only those with "legitimate" carry conceal gun card should be able to take guns into schools, courthouses etc... I don't remember anything in the 2nd amendment about citizens needing a gun conceal carry card to bear arms can you explain why someone would need one ..and can you explain this without sounding like Obama? |
Well, your argument about nukes is foolish to begin with. Nuclear weapons need maintenance, like firearms, which is something one cannot just do at the dining room table. It requires training and expertise to do so, which isn't something you can "google," nor can you get the parts required at the local Walmart. Not to mention the average person wouldn't have the shielding necessary to store one in his home. I can keep a gun here without exposing myself and my neighbors to radiation. Plus, the trace amounts of lead I use with my firearms probably won't kill anyone. So you really are comparing apples with tires. Now as far as someone who could be in possession of one, well, I'd offer up my brother. He's about the most friendly and forgiving person I've ever met. He bares no animosity towards anyone or anything and would be the exact kind of person one should consult before even considering using a nuclear weapon. Now as far as the government using a nuke, you must first understand the tactical reason for doing so. I'll point out that while some might say it's semantics, the U.S. government never used a nuclear weapon. They did us an atomic one, but that is not the same thing, as there is a very large difference in firepower and triggering mechanism. Now to do so with the aim of putting down a rebellion would be useless and not tactically feasible. There are only two reasons to use a nuke (or as before an atomic): 1. to destroy the enemies infrastructure and ability to produce munitions, 2. to destroy the will of the populace to wage war. In the case of a rebellion (which is actually what we are talking about in the case of the 2nd Amendment and this topic), it would be pointless. The Republic's military would be the one in control of munition production, so they'd be harming themselves. The populace whose spirit you are wishing to break would be your own, so by doing so, you'd be more likely to add support to the rebellion than to break the spirit of the rebels. Tactically there is no reason to use a nuke, as we now understand more about radiation than we did when the bombs were dropped on Japan. They could easily do just as much damage to our own troops and people as they would to the enemy. If we didn't use them in Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan or Iraq, the concept of using them on our own soil, where the winds would infect our large cities with radiation, is well, ludicrous. it's amazing how you guys keep making excuses and denying your 2nd amendment right to bear this NRA brainwashing? to help only sell their products of guns and ammo but anyway "RoamingOrator"... as for you claiming that your brother can handle nukes....don't your brother have you for a brother, and you already promised that you would set off a nuke if you ever got hold of one ... you ever visit your brother? |
‘Gun control’ has had a long history:- “The people of the various provinces are strictly forbidden to have in their possession any swords, bows, spears, firearms, or other type of arms. The possession of these elements makes difficult the collection of taxes and dues and tends to permit uprising, therefore, the heads of the provinces, official agents, and deputies are ordered to collect all weapons mentioned above and turn them over to the government.” Toyotomi Hideyshi, Shogun, August 29, 1558 didn't the Shogun allow everyone to have firearms in Hiroshima and Nagasaki's time to get over that "Tyrannical Government" mentality ...or save it for when the Aliens from Outer Space Attack and take over The argument you're making lacks clarity,Logic and Reason! It's actually a Hula-Hoop-Argument! I've seen the date...even found the website you google copy and pasted if from point was that guns are obsolete against nukes |
NICE! Now I am Rambo. NO. I am a Wolverine! Misunderstood, a survivor, capable of killing an animal over 340 TIMES its own size, and willing to take on Bears. Now between you and me if we both had a pistol who has a real advantage over the other guy? In a face off the guy who trained with his gun has the advantage. But man for man, not counting anything else? For as big as you are you would have no advantage over me at all. We could kill each other very easily. Now, do not compare Obama to a Samurai at all! Samurai had to fight for a living. Obama is a limp wristed party planner who's idea of a hard day at work is gauged by how much *** he had to kiss! If he and Vladamir Putin got into a fight Obama would be done in under 10 seconds, world leader for world leader. Obama also has NO honor and no real code of ethics save one, cram HIS idealistic agenda down our throats. He is a male Marie Antoinette living in utter denial of how big a mistake he has made and the disaster he is about to unleash on us all! Now comparing civilian to military firepower, Here is a though, how many of those soldiers are Americans? Really. Ask a soldier some time if they were ordered to go door to door to confiscate weapons what they would do. It is the UN soldiers I would be more afraid of. Nut then again what would keep me from ambushing a few blue helmets and relieving them of their hardware and dignity? WOLVERINES! You see the problem is where can we run when our homes are being destroyed? There is no where to run! If you don't find a point where you decide to stand your ground you will always be running. The gun control issue is all about the second amendment and also about our rights to protect ourselves. Gun Control is all about taking them away gradually! One restriction leads to another then to another in a slippery slope that is lubricated by momentum! Suddenly our constitution is burned and we are back to the Feudal days! We have lost sight of the ideals of PERSONAL ACCOUNTABILITY! And you keep trying to digress others to the subject of nuclear weapons. Dude, get over it. The pollution alone is deterrent enough. if you are so scared about nukes lets go pound N Korea once and for all! Lets get that problem done with. Then go to Iran and kick their sorry ***** back into the Straights of Hormuz so they can take a bath for a change! You put FAR too much faith in all the wrong people my friend! Likewise you are trying to use warped space logic to bend our arguments and make them sound confrontational. How many times has Obama said one thing and gone complete 180 degrees on us? Lets see, TARP II, the deficit and spending, and about his Health care? Did it fix ANYTHING? Did I just hear a resounding NO from the crowd? I THINK I DID! ~ that is a tilde & that is an Ampersand AND NUCLEAR WEAPONS HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH THIS CONVERSATION! I CAN MAKE A LETHAL WEAPON OUT OF A MICROWAVE OVEN FOR REAL! DO I want to do that? Hell no. I need it as a microwave over. I would rather have warm food than a small underpowered beam weapon that makes people swell up like balloons and cooks their insides! Where is my Particle beam cannon in the 40 Megawatt range? How about my terminator robot? Am I allowed one of those? Come on. Want to see what outclassed police look like? ![]() Red neck Ingenuity! Oddly the only man who dies in this was the driver of the killdozer! This guy would have been more than a match for the LAPD! Besides, HOW ABOUT MESSING WITH BIO WEAPONS? Why should private companies have the right to make ways of killing us all more efficient than a nuke? You live in far too much fear my friend! I don't fear the military as much as I fear these career politicians playing god from their seat of authority! There will always be dumbshytes among us and we need to weed them out. It is people like Obama who i am scared of especially when they operate purely on their PERSONAL BELIEF SYSTEM! OBAMACARE IS A FAIL! Obama has no sense of moderation nor is he doing ANYTHING about keeping congress focused on their spending habits. Is America in the Black at least in terms of operating? 1 trillion in the red STILL just for this year's budget alone? And while we need him where is he? Kissing ***, going to Hawaii, and taking all kinds of fun trips telling the world how bad we are and we apologize for being such bad people! He should be up congress's *** on a daily basis about our problems. Nope, he can focus more on trying to use executive orders to screw us some more. And on top of that I DOUBT HIGHLY he was born in America! 2 years to produce his birth records? It only took me two weeks to get mine! So now what? I am the one needing a tinfoil hat here? My construction hard had it aluminum but not tinfoil, is that good enough? I am not giving my trust up to anyone with as many skeletons hidden in their closet as Obama! Nukes... Yeah, if you had no idea how to make one you would kill yourself. If you did you would know just how much of a whore it is just to contain the radioactivity let alone handling the fissile materials! And then the effects radiation has on electronics. Hope your bomb don't decide to set itself off! Personally without the lab or containment bunker let alone the deployment site and deployment vehicle I would not want to mess with one. If anything I would MUCH rather figure out how to create a dielectric short between the Ionosphere and the ground in a way I can target any place on earth and dump the biggest lightning bolts on cities people have ever seen. I am talking, "Pay me 10,000 long tons of gold and 10,000 long tons of platinum or watch New York City get erased from the map." Oh to be able to go Scorpio on the UN! Picking on America and being able to do so with impunity would be a sign to the rest of the world they have NO CHANCE! I think zapping a bunch of refineries and power stations causing a HUGE disaster and then informing someone of my demands would very much have their attention. Especially if I could likewise take out the satellite advantage they have with the same system! I am pretty sure the scale of what I have in mind would cause EMP far greater than a whole bunch of Nukes going off! NICOLAI TESLA THEORIZED ABOUT SUCH A WEAPON AND EVEN HAD EXPERIMENTS TO PROVE ITS VALIDITY! I can imagine potential threats within the scope of our technology that would make you get fear goose bumps. Hell, how many doomsday nutjobs out there have tried to unleash biodeath on us already? More than our government will admit to! Anthrax is the particular favorite. But Ebola, now we are talking! In an ideal world we all would just get alone. Not the case! So shall we dance on extremes again? you're making excuses why people shouldn't have the right to bear nukes because they might be dangerous ...that appears to be the same argument Gun control advocates are making about guns you seem to agree with them more than you are willing to admit ...for claim that only those with "legitimate" carry conceal gun card should be able to take guns into schools, courthouses etc... I don't remember anything in the 2nd amendment about citizens needing a gun conceal carry card to bear arms can you explain why someone would need one ..and can you explain this without sounding like Obama? For one just the toxicity of Radioactive substances in the first place! WE THE PEOPLE DO BEAR NUKES but under a strict structure of authority and rules we adhere to tightly. It takes a lot to be allowed to hold the keys to Armageddon! Next. What do you do with a nuke once you build it? We do not store active weapons. Active weapons are set on delivery systems just in case they get the order. So what if I have 25 kilotons of force in my basement aye? That is an over reactive extreme to the right to bear arms. Now bazookas, rpgs and flamethrowers? A little over the top but frankly in the right hands they are safe. In the wrong hands they are not. Machine guns, They are FUN AS HELL TO SHOOT! Behind a .50 BMG I feel like GOD! Never got to light off a BIG BIG gun yet. Did some rocketry as well including making some 'eh, well, best I not talk about it style rockets just to see if I could do it. Red match heads! That is all I will say. And they go up like hells bells! One of those hybrid motors made my Estes rocket into a magic act. Now you see it, now you don't. All I could do was follow the white line into the sky where I could see the streamer coming down BARELY! I was one of those science geeks in high school. One of the scary ones! But again just becasue I wield such power do I have a right to use it to hold sway? I do not see the second amendment entitling anyone to use capital firepower in the name of gain. But in the name of defending our homes? I actually feel the restrictions we have are stupid and don't address the real problems. Likewise we can't seem to get the fact in our heads there will always be Bad Seeds! I feel if you want a nuke knock yourself out. I just hope you know how to keep a from grip on the tail of that tiger! |
NICE! Now I am Rambo. NO. I am a Wolverine! Misunderstood, a survivor, capable of killing an animal over 340 TIMES its own size, and willing to take on Bears. Now between you and me if we both had a pistol who has a real advantage over the other guy? In a face off the guy who trained with his gun has the advantage. But man for man, not counting anything else? For as big as you are you would have no advantage over me at all. We could kill each other very easily. Now, do not compare Obama to a Samurai at all! Samurai had to fight for a living. Obama is a limp wristed party planner who's idea of a hard day at work is gauged by how much *** he had to kiss! If he and Vladamir Putin got into a fight Obama would be done in under 10 seconds, world leader for world leader. Obama also has NO honor and no real code of ethics save one, cram HIS idealistic agenda down our throats. He is a male Marie Antoinette living in utter denial of how big a mistake he has made and the disaster he is about to unleash on us all! Now comparing civilian to military firepower, Here is a though, how many of those soldiers are Americans? Really. Ask a soldier some time if they were ordered to go door to door to confiscate weapons what they would do. It is the UN soldiers I would be more afraid of. Nut then again what would keep me from ambushing a few blue helmets and relieving them of their hardware and dignity? WOLVERINES! You see the problem is where can we run when our homes are being destroyed? There is no where to run! If you don't find a point where you decide to stand your ground you will always be running. The gun control issue is all about the second amendment and also about our rights to protect ourselves. Gun Control is all about taking them away gradually! One restriction leads to another then to another in a slippery slope that is lubricated by momentum! Suddenly our constitution is burned and we are back to the Feudal days! We have lost sight of the ideals of PERSONAL ACCOUNTABILITY! And you keep trying to digress others to the subject of nuclear weapons. Dude, get over it. The pollution alone is deterrent enough. if you are so scared about nukes lets go pound N Korea once and for all! Lets get that problem done with. Then go to Iran and kick their sorry ***** back into the Straights of Hormuz so they can take a bath for a change! You put FAR too much faith in all the wrong people my friend! Likewise you are trying to use warped space logic to bend our arguments and make them sound confrontational. How many times has Obama said one thing and gone complete 180 degrees on us? Lets see, TARP II, the deficit and spending, and about his Health care? Did it fix ANYTHING? Did I just hear a resounding NO from the crowd? I THINK I DID! ~ that is a tilde & that is an Ampersand AND NUCLEAR WEAPONS HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH THIS CONVERSATION! I CAN MAKE A LETHAL WEAPON OUT OF A MICROWAVE OVEN FOR REAL! DO I want to do that? Hell no. I need it as a microwave over. I would rather have warm food than a small underpowered beam weapon that makes people swell up like balloons and cooks their insides! Where is my Particle beam cannon in the 40 Megawatt range? How about my terminator robot? Am I allowed one of those? Come on. Want to see what outclassed police look like? ![]() Red neck Ingenuity! Oddly the only man who dies in this was the driver of the killdozer! This guy would have been more than a match for the LAPD! Besides, HOW ABOUT MESSING WITH BIO WEAPONS? Why should private companies have the right to make ways of killing us all more efficient than a nuke? You live in far too much fear my friend! I don't fear the military as much as I fear these career politicians playing god from their seat of authority! There will always be dumbshytes among us and we need to weed them out. It is people like Obama who i am scared of especially when they operate purely on their PERSONAL BELIEF SYSTEM! OBAMACARE IS A FAIL! Obama has no sense of moderation nor is he doing ANYTHING about keeping congress focused on their spending habits. Is America in the Black at least in terms of operating? 1 trillion in the red STILL just for this year's budget alone? And while we need him where is he? Kissing ***, going to Hawaii, and taking all kinds of fun trips telling the world how bad we are and we apologize for being such bad people! He should be up congress's *** on a daily basis about our problems. Nope, he can focus more on trying to use executive orders to screw us some more. And on top of that I DOUBT HIGHLY he was born in America! 2 years to produce his birth records? It only took me two weeks to get mine! So now what? I am the one needing a tinfoil hat here? My construction hard had it aluminum but not tinfoil, is that good enough? I am not giving my trust up to anyone with as many skeletons hidden in their closet as Obama! Nukes... Yeah, if you had no idea how to make one you would kill yourself. If you did you would know just how much of a whore it is just to contain the radioactivity let alone handling the fissile materials! And then the effects radiation has on electronics. Hope your bomb don't decide to set itself off! Personally without the lab or containment bunker let alone the deployment site and deployment vehicle I would not want to mess with one. If anything I would MUCH rather figure out how to create a dielectric short between the Ionosphere and the ground in a way I can target any place on earth and dump the biggest lightning bolts on cities people have ever seen. I am talking, "Pay me 10,000 long tons of gold and 10,000 long tons of platinum or watch New York City get erased from the map." Oh to be able to go Scorpio on the UN! Picking on America and being able to do so with impunity would be a sign to the rest of the world they have NO CHANCE! I think zapping a bunch of refineries and power stations causing a HUGE disaster and then informing someone of my demands would very much have their attention. Especially if I could likewise take out the satellite advantage they have with the same system! I am pretty sure the scale of what I have in mind would cause EMP far greater than a whole bunch of Nukes going off! NICOLAI TESLA THEORIZED ABOUT SUCH A WEAPON AND EVEN HAD EXPERIMENTS TO PROVE ITS VALIDITY! I can imagine potential threats within the scope of our technology that would make you get fear goose bumps. Hell, how many doomsday nutjobs out there have tried to unleash biodeath on us already? More than our government will admit to! Anthrax is the particular favorite. But Ebola, now we are talking! In an ideal world we all would just get alone. Not the case! So shall we dance on extremes again? you're making excuses why people shouldn't have the right to bear nukes because they might be dangerous ...that appears to be the same argument Gun control advocates are making about guns you seem to agree with them more than you are willing to admit ...for claim that only those with "legitimate" carry conceal gun card should be able to take guns into schools, courthouses etc... I don't remember anything in the 2nd amendment about citizens needing a gun conceal carry card to bear arms can you explain why someone would need one ..and can you explain this without sounding like Obama? For one just the toxicity of Radioactive substances in the first place! WE THE PEOPLE DO BEAR NUKES but under a strict structure of authority and rules we adhere to tightly. sounds like something Obama would say It takes a lot to be allowed to hold the keys to Armageddon! Next. sounds like something Obama would say What do you do with a nuke once you build it? We do not store active weapons. Active weapons are set on delivery systems just in case they get the order. So what if I have 25 kilotons of force in my basement aye? That is an over reactive extreme to the right to bear arms. Now bazookas, rpgs and flamethrowers? A little over the top but frankly in the right hands they are safe. In the wrong hands they are not. Machine guns, They are FUN AS HELL TO SHOOT! Behind a .50 BMG I feel like GOD! Never got to light off a BIG BIG gun yet. Did some rocketry as well including making some 'eh, well, best I not talk about it style rockets just to see if I could do it. Red match heads! That is all I will say. And they go up like hells bells! One of those hybrid motors made my Estes rocket into a magic act. Now you see it, now you don't. All I could do was follow the white line into the sky where I could see the streamer coming down BARELY! I was one of those science geeks in high school. One of the scary ones! sounds like something an asylum escapee might say But again just becasue I wield such power do I have a right to use it to hold sway? sounds like something Obama would say I do not see the second amendment entitling anyone to use capital firepower in the name of gain. But in the name of defending our homes? sounds like something the USSR would say I actually feel the restrictions we have are stupid and don't address the real problems. Likewise we can't seem to get the fact in our heads there will always be Bad Seeds!
sounds like something the NRA would say I feel if you want a nuke knock yourself out. I just hope you know how to keep a from grip on the tail of that tiger! and that's why Obama is trying to place in laws and restriction on guns keep a grip on that tiger ... do you see how much you have in common with the philosophy of Obama |
it's amazing how you guys keep making excuses and denying your 2nd amendment right to bear this NRA brainwashing? to help only sell their products of guns and ammo but anyway "RoamingOrator"... as for you claiming that your brother can handle nukes....don't your brother have you for a brother, and you already promised that you would set off a nuke if you ever got hold of one ... you ever visit your brother? Well, like I said, my brother is responsible enough to handle a nuke, which means he's responsible enough to know where to hide it from me. Duh! (Oh, and you can just call me "RO," I don't mind) And I'd also argue that a nuke isn't a weapon. Oh, it can be used to cause death and mass destruction, but it isn't a weapon, because in and of itself, it cannot be projected to kill others. You can't throw a nuke, its too heavy. You can't shoot a nuke, it doesn't have a propellant. You can't sling one, once again too big. The weapon part of a nuke is the delivery system. Whether it is a missile or plane, it is what delivers the payload that should be legal to own. I can go buy a plane anywhere, and I've already made the statement that I think I should be allowed to have missiles. The delivery system is what makes a weapon. The act of thrusting is what makes a spear a weapon. The act of firing is what makes a bow a weapon. The act of hurling is what makes a stone a weapon. Munitions, are not covered by the Second Amendment, just the arms. I can reload my own shells, make my own black powder - Grandpa taught me. The Framers did the same or at least could. Don't forget, the cartridge wasn't invented yet, neither the charge, so technically munitions and ammo are not protected by the Second Amendment, they didn't think of it, because these were home-made items. Which means that nukes are not covered by my rights, much to the NRA's dismay (and note they don't mention ammo much, except when dealing with the size of a clip). So yes, nukes can be regulated. We can do it to other sovereign nations, so to do it to the people is no stretch. |
NICE! Now I am Rambo. NO. I am a Wolverine! Misunderstood, a survivor, capable of killing an animal over 340 TIMES its own size, and willing to take on Bears. Now between you and me if we both had a pistol who has a real advantage over the other guy? In a face off the guy who trained with his gun has the advantage. But man for man, not counting anything else? For as big as you are you would have no advantage over me at all. We could kill each other very easily. Now, do not compare Obama to a Samurai at all! Samurai had to fight for a living. Obama is a limp wristed party planner who's idea of a hard day at work is gauged by how much *** he had to kiss! If he and Vladamir Putin got into a fight Obama would be done in under 10 seconds, world leader for world leader. Obama also has NO honor and no real code of ethics save one, cram HIS idealistic agenda down our throats. He is a male Marie Antoinette living in utter denial of how big a mistake he has made and the disaster he is about to unleash on us all! Now comparing civilian to military firepower, Here is a though, how many of those soldiers are Americans? Really. Ask a soldier some time if they were ordered to go door to door to confiscate weapons what they would do. It is the UN soldiers I would be more afraid of. Nut then again what would keep me from ambushing a few blue helmets and relieving them of their hardware and dignity? WOLVERINES! You see the problem is where can we run when our homes are being destroyed? There is no where to run! If you don't find a point where you decide to stand your ground you will always be running. The gun control issue is all about the second amendment and also about our rights to protect ourselves. Gun Control is all about taking them away gradually! One restriction leads to another then to another in a slippery slope that is lubricated by momentum! Suddenly our constitution is burned and we are back to the Feudal days! We have lost sight of the ideals of PERSONAL ACCOUNTABILITY! And you keep trying to digress others to the subject of nuclear weapons. Dude, get over it. The pollution alone is deterrent enough. if you are so scared about nukes lets go pound N Korea once and for all! Lets get that problem done with. Then go to Iran and kick their sorry ***** back into the Straights of Hormuz so they can take a bath for a change! You put FAR too much faith in all the wrong people my friend! Likewise you are trying to use warped space logic to bend our arguments and make them sound confrontational. How many times has Obama said one thing and gone complete 180 degrees on us? Lets see, TARP II, the deficit and spending, and about his Health care? Did it fix ANYTHING? Did I just hear a resounding NO from the crowd? I THINK I DID! ~ that is a tilde & that is an Ampersand AND NUCLEAR WEAPONS HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH THIS CONVERSATION! I CAN MAKE A LETHAL WEAPON OUT OF A MICROWAVE OVEN FOR REAL! DO I want to do that? Hell no. I need it as a microwave over. I would rather have warm food than a small underpowered beam weapon that makes people swell up like balloons and cooks their insides! Where is my Particle beam cannon in the 40 Megawatt range? How about my terminator robot? Am I allowed one of those? Come on. Want to see what outclassed police look like? ![]() Red neck Ingenuity! Oddly the only man who dies in this was the driver of the killdozer! This guy would have been more than a match for the LAPD! Besides, HOW ABOUT MESSING WITH BIO WEAPONS? Why should private companies have the right to make ways of killing us all more efficient than a nuke? You live in far too much fear my friend! I don't fear the military as much as I fear these career politicians playing god from their seat of authority! There will always be dumbshytes among us and we need to weed them out. It is people like Obama who i am scared of especially when they operate purely on their PERSONAL BELIEF SYSTEM! OBAMACARE IS A FAIL! Obama has no sense of moderation nor is he doing ANYTHING about keeping congress focused on their spending habits. Is America in the Black at least in terms of operating? 1 trillion in the red STILL just for this year's budget alone? And while we need him where is he? Kissing ***, going to Hawaii, and taking all kinds of fun trips telling the world how bad we are and we apologize for being such bad people! He should be up congress's *** on a daily basis about our problems. Nope, he can focus more on trying to use executive orders to screw us some more. And on top of that I DOUBT HIGHLY he was born in America! 2 years to produce his birth records? It only took me two weeks to get mine! So now what? I am the one needing a tinfoil hat here? My construction hard had it aluminum but not tinfoil, is that good enough? I am not giving my trust up to anyone with as many skeletons hidden in their closet as Obama! Nukes... Yeah, if you had no idea how to make one you would kill yourself. If you did you would know just how much of a whore it is just to contain the radioactivity let alone handling the fissile materials! And then the effects radiation has on electronics. Hope your bomb don't decide to set itself off! Personally without the lab or containment bunker let alone the deployment site and deployment vehicle I would not want to mess with one. If anything I would MUCH rather figure out how to create a dielectric short between the Ionosphere and the ground in a way I can target any place on earth and dump the biggest lightning bolts on cities people have ever seen. I am talking, "Pay me 10,000 long tons of gold and 10,000 long tons of platinum or watch New York City get erased from the map." Oh to be able to go Scorpio on the UN! Picking on America and being able to do so with impunity would be a sign to the rest of the world they have NO CHANCE! I think zapping a bunch of refineries and power stations causing a HUGE disaster and then informing someone of my demands would very much have their attention. Especially if I could likewise take out the satellite advantage they have with the same system! I am pretty sure the scale of what I have in mind would cause EMP far greater than a whole bunch of Nukes going off! NICOLAI TESLA THEORIZED ABOUT SUCH A WEAPON AND EVEN HAD EXPERIMENTS TO PROVE ITS VALIDITY! I can imagine potential threats within the scope of our technology that would make you get fear goose bumps. Hell, how many doomsday nutjobs out there have tried to unleash biodeath on us already? More than our government will admit to! Anthrax is the particular favorite. But Ebola, now we are talking! In an ideal world we all would just get alone. Not the case! So shall we dance on extremes again? you're making excuses why people shouldn't have the right to bear nukes because they might be dangerous ...that appears to be the same argument Gun control advocates are making about guns you seem to agree with them more than you are willing to admit ...for claim that only those with "legitimate" carry conceal gun card should be able to take guns into schools, courthouses etc... I don't remember anything in the 2nd amendment about citizens needing a gun conceal carry card to bear arms can you explain why someone would need one ..and can you explain this without sounding like Obama? For one just the toxicity of Radioactive substances in the first place! WE THE PEOPLE DO BEAR NUKES but under a strict structure of authority and rules we adhere to tightly. sounds like something Obama would say It takes a lot to be allowed to hold the keys to Armageddon! Next. sounds like something Obama would say What do you do with a nuke once you build it? We do not store active weapons. Active weapons are set on delivery systems just in case they get the order. So what if I have 25 kilotons of force in my basement aye? That is an over reactive extreme to the right to bear arms. Now bazookas, rpgs and flamethrowers? A little over the top but frankly in the right hands they are safe. In the wrong hands they are not. Machine guns, They are FUN AS HELL TO SHOOT! Behind a .50 BMG I feel like GOD! Never got to light off a BIG BIG gun yet. Did some rocketry as well including making some 'eh, well, best I not talk about it style rockets just to see if I could do it. Red match heads! That is all I will say. And they go up like hells bells! One of those hybrid motors made my Estes rocket into a magic act. Now you see it, now you don't. All I could do was follow the white line into the sky where I could see the streamer coming down BARELY! I was one of those science geeks in high school. One of the scary ones! sounds like something an asylum escapee might say But again just becasue I wield such power do I have a right to use it to hold sway? sounds like something Obama would say I do not see the second amendment entitling anyone to use capital firepower in the name of gain. But in the name of defending our homes? sounds like something the USSR would say I actually feel the restrictions we have are stupid and don't address the real problems. Likewise we can't seem to get the fact in our heads there will always be Bad Seeds!
sounds like something the NRA would say I feel if you want a nuke knock yourself out. I just hope you know how to keep a from grip on the tail of that tiger! and that's why Obama is trying to place in laws and restriction on guns keep a grip on that tiger ... do you see how much you have in common with the philosophy of Obama 100% fallacious comparisons! Wow, I did not think I would have seen that coming. I think like Obama, the USSR and the NRA? I MUST BE ONE COMPLETELY CONFUSED FUCQING LIBERAL! ROTFL my friend... ROTFL! Obama took the tiger by the tail when he gave Wall Street the bail out WE should have gotten. He is afraid of being the guy in the middle should a full blown rebellion break out thanks to him. Too bad he took a job being a puppet. he should be scared. He is sure not serving MY interests. He isn't serving America! We all know he sold out. Its supposedly the American way. So is living in fear of guns! Geez... ![]() |