Topic: How low will Obozo stoop? Low enough to use children!
willing2's photo
Wed 01/16/13 05:56 AM
Edited by willing2 on Wed 01/16/13 05:57 AM

nope, but we do take licenses from those who fall short of requirements, and we withhold license from those who dont meet the requirements

Anutter uninformed response.

What do you call a person that passes the medical boards with a D-?


Get a clue????

rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

How many kids does Hussein get to drone before it becomes too many?slaphead

msharmony's photo
Wed 01/16/13 06:01 AM

It is yet another push for that "utopia" they all want so badly! Crimanals want unarmed victims and Dictators want unarmed citizens!

the 'game' is more a partof american culture than most americans admit

how many children die each year from gun 'accidents' even ?500

yet, people pushing for guns in every home are hmming and hawing about drones that have killed not even that many children over 8 years,,,

can we say,, hypocrisy,,?

We can when you talk about der fuhrer....sorry.... the messiah

Let's make 300,000,000+ people criminals to save a few kids that might be killed during the 300 gun deaths by ANY TYPE of "rifles" that occur in a year....

Obozo kills more with his drones

stupidity at its finest!

Yes, we can say hypocrisy!

how , pray tell, can one person 'make' someone a criminal?

and how is it not hypocritical for people to complain in one breath about our drone policy with targeted locations supposedly,because it has killed several hundred children in the past EIGHT OR NINE YEARS

and complain in the other breath that noone should be changing anything about our gun policies here which have lead to more than that many american children dying YEARLY,,,,

truly insane, using numbers accumulated over 8 years, to compare to the numbers who died in 1 afternoon

some dont understand how to make analogies properly,,,

I BET, I can find examples of military actions throughout american history and under every president in the past thirty years, that resulted in more deaths of innocent bystanders and children than died at sandy hook,,,so does that mean we have no need to be concerned or take action about keeping kids safer here?

we went hits bat crazy when 3000 americans died here on our soil, but how many do our military kill in their attacks and invasions,, long before this administration or even bushes?

how easy is the numbers game to play for either side in pushing their agenda?

You moot your own point!

300 million plus population
12,000 deaths by firearm a year (including police actions)
195,000 killed from medical malprctice

Are we banning Drs and hospitals?

nope, but we do take licenses from those who fall short of requirements, and we withhold license from those who dont meet the requirements

Yep, and people register their arms too and police arrest criminals

So again, you moot your own point!

what do you think my point is , exactly?

the issue is whether one man 'the president' is being a hypocrite because military action he sanctions kills kids

to speak out about children who are dying here at home?

the point is, should people feel silenced to speak out about children dying here in america

because of children in other countries who are dying from warfare?

do we expect to end warfare and let threats go uncombatted as long as they are able to hide out where there are children?

is that the better solution, is that the 'easy' answer? Would you want to be left making those decisions?

quick? you know you have a target who is planning to going into town and blowing up 1000 people,,,,however, he refuses to be anywhere alone and is hiding someplace where 30 other people reside?

do you wait for him to go into town, and try to eliminate the risk once you have 1000 potential victims

or do you go in, and risk a portion of the 50?

is that really as simplistic a situation, as not selling a gun that shoots a dozen rounds to someone who is mentally unwell? or not selling it to those who care for the mentally unwell who have access to it?

are those situations REALLY the same thing at all?

,,,,ID say they arent even close

msharmony's photo
Wed 01/16/13 06:03 AM
Edited by msharmony on Wed 01/16/13 06:05 AM

nope, but we do take licenses from those who fall short of requirements, and we withhold license from those who dont meet the requirements

Anutter uninformed response.

What do you call a person that passes the medical boards with a D-?


Get a clue????

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How many kids does Hussein get to drone before it becomes too many?slaphead

there is no answer for that, anymore than there is to the question

how many children have to die from wars before it becomes too many?

or how many children have to die from guns in america before it becomes too many?

those things are terrible and unavoidable risks in some situations,,

we can certainly do our best to keep numbers at a minimal,

but we arent going to be able to get the number down to zero,,,
and even one is a terrible consequence

Sojourning_Soul's photo
Wed 01/16/13 06:05 AM
Edited by Sojourning_Soul on Wed 01/16/13 06:07 AM
With guns....

there is no answer for that, anymore than there is to the question

how many children have to die from medical malpractice before it becomes too many?

or how many children have to die from drones before it becomes too many?

those things are terrible and unavoidable risks in some situations,,,

we can certainly do our best to keep numbers at a minimal,

but we arent going to be able to get the number down to zero,,,
and even one is a terrible consequence

see? You can't rationalize or regulate stupidity!

msharmony's photo
Wed 01/16/13 06:06 AM
those things are terrible and unavoidable risks in some situations,,

we can certainly do our best to keep numbers at a minimal,

but we arent going to be able to get the number down to zero,,,
and even one is a terrible consequence

willing2's photo
Wed 01/16/13 06:07 AM
Edited by willing2 on Wed 01/16/13 06:08 AM

With guns....

there is no answer for that, anymore than there is to the question

how many children have to die from medical malpractice before it becomes too many?

or how many children have to die from drones before it becomes too many?

those things are terrible and unavoidable risks in some situations,,,

Apparently, some seem to believe kids in other countries are less than human.

Kinda' bigoted, no?

I think I saw Shabitch and his crew of animals in line to turn over their guns of war.


May be selective enforcement?

laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

Sojourning_Soul's photo
Wed 01/16/13 06:11 AM
Edited by Sojourning_Soul on Wed 01/16/13 06:16 AM

those things are terrible and unavoidable risks in some situations,,

we can certainly do our best to keep numbers at a minimal,

but we arent going to be able to get the number down to zero,,,
and even one is a terrible consequence

Give it up Ms.... your dog don't hunt!

It's a dangerous world we live in and if you can't or don't accept the risk that you could die enjoying life, you might want to invest in a bunker under some mountain.

Don't try to limit the right of others to enjoy theirs because of your fears

msharmony's photo
Wed 01/16/13 06:12 AM
again, I have no idea the relevance of the NBP or what children they have killed with guns or drones,,,but,,,

noone said the country makes a kid less human,,,,,

msharmony's photo
Wed 01/16/13 06:14 AM

those things are terrible and unavoidable risks in some situations,,

we can certainly do our best to keep numbers at a minimal,

but we arent going to be able to get the number down to zero,,,
and even one is a terrible consequence

Give it up Ms.... your dog don't hunt!

It's a dangerous world we live in and if you can't or don't accept the risk that you could die enjoying life, you might want to invest in a bunker under some mountain.

lovely use of metaphors, but Im really not sure how it relates to what I posted,,,,

to answer the (question?) , I can and do accept that there are risks in life, and that death is an inevitable part of that

I dont feel the desire or need to live in fear of that reality, just to make responsible choices and live as safely as I can,,,

Sojourning_Soul's photo
Wed 01/16/13 06:26 AM
Edited by Sojourning_Soul on Wed 01/16/13 06:29 AM

those things are terrible and unavoidable risks in some situations,,

we can certainly do our best to keep numbers at a minimal,

but we arent going to be able to get the number down to zero,,,
and even one is a terrible consequence

Give it up Ms.... your dog don't hunt!

It's a dangerous world we live in and if you can't or don't accept the risk that you could die enjoying life, you might want to invest in a bunker under some mountain.

lovely use of metaphors, but Im really not sure how it relates to what I posted,,,,

to answer the (question?) , I can and do accept that there are risks in life, and that death is an inevitable part of that

I dont feel the desire or need to live in fear of that reality, just to make responsible choices and live as safely as I can,,,

So you wish to impose your beliefs on others by restricting their right to personal enjoyments because of your fears.

So it's ok to drop bombs on nations we are not at war with, killing women and children because corporations want to steal the wealth of other nations, but a crazy with a gun.....? Well, we just ban guns so people can't protect themselves from criminals who will buy guns even if they are illegal and drop the crazy kid down a crack never addressing the real issue because guns are the problem....

And that's why there is a problem!

msharmony's photo
Wed 01/16/13 06:34 AM

those things are terrible and unavoidable risks in some situations,,

we can certainly do our best to keep numbers at a minimal,

but we arent going to be able to get the number down to zero,,,
and even one is a terrible consequence

Give it up Ms.... your dog don't hunt!

It's a dangerous world we live in and if you can't or don't accept the risk that you could die enjoying life, you might want to invest in a bunker under some mountain.

lovely use of metaphors, but Im really not sure how it relates to what I posted,,,,

to answer the (question?) , I can and do accept that there are risks in life, and that death is an inevitable part of that

I dont feel the desire or need to live in fear of that reality, just to make responsible choices and live as safely as I can,,,

So you wish to impose your beliefs on others by restricting their right to personal enjoyments because of your fears.

So it's ok to drop bombs on nations we are not at war with, killing women and children because corporations want to steal the wealth of other nations, but a crazy with a gun.....? Well, we just ban guns so people can't protect themselves from criminals who will buy guns even if they are illegal and drop the crazy kid down a crack never addressing the real issue because guns are the problem....

And that's why there is a problem!

what 'personal enjoyment' are you speaking of

if tha personal enjoyment is shooting rooms full of children,,than yes,, I wish to impose action to reduce that risk,,,

if personal enjoyment is hunting, which certainly doesnt require something like an uzi (IM not a gun enthusiast so I wont have the proper gun names) , than no, I feel hunters should be able to go to hunting areas and hunt game

I dont think its ok to 'drop bombs' to avoid material loss, I do think its sometimes necessary to 'drop bombs' to avoid loss of greater life,,,,

I dont wish to ban guns, I Wish to have gun regulation which decreases these incidents

so, having 1000 guns available instead of 1500, is hardly 'banning' ,,, to me anyhow

plenty of option still out there for those gun users to take advantage of,,,

giving 'no option' would not be something I supported either, which is what I consider actually 'banning guns'

like we 'ban' drivers licenses for children under 15, yet licenses arent 'banned',,,thats called a regulation

and im for regulation of guns,,,,yep

msharmony's photo
Wed 01/16/13 06:34 AM

those things are terrible and unavoidable risks in some situations,,

we can certainly do our best to keep numbers at a minimal,

but we arent going to be able to get the number down to zero,,,
and even one is a terrible consequence

Give it up Ms.... your dog don't hunt!

It's a dangerous world we live in and if you can't or don't accept the risk that you could die enjoying life, you might want to invest in a bunker under some mountain.

lovely use of metaphors, but Im really not sure how it relates to what I posted,,,,

to answer the (question?) , I can and do accept that there are risks in life, and that death is an inevitable part of that

I dont feel the desire or need to live in fear of that reality, just to make responsible choices and live as safely as I can,,,

So you wish to impose your beliefs on others by restricting their right to personal enjoyments because of your fears.

So it's ok to drop bombs on nations we are not at war with, killing women and children because corporations want to steal the wealth of other nations, but a crazy with a gun.....? Well, we just ban guns so people can't protect themselves from criminals who will buy guns even if they are illegal and drop the crazy kid down a crack never addressing the real issue because guns are the problem....

And that's why there is a problem!

far from stupid, or simple enough to think its that black and white,,

Sojourning_Soul's photo
Wed 01/16/13 06:39 AM
Edited by Sojourning_Soul on Wed 01/16/13 06:52 AM

Like I said, you can't rationalize or regulate stupidity, so obviously you can't fix stupid!

20 years of regulation was allowed to go unrenewed because studies showed there was NO affect on the rate of crime under harsher regulations, so congress refused to reinstate them in 2004.

Law abiding citizens do not commit violent crime..... so let's take their guns away making them victims.... increase violent crime, charge more in taxes to fix the problem we create, creating more problems....

You can't fix stupid!

But what do you care about the gov'ts own facts on the matter if your messiah says guns are the problem?

Conrad_73's photo
Wed 01/16/13 07:06 AM

those things are terrible and unavoidable risks in some situations,,

we can certainly do our best to keep numbers at a minimal,

but we arent going to be able to get the number down to zero,,,
and even one is a terrible consequence
and you'll get those numbers down to Zero by depriving Citizens of their rightful means of Self-Defense?

Conrad_73's photo
Wed 01/16/13 07:53 AM

willing2's photo
Wed 01/16/13 07:57 AM

those things are terrible and unavoidable risks in some situations,,

we can certainly do our best to keep numbers at a minimal,

but we arent going to be able to get the number down to zero,,,
and even one is a terrible consequence
and you'll get those numbers down to Zero by depriving Citizens of their rightful means of Self-Defense?

What the idiot anti-citizen gun owners can't seem to grasp is, animals like Shabitch don't care what gun laws Hussein wants. They will keep and get more.

Criminals don't obey laws.

Even a 6 year old can grasp that concept.

Conrad_73's photo
Wed 01/16/13 08:13 AM
( – One day ahead of President Barack Obama’s announcement of sweeping gun control measures, White House Press Secretary Jay Carney said the president is committed to the Second Amendment.

“First of all, the president of the United States believes that the Second Amendment guarantees an individual’s right to bear arms,” Carney told reporters. “He has been explicit about this.

“And throughout his time in office he has made clear that he believes we ought to take commonsense and enact commonsense measures that protect our Second Amendment rights but prevent people who should not have weapons from obtaining them. So his commitment to the Second Amendment I think is very clear,” Carney added.

I hear that Carney's Pants spontaneously combusted!noway laugh :laughing:

tmrose's photo
Wed 01/16/13 11:17 AM
First of all, let me say this......above matter what the issue, no matter the subject......It is and always be the responsibility of the individual to do what is right.....when it is said that a certin number children are killed each year because on guns "just lying" around let it be known that those SPECIFIC INDIVIDIUALS are acting irrisponsibily...THEY are...not ME!Second........YOUR right to enjoy a way of life as you please and as you wish and want ALSO INCLUDES.......MY RIGHT TO BE FREE FROM YOU AND YOUR IDEAS!!

galendgirl's photo
Wed 01/16/13 11:24 AM

"Never let a good crisis go to waste!" as the corrupt Raumulan Emanuel once said after 9/11!

So of course our "Liar in chief" will surround himself with children to promote unconstitutional powers and actions against the 2nd amendment to a sleeping nation!

I wonder if he will disarm the Secret Service that protects HIS family too

That is a new hot topic following an NRA add that says "his children go to school with armed guards."

Regardless of your position on this topic, I think seating those kids behind him was sleazy showmanship and inappropriate.

Sojourning_Soul's photo
Wed 01/16/13 11:32 AM

"Never let a good crisis go to waste!" as the corrupt Raumulan Emanuel once said after 9/11!

So of course our "Liar in chief" will surround himself with children to promote unconstitutional powers and actions against the 2nd amendment to a sleeping nation!

I wonder if he will disarm the Secret Service that protects HIS family too

That is a new hot topic following an NRA add that says "his children go to school with armed guards."

Regardless of your position on this topic, I think seating those kids behind him was sleazy showmanship and inappropriate.
