Topic: Sesarch Criteria Doesnt Appear to Work
stanier's photo
Tue 11/27/12 11:18 PM

I have used the search criteria and set it to 15miles from where I live. Yet I get searches back from all over Australia? Some 3000miles away?

I have used the advanced search and get fewer results but many are still outside my area.

I set the criteria to non smokers and I get profiles who smoke occassinally?

Am I doing soemthing wrong or is the database for Australia corrupted in some way?

charles's photo
Wed 11/28/12 12:49 PM
Hi, stanier. Can you mail me some examples? I do see a couple of ladies which may have simply used the wrong country in their listings, so perhaps that is the cause.

In any event, I see that you have changed the radius to 50 miles.

stanier's photo
Wed 11/28/12 06:45 PM

Can I attach some screen dumps somehow to illustrate?

Yes you are right about the incorrect entries I have one lady who described herself as in Sydney but is in Woolloongong two hours drive south of here.

I changed the radius to 50 miles becasue I suspected the database.

One example is when I do a search and then select the location besides a persons name it appears the search brings up a raft of people outside the search criteria and there is no way to do a refined search.

The Advanced Search doesnt appear to take into account the Radius.

charles's photo
Thu 11/29/12 11:50 AM
If it helps us understand the situation, definitely. You may mail us at