Topic: Good job, America | |
More examples of past and current foreign policy disguised as the spreading of DEMOCRACY. In Jamaica, they (CIA) organized a 1976 military coup to overthrow the goverment of Micheal Manley. They supported three attempts to assassinate Prime Minister Manley, who was elected by masses who loved him. But America did not want him in leadership, so they tried to assassinate him three times and were unsuccessful. Later, they found another way to unseat him, through the INTERNATIONAL MONETARY FUND. More American democracy.
Libya has the worlds greatest known concentration of "sweet crude", its sweet in that it is cheaper to refine. Europe and America were spending billions in refining costs. So France, the U.S. and Britain under the primise of fighting terrorism launched the assault on Libya. Problem is all three nations have reniged on the agreed upon divying of oil revenues among the Libyans against Qa.daffi, now they are rebelling at the coalitions betrayal. Poor saps fell for the oldest trick in our book on foriegn policy.
Edited by
Wed 09/19/12 12:10 PM
More of the U.S. goverments spreading democracy can been found when in Grenada, they attempted to organize a coup to overthrow the goverment of Maurice Bishop in 1980. In Dominica, they provided financial support Eugenia Charles in her bid to defeat Oliver Seraphine in elections. After the CIA brought her into power, it was then Eugenia Charles who stood by President Ronald Reagan and called for Americas intervention into Grenada. The ploy is common today, we put you in power, you do as we say. American democracy. Proof, How did the U.S.goverment ensure the reelection of Eugenia Charlse? We funded her pet projects like paving her roads and promised not to invade again. Plus we provided great incentives, low interests loans from IMF. All just to keep Bishop from being Minister. who was petitioning the world court to prosecute IMF bankers for illegalitys.
I feel for you, Ruth.
Sorry, your thread has been turned into CT scandals. |
In Nicaragua, they (CIA) recruited, trained and equipted anti Sandinista forces for sabotage and terrorists insurgents into the country. In Suriname, the U.S. goverment was behind three attempts to overthrow the goverment of Colonel Desi Bouterse. In Guatemala, they organized a military coup to overthrow the goverment of Angel Anibal Guevara Rodriguez. In Chad, they provided military assistance to overthrow the goverment of Goukouni Oueddei. In Libya, the CIA orquestrated campaigns of economic presure, propaganda and military manuevers to destablize the goverment Muammar Gadhafi and finally had him assassinated.
Edited by
Wed 09/19/12 01:01 PM
I feel for you, Ruth. Sorry, your thread has been turned into CT scandals. |
In Iran, the U.S. overthrew the goverment of Mohammad Mossadegh and placed the Shah of Iran on the thrown so that multinational corporations could get the oil out of Iran at a cheaper price. MORE DEMOCRACY. It seems to me that the recent uprisings have nothing to do with religion nor a movie, its the fact that they know what supposibly intelligent Americans dont know.
Edited by
Wed 09/19/12 01:18 PM
Firing a machine gun into the air only sends the enemy in another direction, avoiding you, or giving away your location so a plan of attack can be formed against you.
To best face an enemy in battle, you are wiser to save your ammo until you are attacked, not giving away your strength or location. Regardless how true or earnest your message may be, and how many others may agree, a lecturer who rambles only puts people to sleep and the message is lost. Just an FYI, for your points are valid, simply overstated. |
Firing a machine gun into the air only sends the enemy in another direction, avoiding you, or giving away your location so a plan of attack can be formed against you. To best face an enemy in battle, you are wiser to save your ammo until you are attacked, not giving away your strength or location. Regardless how true or earnest your message may be, and how many others may agree, a lecturer who rambles only puts people to sleep and the message is lost. Just an FYI, for your points are valid, simply overstated. |
And none of this raving proves the US is an empire. Do you know the meaning of the word?
Firing a machine gun into the air only sends the enemy in another direction, avoiding you, or giving away your location so a plan of attack can be formed against you. To best face an enemy in battle, you are wiser to save your ammo until you are attacked, not giving away your strength or location. Regardless how true or earnest your message may be, and how many others may agree, a lecturer who rambles only puts people to sleep and the message is lost. Just an FYI, for your points are valid, simply overstated. It's your boat to row..... I wish you luck. As a liberty lover an awake patriot and a Vietnam vet, your words are not wasted on me, just old news and known fact. Most uninformed would consider it dribble when bombarded with it, not bother to research or believe it, and you have accomplished nothing in the delivery. Facts or not, delivery is the key to success in truth as in comedy. Because you own a hammer does not make every problem a nail..... that's the gov't way! To get a message across it takes more than multiple words or facts, it takes an audience to listen. |
We are and have been in Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, the Philipeans, Africa, the Middle East, Serbia, Croatia, Montenegro, Herzogovina, Somalia, South Africa, Panama, Grenada, Nicaragua, all covert operations to dominate world politics. WE ARE AN EMPIRE,HELLO!
So, if the US is an empire, of the countries listed, which has a Governer sent by Washington to oversee the collection of taxes and raw materials? Which of the countries listed have no military and are policed by US units? Which of the countries listed answer to the US consitution and judicial system? I can't seem to find a map of the Empire of the United States of America. Congratulations. By misunderstanding my point you proved your own. ![]() What you prefer doesn't alter my meaning. I know your nation is not an empire-that is just exaggerated nonsense. You do not seem to understand the definition of 'empire'. [/ quote] And you are oblivious to the reality of world politics and our quest to maintain world dominance, our military is not around the world spreading demacracy. Get a clue. Actually they have. You don't appear to deal in facts and seem to string random concepts together that you think make you sound intelligent. You consistently make statements about others being "clueless" while having little ability to express coherent thought on this and other topics. |
Firing a machine gun into the air only sends the enemy in another direction, avoiding you, or giving away your location so a plan of attack can be formed against you. To best face an enemy in battle, you are wiser to save your ammo until you are attacked, not giving away your strength or location. Regardless how true or earnest your message may be, and how many others may agree, a lecturer who rambles only puts people to sleep and the message is lost. Just an FYI, for your points are valid, simply overstated. It's your boat to row..... I wish you luck. As a liberty lover an awake patriot and a Vietnam vet, your words are not wasted on me, just old news and known fact. Most uninformed would consider it dribble when bombarded with it, not bother to research or believe it, and you have accomplished nothing in the delivery. Facts or not, delivery is the key to success in truth as in comedy. Because you own a hammer does not make every problem a nail..... that's the gov't way! To get a message across it takes more than multiple words or facts, it takes an audience to listen. |