Topic: fortune tellers | |
Do you believe that some people actually have the ability to see future events? Have you ever had your fortune told and what was your experience?
Also by what means have you ever indulged the pass time, as in, was it numerology, palm reading, astrology, Tarot cards, crystal ball, or just someone talking to you. Ever do a seance? |
no not really
no not me but i do hear things at work , i work at a hospital
I don't know about tarot cards
and such, but I probably heard and saw things while under the influence. ![]() |
never have but would like to. i think itd be very interesting
I have a friend who is a seer and sometimes I just know stuff.
I asked my friend why some things seemed accurate while others were completely off. She explained it this way: There are infinite possibilities out there ... She sees a bunch of tunnels or doorways and she hones in on the one most brightly lit at the time of the reading. It seems the most likely given the circumstances but you can still make choices that lead to a different tunnel and a different experience and outcome. I resonate most deeply with archangel energy ... Michael and Gabriel in particular - masculine and femimine ... yin yang balance. I have explored runes and tarot and have found them remarkably insightful ... of course it all comes from me not some outside source so I view it like getting in touch with my unconscious. I have come across complete strangers in unfamiliar cities who have told me things out of the blue that have been completely accurate. Reinforces my belief that there is nothing truly separate. I find it all curious. |
You start to get into a discussion about skrying devices or foretelling the future and many times it revolves around whether or not fortelling the future just fortells the most probable future, or actually affects how the future will occur. I find the I-Ching incredibly accurate, and have had more than moderate success with Tarot cards. I will admit I have had little luck with trying to skry into quartz crystal balls.
Pffft! Fortune Tellers, lets see some of these these "Psychics" become crime-fighting superheroes! Seeing future events is an amazing power, so why don't they use it for good? Simple, They don't have that ability.
Fortune tellers tell you whatever
you want to hear. Just like politicians. Here's a thought- Maybe fortune tellers should go into politics. ![]() |
They haven't already?
Do you believe that some people actually have the ability to see future events?
If I believed that the future was already carved in stone I would have to also believe that I am nothing, I have no free will, I have absolutely no control over my actions, and therefore I am ulimately not responsible for a future that has already been decided. Have you ever had your fortune told and what was your experience? I have, they were completely wrong in every instance. I had my fortune told when I was young, and most of the fortune teller's clearly stated that would have children. Hell, I never even married much less had any children. They were as wrong as wrong could possibly be. However, they basically tell people things that do come true for the vast majority. That way they are correct the vast majority of the time. (ha ha) But no, if the future is pretold, then we have absolute no control over our very own actions, and therefore we can't even be held responsible for them. I don't believe that. I believe we genuinely do have free will and we are therefore responsible for our own choices. |
I'm still waiting for that Love Triangle that palm reader said I'd get... Not that i had much faith that it'd happen anyway.
great replies. Nice to hear from you all and see my familiar friends.
I had a neighbor, couple blocks away - Irene Hughes. Back in the late 60/70's she was a pretty bright star in the seer category. Her daughter was a year older than me, took a lot of ribbing at school about her Mom's ability. Anyway - my story, not hers. End of senior year, I went to Chicago with my best friend. We went to a huge psychic/paranormal convention. Every couple hours a guest psychic would go on stage and predict with people from the audience. We had just missed a speaker so did not get to witness the event. As the time came near for the next speaker, I got cold and edgy. I began working my way AWAY from the stage. My friend kept taking my hand and saying, "not so fast, I want to see the psychic" Then, from the back of the crowd of hundreds of people, the speaker took the stage. It was Irene Hughes. I was surprised that of all the possibilities it would be her. As she picked folks out and gave them predictions, I suddenly wanted to fade away but I kept feeling bigger and bigger. Then she pointed in my direction and said "you", I tuned but I was the back of the crowd. My friend laughed and tugged my hand. I looked back - "Yes, you in the yellow jacket" Only yellow jacket in the whole world that day. "You're going to fly over water - soon, long flight" I began to sweat - you see, in less than a week I was flying, my first flight ever, to Okinawa to join my serviceman husband. "you'll be gone a long time - do yourself a favor. Get to a dentist before you go. Your lower left molar, if you don't you'll have trouble with that one, could be for the rest of your life" I was trying to get a grip on her words, as all eyes were on me, it was like a horrid stage fright. By the time I understood what she said, she had moved on. Well folks - I didn't go to the dentist, not for 4 years. Over the next 30 years, I bet I spent $10,000 on that one tooth. Until I finally had to have it pulled. Several years now. Could not afford a permanent replacement at the time, and can't get one now, because the bone at that point is not not strong enough, AND the teeth on either side may not support a bridge. In affect, I will regret for the rest of my life, not paying attention to her words, and everytime, I bite down on a tortilla chip or a cracker and it hits pokes the skin where there is not tooth, I'm reminded again. |
Joshyfox, if most Occult fortune-tellers are in-accurate so are the christians if you will just think about it for a second. My question is, after 9/11 when the christian preachers went hog-wild on TV and in churches and started (supposedly) prophesying up a storm, why didn't they have the slightest clue before it happened? They are in a win/win situation. If their prophesy comes true they are known as great prophets, and if it doesn't come true they just drummed up enough faith and prayed long enough that "god" wouldn't let it happen. Never-the-less I still find the I-Ching incredibly accurate.
Hey Redy;
Welcome back - hope all goes well with school. ======================================================== Do you believe that some people actually have the ability to see future events? Have you ever had your fortune told and what was your experience? *** Back in the 70's I was involved with a group of people who were heavily into the new age (as was I) - and one of them was a self proclaimed psychic. He was incredibly accurate over telling me things about my past - and moderately so in telling me things of the future. I cannot recall specific predictions - but he was about 75 % accurate on things he told me. During these sessions we had - I actually took the "helm" and did a few readings myself. It was an odd experience. I did a reading of someone I'd never met before, and recieved a series of images which I told to her - and had ended up describing the entire house and yard that she'd grown up in. Had no idea what it was about - just what I'd seen. It was a strange expereince - and after that night, I'd never tried it again. Also by what means have you ever indulged the pass time, as in, was it numerology, palm reading, astrology, Tarot cards, crystal ball, or just someone talking to you. >>> When I was in my 20's, I was a numerologist. I often did extensive charting of friends - and did incredibly accurate readings of them given the numbers behind their names and birthdates. This led to doing charts of friends friends - and friends of friends - friends. By my late 20's, I lived in the Haight Ashbury section of San Francisco - and knew of just about everyone in the neighborhood who did Tarot readings and, and Astrology, and would have a reading done once a week. It was often incredibly accurate - but a lot of projection is involved (where the actually reading came true more so because the reading caused it - rather than predicted it) and of course - I was the neighborhood numerologist. I gave up doing readings by the mis 80's. Every now and then I find myself breaking down someones name when I see it - and coming up with the numbers to see if it matches my first impressions - but usually just dismiss it from there and move on. Ever do a seance? *** Back in the 70's I got involved with a few people who were self proclaimed Satanists - and experienced what I suppose one would call a seance. Will NEVER do that again! It was back in those days - the 70's - that the reality of a spirit world was introduced into my life - and the existance of a demonic realm. I had a professor in College who was a Satanist - and since he was the head of the department of my major - I could not avoid dealing with him. I experienced many a really weird event in those days. And though you didn't ask. One of the weirdest experiences is Astral projection. Couldn't begin to describe what that experience is like. But "fun" isn't one of the words I'd start with. lj |
I agree Benard, most TV evangelists are sleazy Con men.
Ive seen things that you will never believe......I have felt things.........I have dreamt things.........
I am a believer because I know what has happened to me cannot be explained by mere "science". And I know iM NOT CRAZY..... i HAVE seen the future and Ive seen the present.......not always what I want to see but what is important at the time. ![]() |
It all boils down to the Almighty Dollar. The same with churches.
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So true, Greyhound. And the need some people have to believe, and to be in denial.
Red, I'm typing on a phone keyboard so I'll send longer explanation later - but your case sounds to me like the power of -suggestion-. |
Do I believe?? = absolutely..I've had a lot of freaky experiences in life and also have MANY credible witnesses still living to attest to the weirdness.. I'm extremely sensitive to my surroundings or 'vibes'
![]() Have you ever had your fortune told and what was your experience? = only once.. 3 in a row.. cards, tarot and palm.. 3 different people.. 3 different locations.. all in the same night all said the same thing.. I'd have a child before my 32nd b-day... I was 24 at the time and had cervial cancer since the age of 15.. I had been rushed to the hospital 8 different times for chimo.. I had lil chance of ever becoming pregnant.. on May 27, 1990 my first daughter was born.. I turned 32 on June 30, 1990 ! what means have you ever indulged the pass time, as in, was it numerology, palm reading, astrology, Tarot cards, crystal ball, or just someone talking to you. = see above ![]() Ever do a seance? = YES.. and the room came alive.. freaked us ALL out to the point we all ran from the place.. 2nd time?? the Ouija board went nuts when I touched it and the seance was over due to being freaked out too much ![]() the mind is a very powerful tool.. we use soo little of it's capacities and resources.. but there are doors that open to places unseen if we only allow ourselves the chance.. it's scary but VERY REAL.. being open minded in THIS case allows for much more than MOST can fathom.. we are never TRULY alone ![]() |