Topic: fortune tellers | |
I'm usually pretty sceptical about that kinda stuff, but I'm not totally closed to the idea.
"So do you like know what I'm gonna do before I do it?" - "Yes." "But what if I do something different?" - "Then I don't know that." ~Futurama ![]() |
Bernard – when it comes to evangelical preacher types who obviously exploit mass communications, I totally agree with you.
Elyay – how fabulously interesting your life has been. Of course most of what you speak of , seemed to have encompassed a generation, our generation. We were all so open, then, to the mysteries of the universe. From what you have said, I’m not sure how much of ‘fortune telling’ you believe in, and how much you see as well placed and accepted “suggestion”. It’s clear that you believe that mysteries things happened in many cases, but not clear, if you believe in the ‘truth’ of them or if you simply believe all these experiences to be attributed to your state of mind at the time. Gypsy – like you I have had some of the most amazing experiences. I’m normally a logic oriented person, so in the absence of fact based truth, I often created theories. What really pushes my logic to the limits as well as my creative logic, is when “I” am the one providing the ‘reading’. Like Eljya , I stopped all the activities that kept me in tune, and also ‘shut off’ or maybe refused to acknowledge things that cross my mind in that vein. In my case it was not out of fear that I wanted it to stop, it was because I lacked control in such matters. Logic, tells me to be in control, so when I venture into the realm of the paranormal or the psychic, I do so with no expectations, and with a more analytical outlook. Makes the experience much more interesting. Message, I think you might have something valuable to add to the conversation. I hope you can get back to it. Zero – you said: “being open minded in THIS case allows for much more than MOST can fathom.. we are never TRULY alone” I don’t quite see it that way. For one thing “being open minded”. Being open minded could leave you open to ‘suggestion’, also a power that others can have over you. However, being open to the experience, whatever, it may be, might be more applicable. For example: whenever we held a séance, or attempted to ‘connect’, if you will, to some unknown , (force, being, realm, reality) while others were they type to be afraid or to ‘freak out’, I was always the only one calm and interested in what was happening. Like, did I see what they saw, could I find some explanation for it, did I feel what they felt, did we all feel the same and so on. More like a scientific study than open to suggestion. This does not mean that I havn’t been open to suggestion, I think, like everyone, I have at times. As far and “we are never Truly alone”. I can’t grasp that. But then I don’t believe in ghostly figures, though I can say it’s possible, given that time is considered a dimension, that we can touch the essence of one who has lived or will. Also, because I don’t believe in a god creator, I also don’t hold with spirits, or demons or angels and the like. So we are alone, as the space we exist in, the space we fill in existence is ours and can not be a domain of any other, while we inhabit that space. Brandon – modern age philosophy is often found in unlikely places. Lol! |
being "open minded" does not persay immediately insinuate 'open to suggestion' I for one am open to IDEAS.. in a fashion.. I am open to .. "hey.. let's go to the beach for the day.." that itself IS a suggestion.. and a bloody Brilliant idea on a hot summer day.. but if I understand correctly you're speaking of 'open to suggestion' being that someone could 'change/alter' who you are.. or make you do some ridiculous thing like bark as a dog does.. and that's not what this I'm speaking of..
in this case being "open minded" allows for the smallest of nuances to enter into your 'space' and you 'sense' a presence.. have you never felt the eerie hair raising on the nape of the neck sensation of being watched? yet no one's there?? or that sudden cold spot in a room.. ? and it's 90 outside? if you allow yourself the power of observation.. you may discover you are more connected than you think.. science is not Exact and there are MANY things in life that can NOT be explained away by science either.. you have to BELIEVE it is possible.. and Open yourself up the the possiblities.. there are far more shades of grey than originally anticipated.. as to 'freaking out' it's just terminology.. but it does have a tendancy to scare the daylights outta you.. my belief system was given to me by a much older generation wherein the only time you SAW the dead was when you WERE dead.. and angels don't visit unless there's death approaching.. they feared what they did not understand.. thus in turn.. struck US with the 'fear of GOD'... if you've ever been in the presence of the dead.. trust me... I'm SURE you'd freak too.. natural human reaction to 'instantly disbelieve' or 'Freeze'..if they appeared in front of you.. it's ethereal, aweinspiring and humbling.. yet eerie at the same time.. but that's not just my opinion.. thats my experience ![]() as we all perceive EVERYthing differently.. it may be hard to fathom what I've experienced in a few hasitly typed words.. yet I did try to relate it into simple terms to you (all) the reader.. to get the idea across without too much wordage to confuse.. Loneliness is only a state of mind.. but if you do not believe in a GOD creator, or angels or demons.. then yes.. you are alone! ![]() |
sso heres a story
i'm adopted by my grandparents, anyways my mom ( biological grand ma) had went to a fortune teller, and the lady told her that she was going to have another baby, well at the time my mom had had her intestines rupture or whatever so she couldnt' have kids any longer so my mom thought she was a joke, but then later on my real mom was killed in a car wreck and so my grandparents got me, so technically they did have another kid! i was only 3 at the time! |
Yup, believe in it. Like anything else, doctors, chiropractors, etc. gifted and then the not so gifted.
Yes - so true. The late 60's and early 70's seemed to bring all of this out into the open. I think with the assasination of Robert Kennedy, and the disillusionment over the Vietnam war, as well as the drug scene being what it was - it caused people to question authority and establishment, and look for truth through other means. For me, back then - the search for truth took me through all those adventures, and though I didn't always believe that what I experienced represented truth, I truly experienced it!!! As to the psychic stuff. I believe there is a great deal of truth to it. I'm sure most of us have seen "Pychic detectives" on court TV. I think there is a lot of remarkable things that have happened through psychics. But I tend to believe that the truth lies more in the seeing of the past - than predicting the future. Of course, I've also seen a great number of scam artists claiming psychic powers. They far outnumber those who have legitimately experienced psychic phenominia. As to Tarot readings, astrology, numerology and the such. There's an amaizing amount of accuracy - but on the level of "truth" - it is too unpredictable. However, unlike you, I believe that each of these is tied into the spiritual world. It's what makes it "uncontrollable" as you say. Which was something I also experienced, and why I got away from it. At least this was my experience with it. |
you stated "But I tend to believe that the truth lies more in the seeing of the past - than predicting the future." I have to disagree with you here.. and this can be credibly attested to.. 3 months prior to an 'incident' that occured to my EX.. I told a friend what I had 'seen' and how the 'incident' would unfold.. over the next 3 months she watched amazed..she was blown by how things were happening exactly as I had 'seen'.. at the end of the 3 months the 'incident' happened.. much to the amazement of my friend.. on THE day of the 'incident' I warned my EX thrice on events that would unfold.. by the end of the evening he was asking if it was all over... never again were my abilities questioned by either them! ![]() |
your abilities???? your POWER???
whatever you occupy your mind with you can create. so what gives you the right to interfere? because you know 2+2=4? i just finished my day ....and i came here to see what's up and it's like a continuation of the treatment i just gave. my patient visited a fortune teller years ago with some friends...that person was also like you, boasting and full of ego..and had many people fooled, they told her she would die young. around 33. Now she is 38 and has just given birth to her second son ,and these stupidSTUPID immoral, unethical, idiots have planted a seed in her mind and now she is feeling desperate because she is so madly in love with her family and cannot die young!... you can deliver a warning without disempowering someone, but when you say you can predict the future, it is simply crap. another thing is, an untrained , unconscious mind will either make you right, or make you wrong, and because you have uttered it out loud, you rip them off completely of ever experiencing anything that might have been authentically theirs. it makes no difference what your stats are.... your success rate.... you could be intelligent. but when your ego shouts so loud it's hard to hear it. hypnotists have pulled this off ...delayed suggestions...triggered by a set of words together , or even a calendar date.... be careful with the WORDs that come out of your mouth....especially if you are capable of hearing/seeing/perceiving..... humility comes to mind, but that would be the pot calling the kettle so just be careful man. |
I see.....another cup of coffee in my near future.
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Wow! It came true! Does that mean I'm psychic? Or that I willed it to be?
![]() Hi Alex ![]() |
Some people prefer easy answers.... some people like to examine more elusive trails of cause and effect.
If you have 'adopted' the existence of psychic powers (and a particular theory of their nature) into your worldview, as a means of explaining bizarre occurrences, how open will you be to seeing other possible explanations?
You've committed yourself. |
I've never been committed! Those guys in the white coats with their fancy nets, HAH! They'll never catch me!
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<------starts to make a spell
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if you take a moment and re-read what was written.. it never states I spoke directly TO the ex PRIOR to the day in question.. only the friend was aware and she was an innocent bystander of no consequence in this 'incident'... so in no way was there any 'influence/suggestion/interference' or awareness on the part of the EX...
this is not something that I make a hobby of or a living with..and MOST of what I do see I keep to mySELF.. unless it could SAVE a life.. then..I will suggest an alternate travel route or a different time appointment.. but I will NOT necessarily disclose my REASonings behind them.. this is just something that happens too me on occasion.. I've not touted that I'm a Fortune teller nor Seer.. I simply am sensitive to certain things.. the above was written more as a response to someone ELSE's thoughts or belief's as an EXAMPLE.. if you'll note.. I have several thousand posts under my fingers and if you take a walk back through ALL my posts.. you will mayhaps see one or 2 other references to this 'ability' if you will.. so ego plays NO part in my comments.. as to the words coming out..?? they're chosen very carefully as I know all too well the power of the WORD! thus said.. people often ASSume too many conclusions withOUT knowing the whole truth.. questions come accross as probative yet uneducated statements can make one feel unjustly attacked and defensive .. ![]() ![]() |
I will first need 14 hairs off of your head!
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Zero.....don't sweat it!!! People who have never experienced these things tend to be non believers only because its never happened to them.
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I say let them be skeptics!!!! But weeeeeeeeee knowwwwwwwww
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Ok......Ive put a spell on you!!!!
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so THAT's why I came back to this thread eh?? I'm HEXED!! OMG>. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() I'm not even breakin the weeee bitest of a sweat gypsy ![]() ![]() |