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Topic: Has Mingle Changed You?
no photo
Mon 12/26/16 10:19 AM

It helped to make me more jaded, cynical, and distrustful of people I don't know in the real world. It helped to convince me that internet friendships tend to be ephemeral and LDR's are almost always a waste of time and money.

Thank you Mingle! drinker


lol, I fight that influence tooth and nail. IT has opened my eyes to how common it is for people to grab onto misinfomation and spread it.

The change is so far in the past that I only mentioned it to give the thread another perspective. I know the post seemed wiseazz and negative, but I really do consider my early experiences here a big positive.

msharmony's photo
Mon 12/26/16 10:20 AM

caposu1's photo
Sun 11/05/17 03:15 PM

caposu1's photo
Sun 11/05/17 03:15 PM

no photo
Mon 11/06/17 09:51 AM
No, as much as some people have tried, I’m still quite Pollyanna, on the whole.

soufiehere's photo
Mon 11/06/17 12:02 PM

No, as much as some people have tried, I’m still quite Pollyanna, on the whole.
The 'do-rag' gives it away.

no photo
Mon 11/06/17 12:33 PM
Nope, I’m still the same genuine, loving, giving, wonderful person that I have always been ! :innocent:

soufiehere's photo
Mon 11/06/17 12:49 PM

hahahahaha and probably not even a day older!

no photo
Mon 11/06/17 12:54 PM
I was going to post a sarcastic reply. However, I decided to be serious just once. Yes, it has changed me.

When I first started on JSH all those years ago, I was open to the notion of LDR's and finding that someone via the internet. JSH/Mingle cured me of that! Finding the one, in real life, I've been with for the past six years certainly helped reinforce what I learned here, but it comes down to being catfished twice right here!

Thank you Mingle! drinker

msmyka's photo
Mon 11/06/17 04:14 PM
Yes, due to the fact that I have friends (male and female) that I still keep in contact with after almost 10 years here (kinda scary)

soufiehere's photo
Mon 11/06/17 04:29 PM

Yes, due to the fact that I have friends (male and female) that I still keep in contact with after almost 10 years here (kinda scary)

I think of you every time I wear my 'Shenanigans' t-shirt
you darling girl :-)

Poetrywriter's photo
Mon 11/06/17 06:09 PM

Nope, I’m still the same genuine, loving, giving, wonderful person that I have always been ! :innocent:

And if you change, I will put you over my knee. laugh

Yes it has changed me to a point. I have made many new friends so for that I am grateful.

WilhemTaste13's photo
Wed 11/08/17 08:39 AM
Hi girl :)

no photo
Wed 11/08/17 10:00 AM

No, as much as some people have tried, I’m still quite Pollyanna, on the whole.
The 'do-rag' gives it away.

Devastated here, that’s my Lawrence of Arabia look

soufiehere's photo
Wed 11/08/17 10:07 AM

Devastated here, that’s my Lawrence of Arabia look
Oh, it is..he was tugging at it when his motorcycle crashed.

no photo
Wed 11/08/17 10:09 AM

Devastated here, that’s my Lawrence of Arabia look
Oh, it is..he was tugging at it when his motorcycle crashed.

Please stop flirting with me on the forums.

soufiehere's photo
Wed 11/08/17 10:57 AM

no photo
Wed 11/08/17 02:00 PM

hahahahaha and probably not even a day older!

If this was directed to ME, then I gotta say that the 54 years of my life have been good ones...good lovin’ and easy livin’- and I will always be young at heart :heart: no matter what my age! :wink: :grin:
And just so ya know, I took this hippie pic of me last week on Halloween :jack_o_lantern:, but I dress like this all the time! :peace:

YOU are one who hasn’t aged a bit over the years...! :grin: Life is good, yes?! :innocent:

mysticalview21's photo
Wed 11/08/17 02:01 PM
I am not sure about changed me ... maybe ...
I sure enjoy all in the forums ...
and I love the chance to write if I want to and do art ...

I love drinker an people are crazy laugh

CMT coming up ...thought of that song ...bigsmile

I like all the modes ... pretty cool ...
hope Alf is ok have not seen him in awhile ...

Have not found a relationship yet ...
but thats ok to ... here mainly for the forums ...


no photo
Wed 11/08/17 02:39 PM

hahahahaha and probably not even a day older!

If this was directed to ME, then I gotta say that the 54 years of my life have been good ones...good lovin’ and easy livin’- and I will always be young at heart :heart: no matter what my age! :wink: :grin:
And just so ya know, I took this hippie pic of me last week on Halloween :jack_o_lantern:, but I dress like this all the time! :peace:

YOU are one who hasn’t aged a bit over the years...! :grin: Life is good, yes?! :innocent:

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