Topic: How often is too much?
rocknroller67's photo
Mon 08/06/12 01:30 PM
Well I do go on the road alot being a drummer in a Rock band. Had a nympho GF twice in life but they couldn't handle me being away for weeks at a time. Nothing happens while on the road if I'm in a relationship. They just never understood that. Oh well, their loss. Nowadays I pack alot of raincoats in case it starts pouring and had some pretty good thunderstorms rattle my cage!

krupa's photo
Mon 08/06/12 01:51 PM
When you got carpet burn on your nuts....rub some antibiotic ointment on it and tell her to come back in two weeks.

I joke.....

if the problem is your girl wants bone her like she owes you money....then you do it again till something snaps.

If you end up with your penis in a be it....your man friends and your Dad will respect you.

no photo
Mon 08/06/12 03:47 PM

Ok, check this out. You've got a really cute lady but she's a nymph. She's always in the mood for some shagging and you always oblige. However, how much is too much sex on a man before you start getting negative health vibes. Lets hear it folks.

Negative health vibes? If it is just the two of you I can't imagine any negative health vibes save possible eventual exhaustion and maybe some stiffness and soreness. There is such a thing as too much, but common sense should be able to tell you when that is better than any person here ever will.

If you end up with your penis in a be it....your man friends and your Dad will respect you.

Maybe. But they'll still mock you and go get the horseshoes.

no photo
Mon 08/06/12 04:34 PM
TOO MUCH????????????


You AIN'T Old enough for TOO MUCH!!!!!!

Thank God I AIN'T Old enough for TOO MUCH!!!!!!

There is NEVER......TOO MUCH!!!!!

misswright's photo
Mon 08/06/12 05:55 PM
Hmmm. I didn't know there was such a thing as too much sex, therefore I feel obliged to further investigate this phenomenon. bigsmile

I shall enlist the help of a willing male subject and document how long it takes to produce negative health vibes from too much sex. :tongue:

By the way, what the hell are negative health vibes? laugh

Dodo_David's photo
Mon 08/06/12 06:01 PM

Ok, check this out. You've got a really cute lady but she's a nymph. She's always in the mood for some shagging and you always oblige. However, how much is too much sex on a man before you start getting negative health vibes. Lets hear it folks.

Any man in the above-quoted situation wouldn't be on Mingle2, because the man already has a significant other.

krupa's photo
Mon 08/06/12 06:04 PM
You are a trooper Miss Wright....I respect that.

I could be wrong but, in my mind "negative health vibes" is watching your partner hit on a crack pipe and text the next trick ""B there n 20 min"

no photo
Mon 08/06/12 06:14 PM
I have suffered Many things in my life..........


I have yet to suffer "Negative Health Vibes" from Too much Sex!!!!

Just Sayin...........


Dodo_David's photo
Mon 08/06/12 06:17 PM
Folks, the OP is a hypothetical situation.

no photo
Mon 08/06/12 06:23 PM

Folks, the OP is a hypothetical situation.

Dayummmmm.....all this time....

I thought He was....Real!!!!!!


Dodo_David's photo
Mon 08/06/12 06:46 PM

Folks, the OP is a hypothetical situation.

Dayummmmm.....all this time....

I thought He was....Real!!!!!!


I could be wrong, but I suspect that the OP is an attempt to draw attention to the author of the OP.

Kahurangi's photo
Mon 08/06/12 06:55 PM
Oohhhh...i thought he was checking out the potential nymphs on here.

no photo
Tue 08/07/12 04:02 AM

Folks, the OP is a hypothetical situation.

Dayummmmm.....all this time....

I thought He was....Real!!!!!!


I could be wrong, but I suspect that the OP is an attempt to draw attention to the author of the OP.

The taste of the pudding is in the eating. I had a friend collapse out of exhaustion after having marathon sex for three days with a new girlfriend. He spent 4 days in the hospital.

bigE1011's photo
Tue 08/07/12 04:20 AM
Only when pleasure turns to pain you can always take breaks

no photo
Tue 08/07/12 07:13 AM

Folks, the OP is a hypothetical situation.

Dayummmmm.....all this time....

I thought He was....Real!!!!!!


I could be wrong, but I suspect that the OP is an attempt to draw attention to the author of the OP.

The taste of the pudding is in the eating. I had a friend collapse out of exhaustion after having marathon sex for three days with a new girlfriend. He spent 4 days in the hospital.

4 days in hospital?... I call.... HORSE HOCKEY!

Everyone knows, In any type marathon... Stay cool! smokin

ezas123's photo
Tue 08/07/12 07:21 AM
^^^^^marathon sex^^^^^ dam i miss those days lol...

Teri11215's photo
Tue 08/07/12 01:25 PM
Okay, I admit I'm not the brightest star in the sky, but how the hell can a person spend 3 days in the hospital due to sex? Wasn't he even embarrassed to tell the ER docs what happened? He could have just stayed home and slept in his own bed, ALONE!

This is the first I ever heard of a man or woman for that matter complaining about too much sex.

no photo
Tue 08/07/12 01:36 PM

Ok, check this out. You've got a really cute lady but she's a nymph. She's always in the mood for some shagging and you always oblige. However, how much is too much sex on a man before you start getting negative health vibes. Lets hear it folks.

Err,umm.....I'm thinking you could ask your boss this question right after you "do" her for that much coveted promotion....:wink:

HeadnHeart's photo
Tue 08/07/12 02:02 PM

Ok, check this out. You've got a really cute lady but she's a nymph. She's always in the mood for some shagging and you always oblige. However, how much is too much sex on a man before you start getting negative health vibes. Lets hear it folks.

When is it too much?

When your dead...until then, Enjoy it.

no photo
Tue 08/07/12 03:40 PM

Ok, check this out. You've got a really cute lady but she's a nymph. She's always in the mood for some shagging and you always oblige. However, how much is too much sex on a man before you start getting negative health vibes. Lets hear it folks.

Err,umm.....I'm thinking you could ask your boss this question right after you "do" her for that much coveted promotion....:wink:
