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no photo
Tue 07/31/12 07:46 PM

I have a war in Iraq to sell both of you

The war in Iraq had nothing to do with 911 and everything to do with Saddam's failure to comply with UN resolutions.

Do you think the American people would have cared enough to steal the oil if we hadn't been hit with 911?

Did we ever find WMDS?

What a rotten country this is.

Well, your hatred of your own country appears to be created by a naive perception of world events.

I believe that your perception of world events is completely wrong.
You deal in "popular history" which is what they write to make things sound the way they want history to be remembered. It is not true history.

The true history of the world is nothing like we have been told.

Not even close.

no photo
Tue 07/31/12 07:47 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Tue 07/31/12 07:47 PM
They are still in the process of rewriting history.

s1owhand's photo
Tue 07/31/12 07:57 PM

I have a war in Iraq to sell both of you

The war in Iraq had nothing to do with 911 and everything to do with Saddam's failure to comply with UN resolutions.

Do you think the American people would have cared enough to steal the oil if we hadn't been hit with 911?

Did we ever find WMDS?

What a rotten country this is.

Well, your hatred of your own country appears to be created by a naive perception of world events.

I believe that your perception of world events is completely wrong.
You deal in "popular history" which is what they write to make things sound the way they want history to be remembered. It is not true history.

The true history of the world is nothing like we have been told.

Not even close.

In some people's minds there exists a fantasy world which they
cannot distinguish from reality. They do not understand how to
measure and correlate actual events and so their fantasy perception
of the events develops a conspiratorial life of its own
disconnected from verifiable observations and enquiry and cross
checking of a free and open press.

They then wander the world in a zombie trance and attempt to
justify their fantasy world with ever more increasingly absurd
hyperbolic conspiratorial arguments no matter how far they are
removed from reality going through life in a dream and never
experiencing true contact with the world.

Mostly it occurs on the Politics, Current News & Events forum
where true history is discussed and dissected. Sometimes.


no photo
Tue 07/31/12 08:01 PM
This reality we live in is a complete and utter illusion and all that you think you know is not true.

HotRodDeluxe's photo
Tue 07/31/12 09:48 PM

This reality we live in is a complete and utter illusion and all that you think you know is not true.

Therefore, you can't be sure your assertion is true. (Logic 101)


HotRodDeluxe's photo
Tue 07/31/12 09:58 PM
Edited by HotRodDeluxe on Tue 07/31/12 09:59 PM

I have a war in Iraq to sell both of you

The war in Iraq had nothing to do with 911 and everything to do with Saddam's failure to comply with UN resolutions.

Do you think the American people would have cared enough to steal the oil if we hadn't been hit with 911?

Did we ever find WMDS?

What a rotten country this is.

Well, your hatred of your own country appears to be created by a naive perception of world events.

I believe that your perception of world events is completely wrong.
You deal in "popular history" which is what they write to make things sound the way they want history to be remembered. It is not true history.

The true history of the world is nothing like we have been told.

Not even close.

You have no idea of what you are talking about. I have studied history at an academic level for years, and to be told the above by some internet amatuer is risible. I deal in 'academic history', and it is you and your internet sources that deal in 'popular history'. I doubt you could even discern the difference.

I deal in original sources and the textual examination of said sources. Do you even know what this discipline entails?

Conrad_73's photo
Wed 08/01/12 12:50 AM
Edited by Conrad_73 on Wed 08/01/12 12:51 AM

Another critical view of the 9/11 story came from Dr. Johannes B. Koeppl, a former
official in the German Defense Ministry, and an advisor to the former NATO General
Secretary, Manfred Woerner. Koeppl told Mike Ruppert: “The interests behind the Bush
administration, such as the CFR, the Trilateral Commission – founded by Brzezinski for
David Rockefeller – and the Bilderberger group, have prepared for and are now moving
to implement open world dictatorship within the next five years. They are not fighting
against terrorists. They are fighting against citizens.” (From the Wilderness, November 6,

Well, his prediction didn't happen so he's a credible source? Please post links to your sources, it's just a courtesy.

If you are talking about the prediction that they want world dictatorship within "the next five years" then they are just behind schedule.

The Banking cabal are still working on that. laugh laugh
Damn Inefficient Cabalists!
Moron Illuminati!:laughing:

Yep, they lack imagination. They do the same old things over and over. They are so predictable.

yet you credit them with some of the most Diabolical and Intricate Conspiracies in History?:laughing:

Diabolical, yes. Imaginative, NO. They repeat the same M.O. over and over and over. They have instructions and they follow them to the letter.

They have no creativity or imagination.

now,who would give instructions to the Top of the Heap?
Unless the Illuminati have other Illuminati above them,and so forth and so forth?laugh

Conrad_73's photo
Wed 08/01/12 12:53 AM

In early January 2002 von Bülow told the Berlin Tagespiegel
that “planning the attacks was a masterwork, in technical and organizationalterms. To hijack four big airliners within a few minutes and fly them into targets within asingle hour and to do so on complicated flight routes! That is unthinkable, withoutbacking from the secret apparatus of state and industry.” He called attention to the factthat covering up the real authorship of a terrorist crime with false tracks for investigatorsto follow has “been an accompanying feature of covert operations ever since they havebeen launched by influential agencies.” Von Bülow’s conclusion was that the full truth about September 11 had yet to be told.
and Herr von Beulow is going to tell it all?

Conrad_73's photo
Wed 08/01/12 12:53 AM

They are still in the process of rewriting history.

Bestinshow's photo
Wed 08/01/12 01:55 AM

I have a war in Iraq to sell both of you

The war in Iraq had nothing to do with 911 and everything to do with Saddam's failure to comply with UN resolutions.

Do you think the American people would have cared enough to steal the oil if we hadn't been hit with 911?

Did we ever find WMDS?

What a rotten country this is.

Well, your hatred of your own country appears to be created by a naive perception of world events.

s1owhand's photo
Wed 08/01/12 02:17 AM

I have a war in Iraq to sell both of you

The war in Iraq had nothing to do with 911 and everything to do with Saddam's failure to comply with UN resolutions.

Do you think the American people would have cared enough to steal the oil if we hadn't been hit with 911?

Did we ever find WMDS?

What a rotten country this is.

Well, your hatred of your own country appears to be created by a naive perception of world events.

I believe that your perception of world events is completely wrong.
You deal in "popular history" which is what they write to make things sound the way they want history to be remembered. It is not true history.

The true history of the world is nothing like we have been told.

Not even close.

In some people's minds there exists a fantasy world which they
cannot distinguish from reality. They do not understand how to
measure and correlate actual events and so their fantasy perception
of the events develops a conspiratorial life of its own
disconnected from verifiable observations and enquiry and cross
checking of a free and open press.

They then wander the world in a zombie trance and attempt to
justify their fantasy world with ever more increasingly absurd
hyperbolic conspiratorial arguments no matter how far they are
removed from reality going through life in a dream and never
experiencing true contact with the world.

Mostly it occurs on the Politics, Current News & Events forum
where true history is discussed and dissected. Sometimes.


This reality we live in is a complete and utter illusion and all that you think you know is not true.

So you cannot tell the difference between fantasy and reality.
But I can. Sources of information can be checked. Reality is a
matter of factual description and not a matter of mere opinion.


Optomistic69's photo
Wed 08/01/12 02:24 AM

They are still in the process of rewriting history.

All those people who are trying against all odds to find out the truth about 911 for starters.

There is nothing wrong with questioning ones Government, in fact I think it was Einstein that said "To Question was a healthy pursuit" or words to that effect.

If you believe the official story of 911 that is your prerogative.

We who question are entitled to do so as often as we care to do so.

It is up to Governments to allow access to all information, after all government are made up of people like you and me.

Do You believe the Official Story of 911.?

Yes or No?

Optomistic69's photo
Wed 08/01/12 02:36 AM
Edited by Optomistic69 on Wed 08/01/12 02:47 AM

This reality we live in is a complete and utter illusion and all that you think you know is not true.

So you cannot tell the difference between fantasy and reality.
But I can. Sources of information can be checked. Reality is a
matter of factual description and not a matter of mere opinion.


You are the one that said and I quote "verifiable observations and enquiry and cross checking of a free and open press"

Now if that is not the best joke of this thread then I will Become POTUS..

It is so funny I feel no need to add ROTFLMAO Emoticons.


I am Laughing My Arse Off

Optomistic69's photo
Wed 08/01/12 03:17 AM

I have a war in Iraq to sell both of you

The war in Iraq had nothing to do with 911 and everything to do with Saddam's failure to comply with UN resolutions.

You mean he wouldn't get rid of the Weapons of Mass Destructionhe didn't have and everyone on the Planet knew he didn't have.

You can do better that surely?

yellowrose10's photo
Wed 08/01/12 03:57 AM
I am locking this topic up for now until it can be reviewed. Seems a lot of people are forgetting the forum rules

1) Do not attack/slam/insult others. You can discuss the message or topic, but not the messenger - NO EXCEPTIONS. If you are attacked by another user, use the Report Post link within that post. If you reciprocate instead, YOU will also be subject to the same consequences as the attacker. Defending yourself, defending a friend, etc. are NOT excuses. Violations of this rule are taken very seriously and may result in being banned without warning!


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