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Topic: Rise and Shine - part 12
galendgirl's photo
Wed 08/01/12 06:30 AM
Good morning to all the Rise and Shiners...
Oh, wait! Does that make you all beers???

vivian2981's photo
Wed 08/01/12 06:43 AM
He's the expert on Shiners!

carold's photo
Wed 08/01/12 08:07 AM
Good morning peeps.

Im out of my daughters busimess let her get a divorce.

galendgirl's photo
Wed 08/01/12 03:52 PM

Good morning peeps.

Im out of my daughters busimess let her get a divorce.

It's not your job to fix it. Be kind to yourself.

oldsage's photo
Wed 08/01/12 03:55 PM

Good morning peeps.

Im out of my daughters busimess let her get a divorce.

We had to learn to handle our own messes, didn't we??

Makes em strong & teaches life's lessons.

carold's photo
Wed 08/01/12 07:23 PM
flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou yes it does

carold's photo
Thu 08/02/12 05:07 AM
Good Morning Minglers drinker Rise and Shine laugh

or get your coffee first drinker

galendgirl's photo
Thu 08/02/12 05:55 AM
Shining without coffee in Houston!
Good morning, friends!

carold's photo
Thu 08/02/12 06:06 AM
Shining now after 3 cups of coffee drinker

Good morning Glenda whats on the agenda for today drinker

galendgirl's photo
Thu 08/02/12 06:10 AM

Shining now after 3 cups of coffee drinker

Good morning Glenda whats on the agenda for today drinker

A quick workout at home, interviews...then meeting friends at 4:30.

carold's photo
Thu 08/02/12 06:13 AM
Good luck on the interview. drinker

galendgirl's photo
Thu 08/02/12 06:16 AM
Thanks...off to hit the elliptical. See ya'll later!

oldhippie1952's photo
Thu 08/02/12 01:45 PM
Do a lap for me!

vivian2981's photo
Thu 08/02/12 02:24 PM
shocked Possum??? Are you giving Hippy Lap Dances?????

oldhippie1952's photo
Thu 08/02/12 02:52 PM
Woo hoo!

galendgirl's photo
Thu 08/02/12 09:00 PM
He didn't show up at the meet so missed THAT show...such as it was!

oldhippie1952's photo
Thu 08/02/12 11:50 PM
So you gotta work extra hard to make it up for me. You are safe, I am ensconced until I get a kidney!

galendgirl's photo
Fri 08/03/12 03:08 AM

So you gotta work extra hard to make it up for me. You are safe, I am ensconced until I get a kidney!

Or you're safe...depending on how you look at it!

Here's to all medical issues resolved in short order..

carold's photo
Fri 08/03/12 05:54 AM
Good morning minglers drinker
Just had my yogurt going for the coffee next drinker

oldhippie1952's photo
Fri 08/03/12 06:04 AM

So you gotta work extra hard to make it up for me. You are safe, I am ensconced until I get a kidney!

Or you're safe...depending on how you look at it!

Here's to all medical issues resolved in short order..

Thank you, nothing to do but wait now.

Good morning folks!

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