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Topic: State Sponsored Terrorism and massacre in Syria
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Thu 06/21/12 06:30 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Thu 06/21/12 06:33 PM
"News came that the army was coming towards our village with dozens of tanks and heavy military vehicles. The young men ran out to go hide in the hills but the army was shooting into the area around the village from far, so most of the youths went back into their houses. When the soldiers arrived they took 16 youths, one of them who was only 16, and dragged them to a field right opposite the houses and shot them dead. Four other youths who were trying to run away were also shot dead. Then the soldiers left but we could not pick up the bodies for one and a half hour because the army kept shooting into the village from up on the bridge."

no photo
Thu 06/21/12 06:35 PM
Syria: 'Why is the world not doing anything to help us?'

Why is the world not doing anything to help us? We demonstrated peacefully and from the first day we were beaten and shot at. Then the army came into our villages and fired at us with tanks and helicopters and burned and destroyed our homes. Is the world just going to keep watching and do nothing until we've all been killed?"

This was the recurring theme during my week in the Jabal al-Zawiyah area (northwest of Hama) investigating human rights abuses.

Everywhere I went people told me about relatives being dragged away and shot dead, and everywhere I saw houses and shops which had been deliberately burned down.

"These grave and large scale abuses - extrajudicial executions, deliberate and wanton destruction of property, indiscriminate attacks and torture of detainees - constitute crimes against humanity and war crimes."

Civilian casualties are rife and detainees are routinely tortured - in some cases to death - by the various Syrian security and military agencies. Indiscriminate shooting and shelling from army positions into villages continues.

These are not isolated incidents. They are part of a much wider pattern across the country, very similar to what I found further north, in Idlib city and surrounding areas, where I carried out field investigations at the end of last month.

willing2's photo
Thu 06/21/12 06:44 PM
Edited by willing2 on Thu 06/21/12 06:46 PM
None of our business.

We get involved, there will be boat folks wanting to migrate here.

Let Russia handle it. That's what they are preparing to do.

I know I wouldn't want foreigners coming over here fighting against us alongside an oppressive government.

no photo
Thu 06/21/12 06:47 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Thu 06/21/12 06:47 PM
Really? Then why are you so concerned about Muslims and Israel? Not any of your business there either.

willing2's photo
Thu 06/21/12 06:50 PM
I never mentioned the US getting involved.

We are not the world police.

no photo
Thu 06/21/12 06:54 PM

I never mentioned the US getting involved.

We are not the world police.

NEWS FLASH: The U.S. is already involved.

no photo
Thu 06/21/12 06:57 PM

I never mentioned the US getting involved.

We are not the world police.

NEWS FLASH: The U.S. is already involved.

I was wondering when someone would say it. And Russia is balancing the equation, unlike us, with a 0% GDP deficit, ready to kick our collective a$$es into the next decade if we invade.

willing2's photo
Thu 06/21/12 07:01 PM

I never mentioned the US getting involved.

We are not the world police.

NEWS FLASH: The U.S. is already involved.

Where's the link?
Or is it another CT?

no photo
Thu 06/21/12 07:44 PM

I never mentioned the US getting involved.

We are not the world police.

NEWS FLASH: The U.S. is already involved.

Where's the link?
Or is it another CT?

It's on Fox news, which means I'm going to keep looking anyway, but if even Fox claims it, wow. It's awfully strange to see fox reporting things like this.

no photo
Thu 06/21/12 07:53 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Thu 06/21/12 08:07 PM
I'm surprised its even on the news. I thought it was still classified.

no photo
Thu 06/21/12 08:39 PM

I'm surprised its even on the news. I thought it was still classified.

Press TV has it too, which I trust much more than MSM.

no photo
Thu 06/21/12 08:59 PM
U.N. Observers View Bodies in Syrian Village

Last Updated, 9:37 p.m. As my colleagues Neil MacFarquhar and Hwaida Saad report, the United Nations mission in Syria said in a statement that its observers had visited a village near Homs on Saturday and “counted more than 32 children under the age of 10 and over 60 adults killed,” after what Syrian activists described as a government massacre.

Activist YouTube channels filled with extremely graphic, distressing images of dead children, which prompted large, angry street demonstrations across Syria. The arrival of United Nations military observers in the village of Houla was caught on video by activists, who also posted a somber clip of the monitors viewing rows of corpses prepared for burial.

Later, Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon’s office said in a statement condemning the killings: “Observers from the U.N. Supervision Mission in Syria have viewed the bodies of the dead and confirmed from an examination of ordnance that artillery and tank shells were fired at a residential neighborhood.”

The United Nations report on the killings strongly implied that forces loyal to President Bashar al-Assad were responsible for the slaughter, demanding “that the Syrian Government immediately cease the use of heavy weapons in population centers.”

Late Friday, activists posted video online showing the bodies of some of the women and children killed in the massacre. In one clip, featured in a video report from London’s Telegraph, a man surrounded by the bodies of children asked, “What was their crime, Bashar?”

The extreme brutality of the killings, and the images of massacred children, inspired fierce protests in Syria and condemnation from around the world.

A Syrian activist in the city of Hama, who writes as Free Syrian on Twitter, drew attention to video uploaded to YouTube on Saturday, said to show a loud rally for the victims of Houla in Douma, a suburb of Damascus, the Syrian capital.

Government restrictions imposed on independent reporting inside Syria made it impossible to verify the authenticity of the video, but it appeared to show that the protesters continued to chant even as shells were fired nearby.

Videos here:

no photo
Thu 06/21/12 09:21 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Thu 06/21/12 09:24 PM

Like always, the black hand of the Satan worshiping Banksters and Rothschilds Zionists Cabal together with the the CIA and Mossad is behind this unrest in Syria and this massacre of women and children!

They are not there to help anyone! They want to stir up conflict and arm both sides and to over throw the current Syrian government so they can install their own puppets and take control of that country.



And yes, Israel and America are behind it..... but not really officially. As always, they deny and lie and call it classified.

Some of our troops are there in Syria. I know this for a fact!!

It is your typical shadow government black operation working in top secret without the permission of the people of this country!

This conflict is to benefit Israel and America.

It is for the purpose of forcing Syria to come to the table with the global Cabal and Banksters who seek to install a one world globalist country at a time.

"A group of CIA agents are helping anti-government armed gangs in Syria in their fight against the Damascus government, a report says. According to a New York Times report published on Thursday, some US and Arab intelligence officials say a group of "CIA officers are operating secretly in southern Turkey" and that the agents are helping the anti-Syria governments decide which gangs inside the Arab country will "receive arms to fight the Syrian government."

no photo
Thu 06/21/12 09:25 PM
The American people need to wake the hell up.

no photo
Thu 06/21/12 09:35 PM

The American people need to wake the hell up.

For acts of terrorism against Iran, I assumed it was the MOSSAD simply because they can't do anything without leaving easter egg clues behind. It's like batman vs the riddler.

For the attacks against Syria, I assumed CIA from the beginning, at least. For the most part, residents would not be interviewed because they knew even the Al Ja was lying about them. The Iranian Ninja women propaganda fooled me for at least a minute.

Most will never wake up, in spite of Orwellian drones flying over US air space. In fact, many never even saw the movie that created the term, "Orwellian". On a positive note, we are at a timing point. More than 1 in 8 people are awake, at least to the concept that something is wrong.

HotRodDeluxe's photo
Fri 06/22/12 12:29 AM

Like always, the black hand of the Satan worshiping Banksters and Rothschilds Zionists Cabal together with the the CIA and Mossad is behind this unrest in Syria and this massacre of women and children!

They are not there to help anyone! They want to stir up conflict and arm both sides and to over throw the current Syrian government so they can install their own puppets and take control of that country.



And yes, Israel and America are behind it..... but not really officially. As always, they deny and lie and call it classified.

Some of our troops are there in Syria. I know this for a fact!!

It is your typical shadow government black operation working in top secret without the permission of the people of this country!

This conflict is to benefit Israel and America.

It is for the purpose of forcing Syria to come to the table with the global Cabal and Banksters who seek to install a one world globalist country at a time.

"A group of CIA agents are helping anti-government armed gangs in Syria in their fight against the Damascus government, a report says. According to a New York Times report published on Thursday, some US and Arab intelligence officials say a group of "CIA officers are operating secretly in southern Turkey" and that the agents are helping the anti-Syria governments decide which gangs inside the Arab country will "receive arms to fight the Syrian government."

There it is folks. I was wondering when this thread would involve Israel.

Conrad_73's photo
Fri 06/22/12 01:04 AM


Like always, the black hand of the Satan worshiping Banksters and Rothschilds Zionists Cabal together with the the CIA and Mossad is behind this unrest in Syria and this massacre of women and children!

They are not there to help anyone! They want to stir up conflict and arm both sides and to over throw the current Syrian government so they can install their own puppets and take control of that country.



And yes, Israel and America are behind it..... but not really officially. As always, they deny and lie and call it classified.

Some of our troops are there in Syria. I know this for a fact!!

It is your typical shadow government black operation working in top secret without the permission of the people of this country!

This conflict is to benefit Israel and America.

It is for the purpose of forcing Syria to come to the table with the global Cabal and Banksters who seek to install a one world globalist country at a time.

"A group of CIA agents are helping anti-government armed gangs in Syria in their fight against the Damascus government, a report says. According to a New York Times report published on Thursday, some US and Arab intelligence officials say a group of "CIA officers are operating secretly in southern Turkey" and that the agents are helping the anti-Syria governments decide which gangs inside the Arab country will "receive arms to fight the Syrian government."
you know that for a Fact,ha?laugh

And of course you know for a Fact that the Uprising is nothing than a Smokescreen for CIA and Mossad,despite the dismal Humanrights-Record of both of the ASSad-Regimes!
Probably CIA and Mossad killed those 20000 People and blamed ASSad the Elder for it!

Tell me,how do you become privy to all those State-Secrets?

Conrad_73's photo
Fri 06/22/12 01:06 AM

I'm surprised its even on the news. I thought it was still classified.

Press TV has it too, which I trust much more than MSM.
yep,Iranian Press-TV!
Impeccable Source!
Iran,the only one benefiting from the Chaos,and hoping that ASSad will not be toppled!

Conrad_73's photo
Fri 06/22/12 01:09 AM

Like always, the black hand of the Satan worshiping Banksters and Rothschilds Zionists Cabal together with the the CIA and Mossad is behind this unrest in Syria and this massacre of women and children!

They are not there to help anyone! They want to stir up conflict and arm both sides and to over throw the current Syrian government so they can install their own puppets and take control of that country.



And yes, Israel and America are behind it..... but not really officially. As always, they deny and lie and call it classified.

Some of our troops are there in Syria. I know this for a fact!!

It is your typical shadow government black operation working in top secret without the permission of the people of this country!

This conflict is to benefit Israel and America.

It is for the purpose of forcing Syria to come to the table with the global Cabal and Banksters who seek to install a one world globalist country at a time.

"A group of CIA agents are helping anti-government armed gangs in Syria in their fight against the Damascus government, a report says. According to a New York Times report published on Thursday, some US and Arab intelligence officials say a group of "CIA officers are operating secretly in southern Turkey" and that the agents are helping the anti-Syria governments decide which gangs inside the Arab country will "receive arms to fight the Syrian government."

There it is folks. I was wondering when this thread would involve Israel.
some been falling down on their Job!
Rothschild must be busting a Gut laughing reading all those ridiculous Posts about them!

Optomistic69's photo
Fri 06/22/12 05:20 AM

I never mentioned the US getting involved.

We are not the world police.

NEWS FLASH: The U.S. is already involved.

Washington and Tel Aviv have a coordinated policy of state-sponsored terrorism against Syria.

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