Topic: upset | |
i dont know if there is anyone else on here thats open like me but i get myself so upset and wonder whats so wrong with me my looks my body my life i dont know, some nights i cry myself to sleep cos all i want is to be loved.
there ya go my rant is over |
Probably everyone has been 'there.'
The one thing you want most in life..eludes you. Better though, than being with the wrong one :-( Which impatience can bring out. |
Everyone has down days but life is not all that bad- your profile states you are unemployed at the moment- that can reek havoc on your self esteem. why not concentrate on getting a job and making your life easier and let love find you. Once you get your professional life back on track- the personal life seems to follow.
hope things get better for you! ![]() |
As the above comments mate - I know that saying get a job is easier said than done! So I do hope you find something, even while trying to find a job, love can find you : ) so good luck with it & keep your chin up, as the British like to say!
Atleast you found the forums here to keep you entertained until the right one crosses your path
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i dont know if there is anyone else on here thats open like me but i get myself so upset and wonder whats so wrong with me my looks my body my life i dont know, some nights i cry myself to sleep cos all i want is to be loved. there ya go my rant is over I wish I had a dollar bill for every young twenty/early thirty guy I have heard feel like you feel right now because I would be one rich old I know it is not funny to you but it is a right of passage that I have yet to see anyone escape. Not going to tell you not to feel this way because it is normal and actually will eventually kick you in the butt to to do what it takes to feel better in the long run and a little taste of humility will give you empathy when life does get rolling along. And it will. I doubt there is really all that much " wrong" with you. I am looking at your profile and you seem pretty normal on first impression. Actually I can't see anything wrong with your looks or your body so definitely give yourself a break there. Being unemployed is a drag but in the current economy I would not get too worked up about that. You are still young enough to get into a variety of training options and at least you are computer literate so probably have a lot more going for you than you think. Set a certain amount of time early each day to look for work but don't make it everything you are about or life will be out of balance fast. So often people can say exactly what their biggest obstical is; "getting yourself so up set" because you don't "feel" loved. If you are upset then it generally makes you tired and even more emotional and not a lot of fun to be around and defintiely not having fun yourself so kind of a tough circle to get stuck in. To break out of that trap may take making a concious effort but you can do it. Might want to work on getting more rest, trying to eat better, get out and walk/exercise in the fresh air. Great place to meet people is in a park. If you can namage it maybe having a check up to see if you actually have a health issue that could be dragging you down. That includes addressing Depression if you think that is an issue. Least you are smart enough not to smoke and drink; give yourself a pat on the back there. The whole not feeling loved thing is tough; especially at your age. I strongly doubt that you really don't have anyone that loves you; most likely a parent or some kind of family somewhere who does even if they have been kind of lax about saying it or you are not listening because you are too "grown" for that. Give your family a chance. It is a transitional time between parents and adult children but you could make friends with them or their parents. Be amazed what a few letters or visits can do to ease things along. Post highschool and college is a rough time since so many of your "youth" friends are scattered out of the loop but again I bet is at least one of them would be glad to hear from you and feels exactly like you do. I am sure your alma mater would be thrilled to see a returning student to help out any number of ways. Instant friends. Kids like you teachers and parents follow. The whole friend of a friend thing. Of course the whole "female" thing is high on the list. Those darn hormones, lol, not going to give you a lot of peace in that department but hey that is not just a guy thing so you have that in your favor. Thankfully you are kind of over the hump of the twenties when in all fairness guys really do seem to have a lot of competion and very little "play". Probably want to make it more inviting to the fairer sex by engageing their real sex organ,their brains/heart, and then the rest follows. That is easier if you read a paper, have a mutual activity to share, develope a social skill that makes you more approachable such as danceing, or playing and instrument. (Evern noticed how the boys in the band always have a social life?) Engage in a sport. Hey recreation leagues do not require you be first string olympic tallent. Join a group. There are tons of them so pick a couple. If money is tight volunteer; believe me you won't be the only one on a budget. Radical as it might sound join a church; after all it is a community. Which seems to be something you are missing. The most attractive thing people can do is get out and do things with friends. Computer is fine but you got to use it as a starting place only. Make your computer profile advertisement inviting. Lots of pictures lots of positive posts. Good Luck It will get better. |
Bad days come and go just like the good days do my man.
Try just getting out of the house instead of coming down on yourself with no one but 4 walls to talk to. Reminds me of a small poem I wrote years ago when I felt the same way brother. "4 walls to keep me company"...too depressing to recite but, I swear...better days lay before you man. Have faith in you. Peace |
i dont know if there is anyone else on here thats open like me but i get myself so upset and wonder whats so wrong with me my looks my body my life i dont know, some nights i cry myself to sleep cos all i want is to be loved. there ya go my rant is over You might want to have a physician examine you to see if you have a case of clinical depression. I had to do that 15 years ago. Once my physician put me on an anti-depressant, my life improved greatly. I still have to take an anti-depressant, but I would be a mess if I didn't. |
i dont know if there is anyone else on here thats open like me but i get myself so upset and wonder whats so wrong with me my looks my body my life i dont know, some nights i cry myself to sleep cos all i want is to be loved. there ya go my rant is over I feel the same like what you feel.but i more upset with my life.feel so tired to think about it all. |