Topic: what liberalism means to me. | |
Did you know that the French are the world's leading producer and consumer of duck and goose foie gras ...
Hungary is the world's second-greatest foie gras producer and the largest exporter. Useless facts!! |
So now I have to duck because duck pate is flying at me???
good morning you beautiful people Talk later Alex, I'm out of here |
q- what kind of government system do we have?
a- wrong, not a democracy. we have a constitutional republic. |
as far as social programs for the poor, yea there are people who need these programs. That said, i have seen so much abuse of this system that something besides throwing more money at the problem needs to be done. Here in Michigan we have programs to send displaced people and handicapped to school thru the government. (state level) these programs seem to work well here, but you have to want to work. TOO many pepole jusr wanna sit at home on the govt doll.... mabe i cant blame them for feeling that way though, as why would one work for minimum wage with no benefits when one can sit at home. the best social program would be an ecomomy with lots of GOOD jobs.
I'm very surprised at the hodgepodge of responses here. I thought the topic in the first place worth raising, however i disagree with the premise.
Fanta's definition of liberalism makes me cringe. I want to stay home on the gov't dole. Do you think one more would be too much and break the system. Currently i work my share and somebody else's share too. I've done that a long time. After I build a factory to produce speedboats and put a large-horsepower, variable-speed AC motor drive into production I'll investigate the gov't dole programs to see if any apply to me. As to the economy, once I build those two factories it is likely I will find I can buy the finished goods in China for 30% of the materials cost for the ones I build here. Being on the dole may be the only option after all my development work . |
Liberalism, Conservatism-- these days it's all politics, far less ideological and meets at this focal point, postulated only partially tongue-in-cheek by Ambrose Bierce in 'The Devil's Dictionary:
"Politics, n., A strife of interests masquerading as a contest of principles. The conduct of public affairs for private advantage." Or in other words, different sides of the same coin coveting the same thing. -Kerry O. |
Whoa, you nailed that one.
The cause and the effect, maybe, Philosopher. Some alternatives, perhaps-- like more parties, a 'none of the above' vote which would force a new election if that sentiment won a plurality.
But how to get around the gut-wrenching balkanization that makes American elections look more like Guys Having Pointless Arguments about Sports? I'm clueless. We are of a country that landed people on the Moon 40 years ago, and today? I sometimes feel that if I had it 'nailed' myself and others could bring about real, profound change in a atmosphere where so-called liberalism and conservatism can coexist in harmony and get things done to better everyone's lot in life. There are a lot of Krauts in my woodpile, and I remember one old saying of my ancestors: "Ve grow too soon olt, und too lhate schmart." I know this-- I'm NOT looking forward to the '08 Presidental elections.... -Kerry O. |
HEY!!!! my pet DUCKs name is AFLAC!!!!
RUN BOY RUUUUUUN!!!!!!! quack quack quack!!!!! |
Politically I am conservative, but the people on the far right scare me as much as the people on the far left. As the saying goes "Moderation in all things". It seems as each day passes this country becomes more polarized. This is not good. As each side becomes more mired in their ideaology, they become more willing to toss retoric back and forth and less willing to comprimise to solve problems. Both parties are more interested in perpetuating their own exstence and expanding their power base than actually doing anything to address the problems facing this nation. I think term limits are in order for all elected offices the sooner we do away with career politicians the sooner we can get some fresh enlightened minds in office to find solutions rather than sling blame.
there are no liberals anymore..
and no conservatives... only criminals........get the label right... |
Change the Political contribution system. We can take the government away from corporate interests, and give it back to the people! Until, we do that we are doomed to the same ole, same ole!
American Hertitage Dict:
de·moc·ra·cy (dĭ-mŏkrə-sē) n. pl. de·moc·ra·cies 1. Government by the people, exercised either directly or through elected representatives. 2. A political or social unit that has such a government. 3. The common people, considered as the primary source of political power. 4. Majority rule. 5. The principles of social equality and respect for the individual within a community. Not corporations!!!! |
were not a democracy were a constitutional republic. recite the pledge of allegiance.
Someone asked Washington what kind of govt they were creating..,. his answe was " we have a republic... if we can keep it." |
Ok, this is true in the sense that we are a Republic of 50 (states) seperate Democracies.
Democracy and Republic basically have the same meaning, except Republic refers to a group, or larger entity! The offical entry for our government in the cia world fact book is: Constitution-based federal republic; strong democratic tradition. |
The pledge of alligance wasn't written until 1892, and was written by a Socialist!
Go figure......... |
The preamble of the constitution however, starts out with three words, "We The People."
Not we the corporations.......... |
hey rambill.... how much more can this president f-ck things up?? he doesnt want to take credit for all the Bull S-IT that he has done to everone on this planet!!!
Most ducks have a wide flat beak adapted for dredging. They exploit a variety of food sources such as grasses, aquatic plants, fish, insects, small amphibians, worms, and small molluscs.
Ducks are sometimes confused with several types of unrelated water birds with similar forms, such as loons or divers, grebes, gallinules, and coots. So being loony, or being as bald as a coot is actually being bird-like!!! |