Topic: what liberalism means to me. | |
Excellent point if I may say so myself. As a matter of fact I raised those exact arguments several weeks ago (may) on a post raising a similar topic (Liberals vs Conservatives). It may even have been a post you might have been the host to GARDENFORGE. Anyhow, my point at the time was that the infamous war of words and ideology between Libs and Cons was a mut point. The political battle ground gave way to such incestuous seeds over time, that we're now all related somehow. No more solid blood lines worth defending between the two camps. What people argue about when calling themselves 'libs' or 'cons' names, is more often than not individualistically focused nostalgia, based on old and vague tribal concepts which have little to do with actual traditional liberal and conservative ideologies, nor contemporary Neo-lib and Neo-con ideologies. IMO opinion, it's ONE BIG FAMILY ... dysfonctional to heck, But one big mixed up family nonetheless!!! |
voileazur: "one big family, disfunctional as heck" That is the funniest thing I have heard in a while and it so aptly describes the whole system. As Pogo said, "we have met the enemy and they is us"
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They is! They is! :)
How about that '1985 Châteuneuf du Pape'?!?!? Have we got a deal???? |
By the way Serchin4MyRedWine,
If you are under the impression that a '1985 Châteauneuf du Pape' is a vintage French convertible sports car, I'd be willing to accept that too!!! I'm not a card carrying Liberal like you, and yet, I too am flexible!!! |
![]() ![]() ![]() Its not too late to come out of the closet redwine!!!! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Closet liberals+ redwine & Rambill!!!!!
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Oops I sad I wouldnt laugh. Come on boys we'll go have a drink together, then I'll break it to you gently that I'm an Independent....... ![]() ![]() |
Have no fear 'Fanta', 'rambill' and 'search' are clearly liberals, they're just trying to fool us all. Darn good job of it too, wouldn't you say?!!? What clearly gave 'search' away though, was that thing about not paying for the neighbors lawnmower, or pool maintenance, or garbage pick-up! He nearly had me fooled. But that comment had me do a 180! "... Not paying for mowing my neighbors lawn!!!" : clearly a 'center-center' moderate liberal in my books! Here! I think I hear them coming this way! |
Damn it's getting so you can't tell the players without a score card
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Right about the score card, Forge.
First off, let me say that I apologize if I've insulted anyone here in my previous posts on this subject. Now for the scorecard: I consider myself a liberal-thinking individual, but can I really consider myself a liberal? Here are some facts about me, you all decide: 1-Started helping my dad in his job(carpet installer) during summers when I was 10. Got my first regular job at 14. Between then and now(I'm 44), I've been unemployed a grand total of eight days. 2-Have an Associates' Degree from a two-year college. 3-I'm in favor of the death penalty. My only problem with it is that convicted criminals sit on it too long before execution. 4-I'm against gun control. "If guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns." If you take out domestic violence cases, the vast majority of gun crimes are committed using stolen guns. 5-I have never collected unemployment, welfare, nor any other "handout" from the federal government. 6-I'm in favor of (much) stricter drug laws. Folks, we're losing the drug war-badly. A new approach is desperatly needed. 7-America should take care of itself first and foremost. 8-I voted for Reagan-TWICE! So, now I ask, could I really be a liberal? My point, in a nutshell, is that you can lump all liberals together about as easily as you can lump all conservatives together-in other words, in both cases, it's best to look at the individual, rather than make blanket assumptions. We're ALL different, and that makes for a much more interesting place. |
Right on the money 'knoxman',
After careful scrutiny and thourough analysis of YOUR 8 COMMENDEMENTS 'knox', we have proof in point about the incestuousness of the 'Lib-Con' baby-finger duelling: ... we all thought 'rambill' and 'search' were 'cons', ... as it turns out, they're most likely 'moderate-center-center-closet-libs'. On the other hand 'knox', you had us convinced you were a 'lib', and you're turning out to be more of a 'moderate-to-serious-almost-neo-con'. There we go!!! As I wrote earlier: '... we are but ONE, BIG, MIXED-UP and 'holy' DYSFONCTIONAL FAMILY!!! The miracle, is that we're still talking!!! ... hey 'search', 'bout that '1985 Châteauneuf du Pape' you promised me?!?!?!? |
Radio talk-show host Neal Boortz once had on his web site a test to determine "Are you a Libertarian?"(Don't know if the test is still up). I took the test, and my answers revealed that I was a libertarian who leaned very slightly left. To each his own. If the test is still there, take it. The answers might suprise a lot of people.
Radio talk-show host Neal Boortz once had on his web site a test to determine "Are you a Libertarian?"(Don't know if the test is still up). I took the test, and my answers revealed that I was a libertarian who leaned very slightly left. To each his own. If the test is still there, take it. The answers might suprise a lot of people.
Oops, sorry for the double-post. Itchy trigger finger.
Hey 'garden',
Whow needs to keep score!!! We're all on the same card!!! When you start hearing qualifiers such as 'left-of-center- moderate-non-traditionalist-neo-con (or substitute for neo-lib)', there really is no more need to keep score. :) |
And 'knox',
A probable definition for a 'libertarian' : 'left-of-center-non-traditionalist/traditionalist-neo-lib-leaning-right-of-center' ... could easily be confused with a NEO-CON or NEO-LIB with an orientation disorder!!! 'ONE BIG and MIXED-UP DYSFONCTIONAL FAMILY' |
Cripes, that's complicated
![]() I'm glad that I'm neither. I'm more the pick and mix type. |
I tend to agree with common sense.
Either way you mix the others, Im still independent!!! And yes Voil, Im going to say it, "I belong to the American Party!!!" ![]() |
YEP, How cliche is that?
Common sense, Truth, and the American Way!!!! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Then you should post a greyhound picture and not that mutt.
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