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Topic: Tips For Beating the Lonliness
luv2roknroll's photo
Fri 06/08/12 11:09 AM


And yes, pets can ease loneliness - can I borrow Boogie, Kitten? I am giving-away my Buttons, he's been bad lately like acting weird and irresponsible.

Ohhhhhhhhhh hell to the no!explode

no photo
Fri 06/08/12 11:35 AM
Edited by 2KidsMom on Fri 06/08/12 11:35 AM
learn to love yourself...and entertain yourself.

laugh *snickers*

no photo
Fri 06/08/12 12:19 PM
Make sure you get out and live life. You don't need to date someone to do that. Meet people and make friends. Make plans with them and get yourself out of the house.

RainbowTrout's photo
Fri 06/08/12 01:02 PM
Finding someone who you can totally be yourself with is helping me. The sharing is so freaking awesome. This masochism to masochism interchange is so uplifting since recovery is already so wonderful any way. The attraction is so real since we are interacting in a fashion that is very positive as the common goal. It is nonjudgmental towards the significant other except when that judgement is meant to help the other. The more she tries to be self destructive the higher I try to raise her self esteem and visa-versa with her towards me. All the negative value judgments her former husband projected towards her I am counteracting with positive statements that state her true nature. I am totally kicking her disease's butt and the negative disease realizes this and backs down because after a while because her own survival instinct is kicking in to help me help her. happy

RainbowTrout's photo
Fri 06/08/12 01:14 PM
This is the first masochistic bond I have ever been able to establish and just feels so totally refreshing and invigorating.:smile: :heart: flowerforyou

no photo
Fri 06/08/12 01:25 PM

Being lonesome can make a person feel more pressured about dating which definitely doesn't help. What are the ways you beat the lonliyness?

Mine seems to be hobbies and volunteering but I am sure there are others. Any suggestions?

Anytime I feel lonely, I stop being lonely and be awesome instead.

SeekforBride's photo
Fri 06/08/12 04:11 PM


I dont know what I would do without my 4 legged daughter, "Boogie", and my turtle, "ManOfewwords".

Boogie is so tall, that when we sleep,(and she sleeps in my arms) it feel just like having a person there.

I never feel lonely having her. When I miss human companionship, I just go out for a nice long run with Boogie, and its all good.


I couldnt live without music! Its a time machine. Put on the music from a certain time in your life, close your eyes and listen, and "voila" you are there.
Dance, sing as loud as you can, just enjoy the music however you do it, and you will instantly feel better!

I do!
OF course! PETS! That is a good one. I forgot all about this advice. I knew it but forgot to add. Thanks!

Yeah, be like that Tom Cruise character in "Risky Business" when he was listening to music and dancing with just his underwear on and his Ray-Ban Glasses on. "That ol'... time rock n roll!" Yeah, that song struck in my head ever since. I used to can hear better with hearing aids. Oh well! Good thing I got this one! Hahaha.

Ruth34611's photo
Fri 06/08/12 04:33 PM

Being lonesome can make a person feel more pressured about dating which definitely doesn't help. What are the ways you beat the lonliyness?

Mine seems to be hobbies and volunteering but I am sure there are others. Any suggestions?

Anytime I feel lonely, I stop being lonely and be awesome instead.

laugh :thumbsup: You are definitely awesome. flowerforyou

no photo
Fri 06/08/12 06:25 PM

Anytime I feel lonely, I stop being lonely and be awesome instead.

laugh :thumbsup: You are definitely awesome. flowerforyou


PacificStar48's photo
Fri 06/08/12 09:59 PM
Hey ya all thanks for bumping the thread along. All good ideas I think. Years ago it seemed like there were more orgaizations for singles; Parent's Without Partners, Party's With A Purpose, even Singles Matinee's at the movies or Single Shoppers night at the grocery but I guess a lot of that has gone on line.????

TxsGal3333's photo
Sat 06/09/12 06:52 AM
Myself when I get lonely I go visit my grandbabies, go out to eat, see a movie, or just watch tv and cuddle up with my dog....or even mow the yard.....if you keep the mind busy the loneliness seems to go away~~~~whoa

galendgirl's photo
Sat 06/09/12 07:28 AM

Make sure you get out and live life. You don't need to date someone to do that. Meet people and make friends. Make plans with them and get yourself out of the house.

Very true...and frankly, since I've been more available (aka single) I've found I've got more friends than I realize and that who are happy that I'm able to go do things/meet up with them more often. Single or taken is a double edged sword!

EquusDancer's photo
Sat 06/09/12 07:48 AM
I don't get lonely. I do plenty of things on my own, and find I'm usually happier doing that then trying to do things with friends.

I keep busy, dive into a book, and am constantly harrassed by my animals. But I love it!

no photo
Sat 06/09/12 02:04 PM
Edited by Unknow on Sat 06/09/12 02:05 PM
With some disturbing changes to my family, I find that after preparing the baby bag, going on a walk about town helps a lot. On todays walk, I noted that I'm not the only single dad in town and that we're pretty well received where ever we go. I'm guessing it's my baby girl causing that effect. Today, we went out to breakfast, the coffee shop, and looked through various stores for things. If anything, my face is getting older and crustier. Even with the mother choosing drugs over family, I feel very blessed to be a daddy.

galendgirl's photo
Sat 06/09/12 05:59 PM

With some disturbing changes to my family, I find that after preparing the baby bag, going on a walk about town helps a lot. On todays walk, I noted that I'm not the only single dad in town and that we're pretty well received where ever we go. I'm guessing it's my baby girl causing that effect. Today, we went out to breakfast, the coffee shop, and looked through various stores for things. If anything, my face is getting older and crustier. Even with the mother choosing drugs over family, I feel very blessed to be a daddy.

A single parent home is not necessarily a "broken" home...you won't be able to be fully two parents but your baby will be FINE with that kind of love. Kudos to you!

PacificStar48's photo
Sun 06/10/12 08:51 PM
One thing I found is useful moving around is that it pays to have diverse friends and make and effort to have as many as is possible. Not just aquaintences but a number of friends of various ages and interests. Tehn when your kids grow up . your marital status changes, you get laid off or retire, even your health changes then you have people that you can be comfortable hanging out with

Totage's photo
Sun 06/10/12 08:52 PM

learn to love yourself...and entertain yourself.

laugh *snickers*

That's one of the best pics. lol

no photo
Mon 06/11/12 04:01 AM

Hey ya all thanks for bumping the thread along. All good ideas I think. Years ago it seemed like there were more orgaizations for singles; Parent's Without Partners, Party's With A Purpose, even Singles Matinee's at the movies or Single Shoppers night at the grocery but I guess a lot of that has gone on line.????

If you look at meetup.com you're sure to find groups like these. They organize events online and you just show up.

PacificStar48's photo
Mon 06/11/12 08:30 AM
Hey thanks for the idea. I like the friends I have nade on line but think I just kind of got in the habit of off line venues to make friends. Funny because I like the folks at Mingle so much for conversation.

PacificStar48's photo
Mon 06/11/12 08:33 AM

learn to love yourself...and entertain yourself.

laugh *snickers*

That's one of the best pics. lol

LOL os that anything like warming your heart? But ummm your heart should not be down there huh? ROFLMBO

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