Topic: Dont legalize the use of propaganda | |
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Mon 06/04/12 01:34 PM
But if the government is stupid enough to pass a law that they can spread propaganda, they will be hard pressed to get anyone to believe anything they say. Then that law could also have the power to prevent people from speaking out against that very propaganda. It might have a provision that makes it illegal to call them on it. I might have a provision that makes it illegal to spread THE TRUTH. this is FALSE this is the belief of those who think the word 'propoganda' is synonymous with lie (its like saying fruit is synonymous with APPLE ) and it does not propoganda: the spreading of ideas, information, or rumor for the purpose of helping or injuring an institution, a cause, or a person rumors are a TYPE Of propoganda, but so are ideas and information the bill says nothing about spreading RUMORS Propaganda does not always have to be true or false. It is simply spin that can't be trusted. If you can't trust the spin, then you can't regard it as truth. propoganda does not require SPIN,, see above definition Propaganda IS SPIN. By your definition, even NEWS is propaganda. News is news. It should be accurate and true. Propaganda is NOT NEWS it is not to be taken with some grains of salt and maybe some hard alcohol. |
But if the government is stupid enough to pass a law that they can spread propaganda, they will be hard pressed to get anyone to believe anything they say. Then that law could also have the power to prevent people from speaking out against that very propaganda. It might have a provision that makes it illegal to call them on it. I might have a provision that makes it illegal to spread THE TRUTH. this is FALSE this is the belief of those who think the word 'propoganda' is synonymous with lie (its like saying fruit is synonymous with APPLE ) and it does not propoganda: the spreading of ideas, information, or rumor for the purpose of helping or injuring an institution, a cause, or a person rumors are a TYPE Of propoganda, but so are ideas and information the bill says nothing about spreading RUMORS Propaganda does not always have to be true or false. It is simply spin that can't be trusted. If you can't trust the spin, then you can't regard it as truth. propoganda does not require SPIN,, see above definition Propaganda IS SPIN. By your definition, even NEWS is propaganda. News is news. It should be accurate and true. Propaganda is NOT NEWS it is not to be taken with some grains of salt and maybe some hard alcohol. again, like saying fruits are apples apple is a TYPE of fruit, but fruit can refer to MANY other foods and propoganda is not SPIN , although spin can be a part of the propoganda it is merely INFORMATION, whether it is true or false is not a given,,,, |
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Mon 06/04/12 01:49 PM
That is your personal opinion I guess.
If propaganda was news they wouldn't call it propaganda. The point I am making is that there is no guarantee that it is true and you cannot trust it. If I told you I have some news you might listen. If I told you I had some propaganda for you, would you be so eager to read it? Would you believe it? |
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Mon 06/04/12 01:53 PM
Fox News Is A ‘Well-Funded, Right-Wing Propaganda Organization ![]() Jews own it. That's a fact. You posted that Fact several times! ![]() This is true. And its a fact. But there are a large number of people who claim to be Jews. Read the book "The invention of the Jewish People." What there are is a bunch of tribes of different ethnic groups who claim to practice Judaism, and there are some whose ancestors converted to Judaism who don't really practice it. They are more Turkish than anything. I don't think you should be calling yourself Jewish if you don't practice the religion. I don't think anyone should call themselves Jewish unless they practice the religion. Jewish is not a race. Jewish means that you practice the religion of Judaism in some form but this can be very lax just like someone who rarely or never goes to church can still consider themselves Christian. This means that ~75% of the people in Israel are Jewish along with a few percent of the US population and a few percent of Russians and smaller populations around the world. Of course, even though there are Jews of all colors and backgrounds there are also most definitely traceable Jewish genetic markers which are commonly used in genetic research. I would say that there is not a Jewish race per se but there are characteristically Jewish ethnicities! ![]() See Linda Chavez' genealogy for example... History is always under revision. However, facts are not.
This is a concept which appears to be beyond the grasp of several of the people who have been writing biased anti-Israeli comments continually here. They always attempt to blame Israel, Zionists and Jews for a variety of societal ills which have no basis in fact in smear tactics very similar if not identical to those used by the Nazis even though these antisemitic conspiracy theories were proven false a century ago. ![]() These same folks repeatedly ignore the long history of Arab attacks on Jews and Israel as a major part of the factual basis of conflict in the Middle East. They ignore or minimize antisemitism which has been shown historically to be the root cause of mass killings and torture of Jewish people during the Inquisition, Russian pogroms and WWII as a source of the more recent ongoing attacks of Israel. Instead, while complaining about propaganda on the one hand, they spout a virtual river of anti-Israel propaganda and then act surprised when this is pointed out to them! ![]() ![]() |
That is your personal opinion I guess. If propaganda was news they wouldn't call it propaganda. The point I am making is that there is no guarantee that it is true and you cannot trust it. If I told you I have some news you might listen. If I told you I had some propaganda for you, would you be so eager to read it? Would you believe it? they call an apple an apple dont they? as opposed to JUST calling it fruit? news is a form of propoganda, but there are other things that are ALSO propoganda including mere information,,, |
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Mon 06/04/12 01:54 PM
That is your personal opinion I guess. If propaganda was news they wouldn't call it propaganda. The point I am making is that there is no guarantee that it is true and you cannot trust it. If I told you I have some news you might listen. If I told you I had some propaganda for you, would you be so eager to read it? Would you believe it? I would, yes, because I understand that propoganda has a broader meaning than the general slang people have adapted it to well, knowing how YOU have defined propoganda for yourself, I would expect you may not consider it to be truth,,and would take it more cautiously,,, but reading it in the context of a legal document , I Would consider the ACTUAL (miriam webster) Definition of the word |
That is your personal opinion I guess. If propaganda was news they wouldn't call it propaganda. The point I am making is that there is no guarantee that it is true and you cannot trust it. If I told you I have some news you might listen. If I told you I had some propaganda for you, would you be so eager to read it? Would you believe it? I would, yes, because I understand that propoganda has a broader meaning than the general slang people have adapted it to well, knowing how YOU have defined propoganda for yourself, I would expect you may not consider it to be truth,,and would take it more cautiously,,, but reading it in the context of a legal document , I Would consider the ACTUAL (miriam webster) Definition of the word Yes the term has a very negative meaning as far as I am concerned. Like brainwashing. Most propaganda has spin. Of course most so called "News" is propaganda. |
What differentiates news from propaganda is INTENT.
Propaganda is defined as: the spreading of ideas, information, or rumor for the purpose of helping or injuring an institution, a cause, or a person News is a recitation of facts without intent to bias or argue one side or the other. Boring of course but without the purpose of helping or injuring anyone or anything. ![]() |
What differentiates news from propaganda is INTENT. Propaganda is defined as: the spreading of ideas, information, or rumor for the purpose of helping or injuring an institution, a cause, or a person News is a recitation of facts without intent to bias or argue one side or the other. Boring of course but without the purpose of helping or injuring anyone or anything. ![]() Nice definitions. Too bad the line is so blurred. The very decision on what to put on the nightly news, true or not is a form of propaganda. They might focus on some hollywood star's problem with drugs rather than report the news about what is happening in Washington or in some war our children are fighting in. |
What differentiates news from propaganda is INTENT. Propaganda is defined as: the spreading of ideas, information, or rumor for the purpose of helping or injuring an institution, a cause, or a person News is a recitation of facts without intent to bias or argue one side or the other. Boring of course but without the purpose of helping or injuring anyone or anything. ![]() modern 'news' does not necessarily fit that definition though now it just means 'something you didnt know before',,,,true or not, spin or not |
The stuff we call "news" today is propaganda actually.
I do remember when it was more like real news, and yes, a little boring. Then it got to be all about ratings, then all about molding public opinion. In short, it went from news to propaganda. |
Just by simple textual analysis one can discern fact from opinion. The use of language denotes the purpose (hyperbole; logical fallacies, repetition etc.). The following is a simplified guide to assessing a document (including visual & aural media).
a). Who wrote it? Analyse the author's affiliations and background and assess the influence this has on the text. b). When was it written? Place in the document in its historical context. c). Audience? Determine the audience the text was written for. d). Why? Using the above techniques one can determine why the piece was created. 'Propaganda' acquired a negative connotation after WWI, but connotation & meaning aren't necessarily the same thing. It was originally applied as a term for the dissemination of Catholic doctrine. |
Interesting. After world war 2 is when I was born, and propaganda was full blown negative at the time.
”Big, fat propaganda lie”
The lies about the 1967 war are still more powerful than the truth It was a war of aggression not an act of self-defense |
It was a war of aggression not an act of self-defense Yes! That's a perfect example of a "big, fat propaganda lie". ![]() |
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Mon 06/04/12 05:25 PM
It was a war of aggression not an act of self-defense Yes! That's a perfect example of a "big, fat propaganda lie". ![]() They always cry "self defense." (a lie) They have to. No one would go if they told the truth. Hey lets go over there and bomb the crap out of that place so we can make tons of money rebuilding it. The Pale horse cometh Sound the drums! The weak hearts runneth The night succumbs. Death rides sweeping The desert sands As children are sleeping With prayerful hands. |
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Mon 06/04/12 11:58 PM
It was a war of aggression not an act of self-defense Yes! That's a perfect example of a "big, fat propaganda lie". ![]() They always cry "self defense." (a lie) They have to. No one would go if they told the truth. Hey lets go over there and bomb the crap out of that place so we can make tons of money rebuilding it. The Pale horse cometh Sound the drums! The weak hearts runneth The night succumbs. Death rides sweeping The desert sands As children are sleeping With prayerful hands. You seem to have misinterpreted my post. ![]() |
It was a war of aggression not an act of self-defense Yes! That's a perfect example of a "big, fat propaganda lie". ![]() They always cry "self defense." (a lie) They have to. No one would go if they told the truth. Hey lets go over there and bomb the crap out of that place so we can make tons of money rebuilding it. Right. There is no such thing as self-defense! Those Israelis were never attacked! Hamas and Hezbollah never fired thousands of rockets at their homes. It is all a big gigantic lie made up by the free press in Israel which can operate without any governmental oversight unlike the news agencies here in the US and in Europe which are tightly controlled governmental mouthpieces. If only the Israeli press was more open like Egypt, Libya, Iran and China. Then we might finally get the truth and not photoshopped pictured of exploded public buses and cafe's with shrapnel and bloodied corpses of innocent civilians. What an outrage! And to think, they try to blame Hamas and Al-Aqsa brigades just because one of their guys happens to be there with a bomb-vest on. ![]() No, the Israeli's won't get a pass here... They can't claim self-defense just because of a few cafe bombs. No way. Besides anybody can see their claims of terrorist attacks are just a GIGANTIC LIE just like 911 and those faked transit bombings in Madrid and London and the lies of the hotel attacks in India and in Bali in 2002. Fakes and lies all of them. Everyone knows that Bin Laden and Al-Qaeda and Saddam were all made up by Dick Cheney and W as fictional characters! The misinformation footage of Baghdad Bob was shot on the same soundstage where they filmed the moon landing and Kennedy assassination! |
It was a war of aggression not an act of self-defense Yes! That's a perfect example of a "big, fat propaganda lie". ![]() They always cry "self defense." (a lie) They have to. No one would go if they told the truth. Hey lets go over there and bomb the crap out of that place so we can make tons of money rebuilding it. Right. There is no such thing as self-defense! Those Israelis were never attacked! Hamas and Hezbollah never fired thousands of rockets at their homes. It is all a big gigantic lie made up by the free press in Israel which can operate without any governmental oversight unlike the news agencies here in the US and in Europe which are tightly controlled governmental mouthpieces. If only the Israeli press was more open like Egypt, Libya, Iran and China. Then we might finally get the truth and not photoshopped pictured of exploded public buses and cafe's with shrapnel and bloodied corpses of innocent civilians. What an outrage! And to think, they try to blame Hamas and Al-Aqsa brigades just because one of their guys happens to be there with a bomb-vest on. ![]() No, the Israeli's won't get a pass here... They can't claim self-defense just because of a few cafe bombs. No way. Besides anybody can see their claims of terrorist attacks are just a GIGANTIC LIE just like 911 and those faked transit bombings in Madrid and London and the lies of the hotel attacks in India and in Bali in 2002. Fakes and lies all of them. Everyone knows that Bin Laden and Al-Qaeda and Saddam were all made up by Dick Cheney and W as fictional characters! The misinformation footage of Baghdad Bob was shot on the same soundstage where they filmed the moon landing and Kennedy assassination! ![]() |
It was a war of aggression not an act of self-defense Yes! That's a perfect example of a "big, fat propaganda lie". ![]() Hotrod ,It is about time that you had a wee chat with yourself and think before you post. The following pieces of information as you can clearly see are not my opinions. Feel free to take issue with whomever you like but do not direct your one liners to me in an attempt to discredit me.You are not the first to try and silence me and I dare say you will not be the last. Get yourself a cup of whatever takes your fancy and sit back and take on the Generals. Israel’s generals in their own words On this 45th anniversary of the start of the Six Days War, here is a reminder of what they said. In an interview published in Le Monde on 28 February 1968, Israeli Chief of Staff Yitzhak Rabin said this: “I do not believe that Nasser wanted war. The two divisions which he sent into Sinai on 14 May [1967] would not have been enough to unleash an offensive against Israel. He knew it and we knew it.” |