Topic: Dont legalize the use of propaganda | |
Posting links does no good. The links lead to a page with many posts. Spoiler Alert: You have to read the posts. ![]() If you did you would see that there was no evidence of celebrating. Only one woman who said she was surprised that the guys taking the pictures did not seem to be shocked. ![]() Also there was no evidence tying them in any way to any of the 911 attacks. They had no weapons. They were arrested for not having correct alien documentation! ![]() It's laughable. ![]() |
Edited by
Fri 06/01/12 02:25 PM
No dancing Israelis ?
![]() ![]() On June 21, 2002, ABC News reported that five Israelis were arrested on Sept 11, 2001 after being caught filming the burning of the World Trade Center from the roof of the “Urban Moving Systems” building, shouting cries of joy. The police found them driving in the company van. [Bergen Record, 9/12/01] Investigators said that there were maps of the city with certain places highlighted, found in the van. The FBI confirmed that two of the five men were Mossad agents and that all five were on a Mossad assignment. [Forward, 3/15/02] They were held on immigration violations, questioned excessively and then released after 71 days in custody. [ABC News, 6/21/02] The owner of Urban Moving System, fled the United States to Israel on Sept 14, 2001. The FBI later told ABC News that the company “may have been providing cover for an Israeli intelligence operation.” [Forward, 3/15/02; New Jersey Department of Law and Public Safety, 12/13/01; ABC News, 6/21/01]
ABC ![]() ![]() |
Yep. No dancing. Just Israelis taking pictures.
They had a van. They had maps! They took pictures! Wowee wowee. ![]() They might have even been with Israeli Intelligence. Cue spooky music.... You think that the CIA took any pictures that day? How about Russian Intel? How about MI5? How about the other spooks? ![]() There was no dancing, no danger, no 911 conspiracy. ![]() ![]() |
Yep. No dancing. Just Israelis taking pictures. They had a van. They had maps! They took pictures! Wowee wowee. ![]() They might have even been with Israeli Intelligence. Cue spooky music.... You think that the CIA took any pictures that day? How about Russian Intel? How about MI5? How about the other spooks? ![]() There was no dancing, no danger, no 911 conspiracy. ![]() ![]() You are so easy to convince. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Yep. No dancing. Just Israelis taking pictures. They had a van. They had maps! They took pictures! Wowee wowee. ![]() They might have even been with Israeli Intelligence. Cue spooky music.... You think that the CIA took any pictures that day? How about Russian Intel? How about MI5? How about the other spooks? ![]() There was no dancing, no danger, no 911 conspiracy. ![]() ![]() You are so easy to convince. ![]() ![]() ![]() Not so hard when you go with the evidence. ![]() |
Edited by
Fri 06/01/12 05:14 PM
Yep. No dancing. Just Israelis taking pictures. They had a van. They had maps! They took pictures! Wowee wowee. ![]() They might have even been with Israeli Intelligence. Cue spooky music.... You think that the CIA took any pictures that day? How about Russian Intel? How about MI5? How about the other spooks? ![]() There was no dancing, no danger, no 911 conspiracy. ![]() ![]() You are so easy to convince. ![]() ![]() ![]() Not so hard when you go with the evidence. ![]() Push over. Myself, I'm more of a skeptic. I require real evidence. |
![]() There is never any evidence for any of those cockamamie conspiracy theories!! |
Edited by
Fri 06/01/12 06:05 PM
![]() There is never any evidence for any of those cockamamie conspiracy theories!! I am talking about 'real' evidence for the official account of 9/11. I haven't seen much. Just "reports" by people who did not get to actually see any real evidence. Actually, I have read and seen more evidence for other alternative accounts of 9/11 than I have for the official account. That's just the way it is. I'm sorry if that upsets you. |
![]() There is never any evidence for any of those cockamamie conspiracy theories!! I am talking about 'real' evidence for the official account of 9/11. I haven't seen much. Just "reports" by people who did not get to actually see any real evidence. Actually, I have read and seen more evidence for other alternative accounts of 9/11 than I have for the official account. That's just the way it is. I'm sorry if that upsets you. You may have read a great deal of the evidence and analysis but there is no sign that you have understood any of it!! Otherwise you would not still be questioning the obvious! ![]() It is like someone points in the sky and says "Look! There is the sun." And you say - How do you know it is the real sun and not some fake CIA sun? And then EVERYONE shows you detailed scientifically accurate info which gives all the details of how the sun's light output is measured and observed astronomically and how the spectrum is determined and that there is no evidence of anything artificial in the direct light path between the sun and the earth...and going even farther they show that the earth orbit and mass correspond exactly to the sun mass and law of gravity etc. etc. and then you say... "Well, despite all the obvious evidence, I don't believe any of it and think that it is probably the Mossad, KGB and CIA run by the Illuminitus and headed by Jews!!" ![]() ![]() ![]() I will stick with the real evidence thank you... ![]() |
ev·i·dence (v-dns)
n. 1. A thing or things helpful in forming a conclusion or judgment: The broken window was evidence that a burglary had taken place. Scientists weigh the evidence for and against a hypothesis. 2. Something indicative; an outward sign: evidence of grief on a mourner's face. 3. Law The documentary or oral statements and the material objects admissible as testimony in a court of law. tr.v. ev·i·denced, ev·i·denc·ing, ev·i·denc·es 1. To indicate clearly; exemplify or prove. 2. To support by testimony; attest. Idiom: in evidence 1. Plainly visible; to be seen: It was early, and few pedestrians were in evidence on the city streets. 2. Law As legal evidence: submitted the photograph in evidence. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Evidence On June 21, 2002, ABC News reported that five Israelis were arrested on Sept 11, 2001 after being caught filming the burning of the World Trade Center from the roof of the “Urban Moving Systems” building, shouting cries of joy. The police found them driving in the company van. [Bergen Record, 9/12/01] Investigators said that there were maps of the city with certain places highlighted, found in the van. The FBI confirmed that two of the five men were Mossad agents and that all five were on a Mossad assignment. [Forward, 3/15/02] They were held on immigration violations, questioned excessively and then released after 71 days in custody. [ABC News, 6/21/02] The owner of Urban Moving System, fled the United States to Israel on Sept 14, 2001. The FBI later told ABC News that the company “may have been providing cover for an Israeli intelligence operation.” [Forward, 3/15/02; New Jersey Department of Law and Public Safety, 12/13/01; ABC News, 6/21/01] |
Edited by
Fri 06/01/12 08:38 PM
I am talking about 'real' evidence for the official account of 9/11. I haven't seen much. Just "reports" by people who did not get to actually see any real evidence. Actually, I have read and seen more evidence for other alternative accounts of 9/11 than I have for the official account. That's just the way it is. I'm sorry if that upsets you. You may have read a great deal of the evidence and analysis but there is no sign that you have understood any of it!! Otherwise you would not still be questioning the obvious! ![]() If you are presenting evidence to a jury, and they don't understand it, then you are out of luck when it comes to convincing them of anything. You have to present it in such a way that the jury can understand or it is USELESS. It is like someone points in the sky and says "Look! There is the sun." And you say - How do you know it is the real sun and not some fake CIA sun? You are hilarious. And then EVERYONE shows you detailed scientifically accurate info
which gives all the details of how the sun's light output is measured and observed astronomically and how the spectrum is determined and that there is no evidence of anything artificial in the direct light path between the sun and the earth...and going even farther they show that the earth orbit and mass correspond exactly to the sun mass and law of gravity etc. etc. and then you say... "Well, despite all the obvious evidence, I don't believe any of it and think that it is probably the Mossad, KGB and CIA run by the Illuminitus and headed by Jews!!" ![]() ![]() ![]() I will stick with the real evidence thank you... ![]() Again, evidence is useless if it is not understood. I am betting that you don't understand them any more than I do. You just trust that they are telling you the truth. There are very few people who actually "understand" all those simulated computer calculations. --->And there is no proof that the data entered into the computer is anything but estimated and exactly what they needed in order to figure out how a fire could possibly totally demolish WTC7. The NIST report admitted that what was required was a lengthy fire on the 12th floor and yet there real world evidence proves that the fire on the 12th floor went out too soon to meet their qualifications. But you would not know anything about that because you probably have not even read those reports. So blow it out the other end. |
ev·i·dence (v-dns) n. 1. A thing or things helpful in forming a conclusion or judgment: The broken window was evidence that a burglary had taken place. Scientists weigh the evidence for and against a hypothesis. 2. Something indicative; an outward sign: evidence of grief on a mourner's face. 3. Law The documentary or oral statements and the material objects admissible as testimony in a court of law. tr.v. ev·i·denced, ev·i·denc·ing, ev·i·denc·es 1. To indicate clearly; exemplify or prove. 2. To support by testimony; attest. Idiom: in evidence 1. Plainly visible; to be seen: It was early, and few pedestrians were in evidence on the city streets. 2. Law As legal evidence: submitted the photograph in evidence. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Evidence On June 21, 2002, ABC News reported that five Israelis were arrested on Sept 11, 2001 after being caught filming the burning of the World Trade Center from the roof of the “Urban Moving Systems” building, shouting cries of joy. The police found them driving in the company van. [Bergen Record, 9/12/01] Investigators said that there were maps of the city with certain places highlighted, found in the van. The FBI confirmed that two of the five men were Mossad agents and that all five were on a Mossad assignment. [Forward, 3/15/02] They were held on immigration violations, questioned excessively and then released after 71 days in custody. [ABC News, 6/21/02] The owner of Urban Moving System, fled the United States to Israel on Sept 14, 2001. The FBI later told ABC News that the company “may have been providing cover for an Israeli intelligence operation.” [Forward, 3/15/02; New Jersey Department of Law and Public Safety, 12/13/01; ABC News, 6/21/01] ![]() The ABC report actually states that the report of the celebration and foreknowledge was false!! All you are left with is a group of Israelis photographing the 911 attacks which they had nothing to do with!! ![]() (from the "dancing israelis" thread)... Right. No dancing. No explosives. No conspiracy. Just some Israelis taking pictures like every other person in NY with a camera or cell phone. ![]() Whoopedy doo dah. ![]() Several of the detainees discussed their experience in America on an Israeli talk show after their return home. Said one of the men, denying that they were laughing or happy on the morning of Sept. 11, "The fact of the matter is we are coming from a country that experiences terror daily. Our purpose was to document the event." Here it’s suggested that saying “our purpose was to document the event” is in itself somehow suspicious, that it indicates foreknowledge. Why? No reason. Every single person who pointed a camera at the WTC on 9/11 did so because they wanted to “document the event”. The phrase indicates precisely nothing at all. Besides, the Israelis were first spotted long after the initial attacks and were just videoing the attacks like everyone else in the world. So there was no foreknowledge. The original witness saw the van pull up and park some half hour after the first attack. She thought it odd that they didn't appear shocked but of course they come from a country where there are terrorist attacks on a daily basis and since it had already been a half hour since the first attack, they probably had enough time for the initial shock to wear off quite a bit. They just happened to find a parking lot with a clear view next to some nervous Gladys Kravitz type. ![]() ![]() How about a link to your source of "insider" information? ![]() Sure. It is all detailed in the original news reports of the sole Eyewitness "Maria" account of how she was watching the Towers burn for some time before this van drove into the parking lot and she was surprised to see swarthy guys filming it and not seeming shocked. This lie was debunked on the ABC show 20/20 June 21, 2002. see: ![]() It is also referenced and discussed further in Leigh's link about the so-called non-existent "dancing israelis" that you misrepresent with your anti-Israeli propaganda. I and the others here merely counter you with truthful discussion of the events. It's unbelievably easy to discredit the exaggerated and biased anti-Israel misrepresentations that are continuously re-posted in these forums ad-nauseum! Even though they have been known to be false misrepresentations for 10 years! see: ![]() It helps educate everyone about the nature of the anti-Israel and anti-Semitic propaganda machines, the 911 terrorist attacks, radical Islam, Al-Qaeda, Hezbollah and Hamas. Also susses out all the neo-Nazi and white supremacist and radical Islamic websites! It's a public service! ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Linking to anonymous websites again?
The fact that these men were Israelis and that they were on a Mossad mission and that they were taking pictures OF THE TWIN TOWERS AFTER THE ATTACK IS A MATTER OF PUBLIC RECORD. |
Edited by
Fri 06/01/12 08:48 PM
Linking to anonymous websites again? The fact that these men were Israelis and that they were on a Mossad mission and that they were taking pictures OF THE TWIN TOWERS AFTER THE ATTACK IS A MATTER OF PUBLIC RECORD. Oh and I believe their story after all......... it was on Israeli television. ![]() |
And seriously, I hope that George Bush and family are completely innocent in all of this, although I have my doubts. But at the same time, I can't believe that Osama Bin Laden was the master mind. And the terrorists were probably trained by the CIA and we really have no way of knowing if they were still working for them at the time. ![]() |
ev·i·dence (v-dns) n. 1. A thing or things helpful in forming a conclusion or judgment: The broken window was evidence that a burglary had taken place. Scientists weigh the evidence for and against a hypothesis. 2. Something indicative; an outward sign: evidence of grief on a mourner's face. 3. Law The documentary or oral statements and the material objects admissible as testimony in a court of law. tr.v. ev·i·denced, ev·i·denc·ing, ev·i·denc·es 1. To indicate clearly; exemplify or prove. 2. To support by testimony; attest. Idiom: in evidence 1. Plainly visible; to be seen: It was early, and few pedestrians were in evidence on the city streets. 2. Law As legal evidence: submitted the photograph in evidence. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Evidence On June 21, 2002, ABC News reported that five Israelis were arrested on Sept 11, 2001 after being caught filming the burning of the World Trade Center from the roof of the “Urban Moving Systems” building, shouting cries of joy. The police found them driving in the company van. [Bergen Record, 9/12/01] Investigators said that there were maps of the city with certain places highlighted, found in the van. The FBI confirmed that two of the five men were Mossad agents and that all five were on a Mossad assignment. [Forward, 3/15/02] They were held on immigration violations, questioned excessively and then released after 71 days in custody. [ABC News, 6/21/02] The owner of Urban Moving System, fled the United States to Israel on Sept 14, 2001. The FBI later told ABC News that the company “may have been providing cover for an Israeli intelligence operation.” [Forward, 3/15/02; New Jersey Department of Law and Public Safety, 12/13/01; ABC News, 6/21/01] ![]() The ABC report actually states that the report of the celebration and foreknowledge was false!! All you are left with is a group of Israelis photographing the 911 attacks which they had nothing to do with!! ![]() (from the "dancing israelis" thread)... Right. No dancing. No explosives. No conspiracy. Just some Israelis taking pictures like every other person in NY with a camera or cell phone. ![]() Whoopedy doo dah. ![]() Several of the detainees discussed their experience in America on an Israeli talk show after their return home. Said one of the men, denying that they were laughing or happy on the morning of Sept. 11, "The fact of the matter is we are coming from a country that experiences terror daily. Our purpose was to document the event." Here it’s suggested that saying “our purpose was to document the event” is in itself somehow suspicious, that it indicates foreknowledge. Why? No reason. Every single person who pointed a camera at the WTC on 9/11 did so because they wanted to “document the event”. The phrase indicates precisely nothing at all. Besides, the Israelis were first spotted long after the initial attacks and were just videoing the attacks like everyone else in the world. So there was no foreknowledge. The original witness saw the van pull up and park some half hour after the first attack. She thought it odd that they didn't appear shocked but of course they come from a country where there are terrorist attacks on a daily basis and since it had already been a half hour since the first attack, they probably had enough time for the initial shock to wear off quite a bit. They just happened to find a parking lot with a clear view next to some nervous Gladys Kravitz type. ![]() ![]() ![]() Sure. It is all detailed in the original news reports of the sole Eyewitness "Maria" account of how she was watching the Towers burn for some time before this van drove into the parking lot and she was surprised to see swarthy guys filming it and not seeming shocked. This lie was debunked on the ABC show 20/20 June 21, 2002. see: ![]() It is also referenced and discussed further in Leigh's link about the so-called non-existent "dancing israelis" that you misrepresent with your anti-Israeli propaganda. I and the others here merely counter you with truthful discussion of the events. It's unbelievably easy to discredit the exaggerated and biased anti-Israel misrepresentations that are continuously re-posted in these forums ad-nauseum! Even though they have been known to be false misrepresentations for 10 years! see: ![]() It helps educate everyone about the nature of the anti-Israel and anti-Semitic propaganda machines, the 911 terrorist attacks, radical Islam, Al-Qaeda, Hezbollah and Hamas. Also susses out all the neo-Nazi and white supremacist and radical Islamic websites! It's a public service! ![]() ![]() ![]() The people you're dealing with on this site will believe what they want to believe, and the more 'whacko' the better it would seem. Objectivity and lateral thinking don't apply with these individuals. The following articles examine the mindset we see in these threads. |
I GIVE UP. Sadly, I don't believe you. |
Edited by
Sat 06/02/12 01:04 AM
I like how some people constantly cry Wolf,and will be the first ones to clam up and scram,when the Wolf actually appears!
![]() |
ev·i·dence (v-dns) n. 1. A thing or things helpful in forming a conclusion or judgment: The broken window was evidence that a burglary had taken place. Scientists weigh the evidence for and against a hypothesis. 2. Something indicative; an outward sign: evidence of grief on a mourner's face. 3. Law The documentary or oral statements and the material objects admissible as testimony in a court of law. tr.v. ev·i·denced, ev·i·denc·ing, ev·i·denc·es 1. To indicate clearly; exemplify or prove. 2. To support by testimony; attest. Idiom: in evidence 1. Plainly visible; to be seen: It was early, and few pedestrians were in evidence on the city streets. 2. Law As legal evidence: submitted the photograph in evidence. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Evidence On June 21, 2002, ABC News reported that five Israelis were arrested on Sept 11, 2001 after being caught filming the burning of the World Trade Center from the roof of the “Urban Moving Systems” building, shouting cries of joy. The police found them driving in the company van. [Bergen Record, 9/12/01] Investigators said that there were maps of the city with certain places highlighted, found in the van. The FBI confirmed that two of the five men were Mossad agents and that all five were on a Mossad assignment. [Forward, 3/15/02] They were held on immigration violations, questioned excessively and then released after 71 days in custody. [ABC News, 6/21/02] The owner of Urban Moving System, fled the United States to Israel on Sept 14, 2001. The FBI later told ABC News that the company “may have been providing cover for an Israeli intelligence operation.” [Forward, 3/15/02; New Jersey Department of Law and Public Safety, 12/13/01; ABC News, 6/21/01] |