Topic: obama
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Sat 04/28/12 06:00 PM

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three pages?!

They get away with murder in's scary I tells ya.

Settle down Torgo, think of your collection.shades

willing2's photo
Sat 04/28/12 06:01 PM
If Paul drops out I will vote the Mulatto.
Romney is just another Bush-oBummer triplet.

Better to only pay retirement-for-life to one than to two who don't need it.

oldhippie1952's photo
Sat 04/28/12 06:24 PM
If you really don't like the current President Obama, get out and vote against him! Whining doesn't solve anything and your vote does count. Remember Fl and Gore vs Bush?:tongue:

kirk443's photo
Sat 04/28/12 06:33 PM

If you really don't like the current President Obama, get out and vote against him! Whining doesn't solve anything and your vote does count. Remember Fl and Gore vs Bush?:tongue:
i want MCain!

oldhippie1952's photo
Sat 04/28/12 06:50 PM

If you really don't like the current President Obama, get out and vote against him! Whining doesn't solve anything and your vote does count. Remember Fl and Gore vs Bush?:tongue:
i want MCain!

I wonder why he didn't run this time?

msharmony's photo
Sat 04/28/12 10:45 PM

According to his own words he is unpatriotic.

which words are those?

I think the context was comparing irresponsibility to patriotism, not debt,,,

What? He said generating that debt was irresponsible and unpatriotic. Those were his exact words. Writing a check to China paid for by our sons and daughters. So sorry but you can't flip this. By his own words he is more unpatriotic then Bush.

not really, probably why its only a forty second snippet , not allowing for the true CONTEXT of the words to be understood,,,

in the CONTEXT of BUSHS irresponsibility, he came in with a SURPLUS,, adding the debt

like, IF I have fifty thousand in the bank, and then I take out seventy grand in loans,,,

as opposed to if I am in debt ninety grand and take out seventy grand in loans

the latter is how people do business daily, and in fact, how collectors will regularly SUGGEST people do to make sure they get their money

the former is unnecessary borrowing for what you could pay in cash,,

if your 90,000 in debt, no one will give you a loan.... thats why our credit rating has dropped 2 times while he is in office.

really? noone told donald trump......

msharmony's photo
Sat 04/28/12 10:46 PM

But really, not long ago there was a census among all members of the dutch parlement questioning whom they would vote in an national american election. Obama would win overwhelmingly!
The majority of the dutch parlement is comprised by white males.

I stand corrected, OBamas lowest support demographic amongst AMERICANS are white males,,,

my dad is an avid obama supporter... but only because he hates bush so much, like most liberals...

I didnt say NO white males support him, just that white males in america give him the least support,,,

msharmony's photo
Sat 04/28/12 10:49 PM

According to his own words he is unpatriotic.

which words are those?

this one is good too...

paraphrasing isnt quite the same as lying

brandeis quote ""Publicity is justly commended as a remedy for social and industrial diseases. Sunlight is said to be the best of disinfectants; electric light the most efficient policeman"

good luck defining 'pork barrel' or 'corporate welfare' in an absolute term to qualify or disqualify the statement,,,

as to exposing tax breaks and public meetings, those were unfulfilled, and most unlikely in the current political climate when they dont even want the names of contributors to campaigns and political advertising exposed,,,

a lie is a lie, no matter how you look at it... just because you think he is a god doesn't mean he is. and you have to admit, he is the most unpatriotic president ever, not saluting our flag, bowing to muslim nationals, rasing the debt 7 trillion dollars the first 100 days he was in office, refusing to show a birth certificate and then putting out a false one(then lies about that too)... our own president wont respect our flag... name any other president that hated our flag?

You took the words right out of my mouth

he salutes our flag,,,
other presidents have bowed to muslim nationals,
other presidents have raised the debt(and for that matter, actually, the WHOLE CONGRESS raised it and would be likewise 'unpatriotic'
they still havent proven that OBAMA put out a false certificate, as those are requested from and received from the HEALTH DEPARTMENT OFFICIALS,,,

I dont know any president that hates a cloth with our colors on it,,,including this one,,,

Chazster's photo
Sun 04/29/12 08:29 AM
Edited by Chazster on Sun 04/29/12 08:31 AM

According to his own words he is unpatriotic.

which words are those?

this one is good too...

paraphrasing isnt quite the same as lying

brandeis quote ""Publicity is justly commended as a remedy for social and industrial diseases. Sunlight is said to be the best of disinfectants; electric light the most efficient policeman"

good luck defining 'pork barrel' or 'corporate welfare' in an absolute term to qualify or disqualify the statement,,,

as to exposing tax breaks and public meetings, those were unfulfilled, and most unlikely in the current political climate when they dont even want the names of contributors to campaigns and political advertising exposed,,,

a lie is a lie, no matter how you look at it... just because you think he is a god doesn't mean he is. and you have to admit, he is the most unpatriotic president ever, not saluting our flag, bowing to muslim nationals, rasing the debt 7 trillion dollars the first 100 days he was in office, refusing to show a birth certificate and then putting out a false one(then lies about that too)... our own president wont respect our flag... name any other president that hated our flag?

You took the words right out of my mouth

he salutes our flag,,,
other presidents have bowed to muslim nationals,
other presidents have raised the debt(and for that matter, actually, the WHOLE CONGRESS raised it and would be likewise 'unpatriotic'
they still havent proven that OBAMA put out a false certificate, as those are requested from and received from the HEALTH DEPARTMENT OFFICIALS,,,

I dont know any president that hates a cloth with our colors on it,,,including this one,,,

What are you talking about? His lawyers said in court under oath that the full birth certificate was a fake. Not saying he wasn't born here or anything but the fact of the matter is they admitted this.

msharmony's photo
Sun 04/29/12 09:33 AM

According to his own words he is unpatriotic.

which words are those?

this one is good too...

paraphrasing isnt quite the same as lying

brandeis quote ""Publicity is justly commended as a remedy for social and industrial diseases. Sunlight is said to be the best of disinfectants; electric light the most efficient policeman"

good luck defining 'pork barrel' or 'corporate welfare' in an absolute term to qualify or disqualify the statement,,,

as to exposing tax breaks and public meetings, those were unfulfilled, and most unlikely in the current political climate when they dont even want the names of contributors to campaigns and political advertising exposed,,,

a lie is a lie, no matter how you look at it... just because you think he is a god doesn't mean he is. and you have to admit, he is the most unpatriotic president ever, not saluting our flag, bowing to muslim nationals, rasing the debt 7 trillion dollars the first 100 days he was in office, refusing to show a birth certificate and then putting out a false one(then lies about that too)... our own president wont respect our flag... name any other president that hated our flag?

You took the words right out of my mouth

he salutes our flag,,,
other presidents have bowed to muslim nationals,
other presidents have raised the debt(and for that matter, actually, the WHOLE CONGRESS raised it and would be likewise 'unpatriotic'
they still havent proven that OBAMA put out a false certificate, as those are requested from and received from the HEALTH DEPARTMENT OFFICIALS,,,

I dont know any president that hates a cloth with our colors on it,,,including this one,,,

What are you talking about? His lawyers said in court under oath that the full birth certificate was a fake. Not saying he wasn't born here or anything but the fact of the matter is they admitted this.

no they didnt

RKISIT's photo
Sun 04/29/12 09:40 AM

If Paul drops out I will vote the Mulatto.
Romney is just another Bush-oBummer triplet.

Better to only pay retirement-for-life to one than to two who don't need it.
i would have worded this differently instead of mulatto i would've used half-breed...jk.anyways i agree with this.

no photo
Sun 04/29/12 10:16 AM

If Paul drops out I will vote the Mulatto.
Romney is just another Bush-oBummer triplet.

Better to only pay retirement-for-life to one than to two who don't need it.
i would have worded this differently instead of mulatto i would've used half-breed...jk.anyways i agree with this.

a bit of respect for you president please. Very unrespectful to refer to him as the mulatto

msharmony's photo
Sun 04/29/12 10:21 AM

If Paul drops out I will vote the Mulatto.
Romney is just another Bush-oBummer triplet.

Better to only pay retirement-for-life to one than to two who don't need it.
i would have worded this differently instead of mulatto i would've used half-breed...jk.anyways i agree with this.

a bit of respect for you president please. Very unrespectful to refer to him as the mulatto

oh, its common practice,, dont you remember Bush being called 'the caucasion'....? oh,,,,wait,,,,,,maybe not,,,,

msharmony's photo
Sun 04/29/12 10:22 AM
or maybe 'the politicians son',,,,,?

boredinaz06's photo
Sun 04/29/12 11:12 AM

mightymoe's photo
Sun 04/29/12 01:31 PM

According to his own words he is unpatriotic.

which words are those?

this one is good too...

paraphrasing isnt quite the same as lying

brandeis quote ""Publicity is justly commended as a remedy for social and industrial diseases. Sunlight is said to be the best of disinfectants; electric light the most efficient policeman"

good luck defining 'pork barrel' or 'corporate welfare' in an absolute term to qualify or disqualify the statement,,,

as to exposing tax breaks and public meetings, those were unfulfilled, and most unlikely in the current political climate when they dont even want the names of contributors to campaigns and political advertising exposed,,,

a lie is a lie, no matter how you look at it... just because you think he is a god doesn't mean he is. and you have to admit, he is the most unpatriotic president ever, not saluting our flag, bowing to muslim nationals, rasing the debt 7 trillion dollars the first 100 days he was in office, refusing to show a birth certificate and then putting out a false one(then lies about that too)... our own president wont respect our flag... name any other president that hated our flag?

You took the words right out of my mouth

he salutes our flag,,,
other presidents have bowed to muslim nationals,
other presidents have raised the debt(and for that matter, actually, the WHOLE CONGRESS raised it and would be likewise 'unpatriotic'
they still havent proven that OBAMA put out a false certificate, as those are requested from and received from the HEALTH DEPARTMENT OFFICIALS,,,

I dont know any president that hates a cloth with our colors on it,,,including this one,,,

What are you talking about? His lawyers said in court under oath that the full birth certificate was a fake. Not saying he wasn't born here or anything but the fact of the matter is they admitted this.

no they didnt

yes, they did...

mightymoe's photo
Sun 04/29/12 01:34 PM

According to his own words he is unpatriotic.

which words are those?

I think the context was comparing irresponsibility to patriotism, not debt,,,

What? He said generating that debt was irresponsible and unpatriotic. Those were his exact words. Writing a check to China paid for by our sons and daughters. So sorry but you can't flip this. By his own words he is more unpatriotic then Bush.

not really, probably why its only a forty second snippet , not allowing for the true CONTEXT of the words to be understood,,,

in the CONTEXT of BUSHS irresponsibility, he came in with a SURPLUS,, adding the debt

like, IF I have fifty thousand in the bank, and then I take out seventy grand in loans,,,

as opposed to if I am in debt ninety grand and take out seventy grand in loans

the latter is how people do business daily, and in fact, how collectors will regularly SUGGEST people do to make sure they get their money

the former is unnecessary borrowing for what you could pay in cash,,

if your 90,000 in debt, no one will give you a loan.... thats why our credit rating has dropped 2 times while he is in office.

really? noone told donald trump......

and how many times did he declare bankruptcy?... same as obama is trying to do now, bankrupt our country... thats a new breed of muslim terrorist, destroy our country from the inside...

mightymoe's photo
Sun 04/29/12 01:36 PM

If you really don't like the current President Obama, get out and vote against him! Whining doesn't solve anything and your vote does count. Remember Fl and Gore vs Bush?:tongue:

and replace him with who? people are "whining" because there is no one better to replace him with... people are just voting for the least sucky one...

msharmony's photo
Sun 04/29/12 03:11 PM

According to his own words he is unpatriotic.

which words are those?

this one is good too...

paraphrasing isnt quite the same as lying

brandeis quote ""Publicity is justly commended as a remedy for social and industrial diseases. Sunlight is said to be the best of disinfectants; electric light the most efficient policeman"

good luck defining 'pork barrel' or 'corporate welfare' in an absolute term to qualify or disqualify the statement,,,

as to exposing tax breaks and public meetings, those were unfulfilled, and most unlikely in the current political climate when they dont even want the names of contributors to campaigns and political advertising exposed,,,

a lie is a lie, no matter how you look at it... just because you think he is a god doesn't mean he is. and you have to admit, he is the most unpatriotic president ever, not saluting our flag, bowing to muslim nationals, rasing the debt 7 trillion dollars the first 100 days he was in office, refusing to show a birth certificate and then putting out a false one(then lies about that too)... our own president wont respect our flag... name any other president that hated our flag?

You took the words right out of my mouth

he salutes our flag,,,
other presidents have bowed to muslim nationals,
other presidents have raised the debt(and for that matter, actually, the WHOLE CONGRESS raised it and would be likewise 'unpatriotic'
they still havent proven that OBAMA put out a false certificate, as those are requested from and received from the HEALTH DEPARTMENT OFFICIALS,,,

I dont know any president that hates a cloth with our colors on it,,,including this one,,,

What are you talking about? His lawyers said in court under oath that the full birth certificate was a fake. Not saying he wasn't born here or anything but the fact of the matter is they admitted this.

no they didnt

yes, they did...

lol,, NO they didnt

first, because he had ONE lawyer
second, because the JUDGE Did most the talking and declared it a non issue because such a document is not REQUIRED in that state in the first place
third, because the JUDGE also said that an internet image is not evidence for a trial,,,,,,

find the transcript with the quote of the attorney saying the document was a 'fake' or 'forgery' and I will eat my words,, but you wont find it, because this is a regenerated rumor of some obama hating site that PARAPHRASED what they thought her words implied and keeps being reiterated as what she said

willing2's photo
Sun 04/29/12 03:24 PM

If Paul drops out I will vote the Mulatto.
Romney is just another Bush-oBummer triplet.

Better to only pay retirement-for-life to one than to two who don't need it.
i would have worded this differently instead of mulatto i would've used half-breed...jk.anyways i agree with this.

a bit of respect for you president please. Very unrespectful to refer to him as the mulatto

It is wut it is.
The technical term for half-Caucasian and half-negro is Mulatto.
And, the Mulatto has done nothing to be respected for.