Topic: Tell tale signs of a scammer
Sneaksintoyourheart's photo
Sat 03/17/12 01:22 PM
for me its one word sentences like hi or hey there an if u respond back with not interested or not respond at all they still email u back with there email address or phone numbers lucky i haven't had any lately but when first on the site i got hit by quit a few of them lol

teadipper's photo
Sat 03/17/12 01:23 PM
I had a guy write me saying he was looking for a good Christian woman to have children with and everything the opposite of my profile. I told him writing such things off a picture was called an "idiot hit". He got my temporarily banned saying I called him and idiot. When I was reinstated I came back to this nice god fearing man calling me the B work, the C work, the W word, and all kinds of insults in an email on here.

Bravalady's photo
Sat 03/17/12 01:24 PM

"I waas been going throuh profiles and seed yours. I believe you mist be the one I trust in luking for true love. You been being the wuman I think been luking to be in relatship with me my dear because I now know I be been in love with me"surprised noway

Really, unless by some unbelievable coincidence you happen to be a second grade English teacher, there's no future with that one.

I'm astonished you can even understand this.

teadipper's photo
Sat 03/17/12 01:26 PM

"I waas been going throuh profiles and seed yours. I believe you mist be the one I trust in luking for true love. You been being the wuman I think been luking to be in relatship with me my dear because I now know I be been in love with me"surprised noway

Really, unless by some unbelievable coincidence you happen to be a second grade English teacher, there's no future with that one.

I'm astonished you can even understand this.

I get "You are an angel". I say "Ya, fallen like Lucifer".

I get "You are a dream". I say "Ya, if you count night terrors".

Scammers are so dumb they don't even understand what I am saying.

mightymoe's photo
Sat 03/17/12 01:30 PM

i love you! can i have 34,000 american dollars please? my dog needs a flea bath, and my kitty is sick.

You forgot that you are on a secret mission for the military overseas and cannot access your own money so you need me to send you some or you are on travel and lost your wallet, or you need money for a plane ticket to come see me, and you didn't even call me sweetie or dear.

oh, i guess i'm not a good scammer... can i have the 34,000 dollars anyway?

teadipper's photo
Sat 03/17/12 01:32 PM

i love you! can i have 34,000 american dollars please? my dog needs a flea bath, and my kitty is sick.

You forgot that you are on a secret mission for the military overseas and cannot access your own money so you need me to send you some or you are on travel and lost your wallet, or you need money for a plane ticket to come see me, and you didn't even call me sweetie or dear.

oh, i guess i'm not a good scammer... can i have the 34,000 dollars anyway?

You can have all the money you want........just not from me.

motowndowntown's photo
Sat 03/17/12 02:13 PM
Funny, I never get contacted by scammers.

My picture must scare them away.

wux's photo
Sat 03/17/12 04:50 PM

"I waas been going throuh profiles and seed yours. I believe you mist be the one I trust in luking for true love. You been being the wuman I think been luking to be in relatship with me my dear because I now know I be been in love with me"surprised noway

I think the guy is Dutch or he writes in Africaans because he figures the language he uses is so close to English that you'd understand him without a dictionary.

And this guy is well-versed in Norht American inspirational slogans. He knows we here all believe in "you can only love others after you learn to love yourself." You may laugh at his last line "I now know I be been in love with me", but he probably scratches his head too, "what do these americans think of when not of Jesus the Nazarean, sex, sports, shoes, cars, or money?"

Well, he knows we don't think of food. We EAT food. It's him who is prepossessed with thoughts about food.

Totage's photo
Sat 03/17/12 04:55 PM

What are the signs? I know the obvious one's,but it seems the scammers are getting better. Is it just me?

I wouldn't say better. They will exploit any weakness that can be found though. Best way is just to trust your gut, if it sounds too good to be true, it more than likely is. If it doesn't make sense, there's probably some trickery going on.

Do your research, you can look up usernames and emails addresses, any pretty much any other information they give you. Check to see if they show up on any databases or blacklists for spammers/scammers.

That's pretty much all I can think of ATM, aside from the obvious.

no photo
Sat 03/17/12 06:51 PM

I'm a scammer. Sshhhhh....don't tell Spidey. :wink:

It's okay if you use me.

Ruth34611's photo
Sat 03/17/12 07:20 PM

I'm a scammer. Sshhhhh....don't tell Spidey. :wink:

It's okay if you use me.

I promise. love :heart:

soufiehere's photo
Sat 03/17/12 08:48 PM

Funny, I never get contacted by scammers.
My picture must scare them away.

I too, am afraid of people without noses.

Seakolony's photo
Sat 03/17/12 08:55 PM

Thanks for the help everyone. I know I'm a jerk most of the time.

At least you are stop it, LOL laugh laugh laugh

no photo
Sun 03/18/12 07:24 AM
I got one this morning, the entirety of which is:

"hello how are you doing there i hope you are you doing then"

This is probably a scammer, but I don't actually have enough evidence to proceed with reporting it. Scammer or no, it is certainly incoherent enough to merit ignoring.

Notice that there is no actual mention of anything from my profile or forum postings. I take that to mean that she could be sending this same message out to anyone,at any time, without any need for individualizing it. And that hints of a scammer....

wux's photo
Sun 03/18/12 07:37 AM

I got one this morning, the entirety of which is:

"hello how are you doing there i hope you are you doing then"

This is probably a scammer, but I don't actually have enough evidence to proceed with reporting it. Scammer or no, it is certainly incoherent enough to merit ignoring.

Notice that there is no actual mention of anything from my profile or forum postings. I take that to mean that she could be sending this same message out to anyone,at any time, without any need for individualizing it. And that hints of a scammer....

Those with Leo Tolstoy profile texts don't have the right to complain their incoming letters contain nothing re: their profile content.

A classic case of "a lot less would have been a little more."

Then, a one-or-two line profile text, while satisfactory to AD sufferers, is not enough to go on by the literary types to feel inspired to write one of their literary masterpieces of the reply of all replies.

Lex, don't take this personally. I am not talking about you at all. I am talking about me. (Well duh. Two reasons: 1. I am a male, 2. I write, 3. I like my own voice, even in the written form.)

Oh, and please don't take it personally that I am not talking about you. I am sure you understand the two points up there and can identify with them.

Cheer_up's photo
Sun 03/18/12 07:39 AM
i got 1 here other day saying they live in Nigeria and said just lost a loved 1 and would like me to call them now and even left a phone number reason i know a scammer they seem to start number too with x lolll also they say they need my e-mail its very important cause i rather talk in e-mail then here its sad i know they have not much money in their country and wars and fighting there but i guess they want money and the only way they think of is scamming people i guess

no photo
Sun 03/18/12 08:41 AM

I got one this morning, the entirety of which is:

"hello how are you doing there i hope you are you doing then"

This is probably a scammer, but I don't actually have enough evidence to proceed with reporting it. Scammer or no, it is certainly incoherent enough to merit ignoring.

Notice that there is no actual mention of anything from my profile or forum postings. I take that to mean that she could be sending this same message out to anyone,at any time, without any need for individualizing it. And that hints of a scammer....

Those with Leo Tolstoy profile texts don't have the right to complain their incoming letters contain nothing re: their profile content.

A classic case of "a lot less would have been a little more."

Then, a one-or-two line profile text, while satisfactory to AD sufferers, is not enough to go on by the literary types to feel inspired to write one of their literary masterpieces of the reply of all replies.

Lex, don't take this personally. I am not talking about you at all. I am talking about me. (Well duh. Two reasons: 1. I am a male, 2. I write, 3. I like my own voice, even in the written form.)

Oh, and please don't take it personally that I am not talking about you. I am sure you understand the two points up there and can identify with them.

I used to have a profile up that was 1400+ pages in length and discussed things like the skeletal structure of the axolotl and why it is unlikely that the half-life of lawrencium will ever exceed more than a few seconds. I got a lot of e-mails but it didn't seem anyone was actually reading the profile.

So I shortened it up for the purpose of making it a much quicker and easier read. Now I get even more e-mails than I did before, but it's still quite clear that no one is reading the profile, even now.

Maybe I need to shorten it more. I think my next revision will be the letter "P" and nothing else. I will still continue to get e-mails every day saying "I read your profile and I loved it! Where are you and what do you do?"

Sun 03/18/12 09:58 AM

If they call me 'dear' or 'pretty' and use phrases like 'how are you over there' and 'I'm new to this site', etc. I'm a retired English teacher, so I can spot the scammer rhetoric and poor grammar right away.

As a retired English teacher you should know that grammar rules don't apply in informal settings? That's what I thought? You know what I'm talking about so you tell me? I could be wrong.

wux's photo
Sun 03/18/12 10:41 AM

If they call me 'dear' or 'pretty' and use phrases like 'how are you over there' and 'I'm new to this site', etc. I'm a retired English teacher, so I can spot the scammer rhetoric and poor grammar right away.

As a retired English teacher you should know that grammar rules don't apply in informal settings? That's what I thought? You know what I'm talking about so you tell me? I could be wrong.

Germanicus, I am not an English teacher, but I have to agree with you, very unfortunately.

Furthermore I assert that grammer rules (get the spelling proper, please!!) nowhere apply any more.

Ten national research scientists at Oxford jumped on the throne speech of the Queen of England made in 2007, and found the following in it:

- two dangling particples, and four unidentifiable field servants not on the payroll of that palace yet who keep eating her food;
- five awkward constrcuts and an ember comb of a dead daughter-in-law in the turtle soup;
- two and a half misplaced antecedents, and one "their" for "him", and two "himselfs" instead of the proper "themself";
- seventeen backformations, and an orthopeadic backrest;
- two run-in sentences and some bloody noses.

This was, however, none near as appalling as the state of Union address by ex president George W. Bush, who has the excuse of belonging to a very violent species of azz-pick monkeys of North Golgota Mountains of the Gorilla Heights in the Himalayas.

wux's photo
Sun 03/18/12 10:46 AM

"P" may just get the dampening effect of email volume for you, as it appears to be the visual of a member hanging at ease.

If the volume dips to an unacceptably low level, you can always turn the situation around a hundred and eighty degrees by turning the P 180 degrees (into a "d").

If you ever need a vacation from unwanted mindless popularity on the site, I can always lend you a couple of my photos from my immense collection of self-portraits. Those should stop the influx of email dead in their trax.