Topic: Rant. | |
People who don't support their own vices. It annoys me. My neighbor asks me for a cigarette every time he sees me. I gave him three cigarettes, now i'm effing done. There's a yayhoo at school who always asks if I have a cigarette, I don't even smoke, and I tell him even if I did I wouldn't give him one. Then again, I'm a bit of an a**hole, and in an industry where you kinda have to be an a**hole to survive. The guy kept giving me some sort of sob story. Which I must say I'm a sucker for at times. Now it got to the point I just want to curse at him and throw things. Tell him what I tell this other jerkin, "I'm not going to support your self destructing habits". For some reason though, it doesn't come off as me being caring, he always take it like I'm trying to be an a**hole. Well, this is the same "genius" that mixed transmission parts when he threw his parts on the table that had my parts already on it. It's kinda hard not to sound like an a**hole when bit... talking to him. It drives me nuts at times, 9 times out of 10 I'm generally nice to people, until they continue to be stupid.. and then when I finally do snap, apparently I'm the biggest ***** on the planet. I'm not sure how that works, but eh. |
I'm pretty much the same way, I'm easy going until you push me into a corner, then I can be the biggest a**hole.
However today, I got sick and tired of playing ridiculously awful music loudly after asking them three times to turn it down. I finally had to yell.
"WILl YOU SHUT THAT CRAP OFF BEFORE I EAT YOUR FACE." At least will that kind of response I just get blank stares and not rude expletives. |
I miss my surround sound, I used to blast it and drowned out my neighbor when he got too loud. It shut him up pretty good.
I miss my surround sound, I used to blast it and drowned out my neighbor when he got too loud. It shut him up pretty good. I wish I could have surround sound in an apartment. |
I miss my surround sound, I used to blast it and drowned out my neighbor when he got too loud. It shut him up pretty good. I wish I could have surround sound in an apartment. Make that DTS. Isn't that what is in movie theaters? |
I had mine in an apt, never turned it up pass 3 though, unless the neighbor was loud then, it only went up to 5. I never put it to max. I was in a ranch style apt. though.
I'm Soooooooooooo %$(#### P*%^#@$ I could just F%^#@& shoot the next A#$%^&% that walks into the &^#%$@ room!!!!!
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH............. I feel soooooooooooooooo much better......... Now!!! Thank You!! |
So he says, "how old is your dog now?". And I say, "well in dog years, shes the same age as me, but in human years, shes 7". He looks at me and says, "Ahhhhhh, so your 49?". So I jokingly say, "Pfffffffffft, do I LOOK 49 years old?". Dead silence. Then he looks at me and says, "no comment". Im thinkin, I should of asked him, if I "ACT" 49? ![]() Pfffft, you hardly look 49. ![]() "Ohhhhhhhhh, thankkkkkk youuuuu! How flattering!". ![]() |
I miss my surround sound, I used to blast it and drowned out my neighbor when he got too loud. It shut him up pretty good. I wish I could have surround sound in an apartment. Make that DTS. Isn't that what is in movie theaters? I need that, and then when everyone gets loud.. I'll just blast Barbara Streisand VERY loudly. |
I'm Soooooooooooo %$(#### P*%^#@$ I could just F%^#@& shoot the next A#$%^&% that walks into the &^#%$@ room!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH............. I feel soooooooooooooooo much better......... Now!!! Thank You!! Goosefrabah.. ![]() |
So he says, "how old is your dog now?". And I say, "well in dog years, shes the same age as me, but in human years, shes 7". He looks at me and says, "Ahhhhhh, so your 49?". So I jokingly say, "Pfffffffffft, do I LOOK 49 years old?". Dead silence. Then he looks at me and says, "no comment". Im thinkin, I should of asked him, if I "ACT" 49? ![]() Pfffft, you hardly look 49. ![]() "Ohhhhhhhhh, thankkkkkk youuuuu! How flattering!". ![]() It's just the truth. ![]() |
Still nothing to rant about. I dont have the right to interfare others likes or interests.