Topic: What is love...? | |
LOVE,,is the ONLY GIFT,YOUR ever receive,,,that once YOU lose IT.
Your feel your best-friend just died................... ![]() |
To love and be loved is the greatest joy on earth
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Edited by
Mon 02/13/12 02:39 PM
But that's a semantics issue. What I'm really getting at is that there are those of us who simply have chosen to withdraw from the ostensible "playing field" -- not out of spite, not out of malice, but out of exhaustion and the desire not to be immolated anymore beyond what we've already been through. I don't see why anyone should consider that a bad thing.... ![]() |
Edited by
Mon 02/13/12 02:46 PM
In my opinion,
Without love... 1)We would not be forgiven our sins. John 3:16 "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life". Romans 5:8 "But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us." 2)We would not exist. We were created, as a result of, the love of God. 3)I would not have been able to quit smoking meth. I had to start loving MYSELF, more than METH, in order to quit. 4)I most likely, would not have been able to STAY CLEAN. I continued, not use meth anymore, out of the love for myself, and the love and support, I was shown here at Mingle, when I was trying to quit. 5)I believe I survived cancer from my determined mind, COMBINED, with the mercy of Gods love . 6)I wouldnt receive the joy, and happiness that I receive from loving, my dog,(who will be my only child),my friends, my family, a man that loves me, the beauty of a sunrise, or a sunset, life, being loved by others, and the blessings that brings to my life. 7)I wouldnt be volunteering my time, to the Cancer Society, out of my desire to love , and help others, that I possibly can love, and help. My life would be pointless without love. I live to love, everyday! I wouldnt know what to do, or how to act, because my actions are primarily fueled, by love I love to love. I love to be in love , I love, loving others, loving myself, and having others love me. Just because, I have been single, a VERY long time, does not mean that I have, or ever will, give up on love! And it has nothing to do, with Gearhead. I would feel exactly the same, with or without him. To feel, that feeling, of absolute nirvana, that being in love brings, is worth the chance, is worth the time it takes to get, is worth trying for, is worth living for! LOVE IS EVERYTHING! |
You've described a chain of irrationality. ..isn't that what love is? To be irrational? Go against our normal way of thinking? That's the problem -- you're building a case on the pre-existing concept that the human race is inherently worth something. My point is that I don't know if that's the case or not. Being human, I have a somewhat vested interest in the answer, therefore I tend to lean in the direction that there is something "good" underneath it all. But my more rational side wants to be more objective about it. Even if we aren't worth 'anything', our very way of existence, always seems to have one notion that runs rampant through it. Whether this result is 'positive' or 'negative'; it was literally molded us into the beings we are now. "Right" and "wrong" are just terms used to create value judgments for selected people/things/concepts in selected circumstances. Again, if you go in thinking that it's "right" to do whatever is best for the most people in a given situation, you've nullified objectivity and given into the "vested interest" proposition. I'm not saying that's "bad" or "wrong" (this is entirely a matter of one's own perspective), I'm just saying it creates an intrinsic bias. ..I'm confused by this. Where am I saying what is wrong or right? Then let me rephrase that. Giving up means giving up on something that I have found pointless and useless and, more often than not, painful. Relationships exist, yes. I've been there. I know how it works. It isn't worth it. I'm not saying relationships don't exist -- I'm saying "love" -- in the sense of two people, united together as a team, truly caring and supportive of each other, through good and bad -- THAT doesn't exist. Maybe it does and I just have never seen it. I've never seen a Yeti or a leprechaun or a Martian. I'm not looking for them, either, and maybe they DO exist -- but, in the end, whether they do or not is irrelevant to me now. I can respect that. However, I am merely just saying that someone cannot tell me 'love does not exist' when there is immeasurable proof to the opposite. My grandparents loved each other. For example. They were together over 70 years. So, again, while most of us will fade from this love never once experiencing love on that level.. doesn't give us the right to say, 'love doesn't exist', when we should be saying, 'I never felt love like that'. No. If I believe I am on the moon, I will not be on the moon, no matter how much I believe it. J. Richard Gott wrote, in his book "Time Travel in Einstein's Universe": "I might wish right now to instantly become a tomato larger than the entire universe, but no matter how hard I try, I cannot do it." I know it's become SOP for people to pass on the touchy-feely-warm-and-fuzzy-eco-friendly-new-age-folderol as if it contained some sort of cosmic knowledge, but it doesn't. It's just drivel designed to placate the masses. That's a major difference. Wishing for alteration and wishing for completion are two separate things. "If I believe I am on the moon." That takes more than just mere belief, but it is achievable. "Instantly larger than a tomato larger than the universe." In the sense of realism, this isn't anywhere near remotely possible. Even dreams have limitations. To compare, "I wish I was an Earth-sized tomato" and "I want to be on the moon." have two clear distinctive traits. Possibility and impossibility. Proof or the lack thereof. Take this for example.. If someone believes in God. Prays to them all the time. ..and one day they ask God for something. Next day, they receive it. Whether he had a part in it or not; that belief got stronger. They believed in something that didn't fail them. So, maybe it's better to say: "If one believes strongly enough will become reality (within reason)." Destined by who? Or by what? I have a problem with this -- as I've seen nothing to indicate "destiny" has any more validity than "love." The more you pile this stuff up, the more obvious the impending collapse. No fate. No destiny. No karma. No steering. No meaning to life, other than that which we assign to it ourselves. ..though I believe this to be a depressing way to think and live.. I will not judge nor critique it, for it is your choice. Delusion. (My opinion.) ..or that. It's not the same. There's no universally-accepted unit of measurement. We know what a dollar is, we know what a Euro is. Love has no statistics. ..but each currency has a value comparable to the next. ..each person's value on love.. is comparable to the next. ..once you find two matching quarters.. The value is the same - Two hearts beating as one. I'm not offended at all; it's rare that anyone posts something that allows me to express this sort of thing. For that, I'm greatly appreciative. Then I'm glad and you're welcome. :) But I would submit that you're watering down the "love" concept here -- I'm talking about "romantic love," per se, not "I love my parrot." ..and what is the actual difference? Does it actually hold different levels of variances? If you were in a burning apartment.. You have your wife (play along, you love her) You have your son (or daughter that you love) You have your dog (who doesn't love Fido?) ..with your way of thinking, by default, you would save your wife? Is there truly a separating factor between the levels of affection? They may be shown differently, but I seen no true profound difference. I heard a lady paid 50k to clone her dog.. OK, it can. But -- to use your examples -- I don't have a dog or a son or grandparents (or any family or friends at all, anymore, to be honest) -- so those sorts of loves are not open to me. I have no dog and my grandparents are now both deceased, just for the record. And I can say "I love writing" and be perfectly comfortable with that -- but the feeling it generates is nothing at all like I have ever experienced or imagined "romantic love" to be -- I find it annoying, actually, that I end up using the same word ("love") in both instances, because it simply isn't expressing what I mean in an effective way..... But that's a semantics issue. What I'm really getting at is that there are those of us who simply have chosen to withdraw from the ostensible "playing field" -- not out of spite, not out of malice, but out of exhaustion and the desire not to be immolated anymore beyond what we've already been through. I don't see why anyone should consider that a bad thing.... I'm not saying it's a bad thing.. ..but you seem to be criticizing me.. ..for believing love does exist. ..and proclaiming that love is out there. I know love. I know the pain after it's gone. You believe that reliving love to only experience pain. Isn't worth it. ..that's where I disagree. Because, although the pain is horrid.. ..the hope that it could, possibly, last forever.. ..that makes it worth it to me. |
love is wanting no less for another than you want for yourself
Maybe I can't tell you what it is. But I can tell you what it isn't. Love isn't materialistic. Love isn't money. Love isn't sex ..but it is far better when involved. Love isn't giving up. Love isn't walking away. Love isn't fear. Love isn't doubt. Love does not know hate. Love does not commit infidelity. In fact. Love is nothing but a word. That is until one day. Someone walks into your life. And suddenly. That word has meaning. And the purpose you swore. That's not made for you. Now comes in your size. ![]() |
Hey Ruth. :)
I am surronded by love,from my children, family, friends and pets.
I have known romantic love and I have lost it. Maybe I will have it again someday and maybe I won't, but I would not give up a single moment of the times that I did for anything in this world. I will never give up on LOVE! |
I am surronded by love,from my children, family, friends and pets. I have known romantic love and I have lost it. Maybe I will have it again someday and maybe I won't, but I would not give up a single moment of the times that I did for anything in this world. I will never give up on LOVE! Never Ever Give Up On Love ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Love is a.........
Four letter word!!!!!! ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Hey Ruth. :) ![]() |
Love is a......... Four letter word!!!!!! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() a bad name! ![]() -Bon Jovi |
Love is a......... Four letter word!!!!!! ![]() ![]() ![]() ..that has more meanings.. ..then there are people on Earth. |
Love is a......... Four letter word!!!!!! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() a bad name! ![]() -Bon Jovi ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
..isn't that what love is? To be irrational? Go against our normal way of thinking? Jumping into a river full of piranhas is also irrational. I see no point in romanticizing that....and, for me, "love" has never really been any different than jumping into a river full of piranhas. So we're back to "your mileage may vary." Let's just say I have yet to find anyone who was truly interested in the sort of relationship I would like to be in. I don't think such a person exists. I could be wrong about that, but it's likely I will go to my grave without finding any such person. I think it's more rational to accept the inevitable than to fight against reality. There was a point when I had something in my profile about how I was looking for someone who wanted to be a team with me, a whole greater than the sum of its parts, someone who got the gist of the "you and me against the world" thing -- even though, in the end, the world always wins, because they have better weapons. Even if we aren't worth 'anything', our very way of existence, always seems to have one notion that runs rampant through it. Whether this result is 'positive' or 'negative'; it was literally molded us into the beings we are now. I'm saying that's not necessarily a good thing. ..I'm confused by this. Where am I saying what is wrong or right? It was a reference to your earlier comments re: faith and religion being the roots of "right" and "wrong." I can respect that. However, I am merely just saying that someone cannot tell me 'love does not exist' when there is immeasurable proof to the opposite. My grandparents loved each other. For example. They were together over 70 years. So, again, while most of us will fade from this love never once experiencing love on that level.. doesn't give us the right to say, 'love doesn't exist', when we should be saying, 'I never felt love like that'. It gives us the right to say "I have no personal evidence to support this idea." Anecdotal evidence aside -- and there's plenty of that, regardless of what the topic is, because people like to be contrarians -- I have nothing I can reference to support it. I'm not (technically) saying "It doesn't exist." I'm saying "I have no way of knowing whether it exists or not, but, based on my own personal history, it's not looking good." There's the old "what if?" example about how there could be a tiny little cup and saucer orbiting the Earth, but no one has ever seen it. So should I believe it's there? That's a major difference. Wishing for alteration and wishing for completion are two separate things. "If I believe I am on the moon." That takes more than just mere belief, but it is achievable. "Instantly larger than a tomato larger than the universe." In the sense of realism, this isn't anywhere near remotely possible. Even dreams have limitations. See, the problem now becomes the fact that different people have different opinions on what is possible. And they reach those conclusions by radically different means, sometimes. Who's to say A is right and B is wrong? But this also needs to be self-determined. To compare, "I wish I was an Earth-sized tomato" and "I want to be on the moon." have two clear distinctive traits. Possibility and impossibility. Proof or the lack thereof. In one person's opinion. From a statistical standpoint, there is little difference between my odds of becoming a tomato and my being on the moon. It's a bit like saying "This cat will miraculously turn into a yacht" vs. "This yacht will spontaneously collapse into a pile of wood." One is thematically more feasible, but the likelihood is negligible either way. Take this for example.. If someone believes in God. Prays to them all the time. ..and one day they ask God for something. Next day, they receive it. Whether he had a part in it or not; that belief got stronger. They believed in something that didn't fail them. So, maybe it's better to say: "If one believes strongly enough will become reality (within reason)." Humans have a bizarre need to see cause and effect where there really isn't any. I'm not one to encourage that sort of thing. ..though I believe this to be a depressing way to think and live.. I will not judge nor critique it, for it is your choice. That is what I perceive to be reality. Being depressed about reality is like being depressed about ordinal numbers. ..and what is the actual difference? Does it actually hold different levels of variances? If you were in a burning apartment.. You have your wife (play along, you love her) You have your son (or daughter that you love) You have your dog (who doesn't love Fido?) ..with your way of thinking, by default, you would save your wife? No, with my way of thinking, I would save my dog. Is there truly a separating factor between the levels of affection? They may be shown differently, but I seen no true profound difference. I heard a lady paid 50k to clone her dog.. There can be no across-the-board answer to this. Everyone will have their own take on it. Mine just doesn't happen to coincide with the majority's. I'm not saying it's a bad thing.. ..but you seem to be criticizing me.. No I'm questioning your premise. It's not criticism. You haven't actually seen me criticize anything in this topic yet. ..for believing love does exist. ..and proclaiming that love is out there. I know love. I know the pain after it's gone. You believe that reliving love to only experience pain. Isn't worth it. ..that's where I disagree. Because, although the pain is horrid.. ..the hope that it could, possibly, last forever.. ..that makes it worth it to me. I had that hope, for a long time. Many years. What I saw was that it was a false hope. I hope it turns out not to be a false hope for you. I hope it turns out not to be a false hope for everyone else here. But my reality has been that it is, in fact and inevitably, a false hope. I choose not to live in a state of delusion anymore. |
I choose not to live in a state of delusion anymore.
State of delusion? Is that near the state of delaware? |
Part of the trouble here is that we are using the single English word "love" in all kinds of different meanings. Remember the Greeks had four different words that could be translated as love. The OP was about eros, "passionate love," which is what we mainly talk about on a dating site, of course. But others have brought up storge, the love of family, and philia, which is friendship and affection and even the love of our favorite things. And probably everyone remembers agape, the more general, "deep" love that was taken over by Christianity to mean God's love.
Even the Greeks started adding to these definitions and mixing them up with each other, so it's no surprise that we're doing the same. But I think it's important to understand the context of each person's remarks. Of course, that's just my foolish habit of assuming that people are honestly trying to understand each other rather than just defend their own positions. Lord knows we all hate to be wrong. ![]() |
I wonder if this is what Lex meant. Found this an interesting read actually.
Schopenhaeur said falling in love is a ‘blind biological urge’ in us – love is basically an illusion which pull men and women together. Love in our mind is magical, sweet, sensational and is a symbol of happiness. But little did we know that these emotions come together with Love as a whole ‘package’. When human are able to derive positive emotions out of something, we gain satisfaction. And this satisfaction is what keep our desire alive. It’s instinctive, and we are basically slaves to our own instinct and desire (Schopenhauer called it Will). |