Topic: Mutual Matches
Sun 02/05/12 08:54 AM
Edited by JERMANICUS on Sun 02/05/12 08:54 AM
They won't disappear. Their accounts have both been de-activated because they are probably scammers,but they still show up on my match list even when I delete them? Can someone go into my account and check it out please? Thank you.

Conrad_73's photo
Sun 02/05/12 09:07 AM
There is one like that in mine!
Been there for a Donkey's Age!laugh

no photo
Sun 02/05/12 10:49 AM
Happens all the timenow.I still have a few on mine! Gets so anoying.grumble grumble grumble

soufiehere's photo
Mon 02/06/12 06:37 AM

They won't disappear. Their accounts have both been de-activated because they are probably scammers,but they still show up on my match list even when I delete them? Can someone go into my account and check it out please? Thank you.

Because checking the wee box next to their
name on your Mutual Match list ALWAYS deletes
the Mutual Match, I am guessing you refer to
the Mutual Match ad running beneath your
name on your Account page.

I deleted all my Mutual Matches when I met
someone on here. Quite a while ago.
That ad still runs with old MM people.

My best advice is, don't look at it.

charles's photo
Mon 02/06/12 02:19 PM
This is indeed a persistent bug, but there is a way to undo the "damage". First, copy the following URL and paste it into some kind of document or even your browser's address bar.

Then, change the "xxxxx" to the user number of the account still in your Mutual Matches box and hit enter. If you look at my profile, for example, my user number is 882. So, if my account is one of the accounts you need to remove, you would use the following URL to get rid of it.

If you are not having success carrying this out, mail one of the administrators. We will take care of it for you, when we have some spare time.

soufiehere's photo
Mon 02/06/12 03:42 PM

It worked!!
Now I will go back and do the rest.
You can hover over the username to
get the user account number (right-click
for drop-down, copy the # in the URL)
before inserting it in the above URL.

Sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet :-)
I have been seeing those forever.