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Topic: Words
yellowrose10's photo
Tue 01/17/12 01:17 PM
I found this on facebook

Words are containers for power. They have the power to hurt, the power to love, the power to encourage and the power to discourage. Be careful how you use them

Do you agree with this or not?


thewaterbearer's photo
Tue 01/17/12 01:20 PM
I agree, words have the power a kind word goes along way, also, negative words, can break the heart, but what is even worse is silence, so words communication is the key, just my thoughts.

no photo
Tue 01/17/12 01:22 PM
Yes I do,

Make Your Words Soft And Sweet!
For You Never Know!
Witch Ones You Will Have To Eat!

TxsGal3333's photo
Tue 01/17/12 01:23 PM
Very much so.........words are the most powerful thing one can use.

One should be careful in the way they say things. For those words you meant in one way may actually be taken in a different way.

When choosing the words to express ones self they should double check first to make sure the words they choose will get the message across that they had intended to.

yellowrose10's photo
Tue 01/17/12 01:24 PM
when I was younger....negative words were the strongest. I could have had the best day of my life but if something negative happens....I only remembered that.

I know many people are like this....but why? The positive should trump the negative (IMO)

I try to focus on the good things and not let the bad ruin my day.

Takes a lot of reprogramming to start thinking this would be easier if people would stop trying to program subliminal messages. I;m tired of quacking like a duck whenever someone says hello laugh

no photo
Tue 01/17/12 01:25 PM
Yes I agree. But I also feel words are only as powerful as you truly want them to be.

They can only hurt you or help you as much as one wants to let them. For some people, everything is taken to heart, analyzed, and then reacted upon, while for others they pass on by like leaves in the wind. That being said, we are also all responsible for what we say and the knowledge of how it may affect those around us. Similar to what was spoken of in another thread, just because you have the ability to speak like a jerk, does not mean you need to.

no photo
Tue 01/17/12 01:26 PM

I found this on facebook

Words are containers for power. They have the power to hurt, the power to love, the power to encourage and the power to discourage. Be careful how you use them

Do you agree with this or not?


Totally agree -- words seem so innocuous but can be so damaging....

yellowrose10's photo
Tue 01/17/12 01:28 PM

Yes I agree. But I also feel words are only as powerful as you truly want them to be.

They can only hurt you or help you as much as one wants to let them. For some people, everything is taken to heart, analyzed, and then reacted upon, while for others they pass on by like leaves in the wind. That being said, we are also all responsible for what we say and the knowledge of how it may affect those around us. Similar to what was spoken of in another thread, just because you have the ability to speak like a jerk, does not mean you need to.

very well said and I agree. Words do effect us....good or bad.

I will go a step further though. IMO if someone wants to speak like a jerk...well I can't control that. I can only control myself. BUT if you decide to talk like a jerk...own it and take the consequences (whatever they might be...well to an extent lol)

Ruth34611's photo
Tue 01/17/12 01:28 PM
Yes. Speak the words with the emotion to back it up and you'll change everything. Maybe for better. Maybe for worse.

no photo
Tue 01/17/12 01:34 PM

BUT if you decide to talk like a jerk...own it and take the consequences (whatever they might be...well to an extent lol)

Ah, but how few those who do that are. The normal procedure is too see how the rest of the members in a forum react (if we use the forum setting), to gauge how many are on your side, fall back if the results are not too good looking, pretend you were joking or kidding and then rinse and repeat at a later date. If we are speaking of real life, most just jump behind the old "keeping it real" statement and try to pretend it is the other persons fault.

Words are indeed a weapon, and like ALL weapons, there are far too many who purposely choose to use them as such, instead of what they are intended for, a tool for communication.

navygirl's photo
Tue 01/17/12 01:39 PM

I found this on facebook

Words are containers for power. They have the power to hurt, the power to love, the power to encourage and the power to discourage. Be careful how you use them

Do you agree with this or not?


I think words only have power if we let them. It has taken me years to figure out that words are just that; words and nothing more.

soufiehere's photo
Tue 01/17/12 01:44 PM


The Bible has a lot of them.
The Constitution.
Declarations of War.
A Love note.


Down2earthdebbie's photo
Tue 01/17/12 01:45 PM
Hey there, Very True!!!

navygirl's photo
Tue 01/17/12 01:50 PM
I guess with my experiences that I can only believe half of what people tell me anyways, especially when it comes to a guy telling me he loves me. huh

yellowrose10's photo
Tue 01/17/12 02:24 PM

sticks and stones may break my bones
but words can make or break a day

(if you let it lol)

no photo
Tue 01/17/12 02:31 PM
The problem when the people use ther mouths more than minds
but when you use your minds more than you mouthslaugh no problem

words can take you to haven or hill every where

yellowrose10's photo
Tue 01/17/12 02:35 PM

The problem when the people use their mouths more than minds
but when you use your minds more than you mouthslaugh no problem

words can take you to haven or hill every where

But people tell me thinking gets me in trouble all the time. Then again...those same people tell me to shut up too. I'm damned no matter what I do laugh

justme659's photo
Tue 01/17/12 02:47 PM
Put your brain in gear before you put your mouth in motion.

Think before you speak. Gives a person time to change hurtfull negitive words into words that are kinder and positive.

The word is mightier than the sword.

(OK, I will stop)

no photo
Tue 01/17/12 03:45 PM

when I was younger....negative words were the strongest. I could have had the best day of my life but if something negative happens....I only remembered that.

I know many people are like this....but why? The positive should trump the negative (IMO)

I try to focus on the good things and not let the bad ruin my day.

Takes a lot of reprogramming to start thinking this would be easier if people would stop trying to program subliminal messages. I;m tired of quacking like a duck whenever someone says hello laugh
Ok,,I'll change THAT,,so on every will Bark,,and sneeze,,,,,LOLlaugh ,,,and think of me...laugh

no photo
Tue 01/17/12 03:58 PM
bigsmile Words,,can Destroy Hearts,,,Make someone kill themself or another.
Words can disquise,,and hide their truth..
Words can Save lives and save others from dying..

Words,,,,make communications,,,,personal...:heart:

Yell out the wrong word,,in the wrong place..and BAM..ya got injuries..

yell out,
and THAT will injure..


or,,,"CALL 911" None are nice to be heard,,,YELLED OUT?

I believe the first words ever recorded as MAN'S first two words formed,,,together to Speak out,,
and I believe they were,,,
me horny....noway laugh laugh laugh
Sorry,,I JUST had to make that silly,,joke...blushing

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