Topic: Do ya' really wanna' go Green and save the planet? | |
I'd vote to ban any type of disposable diaper. My dog keeps dragging them from the neighbors house to my yard.
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Actually...I'm a recycler ![]() ![]() Yeah, I am recycler too. My garbage consumption is barely 1/8 of a bag in a week but the recycling gets filled. I recycle a lot of old things to make my costumes with; like old computer parts,radio parts, old foam, surgical tubing, a Glen Fiddich tube, a car hose, and old hockey pads to make a Borg outfit. I used pop can lids and ribbon to make a Klingon sash. I used a broken rubbermaid container for my Xena armour. Its amazing what you can do with throw-away stuff and a little imagination. |
I'd vote to ban any type of disposable diaper. My dog keeps dragging them from the neighbors house to my yard. ![]() I'll second that one!....even tho washing diapers is not the funnest thing in the world ![]() |
Unfortunately there are three glaring problems:
1. To go completely green would break some sectors of the economy. 2. To not go completely green will, possibly, ruin mother earth permanently for our decedents. 3. The vast majority of people will not go green because of cost until life itself will become threatened: possibly to late. Not trying to be Johnny Rain-Cloud but just a student of history! Should we, yes. Will we, probably not. The "green" generation (hippies) have polluted more than any before us. |
While there is nothing wrong with being responsible with our natural resources. WE ARE NOT RUNNING OUT, THESE RESOURCES DO NOT HURT THE ENVIRONMENT, UNLESS USED IN AN IRRESPONSIBLE MANNER. Even when they are used irrespomsibly; THERE IS NOT NOW, NOR HAS THERE EVER BEEN ANY PROVEN LINK TO "GLOBAL WARMING" And for those who buy into that garbage; do yourselves a favor and do a little research of your own before you believe such idiocy.
so what.........check records in the 20's and 30's there are records from then that still haven't been broken. the green movement is the propoganda of the socialist left.
Actually...I'm a recycler ![]() ![]() Yeah, I am recycler too. My garbage consumption is barely 1/8 of a bag in a week but the recycling gets filled. I recycle a lot of old things to make my costumes with; like old computer parts,radio parts, old foam, surgical tubing, a Glen Fiddich tube, a car hose, and old hockey pads to make a Borg outfit. I used pop can lids and ribbon to make a Klingon sash. I used a broken rubbermaid container for my Xena armour. Its amazing what you can do with throw-away stuff and a little imagination. ![]() |
Edited by
Sat 01/07/12 07:03 PM
Unfortunately there are three glaring problems: 1. To go completely green would break some sectors of the economy. That's alright...bring it on! I'm already broke ![]() It might do good for those so plentiful, that waste so much, to have to go without for a change....might bring them down a notch or two. |
so what.........check records in the 20's and 30's there are records from then that still haven't been broken. the green movement is the propoganda of the socialist left. If you think that cutting all the trees down won't have an effect on our environment, you are sadly mistaken. Have you seen some of the smog in some of the big cities?? The earth cannot keep up with the misuse of it's natural resources. We can't keep taking oil and coal out of the earth without retaliation....earthquakes, monsoons & sunamis...just to name a few. We are already in a bind with our medicines because of the rainforests being shreaded up. Wake up and smell the coffee. |
Edited by
Sat 01/07/12 07:25 PM
We haven't cut all of the trees down. We aren't anywhere NEAR cutting all the trees down. We plant at such a rate that they are replenished. Once again; There is NO proof, (scientific or otherwise) of any sort of human caused "global warming".The idea that WE have the power to effect the course of a finite planet,(that means it has a life span; a beginning and an end), is foolish and arrogant.....and just plain idiotic, nevermind unproven, and never will be proven; much like evoltuion. We can be responsible with what we are given; and this planet is a living organism, capable of healing, but WE don't have the capacity to effect any measurable change where its longevity is concerned.
Edited by
Sat 01/07/12 07:34 PM
There is a difference between ecologically responsible use of resources and the idiotic paranoia that WE are destroying the planet.And there are medical breakthroughs everyday, where is medical science suffering? Sure, the rainforests should be protected, but not at the expense of reasonable progress. Besides which. The destruction YOU refer to is caused, in most cases, by locals; native nationals to that region and not by some malicious entity from the outside. You want to stop this destruction you suppose we're doing; stop buying products made in china, stop buying from walmart. china honors nothing in the way of responsible use of resources and doesn't intend to, and walmart merchandise is almost exclusively bought from and/or made in china..........then what are you gonna do?
Edited by
Sat 01/07/12 07:39 PM
Our economy is going down the toilet because of these idiot 'chicken little's'; with expensive and minimally effective "green energy" that costs more to produce than is harvested. So, no, I intend to go out of my way to use anything that is explicitly NOT GREEN. There, I think I'm done ranting now.
1. In the not to distant future planet earth will run out of fossil fuel.
2. When i was young (50's and 60's) tap water was very safe to drink. To be safe now people are buying bottled water because of ground water pollution. 3. The two major oceans have large areas where plastic trash building up. As it dissolves the surrounding marine life either dies or develops DNA damage The same is happening to rivers near highly industrialized areas. 4. By products of plastic is finding it's way into the food supply. These byproducts cause Xenoestrogens. Xenoestrogens are chemicals that mimic normal hormones and fill our normal hormone receptors causing a host of problems. One of which is weight gain. I'm not particularly a believer in global warming. However, there are other issues we are facing. Walking towards a chemically spoiled environment is one of them. Unfortunately we are willingly ignorant of this dilemma. Economy: many sectors of the modern day economy depend on being allowed to or generating deadly pollutants. To completely turn this around, at this stage, would cost the world economy more that it could absorb. Someday our dependents will have to face this. Aren't we smart. |
I'd vote to ban any type of disposable diaper. My dog keeps dragging them from the neighbors house to my yard. ![]() I vote for a ban on irresponsible parents who don't properly dispose of the diapers. |
I'd vote to ban any type of disposable diaper. My dog keeps dragging them from the neighbors house to my yard. ![]() I vote for a ban on irresponsible parents who don't properly dispose of the diapers. I don't understand why these big babies can't poop in a toilet like the rest of us....geeesh! |
There is a difference between ecologically responsible use of resources and the idiotic paranoia that WE are destroying the planet.And there are medical breakthroughs everyday, where is medical science suffering? Sure, the rainforests should be protected, but not at the expense of reasonable progress. Besides which. The destruction YOU refer to is caused, in most cases, by locals; native nationals to that region and not by some malicious entity from the outside. You want to stop this destruction you suppose we're doing; stop buying products made in china, stop buying from walmart. china honors nothing in the way of responsible use of resources and doesn't intend to, and walmart merchandise is almost exclusively bought from and/or made in china..........then what are you gonna do? I try very hard not to buy chit from China...including alot of the foods they are sending now. I don't shop at Wallyworld either. It will take a "conscience" effort from everyone to stop the direction that people, and our planet are heading. That is the biggest reason that I recycle...almost everything. I grow my garden, can my food, if I'm in need of something for the house, I go to garage sales & yard sales and refurbish old to make new. I'm an optomist. Nature is way more powerful than anything and will survive at any cost. But we are all part of it; and believe it or not, one person can move a mountain ![]() |
Edited by
Sun 01/08/12 05:26 PM
We haven't cut all of the trees down. We aren't anywhere NEAR cutting all the trees down. We plant at such a rate that they are replenished. Once again; There is NO proof, (scientific or otherwise) of any sort of human caused "global warming".The idea that WE have the power to effect the course of a finite planet,(that means it has a life span; a beginning and an end), is foolish and arrogant.....and just plain idiotic, nevermind unproven, and never will be proven; much like evoltuion. We can be responsible with what we are given; and this planet is a living organism, capable of healing, but WE don't have the capacity to effect any measurable change where its longevity is concerned. Algae is the most important thing on the planet. When the seas die, we die. But I agree ... global warming is b.s. nonsense. |
I'd vote to ban any type of disposable diaper. My dog keeps dragging them from the neighbors house to my yard. ![]() I vote for a ban on irresponsible parents who don't properly dispose of the diapers. I don't understand why these big babies can't poop in a toilet like the rest of us....geeesh! There are people in third world countries who don't have toilets and have to chit up on the hill yonder. |
I'd vote to ban any type of disposable diaper. My dog keeps dragging them from the neighbors house to my yard. ![]() I vote for a ban on irresponsible parents who don't properly dispose of the diapers. I don't understand why these big babies can't poop in a toilet like the rest of us....geeesh! There are people in third world countries who don't have toilets and have to chit up on the hill yonder. That's where the expression S**t rolls downhill comes from! |
Do ya' really wanna' go Green and save the planet. Hell yes, ill go green. it goes in my wallet. if the big company want us to go green then make the product cheaper. it's all a money scam.