oops............SOUND GARDEN
OH!.........didn't see that........RUSH...
Just left-wing coward propoganda seeking to degrade our military and the good reputation of our nation. People are prone to do dumb things; liking taking the stupid picture to start with, (and yes, desecrating the corpses), but the left are using these types of isolated instances to pass judgement on all who are against them. Progressive bilge, that's all.
Examining Our Faith (/B:-o)
Faith is ALWAYS necessary; "...without faith it is impossible to please God." You cannot call yourself Christian if you don't understand faith. It is simply believing that God DOES exist, that he DID send His Son to die for us, that Jesus sent us the Holy Spirit to be with us, that He will never leave us or forsake us. Faith is at the core of what it means to be a Christian.
Religion in a Relationship
The Bible tells ME not to be unequally yoked. This means not to join yourself in a relationship with those who do not believe as you do. It will NEVER last, and while it does last, it will be contentious and painful.
Jeff Buckley..........nobody's music list can be complete without a little Buckley
Cleaning Out Your Closet...
OK...nevermind, I guess I'm just not being plain enough..........I didn't say anything about holding on or lingering or anything........but that's aright...
Cleaning Out Your Closet...
Edited by
Sat 01/07/12 08:07 PM
I'm sorry...I guess I'm being confusing. I don't mean to suggest that I necessarily stay in contact. In some cases I have, when things ended amicably. I just meant that there is more to a break than just the cold snap of ending. There is a healing process, albeit without her there. There is a learning process, not only of what may have been wrong with her, but also with me. Getting rid of momemtos for the purpose of disassociation seems to me an exercise in futility. The tangible reminders may be gone, but there's really more to it than that isn't there.......otherwise, was there ever really a relationship at all?.....................Anyway,I guess I'm just rambling now...
Cleaning Out Your Closet...
Edited by
Sat 01/07/12 07:52 PM
I'm not referring to "haning on". I'm talking about the toll it takes...Maybe I misread you all but it just sounded as though the relationships were just so much used up tissue to you all; to be discarded and forgotten as though it never happened. To me, there is a way to handle such things and a way not to....and when I say handle them, I mean how I handle them apart from her and how I learn from the experience. So, you see it's more than just love 'em and leave 'em; otherwise, what's the point?.........Anyway, maybe I missed the point here...I don't know...
Edited by
Sat 01/07/12 07:39 PM
Our economy is going down the toilet because of these idiot 'chicken little's'; with expensive and minimally effective "green energy" that costs more to produce than is harvested. So, no, I intend to go out of my way to use anything that is explicitly NOT GREEN. There, I think I'm done ranting now.
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Sat 01/07/12 07:34 PM
There is a difference between ecologically responsible use of resources and the idiotic paranoia that WE are destroying the planet.And there are medical breakthroughs everyday, where is medical science suffering? Sure, the rainforests should be protected, but not at the expense of reasonable progress. Besides which. The destruction YOU refer to is caused, in most cases, by locals; native nationals to that region and not by some malicious entity from the outside. You want to stop this destruction you suppose we're doing; stop buying products made in china, stop buying from walmart. china honors nothing in the way of responsible use of resources and doesn't intend to, and walmart merchandise is almost exclusively bought from and/or made in china..........then what are you gonna do?
Edited by
Sat 01/07/12 07:25 PM
We haven't cut all of the trees down. We aren't anywhere NEAR cutting all the trees down. We plant at such a rate that they are replenished. Once again; There is NO proof, (scientific or otherwise) of any sort of human caused "global warming".The idea that WE have the power to effect the course of a finite planet,(that means it has a life span; a beginning and an end), is foolish and arrogant.....and just plain idiotic, nevermind unproven, and never will be proven; much like evoltuion. We can be responsible with what we are given; and this planet is a living organism, capable of healing, but WE don't have the capacity to effect any measurable change where its longevity is concerned.
Cleaning Out Your Closet...
Anyone who can compartmentalize an emotional relationship the way you all describe it, needs some serious help. Either that or you never were emotionally invested and were just using him. I remember all of my relationships; how it felt when it ended and the effect it had on me; whether I ended it or she did. I pray to God I don't ever hook up with anyone who has such a callous approach to relationship...
so what.........check records in the 20's and 30's there are records from then that still haven't been broken. the green movement is the propoganda of the socialist left.
While there is nothing wrong with being responsible with our natural resources. WE ARE NOT RUNNING OUT, THESE RESOURCES DO NOT HURT THE ENVIRONMENT, UNLESS USED IN AN IRRESPONSIBLE MANNER. Even when they are used irrespomsibly; THERE IS NOT NOW, NOR HAS THERE EVER BEEN ANY PROVEN LINK TO "GLOBAL WARMING" And for those who buy into that garbage; do yourselves a favor and do a little research of your own before you believe such idiocy.
The Bible states that we are to study to show ourselves approved, subsequently; THERE ARE NO MYSTERIES IN GOD'S WORD...
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Well.............I WAS talking to Jenn..........but, yeah that's a...uh, neat picture.
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Edited by
Mon 01/02/12 07:09 PM
Thank you...I like your main picture...
rate me?
All of the important info is there...The pictures look good...great.
rate me?
So, if I rate yours, you gotta rate mine...