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Topic: WHAT ARE YOU GONNA DO TODAY???? - part 2
ShannonMarie21's photo
Sun 01/29/12 10:15 AM

Im not doing jack today. Im not even changing out of my pjs. Im not feeling so hot..I think a day of napping and crap TV is in order.

pj's you say...with that image i'm going to work on world peace

Good luck with that. laugh laugh

luv2roknroll's photo
Sun 01/29/12 10:17 AM

It is all good Roberta.....

I got a feeling that Heaven loves you.

...though...this may be God's way of hinting to you that you and Boogie need convertable....

You think your dog likes walks? Let her ears and lips flap in my car with Sublime playing cruising slowly. Waaaaayyyy better and more fun than a "Walk".
Been there and done that, ALOT, with the Boogie girl.

She WAS my official co-pilot,

before I lost my license, (not from driving bad, from unpaid STUPID tickets, like no registration, no insurance, ect,,,).

I had 4 convertibles in a row.

2 BEAUTIFUL 300ZX Nissans, one red (Scalett) and one silver (Bullet)

and 2 Capris, one red, (Lipstick) and one white, (White Trash),,,,yeah, I name my cars!

She used to even wear sunglasses and her leather Harley jacket, and people would crack up at her.

Ash36's photo
Sun 01/29/12 10:26 AM
Im totally free today. So i think I'll be on mingle2 most of the time

Sneaksintoyourheart's photo
Sun 01/29/12 10:50 AM
nothing but rest an rest an rest or is that sleep sleep an sleep yawn yawn yawn

MariahsFantasy's photo
Sun 01/29/12 10:56 AM
Sunday's usually a chill day for me, but I still have some stuff to do around the house. I am sooo tired today. Napping yesterday really killed my energy.

krupa's photo
Sun 01/29/12 11:03 AM

Sunday's usually a chill day for me, but I still have some stuff to do around the house. I am sooo tired today. Napping yesterday really killed my energy.

May I suggest masturbation?...it usually perks me up.


luv2roknroll's photo
Sun 01/29/12 11:06 AM

Sunday's usually a chill day for me, but I still have some stuff to do around the house. I am sooo tired today. Napping yesterday really killed my energy.

May I suggest masturbation?...it usually perks me up.

You need to patent that Krupa,

"Jerks and Perks".

It could be an instructional, masturbation book.

krupa's photo
Sun 01/29/12 11:09 AM

I tried to get the patent on maturbation...
no luck. Everyone acts like I am just talking crap when I explain that I invented it.

Life is soooooooooo unfair!

irisheyes79's photo
Sun 01/29/12 11:13 AM
nohin mingle on here for bit n go lay back down

luv2roknroll's photo
Sun 01/29/12 11:15 AM

I tried to get the patent on maturbation...
no luck. Everyone acts like I am just talking crap when I explain that I invented it.

Life is soooooooooo unfair!

Lifes a biotch, and then you marry one,

no wait,

Lifes a biotch, and then you become someones biotch,

thats not right either,

Lifes a biotch, unless you win the lottery,


Lifes a biotch, and then you die,


Lifes a biotch, and then you have to live it!!!

Yeahhhhhhhh, thats the ticket!

irisheyes79's photo
Sun 01/29/12 11:17 AM

I tried to get the patent on maturbation...
no luck. Everyone acts like I am just talking crap when I explain that I invented it.

Life is soooooooooo unfair!

Lifes a biotch, and then you marry one,

no wait,

Lifes a biotch, and then you become someones biotch,

thats not right either,

Lifes a biotch, unless you win the lottery,


Lifes a biotch, and then you die,


Lifes a biotch, and then you have to live it!!!

Yeahhhhhhhh, thats the ticket!

no photo
Sun 01/29/12 11:18 AM

I tried to get the patent on maturbation...
no luck. Everyone acts like I am just talking crap when I explain that I invented it.

Life is soooooooooo unfair!

And all this time I thought.....

It was Al Gore!!!!!!


irisheyes79's photo
Sun 01/29/12 11:43 AM
jerk off five times rinse n repeat oh n sit n biotch n moan a hottie slipped my grasp

luv2roknroll's photo
Mon 01/30/12 03:22 PM

I tried to get the patent on maturbation...
no luck. Everyone acts like I am just talking crap when I explain that I invented it.

Life is soooooooooo unfair!

Lifes a biotch, and then you marry one,

no wait,

Lifes a biotch, and then you become someones biotch,

thats not right either,

Lifes a biotch, unless you win the lottery,


Lifes a biotch, and then you die,


Lifes a biotch, and then you have to live it!!!

Yeahhhhhhhh, thats the ticket!
ALL of my jokes cant be stellar.

luv2roknroll's photo
Mon 01/30/12 03:25 PM
Hold a memorial for Little ManO sad


no photo
Mon 01/30/12 04:22 PM
I already did it.


irisheyes79's photo
Tue 01/31/12 07:05 AM

topherj37's photo
Tue 01/31/12 08:05 AM
Go to class, try to set up an appointment with my opthamologist.

Sneaksintoyourheart's photo
Tue 01/31/12 08:22 AM
try to rest an sleep today still not feeling good

Goofball73's photo
Tue 01/31/12 08:28 AM
Ahhhh. A day off from work. Rest a bit, hit the gym for my workout, and then go see The Grey.

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