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Mon 11/14/11 02:18 PM

"That Sarahs heart was still in that sinful place, and thats why she looked back,
and God was destroying that sinful place, and all who had their hearts in it,
and Sarah was one of them, and she proved it by disobeying God, and looking back."

Important note*

No name was mentioned of Lot's wife.

*Sarah was the name of Abraham's wife.

oops oops oops oops oops oops oops oops laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

Lol, you are so funny!:laughing:
Lord knows we need more laughter these days!


luv2roknroll's photo
Mon 11/14/11 05:48 PM
Edited by luv2roknroll on Mon 11/14/11 05:59 PM

"That Sarahs heart was still in that sinful place, and thats why she looked back,
and God was destroying that sinful place, and all who had their hearts in it,
and Sarah was one of them, and she proved it by disobeying God, and looking back."

Important note*

No name was mentioned of Lot's wife.

*Sarah was the name of Abraham's wife.

oops oops oops oops oops oops oops oops laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

Lol, you are so funny!:laughing:
Lord knows we need more laughter these days!

If you really want to see funny, ill get naked!bigsmile

Now THATS funny!surprised rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

Roberta, is that an appropriate joke to be telling in a religious thread to a Christian lady?
What if she doesnt get it, and takes you serious?
Everyone on here knows that I only have one breast, shes gonna get it!
But what if she doesnt think that is funny?
Hey, if I can laugh about it, than everyone else can too, ya know?
I hope your right!
Im always right!
You got Lots wifes name wrong, hehe.

no photo
Fri 11/18/11 03:45 PM
Edited by CeriseRose on Fri 11/18/11 04:40 PM

"That Sarahs heart was still in that sinful place, and thats why she looked back,
and God was destroying that sinful place, and all who had their hearts in it,
and Sarah was one of them, and she proved it by disobeying God, and looking back."

Important note*

No name was mentioned of Lot's wife.

*Sarah was the name of Abraham's wife.

oops oops oops oops oops oops oops oops laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

Lol, you are so funny!:laughing:
Lord knows we need more laughter these days!

If you really want to see funny, ill get naked!bigsmile

Now THATS funny!surprised rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

Roberta, is that an appropriate joke to be telling in a religious thread to a Christian lady?
What if she doesnt get it, and takes you serious?
Everyone on here knows that I only have one breast, shes gonna get it!
But what if she doesnt think that is funny?
Hey, if I can laugh about it, than everyone else can too, ya know?
I hope your right!
Im always right!
You got Lots wifes name wrong, hehe.

Ok Roberta...I get it... slaphead
You... have a wonderful sense of humor.

But guess what...?

Someday you will have a glorious body!
(You can take that to the bank!)

Here's how and why!

ICorinthians 15:

41, There is one glory of the sun,
and another glory of the moon,
and another glory of the stars:
for one star differeth from another star in glory.

42, So also is the resurrection of the dead.
It is sown in corruption;
it is raised in incorruption:

43, It is sown in dishonour;
it is raised in glory:
it is sown in weakness;
it is raised in power:

44, It is sown a natural body;
it is raised a spiritual body.
There is a natural body,
and there is a spiritual body.

45, And so it is written,
The first man Adam was made a living soul;
the last Adam was made a quickening spirit.

46, Howbeit that was not first which is spiritual,
but that which is natural;
and afterward that which is spiritual.

47, The first man is of the earth, earthy:
the second man is the Lord from heaven.

48, As is the earthy,
such are they also that are earthy:
and as is the heavenly,
such are they also that are heavenly.

49, And as we have borne the image of the earthy,
we shall also bear the image of the heavenly.

50, Now this I say, brethren,
that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God;
neither doth corruption inherit incorruption.

51, Behold, I shew you a mystery;
We shall not all sleep,
asleep whoa asleep asleepwaving asleep
but we shall all be changed,
surprised shocked :banana: shocked :banana:
smooched :banana: shocked
:banana: waving smooched surprised

52, In a moment,
in the twinkling of an eye,:wink:
at the last trump:
for the trumpet shall sound,
and the dead shall be raised incorruptible,
and we shall be changed.
biggrin smooched :banana:

53, For this corruptible must put on incorruption,
and this mortal must put on immortality.

:banana: :banana: :banana:



in·cor·rupt [ìnkə rúpt]
adj (formal)
1. unsullied: morally pure and uncorrupted
2. free of mistakes: containing no errors or alterations

-in·cor·rup·tion [ìnkə rúpsh'n], , n
-in·cor·rupt·ly [ìnkə rúptlee], , adv
Encarta ® World English Dictionary © & (P) 1998-2005 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

no photo
Sat 11/19/11 08:30 AM
Edited by CeriseRose on Sat 11/19/11 08:38 AM

I have once again, started to try to read, the entire bible. Right now im in Genesis, and its already getting hard for me to understand. Is there a place, that would be a better starting place, for me? Is it necessary that I read about who had kids, how many they had, when they died, when their kids died, ect....

I have a VERY SHORT attenion span, and have recently devoted my Sunday afternoons, to reading the bible. But its really hard for me to stay with it, when its all so confusing. All the names, this kid, that kids kids, when they all died....its not only confusing...its really boring. NOT GOOD!

I want to keep my promise, to read the bible, on Sunday afternoons, but im already finding it difficult.

What do you suggest?

God bless you!flowerforyou

I also suggest reading a Children's Bible Story book
which is simple to read
and gives a basic outline of the Bible in sequence.

You can graduate to the Holy Scriptures
for more detailed readings as you feel comfortable.

Or read them side by side using the Holy Scriptures as reference.

luv2roknroll's photo
Sat 11/19/11 08:48 AM
I found a wonderful program on the internet, where the bible is read to me, as I follow along in it. I get more reading done that way, and I also get to hear the proper pronunciations, of the names of people, and places, and some words, which is great!

And I still have this thread, "reading and understanding the bible", for any of my questions, about events happening.

I am really enjoying the reading now!

Thank you for your replies to my questions!

God bless.

luv2roknroll's photo
Sat 11/19/11 08:48 AM
Edited by luv2roknroll on Sat 11/19/11 08:48 AM
oops Double post

no photo
Sat 11/19/11 09:48 AM
Edited by CeriseRose on Sat 11/19/11 09:51 AM

I found a wonderful program on the internet, where the bible is read to me, as I follow along in it. I get more reading done that way, and I also get to hear the proper pronunciations, of the names of people, and places, and some words, which is great!

And I still have this thread, "reading and understanding the bible", for any of my questions, about events happening.

I am really enjoying the reading now!

Thank you for your replies to my questions!

God bless.

Thank you fo your humble response to the suggestions on your op.

You are a beacon.

You are being an example for others to follow.

I'm certain that others who are also searching for answers
will find encouragment from your "stick-to-it-tiveness".

I am blessed by you.

Yours in Christ,

luv2roknroll's photo
Sat 11/19/11 10:37 AM
Edited by luv2roknroll on Sat 11/19/11 10:38 AM

I found a wonderful program on the internet, where the bible is read to me, as I follow along in it. I get more reading done that way, and I also get to hear the proper pronunciations, of the names of people, and places, and some words, which is great!

And I still have this thread, "reading and understanding the bible", for any of my questions, about events happening.

I am really enjoying the reading now!

Thank you for your replies to my questions!

God bless.

Thank you fo your humble response to the suggestions on your op.

You are a beacon.

You are being an example for others to follow.

I'm certain that others who are also searching for answers
will find encouragment from your "stick-to-it-tiveness".

I am blessed by you.

Yours in Christ,

Well momma always said, "theres more than one way to slice a potato, or was it an onion, or bread???".laugh laugh laugh

When you have had, a life like me, you learn very quickly, to be very strong, and persistent, in going after your goals.

If I didnt, I wouldnt be alive today, im sure. Ive had to fight more than one battle, but, "that which does not kill you, makes you stronger",

and that is very true!

Thank you for your continued support through my journey.

I love you:heart:
Bless you!:angel:

amaria90's photo
Sun 11/20/11 02:23 AM
Luv is there a Women's Bible Study group in your area. I am doing the Amazing Collection that is a book by book bible study to help me learn the bible.
Then you're not doing it alone.
I'll ask my pastors if they know of one around your area today when I go to church.

luv2roknroll's photo
Sun 11/20/11 10:10 AM
Edited by luv2roknroll on Sun 11/20/11 10:12 AM

Luv is there a Women's Bible Study group in your area. I am doing the Amazing Collection that is a book by book bible study to help me learn the bible.
Then you're not doing it alone.
I'll ask my pastors if they know of one around your area today when I go to church.
THank you,flowerforyou

but its all good.

I like the way im doing it now, with the internet, and following along with it, and I ride a bicycle everywhere I go, so thats another place, I wont have to get to in the rain.

It rains all winter here in Sacramento.frustrated

Today im riding to church, in the pouring rain.bigsmile

And its 5 miles away!surprised

What can I say, I love Jesus!:heart: :angel: :heart:

amaria90's photo
Sun 11/20/11 08:34 PM
Edited by amaria90 on Sun 11/20/11 08:36 PM

Luv is there a Women's Bible Study group in your area. I am doing the Amazing Collection that is a book by book bible study to help me learn the bible.
Then you're not doing it alone.
I'll ask my pastors if they know of one around your area today when I go to church.
THank you,flowerforyou

but its all good.

I like the way im doing it now, with the internet, and following along with it, and I ride a bicycle everywhere I go, so thats another place, I wont have to get to in the rain.

It rains all winter here in Sacramento.frustrated

Today im riding to church, in the pouring rain.bigsmile

And its 5 miles away!surprised

What can I say, I love Jesus!:heart: :angel: :heart:

Well then if not that I use www.biblegateway.com and listen to the words that the reader speaks while I'm reading bible words

luv2roknroll's photo
Mon 11/21/11 02:41 AM

Luv is there a Women's Bible Study group in your area. I am doing the Amazing Collection that is a book by book bible study to help me learn the bible.
Then you're not doing it alone.
I'll ask my pastors if they know of one around your area today when I go to church.
THank you,flowerforyou

but its all good.

I like the way im doing it now, with the internet, and following along with it, and I ride a bicycle everywhere I go, so thats another place, I wont have to get to in the rain.

It rains all winter here in Sacramento.frustrated

Today im riding to church, in the pouring rain.bigsmile

And its 5 miles away!surprised

What can I say, I love Jesus!:heart: :angel: :heart:

Well then if not that I use www.biblegateway.com and listen to the words that the reader speaks while I'm reading bible words

Thank you Amaria.flowerforyou

I will check that out too.

God bless.

BrokenKiwi's photo
Tue 11/22/11 01:00 PM
Hi there, if you need help to understand the bible I am happy to help you. I used to preach part-time as a stand in for the pastor of a small church a few years ago before I became a full-time caregiver. I am happy to to take you through a bit by bit study of Genesis and work our way through it? I really enjoy studying the bible and talking about it. I think it would be fun and I am sure I can keep it interesting as well:)

luv2roknroll's photo
Tue 11/22/11 01:11 PM
Edited by luv2roknroll on Tue 11/22/11 01:12 PM

Hi there, if you need help to understand the bible I am happy to help you. I used to preach part-time as a stand in for the pastor of a small church a few years ago before I became a full-time caregiver. I am happy to to take you through a bit by bit study of Genesis and work our way through it? I really enjoy studying the bible and talking about it. I think it would be fun and I am sure I can keep it interesting as well:)
Wow, arent you a sweethart?flowerforyou

I tell you what.

If you just will be there when I have questions, then that would be wonderful. Since I started the audio bible, I can understand it alot more, and like ive said before, its not the reading I dont understand....its some of the events that took place.

So whenever I get to one, that I dont like, or understand, or think is not cool, I ask questions. Thats just me.

Thats where I need help.

Like in understanding when Lots wife was turned to salt. I had a really horrible perspective on that, as thinking "was God that harsh?", until it was explained to me that her heart was still in the city of sin, and that by turning back, she not only showed that, but disobeyed God.

I can handle that explanation.

And see, had I not asked, I would still be thinking "oh well, I guess you either did what he said, or you died", not seeing any justice.

Thats why I want to ask questions as I go along.

I love you for your offerflowerforyou

If I need to, I will indeed get in touch with you.

Thank you so much!

God bless you

BrokenKiwi's photo
Tue 11/22/11 01:33 PM
No problem. :)

It is also helpful to understand when reading the bible that it is a dispensational book and God dealt with mankind in various dispensations throughout the Bible in different ways, for example; Before Christ came the Jews were required to sacfrice animals to cover their sins but when Christ died and gave up His own blood on the cross, He became the ultimate sacrifice for our sins. Dispensations are different ways that God has dealt with mankind throughout time while keeping his absolute morals intact.

I think the bible is amazing how some things in it don't make sense to us and one day we find out what it means we think "wow I never thought of that". Like it was God who actually made the first sacrifice in the bible when Adam and Eve were naked in Genesis and they covered themselves in Figs (but they were the works of their own hands) and just as today our own works can't save us,only hide our sin, only the blood of Christ can cleanse us, God set the president right there in Genesis when he covered them with the skins of animals (something had to die and have it's blood shed to atone for sin) animals were not perfect as Christ was (but innocent) so that is where the first shedding of blood for the remission of sins happened (and is sometimes missed)and eventually Christ shed His own blood to wash away the sins of mankind than just cover it.

Anyway enough said. Anytime you want help I am around. Take care :)

luv2roknroll's photo
Tue 11/22/11 01:37 PM

No problem. :)

It is also helpful to understand when reading the bible that it is a dispensational book and God dealt with mankind in various dispensations throughout the Bible in different ways, for example; Before Christ came the Jews were required to sacfrice animals to cover their sins but when Christ died and gave up His own blood on the cross, He became the ultimate sacrifice for our sins. Dispensations are different ways that God has dealt with mankind throughout time while keeping his absolute morals intact.

I think the bible is amazing how some things in it don't make sense to us and one day we find out what it means we think "wow I never thought of that". Like it was God who actually made the first sacrifice in the bible when Adam and Eve were naked in Genesis and they covered themselves in Figs (but they were the works of their own hands) and just as today our own works can't save us,only hide our sin, only the blood of Christ can cleanse us, God set the president right there in Genesis when he covered them with the skins of animals (something had to die and have it's blood shed to atone for sin) animals were not perfect as Christ was (but innocent) so that is where the first shedding of blood for the remission of sins happened (and is sometimes missed)and eventually Christ shed His own blood to wash away the sins of mankind than just cover it.

Anyway enough said. Anytime you want help I am around. Take care :)
Thank you, your wonderful!flowerforyou

no photo
Wed 11/23/11 07:27 PM

Luv2, my suggestion to try a children's Bible was not offered as an insult to your maturity.

I collected quite a few bible books for my Sunday School Children.

The stories were very exciting to those new believers.

And...as they regularly read aloud in class,
I found MYSELF putting a few pieces of the bible events in perspective.

We always had King James there to verify our findings.

The KJV is the TRUE Treasure Chest.
I'd tell them when I learned something new. No shame for me.

Those books aroused their appetites for God's Word.
Some of those kids became little "thumpers" too.

And as BrokenKiwi said,
the Bible is revealing dispensations.
The times of Israel, the times of the Gentiles,
and the times of the Church.

luv2roknroll's photo
Thu 11/24/11 09:38 AM

Luv2, my suggestion to try a children's Bible was not offered as an insult to your maturity.

I collected quite a few bible books for my Sunday School Children.

The stories were very exciting to those new believers.

And...as they regularly read aloud in class,
I found MYSELF putting a few pieces of the bible events in perspective.

We always had King James there to verify our findings.

The KJV is the TRUE Treasure Chest.
I'd tell them when I learned something new. No shame for me.

Those books aroused their appetites for God's Word.
Some of those kids became little "thumpers" too.

And as BrokenKiwi said,
the Bible is revealing dispensations.
The times of Israel, the times of the Gentiles,
and the times of the Church.

Ummmmmmm, I never took it that way CeriesRose, so its all good.

Thank you, and have a happy holiday!

no photo
Thu 11/24/11 05:26 PM
Edited by CeriseRose on Thu 11/24/11 05:38 PM

Luv2, my suggestion to try a children's Bible was not offered as an insult to your maturity.

I collected quite a few bible books for my Sunday School Children.

The stories were very exciting to those new believers.

And...as they regularly read aloud in class,
I found MYSELF putting a few pieces of the bible events in perspective.

We always had King James there to verify our findings.

The KJV is the TRUE Treasure Chest.
I'd tell them when I learned something new. No shame for me.

Those books aroused their appetites for God's Word.
Some of those kids became little "thumpers" too.

And as BrokenKiwi said,
the Bible is revealing dispensations.
The times of Israel, the times of the Gentiles,
and the times of the Church.

Ummmmmmm, I never took it that way CeriesRose, so its all good.

Thank you, and have a happy holiday!

Thank you, so much... I had to be sure.

Christians are our Lord's precious lambs.

:angel: :angel: :angel:
There are others who are just coming to Christ here.
I have them, also, on my heart when I post.

When someone becomes a new believer,
the newborn process takes place.
Then there's a fresh awakening
and hunger for the Word of God.

As MorningGlory sometimes reminds us...
a new believer can choke if given meat too soon.

I enjoyed this day!
I hope yours was a nice Holiday!

God Bless you Luv2, in everyway possible!!!


luv2roknroll's photo
Fri 11/25/11 09:07 AM

Luv2, my suggestion to try a children's Bible was not offered as an insult to your maturity.

I collected quite a few bible books for my Sunday School Children.

The stories were very exciting to those new believers.

And...as they regularly read aloud in class,
I found MYSELF putting a few pieces of the bible events in perspective.

We always had King James there to verify our findings.

The KJV is the TRUE Treasure Chest.
I'd tell them when I learned something new. No shame for me.

Those books aroused their appetites for God's Word.
Some of those kids became little "thumpers" too.

And as BrokenKiwi said,
the Bible is revealing dispensations.
The times of Israel, the times of the Gentiles,
and the times of the Church.

Ummmmmmm, I never took it that way CeriesRose, so its all good.

Thank you, and have a happy holiday!

Thank you, so much... I had to be sure.

Christians are our Lord's precious lambs.

:angel: :angel: :angel:
There are others who are just coming to Christ here.
I have them, also, on my heart when I post.

When someone becomes a new believer,
the newborn process takes place.
Then there's a fresh awakening
and hunger for the Word of God.

As MorningGlory sometimes reminds us...
a new believer can choke if given meat too soon.

I enjoyed this day!
I hope yours was a nice Holiday!

God Bless you Luv2, in everyway possible!!!

I love you, and God bless you and your holidays CeriseRose!:heart: flowerforyou :heart:

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