Topic: OMG the cheapest date ever !!!!!!! | |
i'm with you on this one girl. if a man can't afford to splurge when going out with a woman, say something (maybe she is willing to go dutch) a night home with a sammich and water is fine, but when you go out it should be something at least a little special Thank you. If you ask me out at least be able to afford where ever it is you want to take me, I would do the same for you. That's only the right thing to do. And that was low class to ask her to sneak the sandwiches in to the movie. I can't believe some of you felt she should have been happy she even got what she got. It's ok girlfriend, he was being cheap on that date. But I got to admit I was weak when I read it. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Edited by
Mon 08/29/11 08:08 PM
Yeah I do find that a little odd. I usually ask my dates to sneak in a nice cold six pack. Dates? How many does it take to carry a 6-pack? My worry was more in the line of where the girls can hide six ice-cold cans of beer. Brr. ------------- You like jokes. You remember the one about "how you seat six elephants in a Volkswagen Bug?" |
Freebie day? In DC, almost all of the museums are free! They are great for dates, too. The "D.C. Museum of Disembowelment and Crude Jokes" -- the biggest mistake of my dating life was to tell my dad to take his date there. |
Edited by
Mon 08/29/11 08:14 PM
so I just ordered a small nestea Trust me, there is really a global austerity what a terrible move Okay. I know that Australia is opposite side to Canada on the Globe, and that the date was bad. But why are you giving a bad rap to Austria? They conquered the world, or something? Global Austerity? "The globe is now all Australian Territory?" You're right, that's terrible. Eppur si move. |
Yeah I do find that a little odd. I usually ask my dates to sneak in a nice cold six pack. Dates? How many does it take to carry a 6-pack? My worry was more in the line of where the girls can hide six ice-cold cans of beer. Brr. ------------- You like jokes. You remember the one about "how you seat six elephants in a Volkswagen Bug?" My dates can only carry two beers or snow cones at a time! |
Edited by
Mon 08/29/11 08:17 PM
My dates can only carry two beers or snow cones at a time! She is very pretty. How much did you pay for her? To her? On her? --------------- Boy, this is getting from bad to worse. |
My point was being raised in a different time and generation i havee never had to pay for anything when going out on a date, i've always but times have changed and things are very different in the dating world now . I not looking for sympathy i was stating my opinions thats all ![]() That's our problem we don't expect men to be gentlemen anymore. We women just accept any old attitude and ways men treat us now days, and use the attitude that I don't need a man to validate me or take care of me, I can take care of myself. Sure we can and we do. But come on, I'm not taking about being a gold digger here, I'm talking about and man who treat a lady with enough respect when he ask her out not to be cheap about it. I would have understood if he told me honestly he couldn't afford refreshments because he's on a tight budget than to ask me to sneak in food. |
My point was being raised in a different time and generation i havee never had to pay for anything when going out on a date, i've always but times have changed and things are very different in the dating world now . I not looking for sympathy i was stating my opinions thats all ![]() That's our problem we don't expect men to be gentlemen anymore. We women just accept any old attitude and ways men treat us now days, and use the attitude that I don't need a man to validate me or take care of me, I can take care of myself. Sure we can and we do. But come on, I'm not taking about being a gold digger here, I'm talking about and man who treat a lady with enough respect when he ask her out not to be cheap about it. I would have understood if he told me honestly he couldn't afford refreshments because he's on a tight budget than to ask me to sneak in food. What does being a gentleman mean to you? Paying for dates? Is someone who is respectful, but doesn't always pay for dates (goes dutch, is ok when a woman pays sometimes) not a gentleman? |
i'm with you on this one girl. if a man can't afford to splurge when going out with a woman, say something (maybe she is willing to go dutch) a night home with a sammich and water is fine, but when you go out it should be something at least a little special Thank you. If you ask me out at least be able to afford where ever it is you want to take me, I would do the same for you. That's only the right thing to do. And that was low class to ask her to sneak the sandwiches in to the movie. I can't believe some of you felt she should have been happy she even got what she got. It's ok girlfriend, he was being cheap on that date. But I got to admit I was weak when I read it. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() I would have asked her to sneak in my penis by hiding it in her vagina. But, I know how sensitive you broads are about that kinda thing. (not like I could ask her to just hold it in her mouth and don't say anything...that would be ungentlemanly) |
Here's my take on this for what it's worth. I would never expect a first date to sneak sandwhiches in for me unless of course she specifically asked too lol. And also he shouldnt have assumed you wanted a cup of ice. When invited to the movies though I would only assume he will buy your ticket not any concession food. Though he probably will offer to buy that too. Though it's not a bad thing either if the guy gets the tickets and the girl offers to get the snacks. I appreciate when a woman is willing to even offe to do that even if I say no its no problem Ill get both. This guy might just be trying to save some money and in the process looked kind of foolish. If yo had fun on the date besides what occurred maybe consider giving him a second try. If t bothered you that much though let it go. There's billions of other guys out there. There's a good answer. I wouldn't have mind buying snacks. |
I am even cheaper. I like museums and art galleries. They don't even have snacks. (Well, the art galleries do offer free wine, beer and hors devours.) I just get used movies cause if I am gonna spend time getting to know someone...I would rather actually talk to her or make out with her like a teenager. But, don't get me wrong....for a first date I do my best to impress. Wash and vaccuum the car. Gnaw my toenails. Bathe. I take a woman out and have been known to blow way too much money on a good date. Often for nothing. Still, I was raised by a disco pimp daddy so I was taught old school that a lady should be treated like a LADY. (Tom Jones or Barry White style) The point of a date is to make an impression. I understand your point more than you may realize Cara. You have raised four kids,and supported yourself and are approaching retirment. You have paid your dues woman. You do NOT have to settle for less at this point in your life. Stick to your standards and stick to your guns honey! So, it was a lame date. Sing it out girl...."NEXT!!!!" (ps...I can't afford you ) :) ![]() ![]() |
But, I am trying to talk about getting sex on the cheap while still treating a lady like a lady.....
Oh wait! YB is buying snacks? I am all OVER that action.....!!!! Yowzahhh |
That's our problem we don't expect men to be gentlemen anymore. And I thank you all for that. I would never pass the mark. The bar is too high. On the other hand, we guys don't expect you to be ladies, either. What we do with you in our daydream fantasies, right after the restaurant on the first date, is a dream our gentlemen forefathers would never even dream of dreaming. |
Our forefathers would have dreamed of a second date in the courtship process. That ship has sailed. By the second date, we had better be moving on to freakier sex or we may as well just ask her sister out. |
But, I am trying to talk about getting sex on the cheap while still treating a lady like a lady..... Oh wait! YB is buying snacks? I am all OVER that action.....!!!! Yowzahhh Of course I'd buy the snacks I would even ask him before entering the movie if he didn't mind. I wouldn't have thought less of him. I'd paid for a date when I asked a man out and I'm gone dutch. I've had dates where the man wanted to cook for me and I supplied everything. I don't have a problem contributing. If I'm correct this sounded like a first date in which he asked her out. He should have done a better job than he did. I would even buy you snacks krupa, but I don't think your woman would like that. ![]() ![]() |
Edited by
Mon 08/29/11 09:33 PM
Wux... Our forefathers would have dreamed of a second date in the courtship process. That ship has sailed. By the second date, we had better be moving on to freakier sex or we may as well just ask her sister out. You see, my son, young Krupa... perseverence pays off. I was making bets against all odds (but on both sides, to avoid potential financial loss) that you or Soufie would acknowledge me by the end of the day. So my work here is done. Good night, all, it was a LOT of fun tonight. I think I will come back here. This is a fun place. ----------- P.s. (Edit): Does soufie have a sister? Is she good in sexual daydream fantasies? |
He asked the lady out-to a place where conversation is zilch then expected his 'desert' at her place-ok he may have gave of his time but it seems to me he wanted a wham bam thank you mam night out..
If he wanted to get to know her then he would have made better arrangements so they could have time to chat and get to know one another-seems he opted for the easy route. He made the date cheap by his actions re wanting her to put out-he made assumptions. |
P.s. (Edit): Does soufie have a sister? Is she good in sexual daydream fantasies? I have 8 sisters. They would have you castrated by dawn :-) So, what was the punchline to the joke above? |
What's wrong with saving money, there's not much of it around these days. Think yourself lucky that you even got a drink. Save money later when you get married and have a budget. But if you are going to ask a lady out, make sure you have saved up $100 to spend. It's just courteous. Movies are totally expensive nowdays. i get it. But at least offer to take her to chinese food before the movie or go to dinner. Asking to sneak in sandwiches is rude, for one thing, how did he even know what kind of sandwich she wanted. What if he bought her roast beef. I hate roast beef sandwiches. Going to the movies on a date is already a bummer, cuz you dont get to talk too much. If you are, then it is a good idea to go to dinner or dessert before or after, so you at least get a chance to talk to one another. You have a set amount your date is supposed to spend on you? ![]() I agree that movies are bad for dates in the beginning, though. Well he doesnt have to spend the full 100, but if he does, I wont complain.. ![]() ![]() |
why do some, most, females assume the male is or has to pay? it's so weird. what do they owe you? is it part of the whole courting thing? i don't get it. is it weird that i don't ever let a guy pay for me? meh. perhaps i'm just odd. Its not that you are odd...although i wont disagree ![]() ![]() But there was a time, back in the day before your time youngens, that men attempted to court a girl, when it was a PLEASURE or HONOR (if you will) to BUY her a shake/burger and a ticket to the drive in--- It wasnt about sneaking peeps in and smuggling in food, it was a sign of pride and passion. And a man felt good about it. There is definitely a difference in dating now and then. My friends and I joke about it, how we are the last generation to live by a man who takes HONOR in supporting his woman and family. It was not a TWO PART DEAL. YOU look pretty, do your chores, and raise beautiful children. He works hard, take you out, provides for his family. I call it old school but it is just how i was raised and the men i date concur. No problems there. Its not your fault...your just part of the new generation. I barely made the cusp but i am glad i did. |