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Topic: Say a short poem for the person above you to show them you c - part 2
fussaguy's photo
Sat 07/28/12 08:53 AM
Because you can cook
And are not immature
If you have a look
Of that you'll be sure
Young men are hungry
Young men are looking
For a meal from the country
And to be blessed with some cooking

no photo
Sat 07/28/12 09:15 AM
Edited by Leigh2154 on Sat 07/28/12 09:15 AM

Because you can cook
And are not immature
If you have a look
Of that you'll be sure
Young men are hungry
Young men are looking
For a meal from the country
And to be blessed with some cooking

Oh if only it were true
If all I had to do for you
Was tie my apron round my waist
And cook a yummy meal or two...

Then I would have you in my clutch
Oh what fun, we'd have so much!
But if you take me out for eats,
you should know I go dutch!

Ladywind7's photo
Sat 07/28/12 01:25 PM
Why is it that I hate to cook? I would much rather have my nose in a book. Housework bores me as well. I believe I should marry someone rich, then hired help can do all the mundane, freeing my time to pursue that which, is more challenging & of gain :-P

oldhippie1952's photo
Sat 07/28/12 01:29 PM
You offer friendship out of the blue
I took it cuz I offer mine to you
You sound like an adventuresome soul
From the way your words make your eyes glow

I do not see you on here that much
Are you doing mundane things and such?
Now you have me laughing

And that is good for the spirit.

Ladywind7's photo
Sat 07/28/12 01:52 PM
Camaradie tickles the soul & bears lifes' burdens with you. For fear is an island borne alone. Alone, I refuse to be, when friends as delightful as you walk the blue. I see & I know the honour is mine.Turn those tears into a playful river, splashing you

mendy2's photo
Sat 07/28/12 08:28 PM
oh Iam not a fool
you only want cooking and cleaning
lol I dont think so
I think you want more from me
from my head to my toes,lol
you young men are sweet
and I could cook
and later make you a treat
But I prefer older men
who they have been through life
and they are ready to settle down
with a wife
But thank you
thank you
and the best of luck to all
of you,,,,,,,,,

metalwing's photo
Sun 07/29/12 09:40 PM
Dear Mindy your approach is wrong,
You can capture the men with a song!
Don't worry about right or wrong.
You can always lose them with a gong!

mendy2's photo
Sun 08/05/12 09:30 PM
oh with a song you say
here go my first
if I may
[ I dream of a man
I dont care if his name sam
If he only know how to
work the land
and love me to the end of time]

I sang a song for you??? lol

mendy2's photo
Mon 08/27/12 08:42 PM
hey mingle friends
i know it summer and
soon it will becoming to a end
but I need a poem
a short on will do
oh dont tell me you stop
on this game
i hope im not
to blame

metalwing's photo
Mon 08/27/12 10:13 PM
A short poem is needed,
To keep you alive.
A longer one might even,
Turn you into a beehive.

You would buzz and rumble,
All through the night.
Then come out a flowing,
Like bats or a kite!

But the best sound I'm thinking,
Is not a short dingle.
It's silly little poetry,
From the mind of a mingle.

prashant01's photo
Tue 09/04/12 08:13 AM
words makes poems
words makes lives
I won't play with them
they destroy lives

mendy2's photo
Tue 09/04/12 10:21 PM
oh no parshanto1
words dont destroy lives
the right words can
sometime make you cry
that is why
I write poems to
make people smile or laugh
or cry
oh couldnt you just try
the words dont havt to rythm
or stay in line
say it from your heart
and you will make new friends
and you will never part

Ladywind7's photo
Tue 09/04/12 11:39 PM
Prashant tells it like it is. Words said take one to the heavens or the abyss. The power we have with the tongue will build or tear down, Words are open arms or a knife to kill, tis a known. Truth we wield, bitter or sweet. Our heart does speak!

metalwing's photo
Wed 09/05/12 08:35 AM
The reason we rhyme,
I need to say.
Is not to hurt,
But to make play.

mendy2's photo
Sat 09/08/12 03:28 PM
you right little piggy
with a tail that is so wiggy
when I rhyme is dosent
matter what time
it come from my heart
it make me feel smart
but it somtimes come
from pain
when some people play that
i dont like you any more
name game
I try not to use words
that hurt
people from all over
I feel have worth
so if you can when
you feel the need
just say alittle poem
sew alittle happy seed,,,,,,,,,:heart:

mendy2's photo
Sat 10/06/12 07:11 PM
every one must be busy tonight
i dont see a single person
on this site
they must be home with there wife
i know you say your single
but it may not be true
i guess that why we
dont chat on on here
maybe the ladys are
saying tonight ok
we are all through
oh just for get what i said
tonight i, feeling
alittle --blue

mendy2's photo
Sat 10/06/12 07:11 PM
every one must be busy tonight
i dont see a single person
on this site
they must be home with there wife
i know you say your single
but it may not be true
i guess that why we
dont chat on on here
maybe the ladys are
saying tonight ok
we are all through
oh just for get what i said
tonight i, feeling
alittle --blue

metalwing's photo
Sat 10/06/12 10:04 PM
Blue doesn't suit you,
O' Mindy of 2,
You just need some company,
To smooch and to ... say boo!

For Halloween is coming,
It's just around the corner.
So get ready for some friendly ghosts,
And stop being a mourner.

Ladywind7's photo
Mon 10/08/12 12:37 AM
Trick or treat is what children propose. An easy choice they suppose. Sugary sweet, best or not? Or mischief devised when moon smiles & does wink. Innocent pranks are far better I think. Waste not the creative play! Give license to doorknockers fun foray.

metalwing's photo
Mon 10/08/12 04:01 PM
What to do?
For Halloween snacks?
Chocolate? Nuts?
Or pre-filled sacks?

Perhaps a cupcake,
Filled with dead ants?
Or thousands of live ones,
To put in their pants!

As reality sets in,
If I'll pass the taste test.
I'll get all my favorites,
'cause I'll eat all the rest!

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