no photo
Tue 06/28/11 06:44 PM

I really want to stress here that I am no authority on relationships, just know what I know from experience....

And I am not in any way, trying to tell anybody, what to do.

This is all just my opinion.flowerforyou
so I DON'T have to write her first ?????? :tongue:
Your a grown man!! Of course you can do whatever you want to do, im just offering alternatives, thats all. Come a dreamer with me...its alot better than just thinking its hopeless, my little turtle friend!laugh laugh
yes deer flowers

luv2roknroll's photo
Tue 06/28/11 06:46 PM
Let me share this with you. A man added me to his favorites, I will keep his identity unknown, and I thanked him and said that it was really nice, and to take care.

This is what he wrote me back..........

I smiled to many people for more than a billion times; but when I first saw your picture, my heart took over and smiled for the first time.The greatest gift to my eyesight is having my eyes set on you and i wish to steal you away from all your admires and have you just for myself.I desire to keep in contact with you and know all about you.If you're ever on Yahoo me up at (censored) or write me directly to my email.I will be looking forward to read from you soon.

Now thats pretty awesome for him to say all those beautiful things to me. I however am not interested, so I wrote him back and thanked him for the nice words and told him I was very flattered, but not interested in us getting to know each other, and thanked him for considering me.

He probably wont write me back, and if he does and keeps going on and on, scary, like stalkerish, I will block him.But I was at least kind about saying no, and tried to spare his feelings. He was obviously smitten by me. And life goes on. I should hope by the considerable way I rejected his offer, that he will not be afraid to email another that pulls his heart strings. Thats my intent anyways.

luv2roknroll's photo
Tue 06/28/11 06:49 PM

I really want to stress here that I am no authority on relationships, just know what I know from experience....

And I am not in any way, trying to tell anybody, what to do.

This is all just my opinion.flowerforyou
so I DON'T have to write her first ?????? :tongue:
Your a grown man!! Of course you can do whatever you want to do, im just offering alternatives, thats all. Come a dreamer with me...its alot better than just thinking its hopeless, my little turtle friend!laugh laugh
yes deer flowers

you called me dear...surprised

was that a slap on the azz??? Sorry, I just couldnt resist!! Just kidding!!rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

lionsbrew's photo
Tue 06/28/11 06:50 PM

I email back most of the time. Most of the time I'm just getting perved with no convo. It makes me feel like a piece of meat.laugh

You are a piece of meat, raawwrrrrr!flowerforyou

Thats what she said.laugh

lionsbrew's photo
Tue 06/28/11 06:50 PM

I email back most of the time. Most of the time I'm just getting perved with no convo. It makes me feel like a piece of meat.laugh

You are a piece of meat, raawwrrrrr!flowerforyou

Thats what she said.laugh

luv2roknroll's photo
Tue 06/28/11 06:55 PM

I email back most of the time. Most of the time I'm just getting perved with no convo. It makes me feel like a piece of meat.laugh

You are a piece of meat, raawwrrrrr!flowerforyou

Thats what she said.laugh


I would like meat with my potatoes too please!!!pitchfork laugh laugh

no photo
Tue 06/28/11 06:55 PM

Call me Cupid...I dont care. I just hate to see something that could have been, get squished underfoot, because of one two or even three azzwholes!
shirley you're not talking about Lex and I ??

Kinda feels that way, huh?


Before I can even begin to think about the potential for a relationship, I'm going to have to first believe there's a POSSIBILITY that there MIGHT be someone compatible out there. I have yet to see a single indicator that this could be the case. So it makes no sense for me to waste a lot of time and energy on something that probably does not exist in the first place. If I have to choose between spending my time writing more books, or squandering it away on a pointless, delusional search for something that was never even there to begin with, it's not a difficult decision.

It doesnt have to be black or white...theres a middle. You can divide your time and spend more time on some things, and less time on others.You've already decieded in your head that its not gonna happen, so it probably wont. Write books, be happy, if thats all you need, im very happy for you. You know I love you Lex, and im not trying to tell anyone what to do, its all JMO.

It's just that, back in 2006 and 2007, I would have figured I'd have four or five exes from here by now....

Live and learn, huh....?


Totage's photo
Tue 06/28/11 06:56 PM

I always reply to my mail (even most of the spammers/scammers!)...

That's the worse thing to do with spammers/scammers. Report them and block them.
EXACTLY Totage!!

The voice of reason speaks!!flowerforyou

That way your not encouraging scammers and spammers, and your using the services that MIngle has supplied to us, to eliminate such things from happening!

But, sometimes it's amusing. Besides, the more time of theirs that I can waste is less time they have to bother somebody else that might fall for it. So, I'm actually doing people a service! laugh

It also makes it more difficult for us admins. to keep our sites safe and enjoyable for people.

I have several of my own forums sites.

lionsbrew's photo
Tue 06/28/11 06:58 PM

I email back most of the time. Most of the time I'm just getting perved with no convo. It makes me feel like a piece of meat.laugh

You are a piece of meat, raawwrrrrr!flowerforyou

Thats what she said.laugh


I would like meat with my potatoes too please!!!pitchfork laugh laugh

I've already been reserved for another's order.laugh

luv2roknroll's photo
Tue 06/28/11 06:59 PM
Edited by luv2roknroll on Tue 06/28/11 07:02 PM

Call me Cupid...I dont care. I just hate to see something that could have been, get squished underfoot, because of one two or even three azzwholes!
shirley you're not talking about Lex and I ??

Kinda feels that way, huh?


Before I can even begin to think about the potential for a relationship, I'm going to have to first believe there's a POSSIBILITY that there MIGHT be someone compatible out there. I have yet to see a single indicator that this could be the case. So it makes no sense for me to waste a lot of time and energy on something that probably does not exist in the first place. If I have to choose between spending my time writing more books, or squandering it away on a pointless, delusional search for something that was never even there to begin with, it's not a difficult decision.

It doesnt have to be black or white...theres a middle. You can divide your time and spend more time on some things, and less time on others.You've already decieded in your head that its not gonna happen, so it probably wont. Write books, be happy, if thats all you need, im very happy for you. You know I love you Lex, and im not trying to tell anyone what to do, its all JMO.

It's just that, back in 2006 and 2007, I would have figured I'd have four or five exes from here by now....

Live and learn, huh....?

Thats a good thing....look at all the time you didnt waste on 4 or 5 ex's...means you should still have plenty of energy to write books, do what you want to, and maybe just peek around for Mrs. Right!!hehe.

Simonedemidova's photo
Tue 06/28/11 07:00 PM

I email back most of the time. Most of the time I'm just getting perved with no convo. It makes me feel like a piece of meat.laugh

You are a piece of meat, raawwrrrrr!flowerforyou

Thats what she said.laugh

Oh so she said that TWICE--MEOW! (I'm Jealous)

luv2roknroll's photo
Tue 06/28/11 07:00 PM

I email back most of the time. Most of the time I'm just getting perved with no convo. It makes me feel like a piece of meat.laugh

You are a piece of meat, raawwrrrrr!flowerforyou

Thats what she said.laugh


I would like meat with my potatoes too please!!!pitchfork laugh laugh

I've already been reserved for another's order.laugh
Me too silly...

was just pulling your TBone leg!!laugh laugh laugh laugh

no photo
Tue 06/28/11 07:01 PM

I really want to stress here that I am no authority on relationships, just know what I know from experience....

And I am not in any way, trying to tell anybody, what to do.

This is all just my opinion.flowerforyou
so I DON'T have to write her first ?????? :tongue:
Your a grown man!! Of course you can do whatever you want to do, im just offering alternatives, thats all. Come a dreamer with me...its alot better than just thinking its hopeless, my little turtle friend!laugh laugh
yes deer flowers

you called me dear...surprised

was that a slap on the azz??? Sorry, I just couldnt resist!! Just kidding!!rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl
call it what you want :wink:

Simonedemidova's photo
Tue 06/28/11 07:01 PM

I email back most of the time. Most of the time I'm just getting perved with no convo. It makes me feel like a piece of meat.laugh

You are a piece of meat, raawwrrrrr!flowerforyou

Thats what she said.laugh


I would like meat with my potatoes too please!!!pitchfork laugh laugh

ME TOO! Or in between my potatoes, whatever!smokin

luv2roknroll's photo
Tue 06/28/11 07:02 PM

I email back most of the time. Most of the time I'm just getting perved with no convo. It makes me feel like a piece of meat.laugh

You are a piece of meat, raawwrrrrr!flowerforyou

Thats what she said.laugh

Oh so she said that TWICE--MEOW! (I'm Jealous)
LIonsbrew is in love, or well, at least lust anyways!!flowerforyou

lionsbrew's photo
Tue 06/28/11 07:03 PM
Yes I am smitten. Can't help if you knew how amazing my woman is you'ld be smitten too.

Simonedemidova's photo
Tue 06/28/11 07:04 PM

I email back most of the time. Most of the time I'm just getting perved with no convo. It makes me feel like a piece of meat.laugh

You are a piece of meat, raawwrrrrr!flowerforyou

Thats what she said.laugh

Oh so she said that TWICE--MEOW! (I'm Jealous)
LIonsbrew is in love, or well, at least lust anyways!!flowerforyou

SHRUG-- All the good ones go fast I guess...

luv2roknroll's photo
Tue 06/28/11 07:07 PM

I really want to stress here that I am no authority on relationships, just know what I know from experience....

And I am not in any way, trying to tell anybody, what to do.

This is all just my opinion.flowerforyou
so I DON'T have to write her first ?????? :tongue:
Your a grown man!! Of course you can do whatever you want to do, im just offering alternatives, thats all. Come a dreamer with me...its alot better than just thinking its hopeless, my little turtle friend!laugh laugh
yes deer flowers

you called me dear...surprised

was that a slap on the azz??? Sorry, I just couldnt resist!! Just kidding!!rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl
call it what you want :wink:

luv2roknroll's photo
Tue 06/28/11 07:12 PM

Yes I am smitten. Can't help if you knew how amazing my woman is you'ld be smitten too.

Maybe im amazed at the way you love me all the time

Or maybe im afraid of the way I love you

Maybe im amazed at the way you pulled me out of time

you hung me on a line

Maybe im amazed at the way I need you.

-Paul McCartney

Totage's photo
Tue 06/28/11 07:13 PM
That's a good song.