no photo
Tue 06/28/11 05:37 PM

I would have never expected you to have a defeatus attitude!!

You surprised me!
I'm a quitter, besides it keeps me single bigsmile
I wasent aware that you wanted to stay single...


My bad!slaphead
hell yes I do. I'm here to play with you women, not marry you flowers
Who said marry??? There is a happy medium in between marriage, and being single. Its called dating.
well it really doesn't matter cos there on no women in my area that have been here in the last month :thumbsup:
Doesnt mean she wont show up tomorrow, or Thursday. You have to have your eyes open to see her. Ya know?
well all she has to do is write both ways ya know :wink:

josie68's photo
Tue 06/28/11 05:37 PM

I know it shocked me as well, I always reply, except to ridiculous ones, asking me to breed or send naked emails:angry:

I have some great friends on here and love talking to most people..

Your a diamond in the ruff!!!flowerforyou

Dont ever change!!

laugh laugh laugh I lov your posts, you always make us feel good about ourselvesflowerforyou

luv2roknroll's photo
Tue 06/28/11 05:39 PM

I just dont get it, enlighten me. I have so many guys tell me that they are shocked that I answered their email.:cry:

Why should that be shocking.what

You know, when I first signed on here, I used to send some e-mails out to some local people. And I never got a reply. Not one. So I just stopped! If I wanted to be ignored, I could have stayed married!

I suspect, based on my own experience, and many others I've heard, that it is sort of unusual for a guy to actually get a response. I know I'd never send anyone a first message again!

See, thats my point!!

Other women have ruined it for the ones of us who do want an email from a guy showing interest in me. Dont say you'll never send out a first message again...we're not ALL like that!!Dont let one bad apple spoil a whole bunch of girs.-Donny Osmond

Oh, it was WAY more than ONE....!

Enough to let me know I was wasting my time, not to mention wasting the time of those I was writing to.

After I had been here awhile, and had become established in the forums, they started writing to me. Much easier that way. As I'm essentially pretty lazy, it's better for me to sit back and wait for them to initiate things.

It's true that I still haven't heard from anyone who is close enough (either geographically or philosophically) for me to actually get to know in person, but there's always the possibility someone new (and local) will sign up tomorrow.

But I will NOT be sending out any more first messages....! I LEARNED my lesson on THAT one....!

So maybe the girl who joins tomorrow, and is a bit shy, could be "the one" for you...but you wont ever know, because you refuse to write her first. Thats sad! Rejection is part of the process, but just cause you lost this race, doesnt mean your gonna lose the next one,and you should never race again. You feel me??

I'm OK with being single. Everything I really NEED to do -- breathe, eat, sleep, drink, read, write -- I can do perfectly well on my own. I really don't NEED anybody.

Fact is, I'd gladly go back and ERASE every relationship I've ever had from my personal history, if there was any real way to do so.

So, in my experience, I've yet to see a relationship that wasn't more trouble than it was worth.

I don't expect to ever see one. Not saying it's impossible, but I've seen more evidence for the Yeti than I have for a "good relationship."

Bottom line is, since I don't actually NEED anybody, I'll be damned if I'm going to "settle" for another dead-end, brain-dead, society-driven airhead fluffball who is only going to try to turn me into a cardboard cutout 3 months down the road. If it ain't what I want, I'm not even THINKING about starting anything. End of.

Who said for you to settle for less?? Not me. Im glad your happy all alone, but you have to admit, you would be happier with someone, if she was the right one, and didnt come with all the bullchit your talking about. Not all women are the same, just most of them.laugh And your already damning your chances when you say,"you dont expect to see one". I know you said its not impossible...but you sure as hell are leaning in the other direction towards defeat, than victory!

luv2roknroll's photo
Tue 06/28/11 05:39 PM

I know it shocked me as well, I always reply, except to ridiculous ones, asking me to breed or send naked emails:angry:

I have some great friends on here and love talking to most people..

Your a diamond in the ruff!!!flowerforyou

Dont ever change!!

laugh laugh laugh I lov your posts, you always make us feel good about ourselvesflowerforyou
Im just die-hard honest..

thats all!flowerforyou

no photo
Tue 06/28/11 05:40 PM

Let's see Websters definition of dating. Here it is.

Dating: scariest word known to men
Dating is scary for everyone, especially when half way through the date you realize there is no chemistry between the two of you. So you probably add a new one, to your list of friends, you dont run away like a scared puppy with your tail between your legs!

Now, now, do you really picture me running away with my tail between my legs?

no photo
Tue 06/28/11 05:42 PM

I just dont get it, enlighten me. I have so many guys tell me that they are shocked that I answered their email.:cry:

Why should that be shocking.what

You know, when I first signed on here, I used to send some e-mails out to some local people. And I never got a reply. Not one. So I just stopped! If I wanted to be ignored, I could have stayed married!

I suspect, based on my own experience, and many others I've heard, that it is sort of unusual for a guy to actually get a response. I know I'd never send anyone a first message again!

See, thats my point!!

Other women have ruined it for the ones of us who do want an email from a guy showing interest in me. Dont say you'll never send out a first message again...we're not ALL like that!!Dont let one bad apple spoil a whole bunch of girs.-Donny Osmond

Oh, it was WAY more than ONE....!

Enough to let me know I was wasting my time, not to mention wasting the time of those I was writing to.

After I had been here awhile, and had become established in the forums, they started writing to me. Much easier that way. As I'm essentially pretty lazy, it's better for me to sit back and wait for them to initiate things.

It's true that I still haven't heard from anyone who is close enough (either geographically or philosophically) for me to actually get to know in person, but there's always the possibility someone new (and local) will sign up tomorrow.

But I will NOT be sending out any more first messages....! I LEARNED my lesson on THAT one....!

So maybe the girl who joins tomorrow, and is a bit shy, could be "the one" for you...but you wont ever know, because you refuse to write her first. Thats sad! Rejection is part of the process, but just cause you lost this race, doesnt mean your gonna lose the next one,and you should never race again. You feel me??

Hmm how about putting on your profile that you dont email first, so at least anyone who is interested can message you.
I did that :wink:

luv2roknroll's photo
Tue 06/28/11 05:43 PM

I would have never expected you to have a defeatus attitude!!

You surprised me!
I'm a quitter, besides it keeps me single bigsmile
I wasent aware that you wanted to stay single...


My bad!slaphead
hell yes I do. I'm here to play with you women, not marry you flowers
Who said marry??? There is a happy medium in between marriage, and being single. Its called dating.
well it really doesn't matter cos there on no women in my area that have been here in the last month :thumbsup:
Doesnt mean she wont show up tomorrow, or Thursday. You have to have your eyes open to see her. Ya know?
well all she has to do is write both ways ya know :wink:
So your just gonna sit there, and wait for someone, that you are attracted to,to make the first move.Hey, good luck with that, but I wouldnt hold my breath if I were you.

luv2roknroll's photo
Tue 06/28/11 05:44 PM

Let's see Websters definition of dating. Here it is.

Dating: scariest word known to men
Dating is scary for everyone, especially when half way through the date you realize there is no chemistry between the two of you. So you probably add a new one, to your list of friends, you dont run away like a scared puppy with your tail between your legs!

Now, now, do you really picture me running away with my tail between my legs?
Its an expression Mg...

you know what I mean!

luv2roknroll's photo
Tue 06/28/11 05:45 PM

I just dont get it, enlighten me. I have so many guys tell me that they are shocked that I answered their email.:cry:

Why should that be shocking.what

You know, when I first signed on here, I used to send some e-mails out to some local people. And I never got a reply. Not one. So I just stopped! If I wanted to be ignored, I could have stayed married!

I suspect, based on my own experience, and many others I've heard, that it is sort of unusual for a guy to actually get a response. I know I'd never send anyone a first message again!

See, thats my point!!

Other women have ruined it for the ones of us who do want an email from a guy showing interest in me. Dont say you'll never send out a first message again...we're not ALL like that!!Dont let one bad apple spoil a whole bunch of girs.-Donny Osmond

Oh, it was WAY more than ONE....!

Enough to let me know I was wasting my time, not to mention wasting the time of those I was writing to.

After I had been here awhile, and had become established in the forums, they started writing to me. Much easier that way. As I'm essentially pretty lazy, it's better for me to sit back and wait for them to initiate things.

It's true that I still haven't heard from anyone who is close enough (either geographically or philosophically) for me to actually get to know in person, but there's always the possibility someone new (and local) will sign up tomorrow.

But I will NOT be sending out any more first messages....! I LEARNED my lesson on THAT one....!

So maybe the girl who joins tomorrow, and is a bit shy, could be "the one" for you...but you wont ever know, because you refuse to write her first. Thats sad! Rejection is part of the process, but just cause you lost this race, doesnt mean your gonna lose the next one,and you should never race again. You feel me??

Hmm how about putting on your profile that you dont email first, so at least anyone who is interested can message you.
I did that :wink:
That works!

no photo
Tue 06/28/11 05:47 PM

Let's see Websters definition of dating. Here it is.

Dating: scariest word known to men
Dating is scary for everyone, especially when half way through the date you realize there is no chemistry between the two of you. So you probably add a new one, to your list of friends, you dont run away like a scared puppy with your tail between your legs!

Now, now, do you really picture me running away with my tail between my legs?
Its an expression Mg...

you know what I mean!

What I mean is guys get scared too. There are a lot of women stalkers these days.

luv2roknroll's photo
Tue 06/28/11 05:47 PM
Call me Cupid...I dont care. I just hate to see something that could have been, get squished underfoot, because of one two or even three azzwholes!

no photo
Tue 06/28/11 05:48 PM

I would have never expected you to have a defeatus attitude!!

You surprised me!
I'm a quitter, besides it keeps me single bigsmile
I wasent aware that you wanted to stay single...


My bad!slaphead
hell yes I do. I'm here to play with you women, not marry you flowers
Who said marry??? There is a happy medium in between marriage, and being single. Its called dating.
well it really doesn't matter cos there on no women in my area that have been here in the last month :thumbsup:
Doesnt mean she wont show up tomorrow, or Thursday. You have to have your eyes open to see her. Ya know?
well all she has to do is write both ways ya know :wink:
So your just gonna sit there, and wait for someone, that you are attracted to,to make the first move.Hey, good luck with that, but I wouldnt hold my breath if I were you.
I'm not holding my breath.
ok just for you. if I ever see anybody that REALLY interests me I'll write her...........maybe....

luv2roknroll's photo
Tue 06/28/11 05:52 PM
Edited by luv2roknroll on Tue 06/28/11 05:54 PM

Let's see Websters definition of dating. Here it is.

Dating: scariest word known to men
Dating is scary for everyone, especially when half way through the date you realize there is no chemistry between the two of you. So you probably add a new one, to your list of friends, you dont run away like a scared puppy with your tail between your legs!

Now, now, do you really picture me running away with my tail between my legs?
Its an expression Mg...

you know what I mean!

What I mean is guys get scared too. There are a lot of women stalkers these days.
And everyday when I walk down the street, I run the risk of being raped and or murdered. It doesnt keep me from going where I need to, I just use more caution, knowing there is danger out there.
I could fall off of the roller coaster while its in motion, doesnt mean im never riding a roller coaster again, I take my chances for the thrill of it all. I get bucked off a horse, do I never ride again??/ Hell no, I firmly grab the reigns and I ride, and its wonderful while it lasts. It may last forever, maybe not, but you never know till you try!And even when it doesnt last forever, you had a hell of a time, doing it!!

luv2roknroll's photo
Tue 06/28/11 05:53 PM

I would have never expected you to have a defeatus attitude!!

You surprised me!
I'm a quitter, besides it keeps me single bigsmile
I wasent aware that you wanted to stay single...


My bad!slaphead
hell yes I do. I'm here to play with you women, not marry you flowers
Who said marry??? There is a happy medium in between marriage, and being single. Its called dating.
well it really doesn't matter cos there on no women in my area that have been here in the last month :thumbsup:
Doesnt mean she wont show up tomorrow, or Thursday. You have to have your eyes open to see her. Ya know?
well all she has to do is write both ways ya know :wink:
So your just gonna sit there, and wait for someone, that you are attracted to,to make the first move.Hey, good luck with that, but I wouldnt hold my breath if I were you.
I'm not holding my breath.
ok just for you. if I ever see anybody that REALLY interests me I'll write her...........maybe....
A definite maybe...

ill take it!laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

no photo
Tue 06/28/11 05:53 PM

I just dont get it, enlighten me. I have so many guys tell me that they are shocked that I answered their email.:cry:

Why should that be shocking.what

You know, when I first signed on here, I used to send some e-mails out to some local people. And I never got a reply. Not one. So I just stopped! If I wanted to be ignored, I could have stayed married!

I suspect, based on my own experience, and many others I've heard, that it is sort of unusual for a guy to actually get a response. I know I'd never send anyone a first message again!

See, thats my point!!

Other women have ruined it for the ones of us who do want an email from a guy showing interest in me. Dont say you'll never send out a first message again...we're not ALL like that!!Dont let one bad apple spoil a whole bunch of girs.-Donny Osmond

Oh, it was WAY more than ONE....!

Enough to let me know I was wasting my time, not to mention wasting the time of those I was writing to.

After I had been here awhile, and had become established in the forums, they started writing to me. Much easier that way. As I'm essentially pretty lazy, it's better for me to sit back and wait for them to initiate things.

It's true that I still haven't heard from anyone who is close enough (either geographically or philosophically) for me to actually get to know in person, but there's always the possibility someone new (and local) will sign up tomorrow.

But I will NOT be sending out any more first messages....! I LEARNED my lesson on THAT one....!

So maybe the girl who joins tomorrow, and is a bit shy, could be "the one" for you...but you wont ever know, because you refuse to write her first. Thats sad! Rejection is part of the process, but just cause you lost this race, doesnt mean your gonna lose the next one,and you should never race again. You feel me??

Hmm how about putting on your profile that you dont email first, so at least anyone who is interested can message you.
I did that :wink:

I did that ages ago, too. I figure it's best to put it out there. Not that it's made any real difference!

no photo
Tue 06/28/11 05:54 PM

I just dont get it, enlighten me. I have so many guys tell me that they are shocked that I answered their email.:cry:

Why should that be shocking.what

You know, when I first signed on here, I used to send some e-mails out to some local people. And I never got a reply. Not one. So I just stopped! If I wanted to be ignored, I could have stayed married!

I suspect, based on my own experience, and many others I've heard, that it is sort of unusual for a guy to actually get a response. I know I'd never send anyone a first message again!

See, thats my point!!

Other women have ruined it for the ones of us who do want an email from a guy showing interest in me. Dont say you'll never send out a first message again...we're not ALL like that!!Dont let one bad apple spoil a whole bunch of girs.-Donny Osmond

Oh, it was WAY more than ONE....!

Enough to let me know I was wasting my time, not to mention wasting the time of those I was writing to.

After I had been here awhile, and had become established in the forums, they started writing to me. Much easier that way. As I'm essentially pretty lazy, it's better for me to sit back and wait for them to initiate things.

It's true that I still haven't heard from anyone who is close enough (either geographically or philosophically) for me to actually get to know in person, but there's always the possibility someone new (and local) will sign up tomorrow.

But I will NOT be sending out any more first messages....! I LEARNED my lesson on THAT one....!

So maybe the girl who joins tomorrow, and is a bit shy, could be "the one" for you...but you wont ever know, because you refuse to write her first. Thats sad! Rejection is part of the process, but just cause you lost this race, doesnt mean your gonna lose the next one,and you should never race again. You feel me??

Hmm how about putting on your profile that you dont email first, so at least anyone who is interested can message you.
I did that :wink:
That works!
as well as me writing them first laugh

luv2roknroll's photo
Tue 06/28/11 05:55 PM

I just dont get it, enlighten me. I have so many guys tell me that they are shocked that I answered their email.:cry:

Why should that be shocking.what

You know, when I first signed on here, I used to send some e-mails out to some local people. And I never got a reply. Not one. So I just stopped! If I wanted to be ignored, I could have stayed married!

I suspect, based on my own experience, and many others I've heard, that it is sort of unusual for a guy to actually get a response. I know I'd never send anyone a first message again!

See, thats my point!!

Other women have ruined it for the ones of us who do want an email from a guy showing interest in me. Dont say you'll never send out a first message again...we're not ALL like that!!Dont let one bad apple spoil a whole bunch of girs.-Donny Osmond

Oh, it was WAY more than ONE....!

Enough to let me know I was wasting my time, not to mention wasting the time of those I was writing to.

After I had been here awhile, and had become established in the forums, they started writing to me. Much easier that way. As I'm essentially pretty lazy, it's better for me to sit back and wait for them to initiate things.

It's true that I still haven't heard from anyone who is close enough (either geographically or philosophically) for me to actually get to know in person, but there's always the possibility someone new (and local) will sign up tomorrow.

But I will NOT be sending out any more first messages....! I LEARNED my lesson on THAT one....!

So maybe the girl who joins tomorrow, and is a bit shy, could be "the one" for you...but you wont ever know, because you refuse to write her first. Thats sad! Rejection is part of the process, but just cause you lost this race, doesnt mean your gonna lose the next one,and you should never race again. You feel me??

Hmm how about putting on your profile that you dont email first, so at least anyone who is interested can message you.
I did that :wink:

I did that ages ago, too. I figure it's best to put it out there. Not that it's made any real difference!

Its not the answer, but its getting closer anyways!

no photo
Tue 06/28/11 05:55 PM

Call me Cupid...I dont care. I just hate to see something that could have been, get squished underfoot, because of one two or even three azzwholes!
shirley you're not talking about Lex and I ??

luv2roknroll's photo
Tue 06/28/11 05:57 PM

I just dont get it, enlighten me. I have so many guys tell me that they are shocked that I answered their email.:cry:

Why should that be shocking.what

You know, when I first signed on here, I used to send some e-mails out to some local people. And I never got a reply. Not one. So I just stopped! If I wanted to be ignored, I could have stayed married!

I suspect, based on my own experience, and many others I've heard, that it is sort of unusual for a guy to actually get a response. I know I'd never send anyone a first message again!

See, thats my point!!

Other women have ruined it for the ones of us who do want an email from a guy showing interest in me. Dont say you'll never send out a first message again...we're not ALL like that!!Dont let one bad apple spoil a whole bunch of girs.-Donny Osmond

Oh, it was WAY more than ONE....!

Enough to let me know I was wasting my time, not to mention wasting the time of those I was writing to.

After I had been here awhile, and had become established in the forums, they started writing to me. Much easier that way. As I'm essentially pretty lazy, it's better for me to sit back and wait for them to initiate things.

It's true that I still haven't heard from anyone who is close enough (either geographically or philosophically) for me to actually get to know in person, but there's always the possibility someone new (and local) will sign up tomorrow.

But I will NOT be sending out any more first messages....! I LEARNED my lesson on THAT one....!

So maybe the girl who joins tomorrow, and is a bit shy, could be "the one" for you...but you wont ever know, because you refuse to write her first. Thats sad! Rejection is part of the process, but just cause you lost this race, doesnt mean your gonna lose the next one,and you should never race again. You feel me??

Hmm how about putting on your profile that you dont email first, so at least anyone who is interested can message you.
I did that :wink:
That works!
as well as me writing them first laugh
No, its not the answer, but its a start!

no photo
Tue 06/28/11 05:57 PM

I would have never expected you to have a defeatus attitude!!

You surprised me!
I'm a quitter, besides it keeps me single bigsmile
I wasent aware that you wanted to stay single...


My bad!slaphead
hell yes I do. I'm here to play with you women, not marry you flowers
Who said marry??? There is a happy medium in between marriage, and being single. Its called dating.
well it really doesn't matter cos there on no women in my area that have been here in the last month :thumbsup:
Doesnt mean she wont show up tomorrow, or Thursday. You have to have your eyes open to see her. Ya know?
well all she has to do is write both ways ya know :wink:
So your just gonna sit there, and wait for someone, that you are attracted to,to make the first move.Hey, good luck with that, but I wouldnt hold my breath if I were you.
I'm not holding my breath.
ok just for you. if I ever see anybody that REALLY interests me I'll write her...........maybe....
A definite maybe...

ill take it!laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh
:thumbsup: laugh