no photo
Sat 06/18/11 04:58 PM

Why did I think these guys were doctors....whoa

my bad!slaphead

well we gave you more advice than your doc did laugh

I know, hes sooooooooooooo fired!explode
BTW, I do not see the big ugly mole in your pic...

winterblue56's photo
Sat 06/18/11 05:50 PM
You could always try this???? surprised

no photo
Sat 06/18/11 06:29 PM

So I go to the doctor yesterday to find out what this little bump is on my lip. Hes says its a cyst. I ask him, how do I get rid of it, and he says it will just go away by itself.

Ive had it for 3 weeks now, and its really bothering me.

I know you guys arent doctors, but do you know of any home remedies, or medicines, I can use to get rid of a cyst? Should I try to lance it?

I need more data to complete my computations.

1) Where is the cyst?
2) Does it hurt?

More questions may be forthcoming.

no photo
Sat 06/18/11 06:37 PM

if you wanna be king Ese, your gonna have to mud wrestle with Mikey, and Ujgearhead.:tongue:

May the perviest man win!!laugh laugh

i forfeit to mikey. the man has too much experience wrestling latex dolls for me to even think about wearing his crown

no photo
Sat 06/18/11 06:50 PM
Doctor, can you save the lip? Please I beg of you! You don't know how it's been around here.

OH please!

ujGearhead's photo
Sat 06/18/11 06:53 PM

if you wanna be king Ese, your gonna have to mud wrestle with Mikey, and Ujgearhead.:tongue:

May the perviest man win!!laugh laugh

i forfeit to mikey. the man has too much experience wrestling latex dolls for me to even think about wearing his crown

Latex dolls? Chit....He got nothing on me.....I spend my time wresting with blow-up sheep and rubber chickens!

luv2roknroll's photo
Sun 06/19/11 10:25 AM

So I go to the doctor yesterday to find out what this little bump is on my lip. Hes says its a cyst. I ask him, how do I get rid of it, and he says it will just go away by itself.

Ive had it for 3 weeks now, and its really bothering me.

I know you guys arent doctors, but do you know of any home remedies, or medicines, I can use to get rid of a cyst? Should I try to lance it?

I need more data to complete my computations.

1) Where is the cyst?
2) Does it hurt?

More questions may be forthcoming.

luv2roknroll's photo
Sun 06/19/11 10:25 AM

So I go to the doctor yesterday to find out what this little bump is on my lip. Hes says its a cyst. I ask him, how do I get rid of it, and he says it will just go away by itself.

Ive had it for 3 weeks now, and its really bothering me.

I know you guys arent doctors, but do you know of any home remedies, or medicines, I can use to get rid of a cyst? Should I try to lance it?

I need more data to complete my computations.

1) Where is the cyst?
2) Does it hurt?

More questions may be forthcoming.

Its on the edge of my upper lip.

No it does not hurt.

luv2roknroll's photo
Sun 06/19/11 10:26 AM

Why did I think these guys were doctors....whoa

my bad!slaphead

well we gave you more advice than your doc did laugh

I know, hes sooooooooooooo fired!explode
BTW, I do not see the big ugly mole in your pic...

BTW ManOfewwords...


luv2roknroll's photo
Sun 06/19/11 10:27 AM

if you wanna be king Ese, your gonna have to mud wrestle with Mikey, and Ujgearhead.:tongue:

May the perviest man win!!laugh laugh

i forfeit to mikey. the man has too much experience wrestling latex dolls for me to even think about wearing his crown
laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

luv2roknroll's photo
Sun 06/19/11 10:28 AM

if you wanna be king Ese, your gonna have to mud wrestle with Mikey, and Ujgearhead.:tongue:

May the perviest man win!!laugh laugh

i forfeit to mikey. the man has too much experience wrestling latex dolls for me to even think about wearing his crown

Latex dolls? Chit....He got nothing on me.....I spend my time wresting with blow-up sheep and rubber chickens!
And me in your dreams!bigsmile

Queene123's photo
Sun 06/19/11 10:40 AM

Naw, a cyst is not a it?

In addition, the news that its a cyst is not a releif. I would say, 'when will it go away, and are you sure its benign?' or the like.

He said its not cancerous, or dangerous in any way. No its not a boil.

i had a cyst on my nose
they took care of in the doc office
and the results came back fine

if i were you i probably would get a 2nd opion

no photo
Sun 06/19/11 10:42 AM

So I go to the doctor yesterday to find out what this little bump is on my lip. Hes says its a cyst. I ask him, how do I get rid of it, and he says it will just go away by itself.

Ive had it for 3 weeks now, and its really bothering me.

I know you guys arent doctors, but do you know of any home remedies, or medicines, I can use to get rid of a cyst? Should I try to lance it?

I need more data to complete my computations.

1) Where is the cyst?
2) Does it hurt?

More questions may be forthcoming.

Its on the edge of my upper lip.

No it does not hurt.

My best guess (and guess it is), is that it is a Mucous cyst. You can go to an oral specialist and have them deal with it, if it's really bothering you. It needs to be drained, which *should* happen naturally, but can be done safely by a doctor. The only treatment I would do at home would be a warm compress. Good luck.

no photo
Sun 06/19/11 11:25 AM
You may want to try putting (Pepto Bismol) on it before you go to bed. I have heard it works good for most things like that! It is worth a try!

And if you ask me????
I would run like he## from these (doc's) before you have NO LIPS at all!drinks :banana: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: slaphead

no photo
Sun 06/19/11 12:17 PM
Edited by Unknow on Sun 06/19/11 12:18 PM
I am a doctor. Ok, but my profession is Psychiatry and Psychotherapy ;) Maybe i can talk your cyst away :D

But one thing for sure. Leave it alone. The only one who sould remove that is a doctor. I know... here in Austria, you wouldn´t have to pay for such things, cause everyone has a insurance and they have to pay. But you should never manipulate with such things by your own.

MzCat73's photo
Sun 06/19/11 12:22 PM

Not kissing you tonight!

Its not contagious MG!!!Its a cyst!!noway

See, thats what every guy is gonna think now.whoa

I have lip disease.sad

Get me the scissors!!

OH NO..... scared scared surprised

no photo
Sun 06/19/11 12:30 PM
NEVER EVER cut things like that with scissors. Please.

ujGearhead's photo
Sun 06/19/11 12:35 PM

NEVER EVER cut things like that with scissors. Please.

Scissors leave too much of a scar. Use a box cutter and duct tape!

ujGearhead's photo
Sun 06/19/11 12:38 PM

if you wanna be king Ese, your gonna have to mud wrestle with Mikey, and Ujgearhead.:tongue:

May the perviest man win!!laugh laugh

i forfeit to mikey. the man has too much experience wrestling latex dolls for me to even think about wearing his crown

Latex dolls? Chit....He got nothing on me.....I spend my time wresting with blow-up sheep and rubber chickens!
And me in your dreams!bigsmile


luv2roknroll's photo
Sun 06/19/11 12:45 PM

NEVER EVER cut things like that with scissors. Please.

I tried using a very hot compress, got it soft, and stuck a needle in doesnt want to drain. It only started to bleed, so I put alcohol on it and neosporin.