Topic: Light Does Not Travel | |
The bottom line is that I feel that I am a spiritual being. There is no objective "evidence" of spiritual beings. Question. How can you look into a spiritual being's eye? This is one for the X files. |
The bottom line is that I feel that I am a spiritual being. There is no objective "evidence" of spiritual beings. That, I feel, is the short coming of objective science. I can estimate a percentage of possibility that I might be wrong according to my own personal experience and information that I have gathered and put together that fits and makes sense to me. That is, in my estimation, a 10% or 15% change that I could be wrong. So if I were to bet on it, I would bet that I am not wrong. Of course that is according only to my personal experience and feeling about it. Which is basically all I have. No person or scientists has be able to prove me wrong with science either. |
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Tue 06/14/11 04:05 PM
There was a time when I considered myself an atheist and strictly a materialist. I lived with the attitude that this life was it. The only one I will every have and when I'm dead, then I'm dead. It was quite liberating in a lot of ways.
But something happened that changed that. All I can say is that it was some sort of "enlightenment" that happened while I was practicing some kind of yoga breathing. (I figured if I only had this one life, I better take good care of my physical body.)-- (no, I did not hyperventilate LOL) I know it sounds silly and metaphysical, but a light actually appeared in the room for a few seconds. I did not know what it was, but it went away after a few seconds. I did not give it another thought. But the next day I was a "new" more spiritually enlightened person. I don't know how to answer your question... "What would it take?" I don't think I can undo that "enlightenment" experience and I'm not sure I would want to. My life, previous to that, looking back on it, seems dead and wrong and pointless. I think there is more than simply and objective reality. Not that I don't like this one, I think its a great and fascinating work of art! I am just an average person, but I have had more than one pretty unbelievable and unexplainable personal experiences. Oh OTHER people can explain them for their own satisfaction... but I can't agree with their explanations. (It is sort of like asking someone what would it take to "unlearn" something or what would it take to return to being the person I was 30 years ago.) |
What would it take to convince a scientist that the universe is a quantum computer used by a conscious thinking substance or mind?
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Tue 06/14/11 04:25 PM
And an explanation as to why the being would give human beings the ability to visualise that they themselves are part of the computer. |
The bottom line is that I feel that I am a spiritual being. There is no objective "evidence" of spiritual beings. Question. How can you look into a spiritual being's eye? This is one for the X files. Spiritual beings don't really have "eyes" in the sense that humans and animals do. Their entire being is "the eye." An eye is simply a physical organ manifested for the task of receiving light and sending it into the brain to interpret for the observer. The soul body is like a ball of light. It can 'see' in any direction it focuses its attention on. I am saying this because it is the experience I had once when I was out of my body and suspended up in the air. Yep, you can call it a hallucination or a dream if you want, since you don't believe such things are actually possible. LOL |
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Tue 06/14/11 04:30 PM
Evidence. And an explanation as to why the being would give human beings the ability to visualise that they themselves are part of the computer. The only evidence you would believe is personal experience and you probably would not even believe that. ![]() ("The being" does not actually "give" human beings anything. "The being" manifests as human beings. (And everything else.) |
Such things are not possible.
There has been a prize for anyone that could prove using a reviewed method that ANY supernatural phenomenon exist. Nobody has won it in 30 years. |
One thing for certain, time would not stop if all thinking beings died. Non-cognitive processes continue despite the absence of thought. Quoted for truth. Does repeating a statement help in making it appear to be "true?" A statement that begins with "ONE THING FOR CERTAIN..." is a very bold statement when there can be no evidence to support it. How does one come that 'certainty?' You forgot the Foucault pendulum in the post. Are you suggesting that if all thinking beings died that the Foucault pendulum would suddenly stop swinging just because somebody died?! ![]() That's why I said one thing for certain. I think it is obvious that the pendulum keeps swinging, planets rotate or orbit etc. even without any observers. |
Why have you alone been selected for the experience?
I pay my taxes, defend my country, act kindly towards others and obey the laws, written and unwritten of society. Why have I, or 99% of all other people not experienced such a being? Why does a child, with no pre-conditioning, not conceive of a religion unless they are indoctrinated into it? Surely if we are indeed recipients of a higher consciousness then it would make sense for all of us to be innately born with the knowledge and not have to discover it through hallucinigenic properties or practices including oxygen hyperventilation or deprivation etc. |
Such things are not possible. There has been a prize for anyone that could prove using a reviewed method that ANY supernatural phenomenon exist. Nobody has won it in 30 years. Yes, I know all about that guy and how he operates. He is extremely hostile and bias. He is also a con man. |
The famous magician Randi is a con man?
I will LOVE to hear how you discovered this. OK. Well since you have no idea what you are talking about, how about all of these other organisations that offer a cash prize... {QUOTE} There are others offering prizes to anyone who can demonstrate psychic powers. After collecting the million dollars from Randi, successful psychics might go to India and contact B. Premanand who will pay Rs. 100,000 "to any person or persons who will demonstrate any psychic, supernatural of paranormal ability of any kind under satisfactory observing conditions." Also, "Prabir Ghosh will pay Rs. 20,00,000* to anyone who claims to possess supernatural power of any kind and proves the same without resorting to any trick in the location specified by Prabir Ghosh." The Australian Skeptics offer $100,000 (Australian), $80,000 for the psychic and $20,000 for anyone "who nominates a person who successfully completes the Australian Skeptics Challenge." If you nominate yourself, and are successful, you get the whole hundred grand. The Association for Skeptical Inquiry (ASKE), a U.K. skeptic organization, offers £12,000 for proof of psychic powers. The Independent Investigations Group "offers a $50,000 prize to anyone who can show, under proper observing conditions, evidence of any paranormal, supernatural, or occult power or event." The North Texas Skeptics offer $12,000 to any person who can demonstrate any psychic or paranormal power or ability under scientifically valid observing conditions. The Quebec Skeptics offer $10,000 to any astrologer who can demonstrate her craft according in a formal scientific experiment. The Tampa Bay Skeptics offer $1,000 to anyone able to demonstrate any paranormal phenomenon under mutually agreed-upon observing conditions. A group in New Zealand calling itself "Immortality" is offering a prize of $NZ2,000,000 to anyone "who can display an actual paranormal ability, under controlled conditions." One million goes to the successful applicant and one million to the charity of his or her choice. Finally, conjurer Chris Angel offered $1,000,000 of his own money to Uri Geller and Jim Callahan if they could psychically determine the contents of an envelope he held in his hand. The offer was in response to Callahan's claim that his performance of a trick on a TV show called "Phenomenon" was aided by spirit guide. The offer of cash prizes as an incentive to so-called psychics to prove their claims is not new. In 1922, Scientific American offered two $2,500 awards, one for the first person who could produce an authentic spirit photograph under test conditions and the other for the first medium to produce an authentic "visible psychic manifestation" One would think that after more than 150 years of scientific testing of psychics, there would be at least one who could demonstrate a single psychic ability under test conditions. Parapsychologist Dean Radin claims the evidence for psychic phenomena is so strong that only bias and prejudice keep skeptics from accepting the reality of ESP or PK. Why doesn't he claim the million dollar prize, then? According to Radin: for the types of psi effects observed in the laboratory, even a million dollar prize wouldn't cover the costs of conducting the required experiment. Assuming we'd need to show odds against chance of say 100 million to 1 to win a million dollar prize, when you calculate how many repeated trials, selected participants, multiple experimenters, and skeptical observers are necessary to achieve this outcome, the combined costs turn out to be more than the prize. So, from a purely pragmatic perspective, the various prizes offered so far aren't sufficiently enticing. (Radin 2006: 291) The fact is that most parapsychologists have given up trying to find a single person with a single paranormal ability. They study groups of people and collect gobs of data, hoping to find a statistic not likely due to chance, which they then declare to be evidence of psi because it is their hypothesis that if the statistic is not likely due to chance then it is reasonable to conclude that it is due to psi. In other words, they've gone from being duped by con artists to duping themselves. |
Why have you alone been selected for the experience? I pay my taxes, defend my country, act kindly towards others and obey the laws, written and unwritten of society. Why have I, or 99% of all other people not experienced such a being? Why does a child, with no pre-conditioning, not conceive of a religion unless they are indoctrinated into it? Surely if we are indeed recipients of a higher consciousness then it would make sense for all of us to be innately born with the knowledge and not have to discover it through hallucinigenic properties or practices including oxygen hyperventilation or deprivation etc. I don't think you really have accurate statistics. I'm sure there are many many people (I know their are) who have experienced the same thing. Yoga breathing is not hyperventilation or deprivation of oxygen. You should try it yourself. As an atheist, you would be a good subject. --- Do it for your lungs and body. (If you smoke, you probably won't want to. Smokers don't seem to care about breathing real air deeply.) There are lots of other benefits from deep breathing. |
The famous magician Randi is a con man?
Sorry, In my opinion all magicians skilled in the art of tricks and illusions are what I consider "con men." The deal in deceit. |
I already practise yoga for martial arts flexibility.
Feel free to answer my questions. Why are all humans not born with the innate belief and proof that such a spiritual force is present. Why do we need to discover it? Why you and not me? |
Edited by
Tue 06/14/11 04:51 PM
The famous magician Randi is a con man?
Sorry, In my opinion all magicians skilled in the art of tricks and illusions are what I consider "con men." The deal in deceit. Actually they deal in entertainment. By such a logic you would also consider actors con men and a television, theatre production or radfio broadcast would also be considered deceit. But don't try and struggle out of what you said. I listed a ton of various other organisations. Why in 150 years of testing has not ONE single person ever even remotely proved such abilities exist? |
I will LOVE to hear how you discovered this. OK. Well since you have no idea what you are talking about, how about all of these other organisations that offer a cash prize...
I did not know everyone was getting into the campaign. LOL I know there are a lot of fake psychics out there. I hope they expose them all. ![]() |
That is not an answer since ALL psychics are fake.
Will you answer my questions or merely dodge around the fact that your viewpoints do not stand up to any scrutiny other than a simple self assessment you conjured to convince yourself. |
I already practise yoga for martial arts flexibility. Feel free to answer my questions. Why are all humans not born with the innate belief and proof that such a spiritual force is present. Why do we need to discover it? Why you and not me? Why would you assume that I would know the answer to that question? Did I say that I had the answers to all questions? Practicing yoga can be done without the deep breathing that is actually a kind of meditation. You probably don't do the meditation type breathing. |
That is not an answer since ALL psychics are fake. Will you answer my questions or merely dodge around the fact that your viewpoints do not stand up to any scrutiny other than a simple self assessment you conjured to convince yourself. No, all psychics are not fake. That is simply your belief. |