Topic: Cancer .....
kissablekiss's photo
Sun 03/27/11 07:55 PM
Edited by kissablekiss on Sun 03/27/11 07:57 PM
Seems like nowadays everyone knows or knew somebody who had cancer. The statistics is almost resembling that of today's divorce rate. It is likely we all know someone with cancer, but are you doing anything to help it? Like donating or doing charity work for Relay for Life? Just curious.

no photo
Sun 03/27/11 07:59 PM
Yes My wife died of cancer, I'm a surviver of kidney cancer. I give my time when I can to the american cancer society.

no photo
Sun 03/27/11 08:10 PM
I went to a funeral Friday for a detective I've known at work for 8 yrs, He was 28 and been fighting rectal cancer that spread in the last 4 months. So sad, so young.
My grandfather had lung cancer, had a brother in law that dies of liver and pancreatic cancer.

We need a cure!

kissablekiss's photo
Sun 03/27/11 08:13 PM
yes we need a cure .....cancer is killing people faster than AIDS,,,

no photo
Sun 03/27/11 08:28 PM
I can only imagine the lives of the researchers, that are working on a cure for cancer. All the hours and not to mention that they are giving their lives to find a cure for cancer. They are being paid for their time. But I believe with my heart they to have love ones that have died from cancer.

Totage's photo
Sun 03/27/11 08:35 PM

Seems like nowadays everyone knows or knew somebody who had cancer. The statistics is almost resembling that of today's divorce rate. It is likely we all know someone with cancer, but are you doing anything to help it? Like donating or doing charity work for Relay for Life? Just curious.

That's confidential, but I do know several people who have died from cancer, close friends and family, even co-workers. They even thought I had cancer, but I didn't.

If you want to donate your computers resources to help find a cure for cancer and other projects, check out

kissablekiss's photo
Sun 03/27/11 08:43 PM
confidential errrr ok ......

Totage's photo
Sun 03/27/11 08:44 PM
I just don't like to say wether or not I donate or voulnteer or anything like that.

no photo
Sun 03/27/11 08:53 PM

Wow this seems like an up beat topic.


popcornncoke's photo
Sun 03/27/11 09:44 PM

Wow this seems like an up beat topic.

Up Beat or Not. It is still out there, My Dad has cancer and it is to far gone.So We are thankfully for everyday that we've together.

krupa's photo
Mon 03/28/11 03:51 PM
I was a Cancer and Gemini till some joker changed up the Zodiac.

My very best friend went through cancer (big @$$ lump in her heart) and beat it.

At this point I am suprized when someone DON'T have cancer.

no photo
Mon 03/28/11 04:28 PM

Wow this seems like an up beat topic.

Up Beat or Not. It is still out there, My Dad has cancer and it is to far gone.So We are thankfully for everyday that we've together.

Yes I think everyone probably knows someone who died of cancer, if they don't have a relative that has.